Tickets from Email and Tickets from Portal

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This section explains how to create tickets from email and from a Portal.

Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:

  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all of the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

Ticket Templates

To ensure that tickets with a source of email are assigned the correct status, source, and ticket queue, you can create a ticket template. This ticket template applies to all tickets that are generated by an email from a customer to Super Service Provider. Ticket templates can be created, edited, and deleted from the Ticket Templates page.

To create a ticket template for tickets with a source of email:

  1. Go to the Ticket Templates page (Registry > Ticketing > Templates).

  1. Click the Create button. The Template Editor page appears:

Image of the Template Editor page

  1. On the Template Editor page, supply values in the following fields:
  • Description. This is a read-only field that displays the value of the Ticket Description field.
  • Organization. Select Automatically assign. The resulting ticket is automatically assigned to an organization. If this field is set to Automatically assign, when SL1 receives an email for a Tickets from Email policy, SL1 attempts to match the "From" address in the email to a user. If successful, SL1 assigns the resulting ticket to the user's organization. If SL1 cannot match the "From" address to a user, SL1 assigns the resulting ticket to the System organization.

NOTE: In the section on Organizations and Users, you assigned NOC users to all organizations, including the Systemorganization as an additional organization. As a result, each NOC user can view tickets associated with this Tickets from Email policy.

  • Element. Accept the default value.
  • Feature Use. Select Ticketing. This option specifies where in SL1 this template is used.
  • Template Name. Type "Email Source Tickets" for the name of this template.
  • Ticket Description. Type "%7". SL1 uses the subject line of the inbound email as part of the ticket description. SL1substitutes the subject line of the inbound email for the%7 variable.
  • Ticket State. Leave blank. This field is a custom parameter that is defined in the Ticket States page (Registry > Ticketing > Custom States). This field lets you add additional workflow restrictions to a ticket.
  • Severity. Accept the default value. Severity of the ticket will be determined during review by NOC staff.
  • Category. Accept the default value.
  • Source. Select Email.
  • Queue. Select Triage.
  • Assigned User. Select None. The ticket will be assigned to an engineer during review by NOC staff.
  1. Click the Save button to save the template.

Tickets from Email

SL1 can create tickets based on received email. The Tickets From Emails page allows users to configure:

  • One or more destination addresses to which external programs can send email. SL1 turns all emails sent to the specified email addresses into tickets.
  • Default ticket templates to use when creating the tickets.
  • Default reply messages to send back to the email originator.

Before you can create a Tickets from Email policy, you must configure SL1 and your DNS records:

  • Define System Settings that allow SL1 to receive incoming email.
  • Ensure that the DNS server that handles name-service for SL1 network is configured correctly to direct email to SL1.
  • For details on performing these tasks, see the section on Inbound Email.

To create a Ticket From Email policy:

  • Go to the Tickets From Emails page (Registry > Ticketing > Email Tickets).
  • Click the Create button. The Add Policy page appears:

Image of the Add Policy page

  • Type a value in each of the following fields:
  • Policy Name. Type "customer_tickets".
  • Destination Email. Type the email address that includes SL1 email domain. Emails that are sent to this address are placed in a specific mailbox and converted into tickets. On the example system, we used The value after the @ characters will be specific to your network.
  • Reply Email. Type the email address that includes SL1 email domain. Each policy can automatically send messages when tickets are created or edited and can also send messages when an error occurs. The email address supplied in this field allows users to reply to these automated policy messages. When a user replies to an automated policy message, SL1 automatically copies the text in the body of the reply email message and adds that text as a note to the associated ticket. On the example system, we used The value after the @ characters will be specific to your network
  • Ticket Template. Select the template you created earlier, which you named Email Source Tickets. The ticket template defines the ticket queue and other attributes of tickets created by this policy.
  • Ticket Access. Select Open Access. Any email sent to the Destination Email address creates a ticket.
  • Email Note Visibility. Leave the default value of Message body as uncloaked note. The message body of incoming emails is added to the ticket as an uncloaked note that is visible to all users who can view the ticket.

SL1 can send automatic notification emails from the Reply Email address. You can specify message text for any of the five results. If there is no message defined for a result, no reply mail is sent when that result occurs. The possible results are:

  • Ticket Creation Successful. Type "Successfully created ticket %t."
  • Error: Sender not in Queue. Leave blank.
  • Ticket Creation Failed. Type "Failed to create ticket from email."
  • Ticket Change Status/Update. Type "Successfully updated ticket %t."
  • Error: Sender not Registered. Leave blank.
  • Click the Save button to save the policy.

Tickets from an External Website (Portal)

To allow customers to create tickets in SL1 from an external website, such as the ScienceLogic Support Site, you can use the ScienceLogic API. The ScienceLogic API allows external systems to programmatically access data in SL1. The API gives access to SL1 resources—such as tickets—using standard HTTP request/response protocols. Much like the user interface provides access to SL1 for end users, the API provides access to SL1 for external systems.

You can use the API to build a ticketing interface. For Super Service Provider, the ticketing interface should automatically set the following values in each ticket:

Ticketing Field

Status Open
Source Portal
Ticket Queue Triage

To create a ticket in SL1, the customer must have an account. Before allowing a customer to access the ticketing interface, Super Service Provider must create accounts for the customer. The account must include Access Keys that allow the customer to create a ticket and add a note to a ticket.

For details on using the API, see the section on Using the ScienceLogic API.