.. include:: ../external_links.txt .. include:: ../common.txt ############### Getting Started ############### The Getting Started guide introduces key tools and concepts to be understood before using the |TOOLKIT_CLI|. Below, you will find the links and references needed to introduce and begin usage of the |TOOLKIT_CLI|. ************* Prerequisites ************* Before using the |TOOLKIT_CLI| for development, make sure to familiarize yourself with all |SNIPPET_FRAMEWORK| concepts, which can be found in the `Getting Started`_ guide of the |SNIPPET_FRAMEWORK| ******** Overview ******** The |TOOLKIT_CLI| PowerPack is a bundle of |SNIPPET_FRAMEWORK| |CLI_SSH| |STEP_NAME_PLURAL| that enable low-code development for |CLI_SSH| devices. This toolkit enables faster and easier-to-produce |CLI_SSH| Dynamic Applications without extensive custom Python development. The |TOOLKIT_CLI| PowerPack includes: * An execution environment with |CLI_SSH| |STEP_NAME_PLURAL| for building Dynamic Applications for |CLI_SSH| devices. * A template Dynamic Application that demonstrates the CLI |STEP_NAME_PLURAL|. *************** Troubleshooting *************** If you encounter issues while using the |TOOLKIT_CLI| or |SNIPPET_FRAMEWORK|, you can find additional information at `Logging/Debugging`_.