Monitoring Linux Systems

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This section describes how to configure SNMP and Syslog for Linux systems and how to monitor Linux systems with SL1 using the Dynamic Applications in the Linux Base Pack PowerPack.

SL1 supports three protocols to monitor Linux devices:

  • SNMP
  • SSH
  • Syslogs

SNMP and Linux are used to proactively poll the device periodically to collect information, while Syslog asynchronously receives logs from the device. Syslog can be used with SNMP or SSH, but you cannot use both SNMP and SSH together.

ScienceLogic recommends using SSH along with Syslog as that provides the most comprehensive and secure monitoring.

The following topics are covered in this manual:

ScienceLogic provides this documentation for the convenience of ScienceLogic customers. Some of the configuration information contained herein pertains to third-party vendor software that is subject to change without notice to ScienceLogic. ScienceLogic makes every attempt to maintain accurate technical information and cannot be held responsible for defects or changes in third-party vendor software. There is no written or implied guarantee that information contained herein will work for all third-party variants. See the End User License Agreement (EULA) for more information.