Creating and Editing Organizations

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This section will show you how to create and edit an organization in SL1, and also how to view and filter a list of organizations.

Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:

  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

This section includes the following topics:

Before Deployment

Before deployment, an administrator must determine:

  • How to best group devices in the network.
  • Which organization to place each device in, so that device information is visible to those who need it and protected from other users.
  • Which team members require access to SL1.
  • What access levels to assign to each team member.
  • Which organizations to place each team member in, so that each team member will have access to required device information.
  • Remember that each discovered device and each user is associated with an organization.

Users with an account of type "administrator" have access to all pages and actions in SL1.

Users with an account of type "user" have custom-defined access levels. An administrator defines and assigns Access Keys to control the access level for each account of type "user". To learn more about Access Keys and how they affect users, see the Access Permissions section.

Regardless of access keys, accounts of type "user" can access only pages and actions associated with their organization. For example:

  • Suppose your organization includes three regional offices. Suppose you define three organizations: Northeast, Headquarters, and West Coast.
  • Suppose each organization includes the hardware at the corresponding office.
  • Now suppose the account "JohnDoe" is of type "user" and is a member of the organization "West Coast". User JohnDoe would be able to view and act upon only devices that are included in the organization "West Coast". User JohnDoe would not be able to view or act upon the hardware at the other offices.
  • For this reasons, SL1 allows you to assign each user a primary organization and an optional additional organization.
  • Now suppose that user "JohnDoe" needs to view the status of a device at headquarters. If you add a secondary organization to JohnDoe's account information, that user will now be able to view and act upon all the devices in the "Headquarters" organization.

NOTE: You can use Access Keys to further limit the access of each user, even within his/her own organization.

Organizations also affect credentials. Credentials are access permissions that allow SL1 to retrieve information from external hardware and software. To support multi-tenancy, SL1 allows credentials to be aligned with organizations.

  • For each credential that is aligned with an organization, only administrators and users who are members of the aligned organization will be able to see the credential in the Credential Management page.
  • In SL1, in any field or column that displays the name of the credential, users who are not members of the aligned organization will not see the credential name. Instead, these users will see either a dash character (-) or the text "Restricted Credential".

In SL1, in any list from which users can select a credential, users who are not members of the aligned organization will not see the credential as an entry in the list.

To learn more about credentials, see the Discovery and Credentials section.

The System Organization

SL1 automatically creates a default organization, called System. This organization has the ID number "0" (zero). The System organization has some behavior that differs from user-defined organizations:

  • If you do not specify an organization when creating a user account, the new account is assigned to the System organization.
  • If you do not specify an organization when performing discovery, all devices (and their components), interfaces, and IP networks are assigned to the System organization.
  • You cannot delete the system organization.
  • You cannot bulk-edit the system organization with entries in the Select Actions menu.

Viewing the List of Organizations

The page displays a list of all existing organizations in SL1. From the page, you can view information about organizations, edit the properties of existing organizations, create new organizations, and generate reports for each organization, among other tasks.

To view a list of existing organizations:

  1. Go to page ().
  2. The page appears. This page displays information about each organization you are allowed to view.

  1. For each organization, the page displays:
  • Organization Name. Name of the organization.
  • City. City specified in the Organization Properties page.
  • State. State specified in the Organization Properties page.
  • Contact. First and last name of the contact specified in the Organization Properties page.
  • Phone. Organization's main phone number specified in the Organization Properties page.
  • Email. Email address for the organization specified in the Organization Properties page. Clicking the email icon () opens a new message in the local email client, with the organization's address in the To field.
  • Users. Specifies the number of user accounts associated with the organization. Clicking the person icon () in this column leads to the Finder page, where you can view a list of all the user accounts in the organization.
  • Devices. Specifies the number of devices associated with the organization. Clicking the devices icon () leads to the Finder page, where you can view a list of all the devices in the organization.
  • Assets. Specifies the number of asset records associated with the organization. Clicking the asset icon () leads to the Finder page, where you can view a list of all the asset records in the organization.
  • Events. Specifies the number of events associated with the organization. Clicking the events icon () leads to the Finder page, where you can view a list of all the user accounts in the organization.
  • ID. Unique numeric ID, assigned to each organization by SL1.
  • Edited By. User name of the user who created or last edited the organization.
  • Last Edited. Date and time the organization was created or last edited.

