Key Metrics Collected by the PowerPack

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This section lists the key metrics for AWS services that the Amazon Web Services PowerPack collects by Dynamic Application.

Partial coverage exists for some services for which general information, such as performance counts, is monitored.

Amazon MQ Service

These Dynamic Applications are available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: Active MQ Broker-1 Performance
Object Name Object Description
Amqp Maximum Connections - Avg The maximum number of clients you can connect to your broker using AMQP. For more information on connection quotas, see Quotas in Amazon MQ.
Burst Balance - Avg The percentage of burst credits remaining on the Amazon EBS volume used to persist message data for throughput-optimized brokers. If this balance reaches zero, the IOPS provided by the Amazon EBS volume will decrease until the Burst Balance refills.
Cpu Credit Balance - Avg The number of earned CPU credits that an instance has accrued since it was launched or started (including the number of launch credits). The credit balance is available for the broker instance to spend on bursts beyond the baseline CPU utilization. This metric is available only for the mq.t2.micro broker instance type.
Cpu Utilization - Avg The percentage of allocated Amazon EC2 compute units that the broker currently uses.
Current Connections Count - Avg The current number of active connections on the current broker.
Established Connections Count - Avg The total number of connections, active and inactive, that have been established on the broker.
Heap Usage - Avg The percentage of the ActiveMQ JVM memory limit that the broker currently uses.
Inactive Durable Topic Subscribers Count - Avg The number of inactive durable topic subscribers, up to a maximum of 2000.
Job Scheduler Store Percent Usage - Avg The percentage of disk space used by the job scheduler store.
Journal Files For Fast Recovery - Avg The number of journal files that will be replayed after a clean shutdown.
Journal Files For Full Recovery - Avg The number of journal files that will be replayed after an unclean shutdown.
Mqtt Maximum Connections - Avg The maximum number of clients you can connect to your broker using MQTT. For more information on connection quotas, see Quotas in Amazon MQ.
Network Connector Connection Count - Avg The number of nodes connected to the broker in a network of brokers using NetworkConnector.
Network In - Avg The volume of incoming traffic for the broker.
Network Out - Avg The volume of outgoing traffic for the broker.
Open Transaction Count - Avg The total number of transactions in progress.
Openwire Maximum Connections - Avg The maximum number of clients you can connect to your broker using OpenWire. For more information on connection quotas, see Quotas in Amazon MQ.
Stomp Maximum Connections - Avg The maximum number of clients you can connect to your broker using STOMP. For more information on connection quotas, see Quotas in Amazon MQ.
Store Percent Usage - Avg The percent used by the storage limit. If this reaches 100, the broker will refuse messages.
Temp Percent Usage - Avg The percentage of available temporary storage used by non-persistent messages.
Total Consumer Count - Avg The number of message consumers subscribed to destinations on the current broker.
Total Message Count - Avg The number of messages stored on the broker.
Total Producer Count - Avg The number of message producers active on destinations on the current broker.
Volume Read Ops - Avg The number of read operations performed on the Amazon EBS volume.
Volume Write Ops - Avg The number of write operations performed on the Amazon EBS volume.
Ws Maximum Connections - Avg The maximum number of clients you can connect to your broker using WebSocket. For more information on connection quotas, see Quotas in Amazon MQ.
AWS: Active MQ Broker-2 Performance
Object Name Object Description
Amqp Maximum Connections - Avg The maximum number of clients you can connect to your broker using AMQP. For more information on connection quotas, see Quotas in Amazon MQ.
Burst Balance - Avg The percentage of burst credits remaining on the Amazon EBS volume used to persist message data for throughput-optimized brokers. If this balance reaches zero, the IOPS provided by the Amazon EBS volume will decrease until the Burst Balance refills.
Cpu Credit Balance - Avg The number of earned CPU credits that an instance has accrued since it was launched or started (including the number of launch credits). The credit balance is available for the broker instance to spend on bursts beyond the baseline CPU utilization. This metric is available only for the mq.t2.micro broker instance type.
Cpu Utilization - Avg The percentage of allocated Amazon EC2 compute units that the broker currently uses.
Current Connections Count - Avg The current number of active connections on the current broker.
Established Connections Count - Avg The total number of connections, active and inactive, that have been established on the broker.
