ScienceLogic Support Pack PowerPack

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The ScienceLogic Support Pack PowerPack is a self-monitoring PowerPack that is included by default with SL1. The most recent version of this PowerPack is automatically installed with each new SL1 release.

The following video explains the importance of self-monitoring:

About the ScienceLogic Support Pack PowerPack

SL1 includes a self-monitoring PowerPack that is included by default with SL1 releases. This PowerPack is called the ScienceLogic Support Pack PowerPack.

Version 103 of the ScienceLogic Support Pack PowerPack replaced the "Support: MySQL Performance" Dynamic Application with the "Support: MariaDB Performance" Dynamic Application.

This self-monitoring PowerPack:

  • ensures that all SL1 appliances are monitored and running the same version of SL1
  • ensures that all SL1 appliances appear in the Device Manager page (Registry > Devices > Device Manager)
  • ensures that configuration files on SL1 appliances are kept in sync
  • ensures that configuration files on SL1 clusters are kept in sync
  • monitors the health and configuration of MariaDB 
  • generates alerts when system resources like disk-space are approaching capacity
  • monitors DNS entries for Database Servers and All-In-One appliances
  • monitors long-running processes and queries
  • monitors out-of-memory conditions
  • ensures that CRM and corosync configurations are up to date
  • ensures that configuration files match among HA Database Servers
  • monitors crucial SL1 processes like datapull and config_push
  • monitors "rows behind" situations and generates alerts
  • monitors and fixes backlogs of email messages
  • generates alerts if any of the following files differ:
    • /etc/my.cnf.d/silo_mysql.cnf
    • /etc/silo.conf
    • /etc/siteconfig/mysql.siteconfig
    • /etc/siteconfig/siloconf.siteconfig
  • collects telemetry related to Device Groups

Ensure that you have the correct permissions for this PowerPack, as access or editing might be denied or restricted.