Step Development

A custom step should focus on only performing a single task and should return a result. If an exception is caught within the step, it must be re-raised or another exception should be raised that provides information on the issue. If a step does not raise an exception, it assumes the step successfully completed. This causes difficulty in tracking down issues as you may be looking at the incorrect step for the issue.

A custom step has no pre-defined function signature or format. It’s flexibility enables a step developer to request only the the Standard Parameters they need. Depending on the step type, additional parameters may be required.


Standard Parameters differ from decorator parameters. Decorator parameters are used while registering the Step to the Snippet Framework while Standard Parameters are for the function signature.


Before developing a step, ensure that there is not already a step or a way to chain steps together to accomplish the task. This helps maintain a healthy set of steps without overlap and reduces the chances of outdated code being propagated to different Dynamic Applications and/or SL1 stacks.

Ensure to use security best practices when developing a step. For example, avoid logging any secure information (such as credentials).

There are two cases when a Sciencelogic Library must be created:

  1. When creating a step and that step is intended to be used by many Dynamic Applications then it would be recommended to place the code in a ScienceLogic Library to eliminate the need to copy, paste, and potentially update it in multiple locations.

  2. When a step leverages a third-party wheel/library that is not included in the execution environment then that library must be included in a Sciencelogic Library.


Custom ScienceLogic Library development is not covered by this document. Refer to documentation for creating custom ScienceLogic Libraries.

Avoiding De-Duplication Conflicts

When creating a custom step, it is important to determine what makes a step unique. By defining a steps uniqueness, the Snippet Framework can perform optimizations by reducing the amount of time processing the same set of data. This is referred as the request_id and anything with the same request_id is determined to be the same operation.

The default request_id is <step_name>_<step_args> which may or may not be sufficient in determining uniqueness for the step. If the step uses configuration outside of the step_args, then a custom request_id may be required. A custom request_id generator should return a string that identifies the uniqueness for the step.

For example, if you are running an SSH command you would expect to get the same results (within the same collection timeframe) if the following are the same between collections:

  • IP Address / Hostname

  • User

  • Command

def ssh_req_id(credential, step_args):
    # Assume step_args is a dict, and if not, step_args is the
    # entire command
        command = step_args["command"]
    except TypeError:
        command = step_args
    return "{}:{}:{}".format(

def ssh_example(credential, step_args):

Writing to Device Logs

A custom step has the ability to write messages to the Device Logs, which are visible in SL1. This is done by raising the exception silo.apps.errors.DeviceError with the first parameter being the log messages.

from silo.apps.errors import DeviceError

raise DeviceError("Device Log message goes here")


A device log message can only be 1024 characters.

Standard Parameters

When creating a custom step, it’s important to understand the available parameters that are available for the custom step. The following parameters can be used by all the step types.

Available Step Parameters






The step_args object provides the ability to pass arguments from the snippet argument into the step.



Object that contains the following attributes related to the Collection. It has the following attributes:

  • DynamicApp: Configuration related to the Dynamic Application

    • freq (int): Dynamic Application Frequency

    • id (int): Dynamic Application ID

    • gmtime (int): Timestamp for the collection

    • guid (str): Dynamic Application GUID

    • name (str): Name of the Dynamic Application

  • group: Group ID for the collection

  • obj_id: Object ID for the collection

  • argument: Snippet Argument for the collection

  • type: Class Type for the collection



Object that contains the decrypted information for the aligned credential. It has the following attributes:

  • id: Credential ID

  • name: Credential Name

  • cred_type_name: Name of the credential. If the credential type (credential.fields["cred_type"]) is universal, the name will be the credential display name.

    • 1: SNMP

    • 2: Database

    • 3: SOAP/XML

    • 4: LDAP/AD

    • 5: Basic/Snippet

    • 6: SSH/Key

    • 7: PowerShell

    • 8: Universal Credential Display Name

  • fields: All other credential information as a dictionary. Each field in the credential will have a corresponding key within this dictionary.



Function used for writing context-aware debug logs to the current collection and all de-duplicated collections.



Metadata related to the collection. Updating this value will not update the metadata. To update the metadata, use set_metadata. It is possible to update the existing reference without using set_metadata but it is prone to issues and not recommended.



Request ID of the current step. The Request ID is unique path to the step.



Finished object from the previous step.



Sets the metadata to the value provided. An example of this callable would be set_metadata(new_metadata). If the step requested metadata and set_metadata, the metadata variable will not be updated with the recently set information from set_metadata. The next step can request metadata and have the most up-to-date metadata.

