Token Authentication

The Token Authentication, also known as Token Bearer, method uses an additional header when passing the request for authentication. This token is generated from the “Token Retrieval Endpoint”.

To use the Token Authentication method, you must select “Token Authentication” as the value for the “Authentication Type” field.

The fields used to configure Token Authentication include:

  • Username: This field provides the username when requesting the token from “Token Retrieval Endpoint”. This field is optional.

  • Password: This field provides the password when requesting the token from “Token Retrieval Endpoint”. This field is optional.

  • Token Retrieval Endpoint: This field provides the URL for generating the token that is used in the data request. This field is required.

  • Authorization Header: This field describes the name of the header to be sent. Default: Authorization. This field is optional.

  • Bearer Token Format: This field describes how the content should be sent. The format allows for a single substitution for the token. This substitution occurs when specifying {} in the format. For example, if you wanted to use Bearer <token> you would input Bearer {}. Default: {}. This field is optional.

  • Token Key: This field states the key where the token exists in the returned JSON dictionary. This field is required.


You must make a request to a web-server (data server) that requires a token from another web-server (token server). The data server expects the header Auth: CoolBeans <token>. The token server generates tokens at with the credentials my_user/password4321 and returns the following format:

    "token": "<the_token_to_use>",
    "expires": "900s"

To configure Token Authentication, the following fields are required:

  • Username: my_user

  • Password: password4321

  • Token Retrieval Endpoint:

  • Token Key: token

  • Authorization Header: Auth

  • Bearer Token Format: CoolBeans {}