Heap Usage - Avg The percentage of the ActiveMQ JVM memory limit that the broker currently uses.
Inactive Durable Topic Subscribers Count - Avg The number of inactive durable topic subscribers, up to a maximum of 2000.
Job Scheduler Store Percent Usage - Avg The percentage of disk space used by the job scheduler store.
Journal Files For Fast Recovery - Avg The number of journal files that will be replayed after a clean shutdown.
Journal Files For Full Recovery - Avg The number of journal files that will be replayed after an unclean shutdown.
Mqtt Maximum Connections - Avg The maximum number of clients you can connect to your broker using MQTT. For more information on connection quotas, see Quotas in Amazon MQ.
Network Connector Connection Count - Avg The number of nodes connected to the broker in a network of brokers using NetworkConnector.
Network In - Avg The volume of incoming traffic for the broker.
Network Out - Avg The volume of outgoing traffic for the broker.
Open Transaction Count - Avg The total number of transactions in progress.
Openwire Maximum Connections - Avg The maximum number of clients you can connect to your broker using OpenWire. For more information on connection quotas, see Quotas in Amazon MQ.
Stomp Maximum Connections - Avg The maximum number of clients you can connect to your broker using STOMP. For more information on connection quotas, see Quotas in Amazon MQ.
Store Percent Usage - Avg The percent used by the storage limit. If this reaches 100, the broker will refuse messages.
Temp Percent Usage - Avg The percentage of available temporary storage used by non-persistent messages.
Total Consumer Count - Avg The number of message consumers subscribed to destinations on the current broker.
Total Message Count - Avg The number of messages stored on the broker.
Total Producer Count - Avg The number of message producers active on destinations on the current broker.
Volume Read Ops - Avg The number of read operations performed on the Amazon EBS volume.
Volume Write Ops - Avg The number of write operations performed on the Amazon EBS volume.
Ws Maximum Connections - Avg The maximum number of clients you can connect to your broker using WebSocket. For more information on connection quotas, see Quotas in Amazon MQ.
AWS: Rabbit MQ Broker Performance
Object Name Object Description
Ack Rate - Sum The rate at which messages are being acknowledged by consumers. The number produced represents the number of messages per second at the time of sampling.
Channel Count - Avg The total number of channels established on the broker.
Confirm Rate - Sum The rate at which the RabbitMQ server is confirming published messages. You can compare this metric with PublishRate to better understand how your broker is performing. The number produced represents the number of messages per second at the time of sampling.
Connection Count - Avg The total number of connections established on the broker.
Consumer Count - Avg The total number of consumers connected to the broker.
Exchange Count - Avg The total number of exchanges configured on the broker.
Message Count - Avg The total number of messages in the queues. Note The number produced is the total sum of ready and unacknowledged messages on the broker.
Message Ready Count - Avg The total number of ready messages in the queues.
Message Unacknowledged Count - Avg The total number of unacknowledged messages in the queues.
Publish Rate - Sum The rate at which messages are published to the broker. The number produced represents the number of messages per second at the time of sampling.
Queue Count - Avg The total number of queues configured on the broker.
Rabbit Mqdisk Free - Avg The total volume of free disk space available in a RabbitMQ broker. When disk usage goes above its limit, the cluster will block all producer connections. For cluster deployments, this value represents the aggregate of all three RabbitMQ nodes' corresponding metric values.
Rabbit Mqdisk Free Limit - Avg The disk limit for a RabbitMQ broker. For cluster deployments, this value represents the aggregate of all three RabbitMQ nodes' corresponding metric values. This metric is different per instance size. For more information about Amazon MQ instance types, see Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ instance types.
Rabbit Mqfd Used - Avg Number of file descriptors used. For cluster deployments, this value represents the aggregate of all three RabbitMQ nodes' corresponding metric values.
Rabbit Mqmem Limit - Avg The RAM limit for a RabbitMQ broker. For cluster deployments, this value represents the aggregate of all three RabbitMQ nodes' corresponding metric values.
Rabbit Mqmem Used - Avg The volume of RAM used by a RabbitMQ broker. For cluster deployments, this value represents the aggregate of all three RabbitMQ nodes' corresponding metric values.
System Cpu Utilization - Avg The percentage of allocated Amazon EC2 compute units that the broker currently uses. For cluster deployments, this value represents the aggregate of all three RabbitMQ nodes' corresponding metric values.

