Managing User Accounts

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This section covers many of the tasks that can be undertaken from the tabs in the Account Administration panel. These tasks include changing a user's organization and access keys, editing a user's contact information, editing a user account's schedule, and creating a ticket about a user account.

Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:

  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

This section includes the following topics:

Account Administration Panel

After you save a new user account, an additional set of tabs appears. These tabs are the Account Administration panel. These tabs include the following:

  • Properties. Displays the Account Properties page, where you can define contact information for a user or edit existing contact information.
  • Permissions. Displays the Account Permissions page, where you can define or edit the account name, password, account type, state, authentication method, ticket queue membership, and privilege keys.
  • Preferences. Displays the Account Preferences page, where you can customize some of the behavior and appearance of SL1. The customizations that you choose will appear each time the current user logs in to SL1. They will not affect how SL1 appears to other users.
  • Schedule. Displays the Account Scheduled page, where you can view a calendar for the user and enter one-time and recurring appointments, meetings, and vacation leave for the user.
  • Report. Generates an HTML report about the user account.

This chapter will describe how to use the Account Administration panel to manage each user account.

Changing a User's Organization

If you need to assign a user to a different primary organization than was originally defined or allow the user to access an additional organization:

  1. Go to the User Accounts page (Registry > Accounts > User Accounts).
  2. In the User Accounts page, find the user account you want to edit. Click its wrench icon ().
  3. In the Account Permissions page, edit the following fields:

  • Primary Organization. Specifies the primary organization. This will be the default organization for user accounts created with this policy. You can select from a list of all organizations in SL1. To change the primary organization, select a different organization from the list.
  • Additional Organization Memberships. The user account will be members of each selected organization. This allows users to view and access elements from multiple organizations. To select, highlight one or more organizations.
  1. Click the Save button to save your changes to the user account.

Changing a User's Access Keys

If you need to change the Privilege Keys that are assigned to a user:

  1. Go to the User Accounts page (Registry > Accounts > User Accounts).
  2. In the User Accounts page, find the user account you want to edit. Click its wrench icon ().
  3. The Account Permissions page appears.

  1. In the Account Permissions page, edit the following fields:
  • Privilege Keys. The Privilege Keys pane displays a list of Access Keys that can be assigned to the user's account. Access Keys define the tabs and pages users have access to and the actions that a user may perform. These key privileges are defined by the SL1 system administrator from the Access Keys page (System > Manage > Access Keys).
  • To assign an access key to a user, click the checkbox. A checkmark appears.
  • To deny an access key to a user, do not select it.
  • To remove an access key from a user's account, select the checkmark. The key should now be unchecked.
  • After clicking the Save button, all selected access keys will appear in red.
  1. Click the Save button to save your changes to the user account.

Editing Contact Information in the Account Properties Page

The Account Properties page allows you to define contact information for a user or edit existing contact information for a user.

To edit the contact information for a user account:

  1. Go to the User Accounts page (Registry > Accounts > User Accounts).
  2. In the User Accounts page, find the user account you want to edit. Click its business-card icon ().

  1. The Account Properties page appears.

  1. In the Account Properties page, you can edit one or more contact fields.

NOTE: If the user's account was automatically created, using the user's LDAP or Active Directory account, SL1 can automatically populate many of the fields in the Account Properties page. You can also configure SL1 to dynamically update the corresponding LDAP or AD fields. If an administrator made changes to the account, SL1 will automatically write those changes to the user's account in LDAP or Active Directory. If an LDAP or AD administrator makes changes to an LDAP or AD account, SL1 will automatically retrieve those updates and apply them to the user's account in SL1 the next time the user logs in to SL1. For details, see the Using LDAP and Active Directory section.

  • First Name. User's first name. This value can be up to 24 characters in length.

