Navigation Tabs

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Navigation Tabs are the menu option panes that appear at the top of the page or at the top of some panels in the classic SL1 user interface.

SL1 allows you to create custom top-level navigation tabs, or add a navigation tab in the Device Administration panel, the Organization Administration panel, or the Asset panel. The new tab can lead to an external page in your network (for example, a web-based control panel), to another page in SL1, or to an external website.

Top-level tabs appear with the other default tabs in SL1 (for example, the Views tab or the Tickets tab).

Entity tabs can be created for the Device Administration panel, Organization Administration panel, and/or the Asset panel. You can define access permissions for top-level and entity tabs, and define where they are visible.

Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:

  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all of the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

Viewing the Navigation Tab Editor Page

The Navigation Tab Editor page displays a list of tabs that have been created in SL1. From the Navigation Tab Editor page you can also create, edit, and delete a top-level or entity tab.

To view a list of created tabs in the Navigation Tab Editor page:

  1. Go to the Navigation Tab Editor page (System > Customize > Navigation Tabs).
  2. The Tab Registry pane at the bottom of the Navigation Tab Editor page displays a list of created tabs. For each tab, the Navigation Tab Editor page displays the following information:
  • Element Type. Specifies if the tab is a top-level tab or entity level tab. A top-level tab is defined as Main Admin UI. An entity level tab is displayed as Device, Organization, or Asset.
  • ID. Numeric identifier automatically assigned to the tab by SL1.
  • Tab Title. Name given to the tab.
  • Access. Type of user account that can access the tab. Options are Administrators or Users.
  • User Edit. User who created or last edited the tab.
  • Date Edit. Time the tab was created or last edited.

Creating a Top-Level Tab

In the Navigation Tab Editor page you can create a top-level tab that will appear with the default top-level tabs in SL1. The new tab can contain only a URL and will display the page specified in the URL you have designated. The URL can lead to a page in SL1 or a page in an external website (for example, a web-based control panel).

To create a new top-level tab:

  1. Go to the Navigation Tab Editor page (System > Customize > Navigation Tabs).
  2. In the Navigation Tab Editor page, select the Reset button to clear any fields from the Editor pane.
  3. In the Editor pane at the top of the page, supply a value in each field:
  • Navigation Tab Location. Specifies whether to display the new tab as a top-level tab in SL1 or as part of the Organization Administration panel, Device Administration panel, or Asset panel. Select:
  • Main Admin UI. The new tab will appear as a top-level tab in SL1.
  • Navigation Tab Title. Tab's label. This is the text that users will see on the tab.
  • Link Type. For future use. Do not use this field.
  • Always Visible. Specifies whether or not users who are not allowed to access the tab will be able to view the tab in SL1. Choices are:
  • No. Tab will not appear in SL1 for users who do not have the appropriate permission keys to access the tab.
  • Yes. Tab will always appear in SL1 and will be visible to users who do not have the appropriate permission keys to access the tab.
  • Display For. If you selected Main Admin UI in the Navigation Tab Location field, this field is grayed out. To learn about this field, see the section Creating an Entity-Level Tab.
  • Entity Selector. If you selected Main Admin UI in the Navigation Tab Location field, this field is grayed out. To learn about this field, see the section Creating an Entity-Level Tab.
  • Access. Users who will be allowed to access the tab, based on the type of user account. The choices are:
  • Administrators. Only users with account type "administrator" are allowed to access this tab.
  • Users. Both users with account type "user" and users with account type "administrator" are allowed to access this tab.
  • Permission Keys. Select zero, one, or more access keys in this field. To access this tab, a user account must be granted at least one of the selected access keys. Access Keys are defined by the SL1 system administrator from theAccess Keys page (System > Manage > Access Keys). To learn more about access keys and permissions, see the Access Permissions section.

  • Target. Specifies how the URL will be opened after the tab has been selected. Choices are:
  • _self. The specified URL will open and replace SL1 in your browser.
  • _blank. The specified URL will open in a new tab or new window, and SL1 will remain available in a separate tab or window.
  • Zoombox. The specific URL will be opened in a new window in front of SL1.
  • iframe. The specific URL will open in the pane below the header and top-level navigation tabs. For example, if you select iframe and enter "" in the URL field, the ScienceLogic home page is displayed when the tab is selected.

  • URL. Full URL or link for the page that will be displayed in the tab.
  1. Select the Save button to save the tab. The tab will be displayed with the default top-level tabs and will lead to the URL you have specified.