API Gateway Service

AWS: API Gateway HTTP/Websocket Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Allow Credentials Specifies if credentials are included in the CORS request. HTTP only.
Allow Headers Allowed headers. HTTP only.
Allow Methods Allowed methods. HTTP only.
Allow Origins Allowed origins. HTTP only.
API Endpoint The URI of the API, usually in the format: {api-id}.execute-api.{region}
API Gateway Managed Specifies if the API is managed by API Gateway service.
API Id The ID of the API.
Api Key Selection Expression An API key selection expression. Supported only for WebSocket APIs.
Created Date The date the API was created.
Description The description of the API.
Disable Execute Api Endpoint Specifies whether clients can invoke your API by using the default execute-api endpoint. By default, clients can invoke your API with the default https://{api_id}.execute-api.{region} endpoint. To require that clients use a custom domain name to invoke your API, disable the default endpoint.
Disable Scheme Validation Avoid validating models when creating a deployment. Supported only for WebSocket APIs.
Exposed Headers Collection of exposed headers. HTTP only.
Import Info The validation information during API import. This may include particular properties of your OpenAPI definition which are ignored during import. Supported only for HTTP APIs.
Key The key of the key,value tags.
Max Age Number of seconds browser should cache preflight results. HTTP only.
Name The name of the API.
Protocol Type The API protocol.
Route Selection Expression The route selection expression for the API. For HTTP APIs, the routeSelectionExpression must be ${request.method} ${request.path}. If not provided, this will be the default for HTTP APIs. This property is required for WebSocket APIs.
Value The value of the the key, value tags.
Version The version ID for the API.
Warnings Warnings produced if failonwarnings is turned on during API import.
AWS: API Gateway HTTP Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
4XX Errors Sum of the client side errors (4xx) errors reported over the period.
5XX Errors The sum of server side errors (5xx) reported over the period.
Count Sum of total API requests in a period.
Data Processed The amount of data processed in bytes over the period.
Integration Latency Time between when API Gateway relays a request to the backend and it responds.
Latency Time between when API Gateway receives a request from a client and when it provides a response to that client.
AWS: API Gateway Service Configuration
Object Name Object Description
ID The identifier of a Usage Plan resource.
Name The name of a usage plan.
Rate The API request rate limit.
AWS API Gateway Service/Network Load Balancer The ELB associated with the API Gateway Service.
Burst The API request burst limit.
ID The identifier of the VPC Link.
Name The name of the VPC link.
Network Load Balancer The name of ELB associated with the API Gateway.
Quota The maximum number of requests that can be made in a given time period.
Stages The associated API stages of a usage plan.
Status The status of the VPC link.
Target ARNs The ARNs of network load balancers of the VPC targeted by the VPC link.
AWS: API Gateway Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date The timestamp of this health status update string.
Health A text description of this AWS API Gateway Service health status.
AWS: API Gateway Websocket Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Client Error The sum of requests that have a 4xx response returned by API Gateway before the integration is invoked over the period.
Connect Count The sum of messages sent to the $connect route integration over the period.
Execution Error The sum of the errors that occurred when calling the integration over the period.
Integration Error The sum of the request that return an error from the integration over the period.
Integration Latency The time difference between when API Gateway sending a request to the integration and when the integration provides a response.
Message Count The sum of messages sent to the Websocket API over the period.