Filtering the List of Organizations

The following describes each filter on the page:

  • Organization Name. You can enter a regular expression, including special characters, and the page will display only organizations that have a matching organization name.
  • City. You can enter a regular expression, including special characters, and the page will display only organizations that have a city.
  • State. You can enter a regular expression, including special characters, and the page will display only organizations that have a matching state.
  • Contact. You can enter a regular expression, including special characters, and the page will display only organizations that have a matching contact.
  • Phone. You can enter a regular expression, including special characters, and the page will display only organizations that have a matching phone number.
  • Email. You can enter a regular expression, including special characters, and the page will display only organizations that have a matching email address.
  • Users. You can enter a regular expression, including special characters, and the page will display only organizations that have a matching number of users.
  • Devices. You can enter a regular expression, including special characters, and the page will display only organizations that have a matching number of devices.
  • Assets. You can enter a regular expression, including special characters, and the page will display only organizations that have a matching number of assets.
  • Events. You can enter a regular expression, including special characters, and the page will display only organizations that have a matching number of events.
  • ID. You can enter a regular expression, including special characters, and the page will display only organizations that have a matching organization ID.
  • Edited By. You can enter a regular expression, including special characters, and the page will display only organizations that have a matching "edited by" value.
  • Last Edited. You can select from a list of time periods. The page will display only organizations that have been edited within that time period.

Creating a New Organization

By default, SL1 includes a single organization, called System. To fully use the features of SL1, you must define organizations that suit your organization and business needs.

To create a new organization:

  1. Go to the page ().
  2. In the page, click the Create button.

  1. The Add Organizational Record page appears:

  1. In the Add Organizational Record page, supply values in each field:
  • Organization Name. Name of the organization. Can be any combination of characters up to 64 characters in length. This field is required.
  • Street Address. Street address of the organization. For easier viewing, ScienceLogic suggests that you limit the address to 5 lines, with up to 60 characters per line.
  • City. City where the organization is located. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • State. State where the organization is located. Select from the drop-down list.
  • Postal Code. Zip code of the organization. Can be up to 15 characters in length.
  • Country. Country where the organization is located. Select from the drop-down list.
  • Contact First Name. First name of organization's contact. Can be up to 128 characters in length.
  • Contact Last Name. Last name of organization's contact. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Title. Contact's title. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Department. Contact's department. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Phone. Business phone number for the organization. Can be up to 36 characters in length.

NOTE: On the Behavior Settings page (System > Settings > Behavior, if the field Automatic Ticketing Emails is set to Disabled, all assignees and watchers will not receive automatic email notifications about any tickets. By default, the field is set to Enabled.

  1. Click the Save button to save the new organization.
  2. After saving the new organization, you'll notice that a new set of tabs appear. These tabs allow you to further configure and manage the organization.

Editing an Existing Organization

You can edit the properties of an existing organization by accessing the Organization Properties page. The Organization Properties page includes the basic parameters of an organization such as organization name and address and contact information.

To access the Organization Properties page:

  1. Go to the page ().
  2. In the page, find the organization you want to edit. Click its wrench icon ().
  3. The Organizational Summary page appears. The Organizational Summary page displays read-only details about the organization and provides links to other pages associated with the organization.
  4. To edit properties of the organization, click the Properties tab.

  1. The Organization Properties page appears. In this page, you can edit one or more of the following fields:

Organization Properties

The Organization Properties page contains the following fields:

  • Organization Name. Name of the organization. Can be any combination of characters up to 64 characters in length. This field is required.

  • Street Address. Street address of the organization. For easier viewing, ScienceLogic suggests that you limit the address to 5 lines, with up to 60 characters per line.
  • City. City where the organization is located. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • State. State where the organization is located. Select from the drop-down list.
  • Postal Code. Zip code of the organization. Can be up to 15 characters in length.
  • Country. Country where the organization is located. Select from the drop-down list.
  • Contact First Name. First name of organization contact. Can be up to 128 characters in length.
  • Contact Last Name. Last name of organization contact. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Title. Contact's title. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Department. Contact's department. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Phone. Business phone number for the organization. Can be up to 36 characters in length.
  • Fax Phone. Fax number for the organization. Can be up to 36 characters in length.
  • Toll Free. Toll-free phone number for the organization. Can be up to 36 characters in length.
  • Email. Organization's main email address. Can be up to 250 characters in length.
  • Billing ID. Billing ID for organization. Can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • CRM ID. CRM ID for organization. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Email Notification Append Text. The text entered in this field will appear at the bottom of all email messages sent from SL1 to members of this organization. This includes automated email messages and email messages that are sent manually either by clicking on an email icon or from the Send Message tab in the Ticket Editor page.
  • Longitude. Displays the longitude associated with the organization's address. To generate this field, click the Actions menu and then select Geolocate Coordinates.
  • Latitude. Displays the latitude associated with the organization's address. To generate this field, click the Actions menu and then select Geolocate Coordinates.
  • Organizational Ticket Watchers. You can select one or more users (in addition to the ticket's creator or assignee) who will be considered "watchers" for all tickets associated with the organization. Each organizational watcher will be notified when a ticket is created and aligned with the organization and when that ticket is assigned to a user or changes status. When that ticket is created, assigned, or updated, SL1 will automatically send email notifications to the list of watchers.