  • Last Name. User's last name. This value can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • Title. User's title. This field can be up to 32 characters in length.
  • Department. User's department. This field can be up to 36 characters in length.
  • Phone. The user's phone number at work. This field can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • Mobile. The user's cell phone number. This field can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • Pager. Any other phone numbers for contacting the user. This field can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • Primary Email. The user's primary email address. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Secondary Email. Additional email address for contacting the user. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Alternate Email. Additional email address for contacting the user. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Street Address. User's street address at work. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Suite/Building. Suite/Building for the user at work. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • City. City where the user works. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • State. State where the user works.
  • Postal Code. Zip code where the user works. This field can be up to 12 characters in length.
  • Country. Country where the user works.
  • Toll Free. Toll-free phone number for the user. This field can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • Key Role. Description of the user's responsibilities in case of a critical situation. This description might differ from the user's actual title. For example, a contact's title might be Senior Engineer, but his/her role for the organization might be technical lead. Select from the drop-down list. (SL1 system administrators can go to the Select Objects Editor page to customize the entries that appear in this list.) If a value is supplied in this field, the user will appear as a Critical Contact for the organization in the Organization Properties page.
  • Critical Contact. Circumstance when person should be contacted. This description might differ from the user's department. For example, the user's department might be Operations, but his/her role for the organization might be Hardware Maintenance. Select from the drop-down list. (SL1 system administrators can go to the Select Objects Editor page to customize the entries that appear in this list.) If a value is supplied in this field, the user will appear as a Critical Contact for the organization in the Organization Properties page.
  • Pass Phrase. Questions that verifies a user who has forgotten his/her password. SL1 does not use this field.
  • What is your Mother's maiden name?
  • What is your favorite pet's name?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • Answer. This field contains the answer to the question selected in the Pass Phrase field. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Time Zone. Time zone associated with the user's location. Select from a list of all time zones.

NOTE: If the user account is aligned with a user policy that specifies a time zone, the Time Zone field will be disabled. The user account will use the Time Zone specified in the user policy and the Time Zone field cannot be edited.

  • Billing ID. Billing ID associated with this user. This field can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • CRM ID. CRM ID associated with this user. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Notes. Any notes you want to include with the user's profile information. You can also include a document template (System > Customize > Document Templates) in this field.
  1. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Editing Access and Permissions in the Account Permissions page

The Account Permissions page allows you to define permissions and access for the user account. In the Account Permissions page, you can define or edit the account name, password, user policy, state, authentication method, ticket queue membership, and privilege keys for a user account.

To edit the permissions and access for a user account:

  1. Go to the User Accounts page (Registry > Accounts > User Accounts).
  2. In the User Accounts page, find the user account you want to edit. Click its wrench icon ().

  1. The Account Permissions page appears:

  1. In the Account Permissions page, you can edit one or more of the following fields.

NOTE: If the user's account was created using a user policy, all the fields except Account Login Name and Password will be grayed out. To edit these fields, you must remove the user from the user policy.

NOTE: If the user's account was automatically created, using the user's LDAP or Active Directory account, SL1 can automatically populate many of the fields in the Account Properties page. You can also configure SL1 to dynamically update the corresponding LDAP or AD fields. If an administrator made changes to the account, SL1 will automatically write those changes to the user's account in LDAP or Active Directory. If an LDAP or AD administrator makes changes to an LDAP or AD account, SL1 will automatically retrieve those updates and apply them to the user's account in SL1 the next time the user logs in to SL1. For details, see the Using LDAP and Active Directory section.

  • Account Login Name. User's login name. This field can be up to 32 characters in length.
  • Change Password. The user's password. This value must be at least 8 characters in length and can be up to 64 characters in length. The password must meet the requirements that you set in the Password Strength field.
  • Confirm Password. The user's password again. This value must be at least 8 characters in length and can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Password Strength. When defining or editing a user account, the administrator can define the required password strength. The user must then always use a password that meets or exceeds that specified password strength. SL1 will not allow the user to save changes to his or her password that do not meet the password-strength requirement. Choices are: 
  • Good. Password must be at least eight characters long and contain at least one number or one symbol.
  • Strong. Password must be at least eight characters long and contain at least one number and at least one symbol.
  • Very Strong. Password must be at least 13 characters long, contain no repeated characters, and contain at least one number and at least one symbol.
  • Account Type. Specifies whether the user is a member of a user policy. Choices are:
  • Individual. User account is not a member of a user policy
  • Policy Membership. User will be defined with a user policy. When selected, the Policy Membership field becomes active.
    • When a user policy is applied to a user's account, the user inherits values for all fields specified in the user policy. When a user policy is selected, all fields inherited from the user policy will be grayed-out and cannot be modified.
    • When a user policy is edited, each user account that is a member of that template will be dynamically updated.