Application ELB Service

AWS: Application ELB Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
AWS Application ELB/Availability Zones The availability zones for the load balancer.
AWS Application ELB/Security Groups The unique identifiers of the security groups for the load balancer.
AWS Application ELB/Target Groups The unique identifiers of the target groups for the application load balancer.
AWS Application ELB/VPC The unique identifier of the VPC for the load balancer.
DNS Name The public DNS name of the application load balancer.
Key The key of the tag, that belongs to the application load balancer.
Listener ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the listener.
Listener Port The port on which the load balancer is listening.
Listener Protocol The protocol for connections from clients to the load balancer.
Load Balancer ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the load balancer.
Load Balancer Name The name of the load balancer.
Load Balancer State The state of the load balancer.
Scheme The DNS name of an Internet-facing load balancer is publicly resolvable to the public IP addresses of the nodes.
Type The type of load balancer.
Value The value of the tag, that belongs to the application load balancer.
AWS: Application ELB Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Active Connection Count The total number of concurrent TCP connections active from clients to the load balancer and from the load balancer to targets.
Client TLS Negotiation Error Count The number of TLS connections initiated by the client that did not establish a session with the load balancer. Possible causes include a mismatch of ciphers or protocols.
HTTPCode_ELB_4XX_Count The number of HTTP 4XX client error codes that originate from the load balancer. Client errors are generated when requests are malformed or incomplete. These requests have not been received by the target. This count does not include any response codes generated by the targets.
HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count The number of HTTP 5XX server error codes that originate from the load balancer. This count does not include any response codes generated by the targets.
HTTPCode_Target_2XX_Count The number of HTTP response codes generated by the targets. This does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer.
HTTPCode_Target_3XX_Count The number of HTTP response codes generated by the targets. This does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer.
HTTPCode_Target_4XX_Count The number of HTTP response codes generated by the targets. This does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer.
HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count The number of HTTP response codes generated by the targets. This does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer.
Rejection Connection Count The number of connections that were rejected because the load balancer had reached its maximum number of connections.
Request Count The number of requests received by the load balancer. This includes requests over IPv4 and IPv6.
Target Connection Error Count The number of connections that were not successfully established between the load balancer and target.
Target Response Time The time elapsed, in seconds, after the request leaves the load balancer until a response from the target is received. This is equivalent to the target_processing_time field in the access logs.

AppRunner Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended ServicesPowerPack.

AWS: AppRunner Service Performance
Object Name Object Description
2XX Status Responses - Sum The number of HTTP requests that returned each response status, grouped by category 2xx.
4XX Status Responses - Sum The number of HTTP requests that returned each response status, grouped by category 4xx.
5XX Status Responses - Sum The number of HTTP requests that returned each response status, grouped by category 5xx.
Active Instances - Avg The number of instances that are processing HTTP requests for your service. If the ActiveInstances metric displays zero, it means that there are no requests for the service. It does not indicate that the number of instances for your service is zero.
Request Latency - Avg The time, in milliseconds, that it took your web service to process HTTP requests.
Requests - Sum The number of HTTP requests that the service received.

AppStream Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: AppStream 2.0 Performance
Object Name Object Description
Actual Capacity - Avg The total number of instances that are available for streaming or are currently streaming. ActualCapacity = AvailableCapacity + InUseCapacity
Available Capacity - Avg The number of idle instances currently available for user sessions. AvailableCapacity = ActualCapacity - InUseCapacity
Capacity Utilization - Avg Capacity utilization.
Desired Capacity - Avg The percentage of instances in a fleet that are being used, using the following formula. CapacityUtilization = (InUseCapacity/ActualCapacity) * 100 Monitoring this metric helps with decisions about increasing or decreasing the value of a fleet's desired capacity.
In Use Capacity - Avg The number of instances currently being used for streaming sessions. One InUseCapacity count represents one streaming session.
Insufficient Capacity Error - Avg The number of session requests rejected due to lack of capacity.
Pending Capacity - Avg The number of instances being provisioned by AppStream 2.0. Represents the additional number of streaming sessions the fleet can support after provisioning is complete. When provisioning starts, it usually takes 10-20 minutes for an instance to become available for streaming.
Running Capacity - Avg The total number of instances currently running. Represents the number of concurrent streaming sessions that can be supported by the fleet in its current state.

AppSync Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended ServicesPowerPack.

