Introduction to the Restorepoint Synchronization PowerPack

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This section describes how you can use the Restorepoint Synchronization PowerPack to automatically add SL1 devices to Restorepoint when those devices are discovered in SL1 and collect backup events from Restorepoint. The integration is unidirectional, from SL1 to Restorepoint.

This PowerPack requires a subscription to one of the following solutions:

  • SL1 Advanced or Premium solutions included in the 2020 pricing model
  • SL1 Standard or Premium solutions in the Change and Configuration workflow automation option included in the 2022 pricing model

This version of the Synchronization PowerPack has been tested to sync up to 1,000 new devices at a time.

After the 2.1.0 platform release, the Integration Service was rebranded as SL1 PowerFlow, and the Automation Builder was rebranded as SL1 PowerFlow builder.

The label "SyncPack" is used in place of "Synchronization PowerPack" in the PowerFlow user interface.

The following video explains how to integrate SL1 with Restorepoint:

For more information about integrating SL1 with Restorepoint, watch the video.

This section covers the following topics:

Prerequisites for this Synchronization PowerPack

The following table lists the port access required by PowerFlow and this Synchronization PowerPack:

Source IP PowerFlow Destination PowerFlow Source Port Destination Port Requirement
PowerFlow SL1 API Any TCP 443 SL1 API Access
PowerFlow Restorepoint API Any TCP 443 Restorepoint API Access
PowerFlow SL1 Database Any TCP 7706 SL1 Database Access

PowerFlow Applications Included in the Synchronization PowerPack

This section lists the contents of the Restorepoint Synchronization PowerPack.

PowerFlow Applications

  • Restorepoint: Change detection for backed up devices. This application queries the Restorepoint API to determine whether there was a change between the last two backups.
  • Restorepoint: Get List of Credentials from SL1. This application queries SL1 for existing credentials and matches them against credentials in Restorepoint. If there is a change to the credential in SL1 and the credential exists in Restorepoint, the credential is updated with the new information.
  • Restorepoint: Get the List of Logs from Restorepoint. This application queries the Restorepoint API to collect backup success and failure logs from Restorepoint to generate events in SL1.
  • Restorepoint: Onboard Device. This application adds new devices and the associated elements to Restorepoint, including the domain and credential. The application gets details about how the device will be configured in Restorepoint, including the assigned agent and device type, from a mapping in the aligned configuration object.
  • Restorepoint: Sync Devices. This application creates the Restorepoint custom attribute for the device and gets devices in the "Restorepoint" device group in SL1 and syncs them to Restorepoint by triggering the "Restorepoint: Onboard Device" application.
  • Restorepoint: Update Event info in SL1. This application populates SL1 events with log and backup information that is collected from Restorepoint.

For more information about how to configure these applications, see Configuring the Restorepoint Applications.

Configuration Object

  • Restorepoint Base Config. This configuration object can be used as a template after the Synchronization PowerPack is installed on the PowerFlow system. The configuration object includes the following:
  • Details for connecting to the SL1 API, including the URL, username, and password.
  • Details for connecting to the Restorepoint API, including the URL, username, and password.
  • Details for connecting to the SL1 database, including the URL, username, and password.
  • A mapping between SL1 Device Class GUIDs and Restorepoint device types.
  • A default value for Restorepoint device types.
  • Mapping between SL1 collector appliance IDs and Restorepoint agents.
  • A default backup schedule for all new devices added to Restorepoint.
  • An option to add a custom link configuration to SL1, a user access URL, a timestamp, and the option to allow device change detection.


The following steps are included in this Synchronization PowerPack:

  • Create Restorepoint Credential
  • Restorepoint: Create Device
  • Create Restorepoint Domain
  • Determine the change in Restorepoint Logs
  • Get backup data from RP
  • Insert data in SL1 database
  • Get device id from SL1
  • Get Devices from SL1
  • Transfer Data
  • Select Device ID from SL1
  • Get Logs from Restorepoint and save in PF cache
  • Optional QueryGQL Call RP
  • Select Custom Link
  • Select devices from SL1
  • Update Device Event Info
  • Filter List of Credentials
  • Get List of Basic/Snippet Credentials from SL1
  • Get List of Credentials from Restorepoint
  • Get List of SSH Credentials from SL1
  • Save Edit Date to Cache

Installing the Synchronization PowerPack

A Synchronization PowerPack file has the .whl file extension type. You can download the Synchronization PowerPack file from the ScienceLogic Support site.

If you are upgrading to this version of the Synchronization PowerPack from a previous version, make a note of any settings you made on the Configuration pane of the various integration applications in this Synchronization PowerPack, as these settings are not retained when you upgrade.

Downloading the Synchronization PowerPack

To locate and download the Synchronization PowerPack:

  1. Go to the ScienceLogic Support Site.
  2. Click the Product Downloads tab and select PowerPack.
  3. In the Search PowerPacks field, search for the Synchronization PowerPack and select it from the search results. The Release Version page appears.
  4. On the PowerPack Versions tab, click the name of the Synchronization PowerPack version that you want to install. The Release File Details page appears.
  5. Click the Download File button or click the name of the .zip file containing the .whl file for this Synchronization PowerPack to start downloading the file.