The second drop-down list contains an entry for each standard account type. These account types affect the list of Key Privileges for the user. The choices are:

  • Administrator. This type of user has unlimited permissions in SL1.
  • User. This type of user must be assigned permissions in SL1.
  • Login State. Default login state for the user. The choices are:
  • Suspended. Account is not active. User cannot log in to SL1.
  • Active. Account is active. User can log in to SL1.
  • Vacation. User can log in, but SL1 will not send any automated email notifications to the user's email address(es).

  • Password Expiration. Specifies whether or not the password for this account will expire and if so, when the password will expire. Choices are: 
  • Disabled. Password does not expire.
  • 30 Days. When the current password is 30 days old, during login the user will be prompted to change the password.
  • 60 Days. When the current password is 60 days old, during login the user will be prompted to change the password.
  • 90 Days. When the current password is 90 days old, during login the user will be prompted to change the password.
  • 180 Days. When the current password is 180 days old, during login the user will be prompted to change the password.

If the password is set to expire, on the expiration date, the user will be prompted to change the password at the Login page. The user will be required to enter their old password and then enter a new password twice. If the user incorrectly enters the previous password or enters an invalid new password, the user will not be allowed to log in to SL1.

The new password must meet the requirements from the Password Strength field and the Password Shadowing field. SL1 will prompt the user to meet these requirements and display a description of those requirements.

NOTE: The value in the Password Expiration field in this page (the Account Permissions page) overrides the value in the Behavior Settings page (System > Settings > Behavior).

  • Password Shadowing. Specifies requirements for password reuse. By default, when a user defines a new password, he/she cannot reuse any passwords that he/she has used in the last 12 months. The choices in this field are:
  • Default - cannot reuse passwords from past year
  • 1 - Cannot reuse last password
  • 2 - Cannot reuse last 2 passwords
  • 3 - Cannot reuse last 3 passwords
  • 4 - Cannot reuse last 4 passwords
  • 5 - Cannot reuse last 5 passwords
  • 6 - Cannot reuse last 6 passwords
  • 7 - Cannot reuse last 7 passwords
  • 8 - Cannot reuse last 8 passwords
  • 9 - Cannot reuse last 9 passwords
  • 10 - Cannot reuse last 10 passwords

  • Require Password Reset. If selected, the user will be prompted to change his or her password at the next login. When creating a new user account, this option is selected by default. After the user's first login, when he or she is prompted to change his or her password, this option is then unselected.

NOTE: The Password Reset Interval option on the Behavior Settings page (System > Settings > Behavior controls the minimum amount of time that must pass before a user can change a password.

  • Authentication Method. Specifies how the user's username and password will be authenticated. The choices are:
  • EM7 Session. User's username and password are authenticated by the ScienceLogic database.
  • LDAP/Active Directory. User's username and password are authenticated by an LDAP server or Active Directory server. For details on configuring SL1 to use LDAP or Active Directory authentication, see the Using LDAP and Active Directory section.

NOTE: For users who are authenticated with Single Sign-On (SSO), EM7 ignores the Authentication Method field. For details on configuring SL1 to use Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication, see the section on using Using Single Sign-On (SSO).

  • Restrict to IP. The user will be allowed to access SL1 only from the specified IP address. Specify the IP address in standard dotted-decimal notation.
  • Multi-Factor Auth (MFA) User. If this user requires a different user name for Multi-factor authentication, enter the MFA user name in this field.

NOTE: For details on configuring multi-factor authentication, see the section on using multi-factor authentication.