Step Types

To register a step into the Snippet Framework, you must decorate the callable with the decorator that applies to your step type. For example, if you wanted to register a Processor you would use the following:

def count_items(result):


Python decorators are wrappers for function that enable additional functionality. Refer to PEP-318 for more details.

The Snippet Framework has different types of steps that perform different operations. This allows steps to be more focused. The types of steps are as follows:

  • Requestor - Retrieves the required data from the datasource.

  • Processor - Perform an action on the result. For example, a processor may parse, transform, or format the data. These are only a few examples of what actions a processor may perform.

  • Cacher - Attempts to fast-forward through already completed steps from cache. If no cache is found a cache element will be saved at this step.

  • RequestMoreData - Enables looping within the Snippet Framework to collect additional information. An example of this would be pagination of a REST endpoint.


A Requestor defines how to retrieve information from a single source-type. A Requester has access to all the Standard Parameters. Due to the uniqueness of a Requestor, a request_id generator should be written. Refer to Avoiding De-Duplication Conflicts for more information.

The returned value from the Requestor should be the result.

When registering a Requestor, the following information can be specified in the decorator:

silo.low_code.register_requestor(*args, **kwargs)

Decorator for registering Requesters

  • get_req_id (callable) – Function used for generating the request id. This is a very important function and its operation must be understood when developing a requestor. The proper choice for building the requestor is critical to building a highly perfomant dynamic app. If one is not provided, the request_id will be <step_name>_<step_args_in_string_form> and you must ensure this provides the correct level of uniquness. This function can utilize any of the Standard Parameters

  • name (str) – This function allows for overriding the pythonic name for the step. If a name is not specified, it will use the pythonic name of the callable. For example, if you use have def cool_beans(result): ... the name would be cool_beans.

  • metadata (dict) – Metadata related to the step

  • rewind (callable) –

    Callable function that updates the step_args to start the rewinding process. This function can utilize any of the Standard Parameters and and additional argument:

    • data_request: RequestMoreData exception that was previously raised.

  • generate_agent_config (callable) – Function used to generated agent configs

  • manipulate_agent_data (callable) – Function used to perform any pre-processing on the agent results before providing it to the pipeline

  • validate_request (callable) – Function used to validate a request prior to execution. If an issue is detected, an exception must be raised and the ResultContainer will not be executed. This function can utilize any of the Standard Parameters.

  • required_args (list) – List of required top-level arguments for the step. If these arguments are not present in the step_args, the Snippet Framework will not attempt to execute the collection and log a warning message instead.

  • arg_required (bool) – If an argument is required for a step. This denotes a step must have an argument, regardless of the type. This can be used in conjunction with required_args if your step accepts a dictionary or a single value.


Original object

Return type:



Returning the Step Args

The following example will return the step argument as the result.

def static_value(step_args):
    return step_args
Returning the Step Args and updating metadata

The following example will return the step argument as the result and update the metadata

def static_value(metadata, set_metadata, step_args):
    if not isinstance(metadata, dict):
        metadata = {}
    metadata["update"] = True
    return step_args
Return Step Args and Include Port Check

The following example will return the step argument as the result. There is also a validation check to ensure there is a correct credential.

def port_check(credential):
        if int(credential.fields["cred_port"]) != 443:
            raise Exception("This requestor only supports port 443")
    except ValueError:
        raise Exception(
            "Invalid value specified for port. Expected int, but received {}".format(

def static_value(step_args):
    return step_args
Reading a File

The following example will show developing a custom Requestor that reads from a file. The file will be specified as step_args.

)  # Decorator that registers this step as a requestor
def read_file(step_args):  # Defines the step name and parameters to use
    # Opens and reads the file indicated in the step_args
    with open(step_args["file"], "r") as file:
http request

The following example shows a basic http Requestor. It uses several parts from the decorator to ensure proper execution:

  • validate_request: Validates the credential type is Basic/Snippet

  • get_req_id: specifies request uniqueness

  • required_args: states the URI is mandatory

The code appears as follows:

import hashlib
import requests

def cred_check(credential):
    if credential.fields.get("cred_type") != 5:
        raise Exception("Credential Type is incorrect Use Basic Snippet")

def generate_request_id(credential, step_args, debug):
    key = credential.fields["cred_user"] + credential.fields["cred_host"]
    for arg in sorted(step_args):
        key = key + "|" + step_args[arg]
    hash_obj = hashlib.sha256()
    return hash_obj.hexdigest()

    required_args={"uri"}, validate_request=cred_check, get_req_id=generate_request_id
def https_simple(step_args, credential, debug):
    # Adds specified arg to the previous result
    url = "https://" + credential.fields["cred_host"] + "/" + step_args["uri"]
    debug("URL: " + url)
    auth = (credential.fields["cred_user"]), credential.fields["cred_pwd"]
    response = requests.get(url, verify=False, auth=auth)
    # If the response was successful, no Exception will be raised
    return response.content


A Processor should perform a single operation on a result. A Processor has access to all the Standard Parameters.