Synchronization PowerPacks do not require a specific license. After you download a Synchronization PowerPack, you can import it to your PowerFlow system using the PowerFlow user interface.

If you are installing or upgrading to the latest version of this Synchronization PowerPack in an offline deployment, see "Installing or Upgrading in an Offline Environment" in the Synchronization PowerPack release notes to ensure you install any external dependencies.

Importing the Synchronization PowerPack

To import a Synchronization PowerPack in the PowerFlow user interface:

  1. On the SyncPacks page of the PowerFlow user interface, click Import SyncPack. The Import SyncPack page appears.
  2. Click Browse and select the .whl file for the Synchronization PowerPack you want to install.

    You can also drag and drop a .whl file to the Import SyncPack page.

  3. Click Import. PowerFlow registers and uploads the Synchronization PowerPack. The Synchronization PowerPack is added to the SyncPacks page.

You cannot edit the content package in a Synchronization PowerPack published by ScienceLogic. You must make a copy of a ScienceLogic Synchronization PowerPack and save your changes to the new Synchronization PowerPack to prevent overwriting any information in the original Synchronization PowerPack when upgrading.

Installing the Synchronization PowerPack

To activate and install a Synchronization PowerPack in the PowerFlow user interface:

  1. On the SyncPacks page of the PowerFlow user interface, click the Actions button () for the Synchronization PowerPack you want to install and select Activate & Install. The Activate & Install SyncPack modal appears.

    If you try to activate and install a Synchronization PowerPack that is already activated and installed, you can choose to "force" installation across all the nodes in the PowerFlow system.

    If you do not see the PowerPack that you want to install, click the Filter icon () on the SyncPacks page and select Toggle Inactive SyncPacks to see a list of the imported PowerPacks.

  1. Click Yes to confirm the activation and installation. When the Synchronization PowerPack is activated, the SyncPacks page displays a green check mark icon () for that Synchronization PowerPack. If the activation or installation failed, then a red exclamation mark icon () appears.

  2. For more information about the activation and installation process, click the check mark icon () or the exclamation mark icon () in the Activated column for that Synchronization PowerPack. For a successful installation, the "Activate & Install SyncPack" application appears, and you can view the Step Log for the steps. For a failed installation, the Error Logs window appears.

  3. If you have other versions of the same Synchronization PowerPack on your PowerFlow system, you can click the Actions button () for that Synchronization PowerPack and select Change active version to activate a different version other than the version that is currently running.

Installing and Configuring the Restorepoint PowerPack

The following topics describe how to install and configure the Restorepoint PowerPack and the Restorepoint Synchronization PowerPack.

Installing the PowerPack

The Restorepoint PowerPack includes the following tools, which you will use with the  Restorepoint  Synchronization PowerPack:

  • The "Restorepoint Connectivity" Dynamic Application, which tests SSH connectivity and indicates devices to be onboarded in Restorepoint.
  • Event Policies for Restorepoint.
  • A Device Class for Restorepoint devices.
  • A Device Group called "Restorepoint Devices", which includes a dynamic rule that matches devices with aligned Dynamic Applications, including the "Restorepoint Connectivity" Dynamic Application.
  • The Restorepoint MIB is available in your Restorepoint system. The MIB must be loaded before you can use the PowerPack. For more information, see Downloading and Compiling the Restorepoint MIB Files.

To install the Restorepoint PowerPack:

  1. Download the latest version of the PowerPack from the ScienceLogic Support Site to a local computer.
  2. In SL1, log in and go to the PowerPack Manager page (System > Manage > PowerPacks).
  3. Click Actions and select Import PowerPack.
  4. Click Browse and navigate to the PowerPack file from step 1.

  1. Select the PowerPack file and click Import. The PowerPack Installer modal page displays a list of the PowerPack contents.
  2. Click Install. After the installation is complete, the PowerPack appears on the PowerPack Manager page.

Downloading and Compiling the Restorepoint MIB Files

After installing the Restorepoint PowerPack, you will need to download the following MIB files from Restorepoint and compile the MIB files in SL1:


You can access the Restorepoint MIB files from your Restorepoint system.

To download the MIB files in Restorepoint:

  1. In your Restorepoint system, go to the Systems Settings page (Administration > System Settings).
  2. Click the SNMP tab and navigate to the Download MIBs field.
  3. Click both of the MIB file names to download them to your local drive.

To compile the Restorepoint MIB files in SL1:

  1. Go to the MIB Compiler page (System > Tools > MIB Compiler) and click the Import button.
  2. In the MIB Import modal page, navigate to the location of the MIB file on your local computer and click the Import button. The new MIB file appears in the list of MIB files in the MIB Compiler page.
  3. Repeat steps 1-2 to upload the second MIB file.
  4. You must compile both MIB files before SL1 can use them. To compile a MIB, click its lightning bolt icon ().
  5. To enable Restorepoint to send trap events to SL1, go to Administration > System Settings > Logs/Alerts in the Restorepoint user interface and change the following:
  • SNMP Traps: Check this checkbox.
  • SNMP Server: Enter the IP address of the SL1 All-In-One or Data Collector.