  • Ticket Queue Membership. Ticket Queues to which the user is assigned. When a user is assigned to a ticket queue and is granted an access hook that allows them to view tickets, he or she can view the tickets in that queue. Ticket queues are defined by SL1 system administrators.
  • Primary Organization. Specifies the primary organization. This will be the default organization for user accounts created with this policy. You can select from a list of all organizations in SL1.
  • Theme. Backgrounds, colors, fonts, and graphics that will appear when a user logs in. Themes are defined in the Theme Management page. You can select from a list of all themes in SL1.
  • Time Zone. The time zone to associate with each user account created with this user policy. Dates and times in SL1 will be displayed for the selected time zone.

NOTE: If the user account is aligned with a user policy that specifies a time zone, the Time Zone field will be disabled. The user account will use the time zone specified in the user policy and the Time Zone field cannot be edited for that account.

  • Autosync Time Zone With Local Settings. Specifies whether SL1 should always use the time zone specified in the Time Zone field or if SL1 should adopt the local time zone (when it differs from the value in the Time Zone field). This is helpful for users who travel and use SL1 "on the road". Choices are: 
  • Yes. If the value in the Time Zone field differs from the local time zone, SL1 should use the local time zone.
  • No. SL1 will continue to use the time zone specified in the Time Zone field, even if the local time zone differs.
  • Additional Organization Memberships. Specifies additional organizations for the user. This allows users to view and access elements from multiple organizations. To select, highlight one or more organizations.
  • Privilege Keys. The Privilege Keys pane displays a list of access keys that can be assigned to the user's account. Privilege Keys define the tabs and pages users have access to and the actions that a user may perform. These key privileges are defined by the SL1 system administrator from the Access Keys page (System > Manage > Access Keys).
  • SL1 includes the default Access Key "Grant All". For accounts of type "user", this key always appears. The Grant All Key allows a user to access all pages and actions in SL1, except the user cannot create new Access Keys or edit existing Access Keys.
  • To assign a Key Privilege to a user, click the checkbox. A checkmark appears.
  • To deny a Key Privilege to a user, do not select it.
  • After clicking the Save button, all selected Privilege Keys will appear in red.

NOTE: Users of type "Administrator" automatically have access to all pages and actions in SL1. The Privilege Keys pane is grayed-out for "Administrator" users.

  1. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Password Reset Email Editor

The Password Reset Email Editor page (Password Reset Email Editor) allows ScienceLogic administrators to define the email message that is sent to ScienceLogic users who select the "I forgot my password" option from the Login page.

If the user enters a valid ScienceLogic username in the Login page and then selects the I forgot my password option, SL1 will check the account information for that user. If the user's account information includes an email address, SL1 will send the user an email message. The email message will include a link that allows the user to redefine their ScienceLogic password. The new password must meet the requirements defined in the Password Strength field and the Password Shadowing field for the user account. SL1 will prompt the user to meet these requirements and display a description of those requirements.

The user can select the I forgot my password option up to ten times without responding to the sent email (using the link in the email to reset the password). After ten times, SL1 will no longer send another email message to the user's email address. The user can continue to select the I forgot my password option, but SL1 will not resend an email.

If the user's account information does not include an email address, SL1 displays the message "Password recovery is not available for your account, please contact your system administrator".

If the user does not enter a valid ScienceLogic username in the Login page, the I forgot my password option is still displayed, but SL1 does not send an email. This prevents intruders from guessing ScienceLogic account names.

If the user exceeds the number of login tries (defined in the Behavior Settings page), the "I forgot my password" option is not displayed in the Login page.

Defining the Email Message for "I forgot my password"

In the Password Reset Email Editor page (System > Settings > Password Reset Email), you can define the email that is sent from SL1 when an end user selects the I forgot my password option from the Login page.

To define the email message sent by SL1:

  1. Go to the Password Reset Email Editor page (System > Settings > Password Reset Email).

  1. Supply a value in each of the following fields:
  • Priority. This will be the priority of the email message. Choices are:
  • High. Emails will be marked as high priority.
  • Normal. Emails will be marked as normal priority.
  • Low. Emails will be marked as low priority.
  • Subject. This will be the subject of the email message.
  • Message. This will be the body of the email message. The body must include the variable %L. This variable inserts the link to the page that allows the user to reset their ScienceLogic password.
  1. You can include the following variables in the Subject field and the Message field:
  • %L (uppercase "el"). The link to the page that allows the user to reset their password.
  • %O (uppercase "oh"). The user's primary organization, as defined in the Account Permissions page for the user.