AWS: AppSync GraphQLAPI Performance
Object Name Object Description
4XX Error - Sum Errors resulting from requests that are not valid due to an incorrect client configuration. Typically, these errors happen anywhere outside of GraphQL processing. For example, these errors can occur when the request includes an incorrect JSON payload or an incorrect query, when the service is throttled, or when the authorization settings are misconfigured.
5XX Error - Sum Errors encountered during the running of a GraphQL query. For example, this can occur when invoking a query for an empty or incorrect schema. It can also occur when the Amazon Cognito user pool ID or AWS Region is not valid. Alternatively, this could also happen if AWS AppSync encounters an issue during processing of a request.
Active Connections - Sum The number of concurrent WebSocket connections from clients to AWS AppSync in 1 minute.
Active Subscriptions - Sum The number of concurrent subscriptions from clients in 1 minute.
Connect Client Error - Sum The number of WebSocket connections that were rejected by AWS AppSync because of client-side errors. This could imply that the service is throttled or that the authorization settings are misconfigured.
Connect Server Error - Sum The number of errors that originated from AWS AppSync while processing connections. This usually happens when an unexpected server-side issue occurs.
Connect Success - Sum The number of successful WebSocket connections to AWS AppSync. It is possible to have connections without subscriptions.
Connection Duration - Avg The amount of time that the connection stays open.
Disconnect Client Error - Sum The number of client errors that originated from AWS AppSync while disconnecting WebSocket connections.
Disconnect Server Error - Sum The number of server errors that originated from AWS AppSync while disconnecting WebSocket connections.
Disconnect Success - Sum The number of successful WebSocket disconnections from AWS AppSync.
Invalidation Success - Sum The number of subscriptions successfully invalidated (unsubscribed) by a mutation with $extensions.invalidateSubscriptions().
Latency - Avg The time between when AWS AppSync receives a request from a client and when it returns a response to the client. This doesn't include the network latency encountered for a response to reach the end devices.
Publish Data Message Client Error - Sum The number of subscription event messages that failed to publish because of client-side errors.
Publish Data Message Server Error - Sum The number of errors that originated from AWS AppSync while publishing subscription event messages. This usually happens when an unexpected server-side issue occurs.
Publish Data Message Size - Avg The size of subscription event messages published.
Publish Data Message Success - Sum The number of subscription event messages that were successfully published.
Subscribe Client Error - Sum The number of subscriptions that were rejected by AWS AppSync because of client-side errors. This can occur when a JSON payload is incorrect, the service is throttled, or the authorization settings are misconfigured.
Subscribe Server Error - Sum The number of errors that originated from AWS AppSync while processing subscriptions. This usually happens when an unexpected server-side issue occurs.
Subscribe Success - Sum The number of subscriptions that were successfully registered to AWS AppSync through WebSocket. It's possible to have connections without subscriptions, but it's not possible to have subscriptions without connections.
Unsubscribe Client Error - Sum The number of unsubscribe requests that were rejected by AWS AppSync because of client-side errors.
Unsubscribe Server Error - Sum The number of errors that originated from AWS AppSync while processing unsubscribe requests. This usually happens when an unexpected server-side issue occurs.
Unsubscribe Success - Sum The number of unsubscribe requests that were successfully processed.
AWS: AppSync Performance
Object Name Object Description
Requests - Sum The number of requests (queries + mutations) that all APIs in your account have processed, by Region.
Tokens Consumed - Sum Tokens are allocated to requests based on the amount of resources (processing time and memory used) that a request consumes. Usually, each request consumes one token. However, a request that consumes large amounts of resources is allocated additional tokens as needed.

Athena Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: Athena WorkGroup Performance
Object Name Object Description
Engine Execution Time - Sum The number of milliseconds that the query took to run.
Processed Bytes - Sum The number of bytes that Athena scanned per DML query. For queries that were canceled (either by the users, or automatically, if they reached the limit), this includes the amount of data scanned before the cancellation time. This metric is not reported for DDL queries.
Query Planning Time - Sum The number of milliseconds that Athena took to plan the query processing flow. This includes the time spent retrieving table partitions from the data source. Note that because the query engine performs the query planning, query planning time is a subset of EngineExecutionTime.
Query Queue Time - Sum The number of milliseconds that the query was in the query queue waiting for resources. Note that if transient errors occur, the query can be automatically added back to the queue.
Service Processing Time - Sum Number of milliseconds that Athena took to process the query results after the query engine finished running the query.
Total Execution Time - Sum The number of milliseconds that Athena took to run a DDL or DML query. TotalExecutionTime includes QueryQueueTime, QueryPlanningTime, EngineExecutionTime, and ServiceProcessingTime.

