IT Services (Classic User Interface)

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An IT Service in the Classic user interface for SL1 is a technical service that is provided to internal or external customers. Some examples of IT Services include Internet access, website hosting, server co-location, remote backups, and remote storage. Usually an IT Service includes an associated Service Level Agreement (SLA) that specifies the terms of the service.

An IT Service policy allows you to define an IT Service, specify the devices that are included in the IT Service, and monitor the state, availability, and risk of the IT Service. SL1 evaluates the current state, availability, and risk of an IT Service based on user-defined metrics that trigger user-defined events about the IT Service. You can define how often SL1 evaluates the state, availability, and risk of each IT Service. When SL1 evaluates the state of an IT Service, SL1 generates a default event that specifies the state of the IT Service.

The following topics are covered in this manual:

The "IT Services" found on the IT Service Manager page (Registry > IT Services > IT Services Manager > wrench icon > Schedule) and the IT Service Dashboards page (Registry > IT Services > IT Service Dashboards) in the Classic user interface of SL1 are not connected to the "IT Services" that are part of the new Business Services on the Business Services page of the new user interface. For more information, see Monitoring Business Services.