Using Device Group Maps and Views

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This section describes views and maps for device groups.

There are three types of views and maps for each device group:

  • From the Device Groups page (Registry > Devices > Device Groups), you can view a hierarchical report on each device group. The Device Group Map page allows you to view devices by device group and also view the relationships between device groups and child-groups. This makes it easy to visualize and manage device groups.
  • From the Classic Maps (Maps > Classic Maps or the Views tab in the classic user interface) you can view an icon-based view of a device group from the Device Maps > Device Groups view. This page allows you to easily identify the devices in a device group, sort that list of devices, and quickly determine the status of each device.
  • From the Classic Maps (Maps > Classic Maps or the Views tab in the classic user interface), you can also view a topology-based view of a device group from the Topology  Maps view. This view includes all layer-2, layer-3, CDP, LLDP, and event correlation relationships.

NOTE: If the definition for a device group in the Device Group Editor page does not include Maps/Views in the Visibility field, SL1 will not create a device group View for the device group.

Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:

  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

This section includes the following topics:

Viewing the Device Maps for a Device Group

In the Device Group Map page, you can select from a list of device groups and then view a graphical representation of the selected device group.

To access the Device Group Map page and view a map for any device group:

  1. Go to the Device Group Map page (Classic Maps > Device Maps > Device Groups).
  2. From the NavBar, select the device group you want to view.

  1. The Device Group Map page displays the selected device group. For details on this page, see the section on Using the Interface for Device Group Views.

Viewing the Device Group Map Page for a Single Device Group

In the Device Groups page, you can view a hierarchical representation of a selected device group. To access the Device Group Views page and view a map for a single device group:

  1. Go to the Device Groups page (Registry > Devices > Device Groups).
  2. In the Device Groups page, find the device group for which you want to view a map and click its map icon (). The map opens in a new window:

Viewing the Classic Views of a Device Group

From the Views tab you can view an icon-based view of a device group. This page allows you to easily identify the devices in a device group, sort that list of devices, and quickly determine the status of each device. To view an icon-based view of a device group:

  • Go to the Device Group Map page (Classic Maps > Classic Views > Device Groups).
  • The Device Group Views page appears. In the drop-down list in the upper left, select a device group view to view.

Viewing Custom Device Maps

From the Views tab, you can also view a topology-based view of a device group. This view includes all layer-2, layer-3, CDP, LLDP, and event correlation relationships.

To view a topology map of a device group:

  • Go to Classic Maps > My Customized Maps and click the name of the device group you want to view.
  • The Custom Device Group Map page appears, where you can view the devices and network relationships in the device group.

Customized maps appear in the following sections in the left NavBar:

  • My Customized Maps. Personalized maps that you create.
  • User Customized Maps. If you are a user of type "administrator", you can navigate to the maps in this section to view and edit all customized maps in SL1, even if the device group associated with the map was defined with the field Shared (visible to all users) set to no.
  • Shared Customized Maps. If a customized map or device group is defined as "shared", you can view the maps in this section. The maps in Shared Customized Maps require the same Access Hooks and Access Keys as device groups. Depending upon the Access Keys assigned to your account, you might be able to edit Shared Customized Maps created by other users. To learn more about Access Hooks and Access Keys, see the section on Access Permissions.

NOTE: If you create a device group from the Device Groups page and set theVisibility field to include Maps/Views, the device group will appear as a map in Custom Device Group Map page (Classic Maps > My Customized Maps). If you set the Shared field to yes, the device group will appear for other users as a map in the Shared Customized Maps page (Classic Maps > Shared Customized Maps).

Using the Interface for Device Group Views

When viewing a map of a device group, you can edit the display by using the drag-and-drop editing features and using the fields in the page. The following sections describe how to use the tools available in the map page.

Drag-and-Drop Editing

A node is a connection point—either a redistribution point or communication endpoint. Each device in the maps page is an individual node that can be placed in different areas of the map while retaining its link to other devices. You can drag-and-drop nodes to reposition them on the map to make viewing and managing devices easier. You can use drag-and-drop editing in the following ways:

  1. You can move the entire map around the pane by clicking in any spot in the background, holding down the left-mouse key and dragging the mouse. The map will be dragged around by the spot you initially clicked on.
  2. You can use your mouse to select and move nodes within a map. To edit and move nodes around the map, first enter Nodes mode by clicking the Edit: Nodes button.

Fields and Buttons

The blue navigation bar at the top of a map on the Classic Maps page includes the following:

  • Search. Type some or all of a node name in this field to search for specific nodes on the current map. Nodes that match the search criteria are highlighted in the map. Delete the search text to clear the search.

  • Selections button(). After you select one or more nodes, you can click this button to show the details of that node or nodes in a Details pane to the right of the map. If you have more than one node selected, click the down arrow icon to select the node for which you want to view the Details pane. You can view the status for that node and the events associated with that node on the Details pane.

    The number in the red circle on Selections () shows how many items are currently selected. If you selected more than one node, use the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom of the Details pane to view properties for the other nodes.

    If you select two device nodes, you can click Selections () and select Create Relationship to create a relationship between those two device nodes in the map.

  • Settings button (). This drop-down contains tabs for nodes, links, map settings, and edit shapes.

  • Reset button (). Click to revert any unsaved changes you have made to your map.
  • Save button (). Click to save any changes you have made to your map.