Auto Scale Service

AWS: Auto Scale Group Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
.Metric Name One or more metrics. If you omit this parameter, all metrics are enabled. GroupMinSize GroupMaxSize GroupDesiredCapacity GroupInServiceInstances GroupPendingInstances GroupStandbyInstances GroupTerminatingInstances GroupTotalInstances Note that the GroupStandbyInstances metric is not enabled by default. You must explicitly request this metric.
ARN The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
AWS Auto Scale Group/EC2 The unique identifier for the AutoScale-EC2 relationship.
AWS Auto Scale Group/Launch Configuration The identifier for this group's LaunchConfig.
Creation Date The datetime this group was created.
Default Cooldown The number of seconds allowed for the cooldown period.
Desired Capacity The desired size of the group.
Health Check Grace Period The polling interval between health checks.
Health Check Type The health check status type for the group. This is usually an EC2.
Id The unique identifier of the Auto Scale Group.
Launch Configuration ARN The identifier for this group's LaunchConfig.
Load Balancers A list of load balancers for the group.
Max The maximum size of the group.
Metric Granularity The granularity to associate with the metrics to collect. The only valid value is 1Minute.
Min The minimum size of the group.
Name The name of the Auto Scale group.
Placement Group The name of the placement group, if any, for this group.
Subnets The subnet ID of the VPC where the Group resides.
Suspended Processes A list of suspended process names.
Termination Policies Pre-launch environment variables
Zones All deployable zones in this region.
AWS: Auto Scale Group Performance
Object Name Object Description
Group Desired Capacity The number of instances that the Auto Scaling group attempts to maintain.
Group In Service Instances The number of instances that are running as part of the Auto Scaling group. This metric does not include instances that are pending or terminating.
Group Max Size The maximum size of the Auto Scaling group.
Group Min Size The minimum size of the Auto Scaling group.
Group Pending Instances The number of instances that are pending. A pending instance is not yet in service. This metric does not include instances that are in service or terminating.
Group Standby Instances The number of instances that are in a Standby state. Instances in this state are still running but are not actively in service.
Group Terminating Instances The number of instances that are in the process of terminating. This metric does not include instances that are in service or pending.
Group Total Instances The total number of instances in the Auto Scaling group. This metric identifies the number of instances that are in service, pending, and terminating.
AWS: Auto Scale Launch Config Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
ARN The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Block Devices Attached EBS filesystems at boot.
Created The datetime this configuration was created.
EBS Optimized If this configuration is EBS Optimized.
IAM Instance Profile The IAM role name associated with this configuration.
Id The unique identifier of the launch configuration.
Instance Type The EC2 type of the instances in this configuration.
Kernel ID The unique identifier for the kernel of this configuration.
Key Name The key-pair associated with this configuration.
Monitoring Whether or not detailed monitoring is set for this configuration.
Name The name of the launch configuration.
RAM Disk Id The unique ID, if any, for the RAM disk of this configuration.
Security Groups A list of security groups for this launch configuration.
Spot Price The spot price in USD/Hour for this configuration.