Creating an Entity-Level Tab

An entity-level tab can be created in the Device Administration panel, Organization panel, or the Asset panel. You can create an entity-level tab from the Navigation Tab Editor page.

To create an entity-level tab:

  1. Go to the Navigation Tab Editor page (System > Customize > Navigation Tabs).
  2. In the Navigation Tab Editor page, select the Reset button to clear any fields from the Editor pane.
  3. In the Editor pane at the top of the page, supply a value in each field:
  • Navigation Tab Location. Specifies whether to display the new tab as a top-level tab in SL1 or as part of the Organization Administration panel, Device Administration panel, or Asset panel. Select:
  • Entity Page(s). The new tab will appear as part of the Organization Administration panel, Device Administration panel, or Asset panel.
  • Navigation Tab Title. Tab's label. This is the text that users will see on the tab.
  • Link Type. For future use. Do not use this field.
  • Always Visible. Specifies whether or not users who are not allowed to access the tab will be able to view the tab in SL1. Choices are:
  • No. Tab will not appear in the product for users who do not have the appropriate permission keys to access the tab.
  • Yes. Tab will always appear in the product and will be visible to users who do not have the appropriate permission keys to access the tab.
  • Display For. In this field, you specify the area in SL1 where you want to the tab to appear. The choices are:
  • Organization. The new tab will appear in the Organization Administration panel for selected organizations.
  • Device. The new tab will appear in the Device Administration panel for selected devices.
  • Asset. The new tab will appear in the Asset Administration panel for selected assets.
  • Entity Selector. Depending on the entity you selected in the Display For field, you can select which organization/device/asset(s) will display the new tab in this field. You can choose to display the new tab in the panel for all, one, or multiple organizations/devices/assets.
  • To select all entities, select the entry All Organizations/Devices/Assets
  • To select a single organization/device/asset, highlight it.
  • To select multiple organizations/devices/assets, left click while holding down the <Shift> key.
  • Access. Users who will be allowed to access the tab, based on the type of user account. The choices are:
  • Administrators. Only users with account type "administrator" are allowed to access this tab.
  • Users. Both users with account type "user" and users with account type "administrator" are allowed to access this tab.
  • Permission Keys. Select zero, one, or more access keys in this field. To access this tab, a user account must be granted at least one of the selected access keys. Access Keys are defined by the system administrator from the Access Keys page (System > Manage > Access Keys). To learn more about access keys and permissions, see the Access Permissions manual.
  • Target. Specifies how the URL will be opened once the tab has been selected. Choices are:
  • _self. The specified URL will open and replace SL1 in your browser.
  • _blank. The specified URL will open in a new tab or new window, and SL1 will remain available in a separate tab or window.
  • zoombox. The specific URL will be opened in a new window in front of SL1.
  • iframe. This option is available only if Device is selected in the Display For field. The specific URL will open in the pane below the read-only information in the Device Administration panel.
  • URL/Link. Full URL or link for the page that will be displayed in the tab.
  • Select the Save button to save the tab. The tab will be displayed in the Device Administration panel, Organization Administration panel, or Asset Administration panel as you have specified.

Editing and Deleting a Tab

After you have created a custom navigation tab you can edit and delete it from the Navigation Tab Editor page. You can edit one or more parameters of a custom tab. You can also delete a custom tab.

To edit a custom tab:

  1. Go to the Navigation Tab Editor page (System > Customize > Navigation Tabs).
  2. In the Navigation Tab Editor page, select the Reset button to clear any fields from the Editor pane.
  3. In the Tab Registry pane at the bottom of the page, find the tab you want to edit. Select its wrench icon ().
  4. The Editor pane (at the bottom of the page) is populated with values from the selected tab. If you have selected a top-level tab, you can edit one or more of the fields described in the section Creating a Top-Level Tab. If you have selected an entity-level tab, you can edit one or more of the fields described in the section Creating an Entity-Level Tab.
  5. To save your changes, select the Save button.
  6. If you would like to save your changes as a new tab without making changes to the tab you selected to edit, supply a new name in the Navigation Tab Title field and select the Save As button. The new tab will be added to the Navigation Tab Editor page.

You can delete a custom navigation tab from the Navigation Tab Editor page. You can delete only one custom tab at a time.

To delete a custom navigation tab:

  1. Go to the Navigation Tab Editor page (System > Customize > Navigation Tabs).
  2. In the Tab Registry pane, find the navigation tab you want to delete. Select its bomb icon ().
  3. You will be prompted to confirm the tab deletion. Select the OK button to delete the navigation tab. Select the Cancel button to return to the Navigation Tab Editor page.