Events from Email

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SL1 can generate events based on emails the system receives from external devices.

When an "Event from Email" policy matches an incoming email with a device in SL1, the Event from Email policy creates a log entry in the device log. The log entry includes the contents of the email subject line and message body. You can then configure SL1 to trigger events from those log entries.

This section includes the following topics:

Configuring Events from Email

To configure SL1 to generate an event from an incoming email, you must perform the following tasks:

  • Define settings in the Email Settings page (System > Settings > Email) that allow SL1 to receive incoming email messages.
  • Ensure that the DNS server that handles name-service for the ScienceLogic network is configured correctly to direct email messages to SL1.
  • In the Emailer Redirection page (Events > Inbound Email), define an email originator policy.
  • Configure the third-party system to send event messages to SL1 via email.
  • Define events based on incoming email messages. In the Event Policy Editor page (Events > Event Policies > create or edit), in the Event Source field, select Email.

For detailed instructions on how to complete each of these steps, see the section on events from email.