Installing Patches

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This section describes how to install patches on SL1 appliances.

Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:

  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all of the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

System Updates

To maintain the security of SL1, you must install the latest updates and patches. You must also consult the release notes for each update and patch to ensure that you have performed any required manual configuration.

The System Updates page allows you to update the software on your SL1 Appliances. You must first download the update file to the local computer where you are running the browser. You can then load the software update through the user interface. After the software is loaded, you can install the software or schedule the software to be installed at a later time.

The System Updates page also maintains a list of installed updates and the date and time at which each update was applied.

Downloading a Patch

Before you can load a patch or update onto your instance of the SL1 system, you must first download the patch or update to your local computer.

The following steps do not affect the performance of the SL1 system. ScienceLogic recommends that you perform these steps at least three days before upgrading.

To download the patch or update:

  1. Log in to Use your ScienceLogic customer account and password to access this site.
  2. From the SL1 Product Downloads menu, select SL1 Platform. The Platform Downloads page appears.
  3. Find the release you are interested in and click its name. The Release Version page appears.
  4. Click the specific link for a release, if needed.
  5. Click the link for the release image or release patch you want to download, and click the Download File button. The file is then downloaded to your local computer.

Loading an Update onto the Platform

For information on updating an existing SL1 system, see the section on Updating, Monitoring, and Maintaining SL1 in the System Administration manual. The Updating, Monitoring, and Maintaining SL1 manual describes how to update the software on your SL1 appliances.

For more information, see the Updating, Monitoring, and Maintaining SL1 manual.