CloudFront Service

AWS: CloudFront Behavior Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Forwarded Query Strings The Forwarded Query Strings of the Behavior.
Id The unique identifier of the Behavior.
Name The name of the Behavior.
Origin The name of the Origin associated with this Behavior.
Path Pattern A path pattern (for example, images/*.jpg) specifies which requests you want this cache behavior to apply to. When CloudFront receives an end-user request, the requested path is compared with path patterns in the order in which cache behaviors are listed in the distribution.
Trusted Signers Trusted signers are the AWS accounts that can create signed URLs and signed cookies for a distribution. By default, no account, not even the account that created the distribution, is allowed to create signed URLs or signed cookies. To specify the AWS accounts that you want to use as trusted signers, add the accounts to your distribution (Web distributions and RTMP distributions)
Viewer Protocol Policy Configure the Viewer Protocol Policy for some or all of your CloudFront cache behaviors either to redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS requests or to require that viewers use only the HTTPS protocol to access your objects in the CloudFront cache.
AWS: CloudFront Error Page Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Error Caching Minimum TTL The smallest TTL (in seconds) allowed for this cached element.
HTTP Error Code The HTTP status code associated with this Error Page.
HTTP Response Code The HTTP status code used in the response header of the Error Page.
Response Page Path The URL path associated with the response resource of the Error Page.
AWS: CloudFront Invalidation Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Date The date when an invalidation was created.
Id The unique identifier of the Invalidation.
Object Paths The object paths of the Invalidation.
Status The status of the invalidation.
AWS: CloudFront Origin Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Access Identity The access identity hash value.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
HTTP Port The HTTP CloudFront uses only HTTP to access the origin.
HTTPS Port The HTTPS CloudFront uses only HTTPS to access the origin.
Id The unique identifier of the Origin.
Name The name of the Origin.
Origin Protocol Policy The cache behaviors are routing requests to the origins for which you have configured an Origin Protocol Policy of HTTPS Only or Match Viewer, if applicable.
Type The type of origin storage.
AWS: CloudFront Restriction Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Id The unique identifier of the Restriction.
Name The name of the Restriction.
Status Whether or not this restriction is enabled.
Type Whether the Restriction is a white-list or a black-list.
AWS: CloudFront RTMP Distribution Configuration
Object Name Object Description
CNames Alternative DNS entry names and sub-domains.
Comment A comment about the specific distribution.
Delivery Method The transfer protocol of the distribution.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Id The unique identifier of the distribution.
Last Modified The most recent date and time when the configuration of this distribution was modified.
Log Bucket The S3 bucket, if any, used to store the access logs of the distribution.
Log Prefix The log prefix, if any, used for the S3 path of the Log Bucket. Cloudfrontlog is the default value.
Name The name of the distribution.
Origin The fully-qualified S3 bucket name for the distribution.
Price Class The price tiers, if any, for restrictions on the distribution.
State Whether or not the distribution is enabled for deployment.
Status Whether or not the distribution is deployed.
Trusted Signers A list of AWS Account IDs.
AWS: CloudFront Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date A timestamp when the health status of this service was originally written.
Health A text description of the health status of this AWS service.
AWS: CloudFront Web Distribution Configuration
Object Name Object Description
AWS CloudFront Web Distribution/WAF Web ACL The Web ACL associated with the CloudFront.
CNames Alternative DNS entry names and sub-domains.
Comment A comment about the specific distribution.
Delivery Method The transfer protocol of the distribution.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Id The unique identifier of the distribution.
Last Modified The most recent date and time when the configuration of this distribution was modified.
Log Bucket The S3 bucket, if any, used to store the access logs of the distribution.
Log Prefix The log prefix, if any, used for the S3 path of the Log Bucket. Cloudfrontlog is the default value.
Name The name of the distribution.
Price Class The price tiers, if any, for restrictions on the distribution.
State Whether or not the distribution is enabled for deployment.
Status Whether or not the distribution is deployed.
AWS: CloudFront Web Distribution Performance
Object Name Object Description
4xx Error Rate The percentage of all requests for which the HTTP status code is 4xx.
5xx Error Rate The percentage of all requests for which the HTTP status code is 5xx.
Bytes Downloaded The number of bytes downloaded by viewers for GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS requests.
Bytes Uploaded The number of bytes uploaded to your origin with CloudFront using POST and PUT requests.
Requests The number of requests for all HTTP methods and for both HTTP and HTTPS requests.
Total Error Rate The percentage of all requests for which the HTTP status code is 4xx or 5xx.

CloudHSM Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended ServicesPowerPack.

AWS: CloudHSM Cluster Performance
Object Name Object Description
Hsm Keys Session Occupied - Sum The number of session keys being used by the HSM instance.
Hsm Keys Token Occupied - Sum The number of token keys being used by the HSM instance and the cluster.
Hsm Session Count - Sum The number of open connections to the HSM instance. Up to 2,048 are allowed. By default, the client daemon is configured to open two sessions with each HSM instance under one end-to-end encrypted channel. AWS CloudHSM may also have up to 2 connections open with the HSM to monitor the health of the HSMs.
Hsm Ssl Ctxs Occupied - Sum The number of end-to-end encrypted channels currently established for the HSM instance. Up to 2,048 channels are allowed.
Hsm Temperature - Sum The junction temperature of the hardware processor. The system shuts down if temperature reaches 110 degrees Centigrade.
Hsm Unhealthy - Sum The HSM instance is not performing properly. AWS CloudHSM automatically replaces unhealthy instances for you. You may choose to proactively expand cluster size to reduce performance impact while we are replacing the HSM.
Hsm Users Available - Avg The number of additional users that can be created. This equals the maximum number of users (listed in HsmUsersMax) minus the users created to date.
Hsm Users Max - Avg The maximum number of users that can be created on the HSM instance. Currently this is 1,024.
Interface Eth2 Octets Input - Sum The cumulative sum of incoming traffic to the HSM to date.
Interface Eth2 Octets Output - Sum The cumulative sum of outgoing traffic to the HSM to date.

