Run Book Variables

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This appendix defines the different variables you can use when creating an action policy.

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This appendix covers the following topics:

Run Book Variables

You can include variables when creating an action policy. These variables are listed in the table below.

  • In an action policy of type Send an Email Notification, you can include one or more of these variables in the fields Email Subject and Email Body.
  • In an action policy of type Send an SNMP Trap, you can include one or more of these variables in the Trap OID field, Varbind OID field, and the Varbind Value field.
  • In an action policy of type Create a New Ticket, you can include one or more of these variables in the Description field or the Note field of the related Ticket Template.
  • In an action policy of type Send an SNMP Set, you can include one or more of these variables in the SNMP OID field and the SNMP Value field.
  • In an action policy of type Run A Snippet, you can access variables from the global dictionary EM7_VALUES.
  • In a policy of type Execute an SQL Query, you can include one or more of these variables in the SQL Query field.




%A Account Username
%N Action Automation action name
%g Asset Asset serial
%h Asset Device ID associated with the asset
%i (lowercase "eye") Asset Asset Location
%k Asset Asset Room
%K Asset

Asset Floor

%P Asset Asset plate
%p Asset Asset panel
%q Asset Asset zone
%Q Asset Asset punch
%U Asset Asset rack
%u Asset Asset shelf
%v Asset Asset tag
%w Asset Asset model
%W Asset Asset make
%m Automation Automation policy note
%n Automation Automation policy name
%F Dynamic Alert Alert ID for a Dynamic Application Alert
%I (uppercase "eye") Dynamic Alert For events with a source of "dynamic", this variable contains the index value from SNMP. For events with a source of "syslog" or "trap", this variable contains the value that matches the Identifier Pattern field in the event definition.
%T Dynamic Alert Value returned by the Threshold function in a Dynamic Application Alert.
%V Dynamic Alert Value returned by the Result function in a Dynamic Application Alert.
%L Dynamic Alert Value returned by the label variable in a Dynamic Application Alert.
%a Entity IP address
%_category_id Entity Device category ID associated with the entity in the event.
%_category_name Entity Device category name associated with the entity in the event.
%_class_id Entity Device class ID associated with the entity in the event.
%_class_name Entity Device class description associated with the entity in the event.



For component devices, the device ID of the parent device.



For component devices, the name of the parent device.



For component devices, the device ID of the root device.



For component devices, the name of the root device.

%1 (one) Event

Entity type. Possible values are:

  • 0. Organization
  • 1. Device
  • 2. Asset
  • 4. IP Network
  • 5. Interface
  • 6. Vendor
  • 7. Account
  • 8. Virtual Interface
  • 9. Device Group
  • 10. IT Service
  • 11. Ticket
%2 Event

Sub-entity type.

Possible values for organizations are:

  • 9. News feed

Possible values for devices are:

  • 1. CPU
  • 2. Disk
  • 3. File System
  • 4. Memory
  • 5. Swap
  • 6. Component
  • 7. Interface
  • 9. Process
  • 10. Port
  • 11. Service
  • 12. Content
  • 13. Email
%4 Event Text string of the user name that cleared the event.
%5 Event Date/time when event was deleted.
%6 Event Date/time when event became active.
%7 Event

Event severity (1-5), for compatibility with previous versions of SL1. 1=critical, 2=major, 3=minor, 4=notify, 5=healthy.

NOTE: When referring to an event, %7 represents severity (for previous versions of SL1). When referring to a ticket, %7 represents the subject line of an email used to create a ticket.

%c Event Event counter
%d Event Date/time when last event occurred.
%D Event Date/time of first event occurrence.
%e Event Event ID
%H Event URL link to event
%M Event Event message
%s Event severity (0 - 4). 0=healthy, 1=notify, 2=minor, 3=major, 4=critical.
%S Event Severity (HEALTHY - CRITICAL)
%_user_note Event Current note about the event that is displayed on the Events page.
%x Event Entity ID
%X Event Entity name
%y Event Sub-entity ID
%Y Event Sub-entity name
%Z Event Event source (Syslog - Group)
%z Event Event source (1 - 8)
%_ext_ticket_ref Event For events associated with an external Ticket ID, this variable contains the external Ticket ID.
%3 Event Policy Event policy ID
%E Event Policy External ID from event policy
%f Event Policy Specifies whether event is stateful, that is, has an associated event that will clear the current event. 1 (one)=stateful; 0 (zero)=not stateful.
%G Event Policy External Category
%R Event Policy Event policy cause/action text
%_event_policy_name Event Policy Name of the event policy that triggered the event.
%B Organization Organization billing ID
%b Organization Impacted organization
%C Organization Organization CRM ID
%o (lowercase "oh") Organization Organization ID
%O (uppercase "oh") Organization Organization name
%r System Unique ID / name for the current SL1 system
%7 Ticket

Subject of email used to create a ticket. If you specify this variable in a ticket template, SL1 will use the subject line of the email in the ticket description or note text when SL1 creates the ticket.

NOTE: When referring to a ticket, %7 represents the subject line of an Email used to create a ticket. When referring to an event, %7 represents severity (for previous versions of SL1).

%t Ticket Ticket ID
%J Ticket Description field from the SL1 ticket.