Using the PowerPack Quality Assessment Tool


  1. Download the PowerPack Quality Assessment Tool from the ScienceLogic Support Site.

  2. Install docker image.

    $ docker load -i <FILENAME>


    $ docker load -i powerpack_quality_assessment_tool_1.0.0.tar.gz
  3. Check image is installed. Note <REPOSITORY> and <TAG> values.

    $ docker images
    REPOSITORY                           TAG      IMAGE ID
    powerpack-quality-assessment-tool    1.0.0    e65869419576


  1. Run new container from installed image.

    $ docker run -p 8000:8000 <REPOSITORY>:<TAG>


    $ docker run -p 8000:8000 powerpack-quality-assessment-tool:1.0.0
  2. Visit http://localhost:8000/.


    If running on a non-local VM, you should access it through the IP of that VM on port 8000


Once you are at the PowerPack Quality Assessment Tool page, you can upload a PowerPack by dragging it into the box on screen or by clicking the button that says [Drop files here to upload] and selecting the PowerPack file. The PowerPack Quality Assessment Tool will then read through your PowerPack and prepare your reports.

Once the PowerPack Quality Assessment Tool has finished preparing your reports, you will see the summary screen. From the summary screen you can select the icon(s) for various report types as well as follow links to the documentation. From within the Standards Tests and the Unit Tests reports, you can click on any test description to be taken to the test definition in the documentation.