  • %fn (lowercase "eff" "en"). The user's first name, as defined in the Account Permissions page for the user.
  • %ln (lowercase "el "en". The user's last name, as defined in the Account Permissions page for the user.

  1. Click the Save button to save the email template.
  2. When a user follows the link in the email, SL1 displays the Login page, with the message "Your account has been reset. Please create a new password." The user must then enter their new password twice. The new password is recorded in SL1 and replaces the previous (forgotten) password.

For example, you could define the following:

Subject. ScienceLogic | %O (automated message)

Message. Hello %fn %ln,

Your password for account %A has been reset.

Please use the following link to log in and choose a new password:


For the user "Keyser Soze", who is a member of the System organization, the following email would be sent:

Subject: ScienceLogic | System (automated message).

Hello Keyser Soze,

Your password for account ksoze has been reset.

Please use the following link to login and choose a new password:


Editing GUI Appearance and Preferences in the Account Preferences Page

The Account Preferences page allows you to customize some of the behavior and appearance of SL1. The customizations are associated only with the selected user account and will appear each time the user logs in to SL1. They will not affect how SL1 appears to other users. To edit account preferences:

  1. Go to the User Accounts page (Registry > Accounts > User Accounts).

  2. In the User Accounts page, find the user account you want to edit. Click its wrench icon ().

  3. Click the Preferences tab. The Account Preferences page appears:

  1. In the Account Preferences page, you can edit one or more of the following fields:
  • Default Page. Displays a drop-down list of pages. The selected page will automatically appear when you log in.
  • Page Refresh Rate. Specifies how often Event, Ticket, and Views pages in SL1 will be refreshed. The possible choices are from 10 seconds to 60 minutes.
  • Page Result Count. Specifies the number of results to be displayed on each page. The choices are 25 to 500.
  • Table Row Height. Affects the row height of all pages that display a table in the main content pane. You can also change this setting in the Event Console Preferences page and the Ticket Console Preferences page. Changing the setting for row height in this page, the Event Console Preferences page and the Ticket Console Preferences page affects the row height in all pages that display a table in the main content pane. Choices are:
  • Small. Sets row height to 17 px and font size to 11 px.
  • Medium. Sets row height to 27 px and font size to 12 px.
  • Large. Sets row height to 35 px and font size to 13 px.
  • Default Severity Filter. When a severity is selected, you will see only events of the selected severity and greater in the Event Console page.
  • Healthy. Will display all events, including events with a severity of Healthy.
  • Notice. Will display all events with a severity of Notice, Major, Minor, and Critical.
  • Minor. Will display all events with a severity of Minor, Major, and Critical.
  • Major. Will display all events with a severity of Major and Critical.
  • Critical. Will display all events with a severity of Critical
  • Preferred IF Label. Specifies how interfaces will be labeled in all pages and reports that reference network interfaces.
  • Interface Alias. Easy-to-remember, human-readable name for the network interface.
  • Interface Name. The name of the network interface.
  • Default Interface Graph Display. Specifies the default unit of measure for the Hourly Interface Usage graph in the Device Summary page. Choices are:
    • Interface Default. The Hourly Interface Usage graph displays the amount traffic in the unit of measure specified in the Measurement field in the Interface Properties page for the interface.
    • % Utilization. The Hourly Interface Usage graph displays utilization in percent.
  • Default Date Format. Specifies the default date format that will be used throughout SL1. You can select from a list of possible formats.
  • Date Format String. Specifies a user-defined date format that will be used throughout SL1. If defined, this date format overrides the default date format. Any date variables supported by the PHP date function can be used.
  • Disable NavBar Auto-hide. If you select this checkbox, the NavBar pane persists after you click a link. This option is selected by default.
  • View Assigned Tickets Only. If you select this checkbox, by default, only tickets assigned to you are displayed in the Ticket Console page.
  • Show Masked Events. If you select this checkbox, all events that have been grouped together under a single event description will be displayed in the Event Console page. The default behavior of SL1 is to roll up related events under a single description.
  • Organizational Grouping Events. If you select this checkbox, events will be grouped by organization in the Event Console page. The filter-while-you-type fields and the advanced filter tool will appear for each organization grouping and will act only on the events in that organization grouping. You will not be able to apply a single filter to events in multiple organizations.
  • Collapse Organization Events. If you select this checkbox, all organizations with assigned events will be displayed but will be contracted; the Event Console page will display only a list of contracted organizations, which can be expanded by clicking on the plus sign (+). The default behavior of SL1 is to expand each organization and display the list of events for each organization.
  • Show Severity Badges. If you select this checkbox:
  • The value in the Severity column will be displayed as a color-coded badge in the Event Console page and the Ticket Console page.
  • The value in the Current State column will be displayed as a color-coded badge in the Device Manager page.