When creating custom Processor steps an important concept is the difference between a Parser and Selector. A Parser should convert a data structure into a consumable format for a Selector. By separating these two concepts you can produce a step that is more reusable than if a single step performed both actions.

When registering a Processor, the following information can be specified in the decorator:

silo.low_code.register_processor(*args, **kwargs)

Decorator to register a processor

  • get_req_id (callable) –

    Function used for generating the request id. If one is not provided, the request_id will be <step_name>_<step_args_in_string_form>. This function can utilize any of the Standard Parameters and additional arguments:

    • reg_info: Registration information for the step

    • caller: Callable assigned to the step

  • name (str) – Name for the step that will be referenced in the snippet argument. If a name is not specified, it will use the pythonic name of the callable. For example, if you use have def cool_beans(result): ... the name would be cool_beans.

  • metadata (dict) – Metadata related to the step

  • required_args (list) – List of required top-level arguments for the step. If these arguments are not present in the step_args, the Snippet Framework will not attempt to execute the collection and log a warning message instead.

  • arg_required (bool) – If an argument is required for a step. This denotes a step must have an argument, regardless of the type. This can be used in conjunction with required_args if your step accepts a dictionary or a single value.


Original object

Return type:




Count items in a List

The following example shows how to create a Processor that counts the number of items in a list.

def count_items(result):  # Only the result is passed into this function
    return len(result)  # Returns the number of items in the result
Wrapper Around a Custom Library

The following example shows how to create a Processor that wraps a custom library, jc.

import jc

def jcparser(result, step_args):
    """Run jc against the result
    :param str result: Result from the previous step
    :param object step_args: Argument supplied to the step
    :rtype: object
    parser_mod_name = jcparser_get_parser_mod_name(step_args)
    jc_kwargs = step_args if isinstance(step_args, dict) else {}
    return jc.parse(parser_mod_name, result, **jc_kwargs)

def jcparser_get_parser_mod_name(step_args):
    """Get the parser name from the configuration
    :param object step_args: Step arguments supplied to the step
    :rtype: str
    if isinstance(step_args, str):
        parser_mod_name = step_args
        parser_mod_name = step_args.pop("parser_name")
    if parser_mod_name not in jcparser_get_supported_parsers():
        raise FrameworkError(
            "jc or the Snippet Framework does not support parser {}".format(parser_mod_name)
    return parser_mod_name

def jcparser_get_supported_parsers():
    """Determine all supported jc parsers
    The Snippet Framework cannot consume streaming parsers and should
    be removed from the available list.
    :rtype: list
        return [x for x in jc.parser_mod_list() if not x.endswith("_s")]
    except ImportError:
        return []


A Cacher can store the current result or perform a fast-forward operation if the cache exists before executing. A Cache step does not have the ability to modify the result. A Cacher can reuse the results from a previous collection / Dynamic Application. A Cacher has access to all the Standard Parameters.

A Cacher can optionally specify a read callable which allows the Snippet Framework to fast-forward to the step after the Cacher. This can be specified the in registration decorator utilizing the keyword parameter read.

When registering a Cacher, the following information can be specified in the decorator:

silo.low_code.register_cacher(*args, **kwargs)

Decorator to register a cacher

All arguments are optional during registration. A Cacher can request any of the Standard Parameters and an additional argument:

  • step_cache: CacheManager from silo-apps for interacting with cache associated to the step

  • get_req_id (callable) – Function used for generating the request id. If one is not provided, the request_id will be <step_name>_<step_args_in_string_form>. This function can utilize any of the Standard Parameters a

  • name (str) – Name for the step that will be referenced in the snippet argument. If a name is not specified, it will use the pythonic name of the callable. For example, if you use have def cool_beans(result): ... the name would be cool_beans.

  • metadata (dict) – Metadata related to the step

  • read (callable) – Callable function that performs a cache read for fast-forwarding. This function can utilize any of the Standard Parameters.

  • required_args (list) – List of required top-level arguments for the step. If these arguments are not present in the step_args, the Snippet Framework will not attempt to execute the collection and log a warning message instead.

  • arg_required (bool) – If an argument is required for a step. This denotes a step must have an argument, regardless of the type. This can be used in conjunction with required_args if your step accepts a dictionary or a single value.


