Introduction to the Restorepoint SyncPack

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This section describes how you can use the "Restorepoint" SyncPack to automatically add SL1 devices to Restorepoint when those devices are discovered in SL1 and then sync data for those devices. This SyncPack also collects backup log data from Restorepoint.

The "Restorepoint" SyncPack uses the "Restorepoint" PowerPack.

What Can I Do with this SyncPack?

The "Restorepoint" SyncPack contains PowerFlow applications that can automatically add, or "onboard", SL1 devices to Restorepoint when those devices are discovered in SL1. You can also use this SyncPack to collect backup log data from Restorepoint.

This SyncPack lets you configure the following integrations between Restorepoint and SL1:

  • Onboard and Sync Devices. The "Restorepoint: Sync Devices" application syncs existing SL1 devices with Restorepoint devices. The application also adds new SL1 devices and their associated elements to Restorepoint, including the domain and credential. The application gets details about how the device will be configured in Restorepoint, including the assigned agent and device type, from a mapping in the aligned configuration object.
  • Get Logs from Restorepoint. The "Restorepoint: Get the list of Logs from Restorepoint" application queries the Restorepoint API to collect backup success and failure logs from Restorepoint. These logs are also synced to SL1. You can use PowerFlow to compare the logs to make sure the backups ran successfully in Restorepoint.
  • Update credentials from SL1. The "Restorepoint: Get list of credentials from SL1" application queries SL1 for existing credentials and matches them against credentials in Restorepoint. If there is a change to the credential in SL1 and the credential exists in Restorepoint, the credential is updated with the new information.
  • Sync Compliance Logs to SL1 as Events. The "Restorepoint: Gather Compliance Logs from Restorepoint" application checks for compliance logs from Restorepoint and syncs them to SL1 to create events for the compliance alerts in SL1.

For more information about configuring these integrations, see Configuring Applications for the RestorepointSyncPack.

Contents of the SyncPack

This section lists the contents of the "Restorepoint" SyncPack.

PowerFlow Applications

Before you can use the integrations between Restorepoint and SL1, you will need to configure the following applications in the "Restorepoint" SyncPack:

  • Restorepoint: Get list of credentials from SL1. This application queries SL1 for existing credentials and matches them against credentials in Restorepoint. If there is a change to the credential in SL1 and the credential exists in Restorepoint, the credential is updated with the new information. For more information, see Configuring the Restorepoint: Get list of credentials from SL1 application.
  • Restorepoint: Get the List of Logs from Restorepoint. This application queries the Restorepoint API to collect backup success and failure logs from Restorepoint. You can use PowerFlow to compare the logs to make sure the backups ran successfully in Restorepoint. For more information, see Configuring the Restorepoint: Get the List of Logs from Restorepoint Application.
  • Restorepoint: Sync Devices. This application discovers newly registered SL1 devices and then triggers the "Restorepoint: Onboard Device" application on the discovered device. The "Restorepoint: Onboard Device" application adds new devices and the associated elements to Restorepoint, and also creates Restorepoint custom attributes for the new devices in SL1. For more information, see Configuring the Restorepoint: Sync Devices Application.
  • Restorepoint: Get a list of devices not present in SL1. This application checks for devices missing from SL1.
  • Restorepoint: Gather Compliance Logs from Restorepoint. This application checks for compliance logs from Restorepoint and syncs them to SL1 to create events for the compliance alerts in SL1. For more information, see Configuring the Restorepoint: Gather Compliance Logs from Restorepoint Application.

PowerFlow Applications (Internal)

The following applications are "internal" applications that should not be run directly, but are automatically run by applications from the previous list. To view these internal PowerFlow applications, click the Filter icon () on the Applications page and select Show Hidden Applications. Internal applications are hidden by default.

  • Restorepoint: Change detection for backed up devices. This application queries the Restorepoint API to determine whether there was a change between the last two backups. This application is triggered by the "Restorepoint: Get the List of Logs from Restorepoint" application.
  • Restorepoint: Onboard Device. This application adds new devices and the associated elements to Restorepoint, including the domain and credential. This application also creates Restorepoint custom attributes for the new devices in SL1. The application gets details about how the device will be configured in Restorepoint, including the assigned agent and device type, from a mapping in the aligned configuration object. This application is triggered by the "Restorepoint: Sync Devices" application.
  • Restorepoint: Update Event info in SL1. This application populates SL1 events with log and backup information that is collected from Restorepoint. This application is triggered by the "Restorepoint: Get the List of Logs from Restorepoint" and the "Restorepoint: Gather Compliance Logs from Restorepoint" applications.

Configuration Object

  • Restorepoint Base Config. This configuration object can be used as a template after the SyncPack is installed on the PowerFlow system. The configuration object includes the following:
  • Details for connecting to the SL1 API, including the URL, username, and password.
  • Details for connecting to the Restorepoint API, including the URL, username, and password.
  • Details for connecting to the SL1 database, including the URL, username, and password.
  • A mapping between SL1 Device Class GUIDs and Restorepoint device types.
  • A default value for Restorepoint device types.
  • Mapping between SL1 collector appliance IDs and Restorepoint agents.
  • A default backup schedule for all new devices added to Restorepoint.
  • An option to add a custom link configuration to SL1, a user access URL, a timestamp, and the option to allow device change detection.


The following steps are included in this SyncPack:

  • Add Restorepoint ID custom attribute to SL1 device
  • Create and Update Restorepoint Credential
  • Create Restorepoint Domain
  • Determine the change in Restorepoint Logs
  • Filter basic/snippet and ssh SL1 credentials list
  • Get 'Dynamic Applications' aligned to the device
  • Get backup data from RP
  • Get collector group details for list of SL1 devices
  • Get credential details from SL1
  • Get device class details for list of SL1 devices
  • Get device id from SL1
  • Get device list from RP
  • Get Devices from SL1
  • Get license details from RP
  • Get List of Basic/Snippet Credentials from SL1
  • Get List of Restorepoint Credentials
  • Get list of SSH credentials from SL1
  • Get Logs from Restorepoint and save in PF cache
  • Get Organization Details from SL1
  • Get Restorepoint Compliance Logs
  • Insert data in SL1 database
  • Optional QueryGQL Call RP
  • Restorepoint: Create Device
  • Select Custom Link
  • Select Device ID from SL1
  • Select devices from SL1
  • Transfer Data
  • Update Device Event Info