If you do not select the Show Severity Badges checkbox:

  • In the Event Console page, the value in the Event Message column and the value in the Severity column will be painted with the severity color.
  • In the Ticket Console page, the value in the Description column and the Severity column will be painted with the severity color.
  • In the Device Manager page, the value in the Device Name column and the value in the Current State column will be painted with the severity color.
  • Ticket Comment Reverse Sort. In the Notes section of a ticket, sort notes by newest first. If you do not select this checkbox, the user interface displays ticket notes from oldest to newest, with oldest displayed first.
  • Disabled Ticket Comment Cloaking. When you add comments to a ticket, by default the comments are viewable by all (not cloaked).
  • Scale Percent Graphs to 100%. Graphs that display percentage on the y-axis will display from 0% to 100%, regardless of the highest actual value. Default behavior is to display from 0% to highest actual value.
  • Code Highlighting. If selected, enables syntax highlighting in areas of SL1 that display HTML, PHP, Python, and SQL code. If selected, syntax highlighting appears in:
  • The Snippet Editor & Registry page for Dynamic Applications of type "snippet" (System > Manage > Applications > create/edit > Snippets).
  • The Dashboard Widget Editor page (System > Customize > Dashboards > Widgets > create/edit).
  • The Database Tool page (System > Tools > DB Tool).
  • The Action Policy Editor page for actions of type "Snippet" and "SQL Query" (Registry > Run Book > Actions > create/edit).
  • The Report Template Editor page (Reports > Management > Report Manager > create/edit).
  • Hide Empty Networks. If you select this checkbox, the IPv4 Networks page hides networks that do not include any devices or interfaces.
  • Event Console Columns. In this list, the you can select the default columns to be displayed in the Event Console page.
  • Ticket Manager Columns. In this list, you can select the default columns to be displayed in the Ticket Console page. You can still override these default columns by specifying Console Preferences while in the Ticket Console page.
  • Device Manager Columns. In this list, you can select the default columns to be displayed in the Device Manager page.
  1. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Editing the User's Work Schedule

The Schedule Manager page (Registry > Accounts > User Accounts > wrench icon > Schedule) allows you to enter one-time and recurring appointments, meetings, and vacation leave for the user.

You can use the Schedule Manager page to specify the following:

  • Normal work schedule for the user (for example, in the office on Monday – Friday, but out of the office on Saturday and Sunday)
  • Vacation time for the user
  • Recurring meetings and appointments (for example, a weekly status meeting that occurs every Tuesday)
  • One-time meetings and appointments (for example, a doctor's appointment)

You can also view and manage all scheduled processes from the Schedule Manager page (Registry > Schedules > Schedule Manager). For more information, see the section on Managing Scheduled Tasks.

Viewing the Schedule Manager

The Schedule Manager page (Registry > Accounts > User Accounts > wrench icon > Schedule) displays the following information about one-time and recurring appointments, meetings, and vacation leave for the user:

  • Schedule Summary. Displays the name assigned to the scheduled process.
  • Schedule Description. Displays a description of the scheduled process.
  • Event ID. Displays a unique, numeric ID for the scheduled process. SL1 automatically creates this ID for each scheduled process.
  • sch id. Displays a unique, numeric ID for the schedule. SL1 automatically creates this ID for each schedule.
  • Context. Displays the area of SL1 upon which the schedule works.
  • Timezone. Displays the time zone associated with the scheduled process.
  • Start Time. Displays the date and time at which the scheduled process will begin.
  • Duration. Displays the duration, in minutes, which the scheduled process occurs.
  • Recurrence Interval. If applicable, displays the interval at which the scheduled process recurs.
  • End Date. If applicable, displays the date and time on which the scheduled process will recur.
  • Last Run. If applicable, displays the date and time the scheduled process most recently ran.
  • Owner. Displays the username of the owner of the scheduled process.
  • Organization. Displays the organization to which the scheduled process is assigned.
  • Visibility. Displays the visibility level for the scheduled process. Possible values are "Private", "Organization", or "World".
  • Enabled. Specifies if the scheduled process is enabled. Possible values are "Yes" or "No".

To edit scheduled or recurring appointments, meetings, and vacation leave for the user, click its wrench icon () and update the item as needed on the Schedule Editor modal page. (For more information, see the section Defining a Scheduled or Recurring Calendar Item.)

Defining a Scheduled or Recurring Calendar Item

You can add a scheduled or recurring meeting, appointment, or vacation for the user in the Schedule Manager page.

To define a scheduled or recurring meeting, appointment, or vacation:

  1. Go to the User Accounts page (Registry > Accounts > User Accounts).
  2. In the User Accounts page, find the user account you want to edit. Click its wrench icon().
  3. Click the Schedule tab. The Schedule Manager modal page appears.
  4. Click Create. The Schedule Editor modal page appears.

  1. On the Schedule Editor modal page, make entries in the following fields:

Basic Settings

  • Schedule Name. Type a name for the scheduled process.

  • Schedule Type. Indicates the scheduled process type (such as Tickets, Reports, or Devices).

  • Visibility. Select the visibility for the scheduled process. You can select one of the following:
  • Private. The scheduled process is visible only to the owner selected in the Owner field.

  • Organization. The scheduled process is visible only to the organization selected in the Organization field.
  • World. The scheduled process is visible to all users.
  • Organization. Select the organization to which you want to assign the scheduled process.
  • Owner. Select the owner of the scheduled process. The default value is the username of the user who created the scheduled process.
  • Preserve Schedule. Select this checkbox to exclude this schedule from being pruned after expiration.
  • Description. Type a description of the scheduled process.

Time Settings

  • Start Time. Click in the field and select the date and time you want the scheduled process to start.

  • End Time. Click in the field and select the date and time you want the scheduled process to end.
  • Time Zone. Select the region or time zone for the scheduled start time.

If you want SL1 to automatically adjust for daylight savings time (if applicable), then you must select a named region (such as America/New York) in the Time Zone field. If you select a specific time zone (such as EST) or a specific time offset (such as GMT-5), then SL1 will not automatically adjust for daylight savings time.

  • All Day. Select this checkbox if the scheduled process occurs all day rather than during a specific period of time. If you do so, the End Time field becomes disabled.

  • Recurrence. Select whether you want the scheduled process to occur once or on a recurring basis. You can select one of the following:
  • None. The scheduled process occurs only once.
  • By Interval. The scheduled process recurs at a specific interval.
  • Every Xth day of the Week. The scheduled process occurs at a monthly interval based on a day of the week. The day of the week displayed in this option matched the day selected in the Start Time field. For example, if you set the Start Time to Thursday, August 5th and that day is the first Thursday of the month, then the recurrence option will be Every 1st Thursday, and the scheduled process will occur monthly on the first Thursday of the month.

If you select By Interval, the following additional fields appear:

  • Interval. In the first field, enter a number representing the frequency of the scheduled process, then select the time interval in the second field. Choices are Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, or Months. For example:
  • If you specify "6 Hours", then the scheduled process recurs every six hours from the time listed in the Start Time field.

  • If you specify "10 Days", then the scheduled process recurs every 10 days from the date listed in the Start Time field.
  • If you specify "2 Weeks", then the scheduled process recurs every two weeks, on the same day of the week as the Start Time.
  • If you specify "3 Months" the ticket recurs every three months, on the same day of the month as the Start Time.