Original object

Return type:



Writing based on a provided key

This sample Cacher will write the current data to the specified key. If a key is not specified the request_id will be used instead.

def get_key(step_args, request_id):
        key = step_args.get("key", request_id)
    except AttributeError:
        key = request_id
    return key

def cache_read(step_args, request_id, step_cache):
    return, request_id))

def cache_write(result, step_args, request_id, step_cache):
    step_cache.write(get_key(step_args, request_id), result)


RequestMoreData enables the Snippet Framework to perform a loop to collect additional data. It must be used in conjunction with a Requestor that supports rewind.

RequestMoreData step should raise an exception that inherits from silo.low_code.RequestMoreData or have no return. The exception that is raised should have information that is known to the previous Requestor that will inform the Requestor on how to perform the new request.

If an exception is not raised, the following step will receive an OrderedDict containing all collected results. If the exception is raised, the current index (from set_index or the current request_id) and the current result will be inserted into the OrderedDict. If the same index is used twice in a row, the Snippet Framework will identify this scenario as a repeating loop and end the RequestMoreData cycle and continue to the next step.


An OrderedDict is accessed the same way as a normal dict but the insertion order is preserved.

The RequestMoreData step can request the set_max_iterations callable which sets the maximum number of times the Snippet Framework will loop when gathering additional information.

When registering a RequestMoreData, the following information can be specified in the decorator:

silo.low_code.register_rmd(*args, **kwargs)

Decorator to register a RequestMoreData step

A RequestMoreData can request any of the Standard Parameters and additional arguments:

  • set_index: Callable for setting the index of the current iteration. This should be used if you need to easily identify the information in the following step.

  • set_max_iterations: Callable for setting the maximum number of iterations before the Snippet Framework stops performing the collections. The default value for the amount of iterations is 50.

  • get_req_id (callable) – Function used for generating the request id. If one is not provided, the request_id will be <step_name>_<step_args_in_string_form>. This function can utilize any of the Standard Parameters

  • name (str) – Name for the step that will be referenced in the snippet argument. If a name is not specified, it will use the pythonic name of the callable. For example, if you use have def cool_beans(result): ... the name would be cool_beans.

  • metadata (dict) – Metadata related to the step

  • required_args (list) – List of required top-level arguments for the step. If these arguments are not present in the step_args, the Snippet Framework will not attempt to execute the collection and log a warning message instead.

  • arg_required (bool) – If an argument is required for a step. This denotes a step must have an argument, regardless of the type. This can be used in conjunction with required_args if your step accepts a dictionary or a single value.


Original object

Return type:



Iterating over a static loop

This sample Requestor will return the step argument as the result. It also supports rewind functionality where it will iterate until the number is 5 or greater. Since we are not specifying the index, the index will be calculated based on the request id for the step. Assuming that the initial number provided is 0, RequestMoreData will execute 5 times (0, 1, 2, 3, 4). When it processes rmd_step on the fifth iteration, it will not raise RequestMoreData. The final result will be {'static_value:1': 1, 'static_value:2': 2, 'static_value:3': 3, 'static_value:4': 4 'static_value:5_rmd_step_None': 5}. The final result key is different due to how the framework processes the place within the loop. If you require consistent naming, it is best to use set_index to set the name.

    version: 2
        - static_value: 0
        - rmd_step
from silo.low_code import RequestMoreData

def rmd_step(result):
    if result < 5:
        raise RequestMoreData(result=result)

def range_increment(data_request):
    return data_request.result + 1

def static_value(step_args):
    return int(step_args)

This sample Requestor will return the step argument as the result. It also supports rewind functionality where it will iterate until the number is 5 or greater and increase by the current amount each iteration. This example will also set the index, which allows for easier lookups in the result if you add identifying information. Assuming that the initial number provided is 1, RequestMoreData will execute 3 times (1, 2, 4). When it processes rmd_step on the fourth iteration, it will not raise RequestMoreData. The final value will be {'offset_1': 1, 'offset_2': 2, 'offset_4': 4, 'offset_8': 8}

    version: 2
        - static_value: 1
        - rmd_step
from silo.low_code import RequestMoreData

def rmd_step(result, set_index):
    set_index("offset_" + str(result))
    if result < 5:
        raise RequestMoreData(result=result, amount=result)

def range_increment(data_request):
    // Amount is the amount it increments each time
    return data_request.result + data_request.amount

def static_value(step_args):
    return int(step_args)

Using the new Step

After the step has been created and tested, it must be registered into the Snippet Framework. If the step is written within the Snippet, it will automatically be registered. However, if the Step is being included in a ScienceLogic Library, one of the following additional actions are required for the Step to be added to the Snippet Framework:

  • Create a wheel that includes the correct entry point (preferred method)

  • Update the default snippet to include the import

Creating a wheel

A wheel is a standard Python package format used for distribution that provides the required metadata for installation. When creating a wheel, adding the entry_point sf_step enables the Snippet Framework to automatically register your step.

