Introduction to the ServiceNow CMDB SyncPack

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This section gives an overview of the "ServiceNow Configuration Management Database (CMDB)" SyncPack, which lets you integrate SL1 with the ServiceNow Configuration Management Database (CMDB).

This SyncPack is available with a ScienceLogic SL1 Standard solution. Contact your ScienceLogic Customer Success Manager or Customer Support to learn more.

What Can I Do with this SyncPack?

The "ServiceNow Configuration Management Database (CMDB)" SyncPack is the ScienceLogic integration with the ServiceNow Configuration Management Database (CMDB) Module. This SyncPack maintains and enhances the ServiceNow CMDB by discovered device information bi-directionally between SL1 and ServiceNow and by automatically maintaining ServiceNow Configuration Item (CI) relationships.

This SyncPack includes the following applications, which you can use to synchronize data between ServiceNow and SL1:

  • Organization Sync. The "Sync Organizations from SL1 to ServiceNow" application syncs organizations from SL1 with ServiceNow companies. In this context, sync means that if you update a company in ServiceNow, the Organization Sync process will update the SL1 organization with that information, and vice versa. For more information, see Syncing Organizations from SL1 to ServiceNow.

  • Device Sync. The "Sync Devices from SL1 to ServiceNow" application syncs devices and virtual device relationships from SL1 to ServiceNow. You can sync devices based on organization and collector group, and you can uses "mappings" to connect an SL1 device class to a ServiceNow CI class. You can also collect manufacturer/model attributes from asset records aligned with devices in SL1 and sync that information with ServiceNow. For more information, see Syncing Devices from SL1 to ServiceNow.

  • CI Attribute Sync. The "Sync CI Attributes from ServiceNow to SL1" application imports CI attributes from ServiceNow to the relevant asset and attribute fields in SL1. The CI Attribute Sync supports assets, asset configuration, asset maintenance, location, production statuses, and custom attributes. For more information, see Syncing CI Attributes from ServiceNow to SL1.

  • Network Interface Sync. The "Sync Interfaces from SL1 to ServiceNow" application collects interface data from ServiceNow and SL1 and runs multiple CI syncs for each interface to be synced. For more information, see Syncing Network Interfaces from SL1 to ServiceNow.

  • File System Sync. The "Sync File Systems from SL1 to ServiceNow" application reads file systems discovered in SL1 and then maps them to a parent CI record in ServiceNow. For more information, see Syncing File Systems from SL1 to ServiceNow.

  • Business Service Sync. The "Sync Business Services from SL1 to ServiceNow" application reads business services from SL1 and syncs them with business services in ServiceNow. The "Sync Business Services from ServiceNow to SL1" application syncs services that were defined in ServiceNow with business services in SL1, recreating the service structure in SL1, where you can see the relationships between all the components. For more information, see Syncing Business Services from ServiceNow to SL1.

  • Installed Software Sync. The "Sync Software Packages from SL1 to ServiceNow" reads all software packages from SL1 and creates new CIs in ServiceNow. The "Sync Installed Software from SL1 to ServiceNow" then reads all available software packages from SL1 and the devices aligned to that software by region and syncs them with ServiceNow. For more information, see Syncing Installed Software between SL1 and ServiceNow.

  • Discovery Sync. The Discovery Sync integration lets you use SL1 for discovering and syncing ServiceNow devices. With Discovery Sync, you start an SL1 discovery session from ServiceNow and then sync the newly discovered SL1 devices or virtual devices and their data with ServiceNow. For more information, see Discovery Sync.

Contents of the ServiceNow CMDB SyncPack

This section lists the PowerFlow applications that are in the "ServiceNow CMDB" SyncPack.

Starting with version 3.5.0 of this SyncPack, the "Sync Advanced Topology from SL1 to ServiceNow" application was removed. The functionality in that application was added to the "Sync Devices from SL1 to ServiceNow" and the "Sync Interfaces from SL1 to ServiceNow" applications.

PowerFlow Applications

The following applications are included with the "ServiceNow CMDB" SyncPack:

  • Cache ServiceNow Companies, CIs and SL1 Orgs, Device Classes. Reads all existing SL1 Organizations, SL1 Device Classes, ServiceNow Companies, and ServiceNow CIs and writes them to a cache. To perform a Device Sync, you must run this application before you run the "Sync Devices from SL1 to ServiceNow" application. Before version 3.5.0 of this SyncPack, this application was named "Cache ServiceNow CIs and SL1 Device Classes". For more information, see Syncing Devices from SL1 to ServiceNow.
  • Create Custom Attributes and ServiceNow Custom Link in SL1. Creates custom device attributes in SL1, which SL1 uses to create a custom link in SL1 that redirects to the ServiceNow CI.  In SL1 the link appears as a ServiceNow link in the Tools menu on the Device Investigator window for the corresponding device. For more information, see Syncing CI Attributes from ServiceNow to SL1.
  • Delete Devices from SL1. Lets you delete devices in a specific SL1 Virtual Collector Group if those devices have not been modified in SL1 for a specified amount of time that is set in the application. For more information, see Deleting Devices.
  • Generate Required CI Relations for ServiceNow. Pulls device class mappings from the "Sync Devices from SL1 to ServiceNow" and the "Sync CI Attributes from ServiceNow to SL1" applications to prevent you from having to add a separate set of class mappings. The application also lists any missing relationships in the Step Log in the PowerFlow user interface. Please note that this application is a report used by PowerFlow, and it does not send any data to ServiceNow. For more information about the log messages, see Log Messages for the "Generate Required CI Relations for ServiceNow" Application.
  • Report: Identify Unmapped Devices Classes. Pulls the class mappings from Device Sync and Attribute Sync and compares the mappings with the full list of device classes of discovered devices in SL1. The application generates a report on the Reports page that lists missing mappings, and if any device classes are unmapped, the application generates an event in the target SL1 system. For more information, see Checking for Missing Device Mappings.
  • Sync Business Services from SL1 to ServiceNow. Reads Business Services, IT Services, and Device Services in SL1 and syncs them with business services in ServiceNow. This application creates and updates services, but it does not delete services. For more information, see Syncing Business Services from SL1 to ServiceNow.
  • Sync Business Services from ServiceNow to SL1. Syncs services that were defined in ServiceNow with Business Services in SL1. By syncing services from Service Now to SL1, you can see the relationships between the service components, the application components, and the infrastructure components in SL1. For more information, see Syncing Business Services from ServiceNow to SL1.
  • Sync CI Attributes from ServiceNow to SL1. Reads CI attributes from ServiceNow and maps those attributes to asset and attribute fields in SL1. This application uses the mappings and additional attributes options from the "Sync Devices from SL1 to ServiceNow" application. This application can also sync the location and production state attributes from ServiceNow to SL1. For more information, see Syncing CI Attributes from ServiceNow to SL1.
  • Sync Device Groups from SL1 to ServiceNow. Collects all device groups and group IDs from SL1 and posts device group data to ServiceNow. To prevent errors when running this application or a device sync, make sure that the device group names are not already being used by existing groups in ServiceNow. For more information about Device Sync, see Syncing Devices from SL1 to ServiceNow.
  • Sync Devices from SL1 to ServiceNow. Syncs devices and their properties and relationships from SL1 to ServiceNow. For more information, see Syncing Devices from SL1 to ServiceNow.
  • Sync Discovery Requirements. Processes credentials from SL1, processes collector groups, device templates, virtual device classes, and collectors, and then syncs organizations and device groups. For more information, see Discovery Sync.
  • Sync Discovery Session Status from SL1 to ServiceNow. Collects and processes Discovery sessions from SL1, and collects Discovery session logs. For more information, see Discovery Sync.
  • Sync Discovery Templates from SL1 to ServiceNow. Syncs SL1 discovery sessions that contain a configured string to ServiceNow and creates Service Catalog templates in ServiceNow. You can use those templates for discovering or monitoring CIs. For more information, see Discovery Sync.
  • Sync File Systems from SL1 to ServiceNow. Reads file systems discovered in SL1 and then maps them to a parent CI record in ServiceNow. For more information, see Syncing File Systems from SL1 to ServiceNow.
  • Sync Installed Software from SL1 to ServiceNow. Reads all available software packages from ServiceNow and the devices aligned to that software by region and syncs them with SL1. Run this application after running the "Sync Software Packages from SL1 to ServiceNow" application. For more information, see Syncing Installed Software between SL1 and ServiceNow.
  • Sync Interfaces from SL1 to ServiceNow. Collects network interface data from ServiceNow and SL1, and then runs multiple CI syncs for each interface to be synced. For more information, see Syncing Network Interfaces from SL1 to ServiceNow.
  • Sync Organizations from SL1 to ServiceNow. Pulls organizations from SL1 and syncs to ServiceNow. For more information, see Syncing Organizations from SL1 to ServiceNow.
  • Sync Service Requests from ServiceNow to SL1. Processes Discovery sessions and posts Discovery sessions and new virtual devices to SL1. Also enables device decommissioning for devices you no longer want to monitor. This application was formerly named "Sync Discovery Session Requests from ServiceNow to SL1". For more information, see Configuring a ServiceNow Service Request for Discovery Sync.
  • Sync Software Packages from SL1 to ServiceNow. Reads all software packages from and creates new CIs in ServiceNow. Run this application before running the "Sync Installed Software" application. For more information, see Syncing Installed Software between SL1 and ServiceNow.

PowerFlow Applications (Internal)

To view the internal PowerFlow applications, click the Filter icon () on the Applications page and select Show Hidden Applications. Internal applications are hidden by default. The following applications are "internal" applications that should not be run directly, but are automatically run by applications from the previous list:

  • Bulk Delete Devices. Deletes devices from SL1.
  • Create Discovery Session in SL1. Creates and starts a Discovery session in SL1 and updates the ServiceNow service request.
  • Create ServiceNow CI. Creates a new ServiceNow CI with a mappings dictionary, but does not attempt to look up new CIs.
  • Create Virtual Device in SL1. Creates a virtual device in SL1 and updates the Requested Item (RITM) value.
  • Post Attribute DB Calls to SL1. Posts attribute database calls to SL1.
  • Post Attribute Rest Calls to SL1. Posts attribute REST calls to SL1.
  • Post Company and Organization Updates. Posts company and organization updates to ServiceNow or SL1.
  • Post Discovery-dependent Data to ServiceNow. Posts data used by a Discovery session to ServiceNow.
  • Post Installed Software to ServiceNow. Posts installed software data to ServiceNow.
  • Post New Companies to ServiceNow. Posts new companies to ServiceNow.
  • Post New Organization to SL1. Posts a new organization to SL1.
  • Process Remove Device Requests from ServiceNow to SL1. Pulls requested device information form SL1 and validates the requests to remove a device from monitoring. Removed devices are placed in an SL1 Virtual Collector Group.
  • Pull and Post Discovery Logs. Pulls Discovery session logs from SL1 and posts updates to ServiceNow.