  • Recur Until. Specifies when the scheduled process stops recurring. You can select one of the following:
  • No Limit. The scheduled process recurs indefinitely until it is disabled.
  • Specified Date. The scheduled process recurs until a specific date and time. If you select Specified Date, you must select a date and time in the Last Recurrence field.

  • Last Recurrence. Click in the field and select the date and time you want the scheduled process to stop recurring.
  1. Click Save.

Enabling or Disabling One or More Scheduled Calendar Items

You can enable or disable one or more scheduled or recurring meetings, appointments, or vacations from the Schedule Manager page (Registry > Accounts > User Accounts > wrench icon > Schedule). To do this:

  1. Go to the Schedule Manager page (Registry > Accounts > User Accounts > wrench icon > Schedule).

  1. Select the checkbox icon for each scheduled process you want to enable or disable.
  2. Click the Select Action menu and choose Enable Schedules or Disable Schedules.
  3. Click the Go button.

Deleting One or More Scheduled Calendar Items

You can delete one or more scheduled or recurring meetings, appointments, or vacations from the Schedule Manager page (Registry > Accounts > User Accounts > wrench icon > Schedule). To do this:

  1. Go to the Schedule Manager page (Registry > Accounts > User Accounts > wrench icon > Schedule).

  1. Select the checkbox icon for each scheduled process you want to delete.
  2. Click the Select Action menu and choose Delete Schedules.
  3. Click the Go button.

Creating a Ticket about a User Account

A ticket is a request for work. Tickets allow you to monitor required work-tasks associated with your network.

You can create a ticket about a user account. For example, to delete an old account or to change the parameters of a current account.

To create a ticket about a user account:

  1. Go to the User Accounts page (Registry > Accounts > User Accounts).
  2. In the User Accounts page, find the account for which you want to generate a report. Click its ticket icon ().

  1. The Ticket Editor page appears.

  1. In the Ticket Editor page, supply a value in each field.
  • Organization. Select the organization with which the ticket will be associated. You can select from a list of all organizations that you are a member of.
  • Ticket Description. Description of the problem or ticket. If you create a ticket from an event in the Event Console, this field is populated automatically by SL1.
  • Sub-Organization. Select a second organization with which the ticket will be associated.
  • Ticket State. Custom parameter, defined in the Ticket States page (Registry > Ticketing > Custom States). Allows you to add additional workflow restrictions to a ticket.
  • Severity. The severity of the problem. If you create a ticket from an event in the Event Console, this field is populated automatically by SL1 with the event's severity. The choices are:
  • Severity 0/Healthy
  • Severity 1/Notice
  • Severity 2/Minor
  • Severity 3/Major
  • Severity 4/Critical
  • Category. Descriptive category assigned to the ticket. You can use the Select Objects Editor page (System > Customize > Select Objects) to customize the list of possible categories.
  • Source. Original source for the ticket. You can use the Select Objects Editor page (System > Customize > Select Objects) to customize the list of possible sources. Choices are:
  • Automated. Ticket was created automatically when an event occurred.
  • Email. An email about an issue prompted this ticket.
  • External. An external source created this ticket.
  • Internal. Ticket created in SL1.
  • Phone. A phone call about an issue prompted this ticket.
  • Queue. Ticket Queue to which the ticket will be assigned.
  • Assigned User. User who is responsible for resolving the ticket. This drop-down list contains entries for each user assigned to the specified Ticket Queue and who has a Login State of Active. When a ticket is assigned to a user, SL1 automatically sends the user an email message as notification.
  • Custom Fields. If your SL1 system includes embedded custom fields for tickets, you can supply a value in those fields.
  • Notes & Attachments. The Notes & Attachments pane in the Ticket Editor page allows you to enter notes or comments about a ticket, insert content from a saved template, or to add images, videos, or attachments to the ticket.
  • To add a note to a ticket, click the [New Note] button in the Ticket Editor page. A new instance of the Notepad Editor will appear in the Notes & Attachments pane. To edit a note, click the wrench icon () for the note you want to edit.
  • To add an attachment to a note, click the paperclip icon (), and then click the [Browse] button to choose the file you want to attach to the note.
  1. Click the Save button to save the new ticket.