Classic Dashboard and Widget Categories

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This section describes how to add and manage categories for classic dashboards and classic dashboard widgets in SL1.

This section applies only to classic SL1 dashboards.

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This section includes the following topics:

What are Classic Dashboard and Widget Categories?

Classic dashboards, widgets, and custom reports can be associated with one or more categories. Categories are used to arrange the following lists:

  • For dashboards, categories are used to arrange the dashboard selection drop-down list on the Dashboards page.
  • For widgets, categories are used to arrange the left NavBar on the Widget Configuration modal page.
  • For custom reports, categories are used to arrange the report selection drop-down list in the Run Quick Report page and the report definition drop-down list on the Report Job Editor page.

If a dashboard, widget, or custom report is not associated with a category, that dashboard, widget, or custom report appears in the appropriate list under the "Other" category.

A dashboard, widget, or custom report can be associated with multiple categories. If a dashboard, widget, or custom report is associated with multiple categories, that dashboard, widget, or custom report appears in the appropriate list multiple times, once under each category the dashboard, widget, or custom report is associated with.

In the definition of a widget, you can also define a list of keywords. Keywords are used to match a widget to a search term when a user searches for a widget in the Widget Configuration modal page. For example, suppose a widget displays event information. The widget might be associated with the "events" category. To help users who are searching for a widget, but are using a synonym for "event" as the search term, you might add the keywords "alert, alarm, notification" to the widget definition.

Managing Categories

You can view, add, edit, and delete categories on the Categories page (System > Customize > Categories).

To view the list of categories, perform the following steps:

  • Go to the Categories page (System > Customize > Categories).

  • The Categories page displays the following information about each category:
  • Category Name. The name of the category. This name is used when the category appears as a section heading in a list of items.
  • Category Key Words. A comma-delimited list of keywords associated with the category. These keywords are used to match search terms when a user searches a list of items that is arranged by category.
  • Dashboards. Indicates whether the category can be associated with dashboards. This field will display either Yes or No.
  • Reports. Indicates whether the category can be associated with custom reports. This field will display either Yes or No.
  • Widgets. Indicates whether the category can be associated with widget definitions. This field will display either Yes or No.

Adding a Category

To add a category:

  • On the Categories page (System > Customize > Categories), click the add icon () in the bottom row of the table. A new row is created:

  1. Update the following fields in the new row:
  • Category Name. Enter a name for the category. This name is used when the category appears as a section heading in a list of items.
  • Category Key Words. Enter a comma-delimited list of keywords associated with the category. These keywords are used to match search terms when a user searches a list of items that is arranged by category.
  • Dashboards. Select whether the category can be associated with dashboards. Your choices are Yes or No.
  • Reports. Select whether the category can be associated with custom reports. Your choices are Yes or No.
  • Widgets. Select whether the category can be associated with widget definitions. Your choices are Yes or No.
  1. Click the save icon () to save the new category.

Editing a Category

To edit a category, perform the following steps:

  • Go to the Categories page (System > Customize > Categories) and click the wrench icon () for the category you want to edit. The row is displayed in edit mode:

  • Edit the values in one or more fields. For a description of each field, see the Adding a Category section.
  • Click the save icon () to save the category.

Deleting a Category

To delete a category, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Categories page (System > Customize > Categories) and click the wrench icon () for the category you want to delete. The row is displayed in edit mode:

  • Click the bomb icon () to delete the category.

NOTE: You cannot delete the default categories that are shipped with the SL1 system.

Categorizing and Adding Keywords to a Classic Widget Definition

To categorize a classic widget definition, perform the following steps:

  • Go to the Dashboard Widgets page (System > Customize > Classic Dashboard Widgets).
  • Click the wrench icon () for the widget definition you want to edit. The Dashboard Widget Editor page is displayed:

  • Supply values in the following fields:
  • Key Words (comma separated). Enter a comma-delimited list of keywords to associate with the widget definition.
  • Category. Select one or more categories to associate with the widget definition. To select multiple categories, hold down the Ctrl key when you select the categories.
  • Click the Save button.

Categorizing a Classic Dashboard

To categorize a classic dashboard, perform the following steps:

  • Go to the Classic Dashboards page (Dashboards > Classic Dashboards).
  • Click the Actions menu and select Configure Dashboard.... The Dashboard Settings modal page is displayed:

  • In the Category field, select one or more categories to associate with the dashboard. To select multiple categories, hold down the Ctrl key when you select the categories.
  • Click the Save button.

See Also

Custom Reports

Dashboards page

Widget Configuration page