NOTE: On the Behavior Settings page (System > Settings > Behavior, if the field Automatic Ticketing Emails is set to Disabled, all assignees and watchers will not receive automatic email notifications about any tickets. By default, the field is set to Enabled.

Critical Contact List

The Critical Contact List pane is useful when organization members must assign a task or contact a key team member.

A user appears in this pane if he/she was defined as a critical contact in the Account Properties page.

The Critical Contact List pane displays the following information about each critical contact:

  • Name. Name of person to contact.

  • Role. Description of the user's responsibilities in case of a critical situation. This description might differ from the user's actual title. For example, a contact's title might be Senior Engineer, but his/her role for the organization might be technical lead.
  • Critical Contact. Circumstance when person should be contacted. This description might differ from the user's department. For example, the user's department might be Operations, but his/her role for the organization might be Hardware Maintenance.
  • Phone. Person's phone number.
  • Cell. Person's cell phone number.
  • Pager. Person's pager number.
  • Email. Person's email address.
  • Tools. The following tools are available for each entry in the critical contact list:
  • Manage User's Contact Information (). Leads to the Account Properties page, where you can edit the person's contact information.
  • Send Email Message to this User (). Opens an email client on the local desktop. The To field is populated with the email address of the selected user.

Product Usage List

The Product Usage List displays a list of SKUs associated with the organization. Usually, a SKU is associated with an organization because the organization is using that product or service.

To associate a SKU with the organization or change the list of SKUs associated with the organization, click the Actions menu and then select Product Catalog. In the Product Catalog modal page, you can add and remove products from the organization.

For each product associated with the organization, the Product Usage List pane displays the following:

  • SKU Class. Description of the SKU. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • SKU Number. Numeric ID for the SKU. Can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • SKU Name. Name of the SKU. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Name. The name of the element using the SKU. Clicking on the icon for the element leads to a page where you can view more information about the element.
  • Type. The type of element using the SKU. Choices are:
  • Organization
  • Device
  • Asset
  • Domain Name
  • Network
  • Interface
  • Other

Organizational Sub-Locations

If one or more alternate locations have already been defined for the Organization, the Organizational Alternate Locations pane appears at the bottom of the page.

To define an alternate location for an organization, click the Actions menu and select Alternate Locations. In the Alternate Locations modal page, you can define a sub-location for the organization.

The Organizational Alternate Locations pane displays the following about each location:

  • Location Name. Name of the alternate organization.
  • City. City where the additional branch is located.
  • State. State where the additional branch is located.
  • Zip Code. Zip code of the additional location.
  • Country. Country where the additional branch is located.
  • Primary Contact. Name of the contact for the alternate location. To view detailed contact information, click on the contact icon ( ).
  • Secondary Contact. Name of the contact for alternate location. To view detailed contact information, click on the contact icon ( ).
  • Tools. For each location, you can use the following tools:

  • View/edit properties of location (). Leads to the Location Editor modal page, where you can edit the properties of an alternate location.
  • Delete (). Click this icon to delete the location.

Deleting an Existing Organization

Before you can delete an organization, you must first move all the user accounts and devices to another organization.

NOTE: You cannot delete the System organization.

To move multiple devices from their current organization to another organization:

  1. Go to the Device Manager page (Registry > Devices > Device Manager).

  1. In the Device Manager page, select the checkbox of each device to be moved to a new organization.
  2. In the Select Action drop-down field (in the lower right), choose Move to Organization and select a new organization to associate with the devices.
  3. Click the Go button.
  4. Each selected device will now be associated with the new organization.

To move a user account from its current organization to another organization:

  1. Go to the User Accounts page (Registry > Accounts > User Accounts).

  1. In the User Accounts page, find the user account that you want to move. Click its wrench icon ().
  2. Click the Permissions tab. In the Account Permissions page, select a new value in the Primary Organization field.
  3. Click the Save button.
  4. Repeat steps 2-4 for each user account you want to move to another organization.