In this example, we will assume that there is a package, my_custom_package, that has defined __all__ within Since all steps are imported when loading the package, the entry_point will use the top-level package. Below is an example of a snippet from setup.cfg that enables the auto-import.

sf_step =
    my_custom_package = my_custom_package

Advanced Features

Utilizing Metadata Across Steps

Metadata enables a step to store relevant information that will be referenced at a later time. This is useful when its not required for the result, but a later step will consume the metadata.

In this example, Zillow API is used which provides a public API of housing data. This example will merge results on housing prices per city from one API call with rental prices per city from a different API call and then merge the results and calculate ROI.

The first step takes the results from the API which contains a large number of columns relating to the historical sales price of homes and only takes the most recent datapoint as 2023-08-31, which is defined in the snippet argument along with the other pieces of information and stores that into the metadata. Then the Rental API is called to get all the rental information. Finally the merge_data steps is then used to loop through the sales data and looking for a match in the rental data. When found a new record is created that contains data from both API calls along with the calculated ROI.

  version: 2
    - http:
    - jc: csv
    - reduce_data:
        filter_date: 2023-08-31
    - store_data: region_data
    - http:
    - jc: csv
    - merge_data:
        data_key: region_data
        filter_date: 2023-08-31
    - jmespath:
        value: "[].{ROI: ROI, Location: join(', ', [County, State])}"
import datetime

def reduce_data(result, step_args):
    results = {}
    filter_date = step_args["filter_date"]
    if isinstance(filter_date,
        filter_date = filter_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    for region in result:
        region_data = {}
        price = region[filter_date].rsplit(".")[0]
        region_id = region["RegionID"]
        region_data["County"] = region["RegionName"]
        region_data["Price"] = int(price) if price else 0
        region_data["State"] = region["State"]
        results[region_id] = region_data
    return results

@register_processor(required_args=["data_key", "filter_date"])
def merge_data(result, step_args, metadata):
    results = []
    data_key = step_args["data_key"]
    filter_date = step_args["filter_date"]
    if isinstance(filter_date,
        filter_date = filter_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    # Retrieve data previously stored using store_data
    sales_data = metadata[data_key]
    for region in result:
        region_id = region["RegionID"]
        sale_data = sales_data[region_id]
        sale_price = sale_data["Price"]
        rent_price = region[filter_date].rsplit(".")[0]
        rent_price = int(rent_price) if rent_price else 0
        if sale_price and rent_price:
            roi_data = sale_data.copy()
            roi_data["RegionID"] = region_id
            roi_data["Rent"] = rent_price
            # Calculate ROI Percentage
            roi_data["ROI"] = round(12 * 100 * rent_price / sale_price, 2)
    # Sort from the highest ROI to the lowest
    return sorted(results, key=lambda x: x.get("ROI"), reverse=True)

Mutable Step

The Snippet Framework reduces the amount of executing code during the de-duplication process by executing unique calls only once. When a divergence is detected, the Snippet Framework will determine how to push the current data into the other divergent branches. To ensure that one branch does not interfere with another branch, a memory-intensive operation is performed to clone the objects for each branch. However this is not always required if a protected attribute is not being modified.

Protected Attributes






Current result within the pipeline



Metadata associated with the collection



Information for errors that occurred



Data related to RequestMoreData iterations

By marking a custom step as mutable=False, the memory-intensive cloning will not occur and offer a memory and speed boost to the Snippet Framework. When a step is not marked as mutable, the Snippet Framework will copy the reference of each protected attributes rather than cloning the attributes. To safely mark a step as mutable, the step must not update the reference of a protected attribute.

mutable should be defined as a boolean during the registration process. If it is not specified, the step is assumed to be mutable.

An example of a step that should be marked as mutable:

        "author": "ScienceLogic",
        "title": "Pop Metadata Key",
        "mutable": True
def pop_metadata_key(step_args, metadata):
    # This step is mutable as `.pop` modifies the metadata reference
    return metadata.pop(step_args)

Since the pop method of a dict will remove a given key and alter the reference to the metadata dict in memory, this step mutates the data and should not be considered as mutable.