Editing the Webex Automation Actions
The Webex Automation PowerPack includes automation actions that use the "Run Integration Service Application" action type to trigger the PowerFlow applications that send and receive data to and from Webex. You can specify the credential ID in a JSON structure that you enter in the Input Parameters field in the Action Policy Editor modal.
After you edit the action and trigger the event policy, the new event log will be added to the respective device on the Event Console page.
To edit the automation actions included in the PowerPack:
- Go to the Action Policy Manager page (Registry > Run Book > Actions).
- Locate the automation action that you want to use, and then click its wrench icon (
). The Editing Action page appears:
- In the Input Parameters field, change the values of the following parameters:
- credential_id. Change the value to the credential ID that you noted earlier when creating a credential for your SL1PowerFlow system. This field is required.
- include_event. Leave the value as "true".
- application_name. Leave the default application value.
- params. Leave the default parameter value.
- Click .