To delete one or more organizations:

  1. Go to the page ().
  2. In the page, select the checkbox () for each organization you want to delete.

  1. From the Select Actions menu in the lower right, select DELETE. Click the Go button.
  2. The selected organizations will be deleted from SL1.

Performing Administrative Tasks for Multiple Organizations

The page contains a drop-down field in the lower right called Select Action. This field allows you to apply an action to multiple organizations at once.

To apply an action to multiple organizations:

  1. Go to the page ().

  1. In the page, select the checkbox () for each organization that you want to apply the action to. To select all checkboxes for all organizations, select the big checkbox icon () at the top of the page.

  1. In the Select Action drop-down list, select one of the following actions:
  • DELETE. Deletes all selected organizations from SL1. You must first move all devices and users to another organization. For details on how to do this, see the section on Deleting an Organization.

  • CLEAR Audit Logs. Deletes data from the organization's log files. You can view an organization's log entries in the Organizational Logs page.
  • CREATE Google Earth Map. Creates a .KML file that can be opened in Google Earth. The .KML file contains the location of each selected organization (based on the address(es) in each Organization Properties page). When you open the file in Google Earth, locations for each selected organization will be flagged.

To apply CREATE Google Earth Map to one or multiple organizations, you must first:

  1. Make sure you have installed Google Earth on the local computer.

  1. Go to the page ().
  2. In the page, find the organization that you want to view in Google Earth. Click the wrench icon () for that organization.
  3. From the Organizational Summary page (or any page in the Organizational Administration tools), click the Actions menu.
  4. From the Actions menu, select Geolocate Coordinates.
  5. Perform steps 3-5 for each organization that you want to view in Google Earth.

Example: Creating an Organization

The following example walks you through the steps for creating an organization.

  • For this example, we'll use an imaginary company with three locations: a sales office in Boston, headquarters in Chicago, and an R&D office in California. The company has decided to create organizations based on geographical location.

  • The company wants to create three organizations:
  • Northeast
  • Headquarters
  • West Coast

  • Each organization will contain the local hardware and the local users. This plan will ensure that users can access information on local devices and local users. Administrators can define Access Keys to further limit or allow access.

In this example, we'll create the organization called "Northeast".

To create the "Northeast" organization:

  1. Log in to SL1 as a system administrator. If you have not yet created organizations or user accounts, you can log in as "em7admin", using the password defined during initial configuration.

  1. Go to the page ().
  2. In the page, click the Create button.

  1. The Add Organizational Record page appears.

  1. In the Add Organizational Record page, supply values in each field.
  • Organization Name. We supplied the value "Northeast" as the name of the new organization.

  • Street Address. We supplied the value "150 State Street" as the street address for the new organization.
  • City. We supplied the value "Boston" as the city for the organization.
  • State. We selected "Massachusetts" as the state for the organization.
  • Postal Code. We supplied the value "02109" as the zip code for the organization.
  • Country. We accepted the default value ("United States").
  • Contact First Name. Our contact at the Boston office is named Paul Revere. So we supplied the value "Paul".
  • Contact Last Name. Our contact at the Boston office is named Paul Revere. So we supplied the value "Revere".
  • Title. We supplied the value "Vice President" as Paul Revere's title.
  • Department. We supplied the value "Sales" as the department for Paul Revere.
  • Phone. We supplied the value "(617) 552-1212" as the main phone number for the organization.
  • Fax Phone. We supplied the value "(617) 552-1111" as the fax phone number for the organization.
  • Toll Free. We supplied the value "(617) 552-3333" as the toll-free phone number for the organization.
  • Email. We supplied the value "" as the organization's main email address.
  • Billing ID. This field is option. We supplied the value "abcs-1234" as the Billing ID for organization.
  • CRM ID. This field is optional. We supplied the value "wxyz-9876" as CRM ID for organization.
  • Email Notification Append Text. This field is optional. We did not enter a value in this field.
  • Longitude. This value is optional. We can't generate a longitude value until after we have saved the organization's definition.
  • Latitude. This value is optional. We can't generate a longitude value until after we have saved the organization's definition.
  • Organizational Ticket Watchers. This value is optional. We did not select a ticket watcher in this field.
  1. Click the Save button to save the new organization policy.
  2. When we perform discovery for the network in Boston, we must specify "Northeast" as the organization. This ensures that all discovered devices and components are included in the "Northeast" organization.
  3. When we create user accounts for the users in the Boston office, we must specify "Northeast" as the primary organization. This ensures that the users in the Boston office will be able to view information about the devices and applications in their network and be able to manage the user accounts in the "Northeast" organization.