CloudSearch Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: CloudSearch Domain Performance
Object Name Object Description
Index Utilization - Avg The percentage of the search instance's index capacity that has been used. The Maximum value indicates the percentage of the domain's index capacity that has been used.
Partitions - Avg The number of partitions the index is distributed across.
Searchable Documents - Max The number of searchable documents in the domain's search index.
Successful Requests - Sum The number of search requests successfully processed by a search instance.

CloudTrail Service

AWS: CloudTrail Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
AWS CloudTrail/S3 The identifier for the related S3.
AWS CloudTrail/SNS The unique identifier for the CloudTrail-SNS relationship.
AWS: S3 Relationship The group label for the CloudTrail-S3 relationship.
AWS: SNS Relationship The group label for the CloudTrail-SNS relationship.
Bucket Name The name of the S3 bucket which stores the trail.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Latest Delivery Attempt Succeeded The datetime of the most recent successful SNS delivery.
Latest Delivery Attempt Time The datetime of the most recent attempt to deliver cloud trail logs from SNS.
Latest Delivery Error The error type of the most recent, if any, SNS delivery error.
Latest Notification Attempt Succeeded The most recent datetime when an SNS delivery succeeded.
Latest Notification Attempt Time The datetime of the most recent SNS delivery attempt whether or not it succeeded.
Latest Notification Error The most recent notification error.
Log Global Service Events Whether or not service status events are logged.
Logging Whether or not the trail is actively logging.
Logging Prefix The prefix string, if any, attached to the S3 path where trails are stored.
Name The name of the trail.
SNS Publishing Whether or not trail logging is published to SNS.
SNS Topic Name The SNS topic which publishes trail updates.
Time Logging Started The datetime when logging most recently started.
Time Logging Stopped The most recent datetime when logging stopped.

CloudWatch Service

AWS: CloudWatch Alarms Performance
Object Name Object Description
CloudWatch Action (Failed) Alarms The total number of Action alarms with actionState Failure in the latest polling interval.
CloudWatch Action Alarms The total number of Action alarms received in the latest polling interval.
CloudWatch Alarms The total number of alarms received in the latest polling interval.
CloudWatch Alarms Collection Success Indicates the success (1) or failure (0) of the CloudWatch alarms history collection snippet. Failure (0) occurs if the snippet encounters an unexpected error. NOTE: This collection object is especially important for determining which CloudWatch alarms are to be monitored. 1. To collect all CloudWatch alarm types (ConfigurationUpdate, StateUpdate, Action), select the snippet cloudwatch_alarms_performance. 2. To collect only CloudWatch StateUpdate alarm types, select the snippet cloudwatch_alarms_performance_StateUpdate_only.
CloudWatch ConfigurationUpdate Alarms The total number of ConfigurationUpdate alarms received in the latest polling interval.
CloudWatch State Alarms The total number of StateUpdate alarms received in the latest polling interval.
CloudWatch StateUpdate (ALARM) Alarms The total number of Alarm StateUpdate alarms in the latest polling interval.
CloudWatch StateUpdate (INSUFFICIENT_DATA) Alarms The total number of INSUFFICIENT_DATA StateUpdate alarms in the latest polling interval.
CloudWatch StateUpdate (OK) Alarms The total number of OK StateUpdate alarms in the latest polling interval.
CloudWatch Total Alarms A running total of all AWS CloudWatch alarms seen since start of collection.
AWS: CloudWatch Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date A timestamp when this service's health status was originally written.
Health A text description of this AWS Service's health status.

CloudWatch Synthetics Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended ServicesPowerPack.

AWS: CloudWatch Synthetics Canary Performance
Object Name Object Description
2Xx - Sum The number of network requests performed by the canary that returned OK responses, with response codes between 200 and 299.
4Xx - Sum The number of network requests performed by the canary that returned Error responses, with response codes between 400 and 499.
5Xx - Sum The number of network requests performed by the canary that returned Fault responses, with response codes between 500 and 599.
Duration - Avg The duration in milliseconds of the canary run.
Failed - Sum The number of canary runs that failed to execute. These failures are related to the canary itself.
Failed Requests - Sum The number of HTTP requests executed by the canary on the target website that failed with no response.
Success Percent - Avg The percentage of the runs of this canary that succeed and find no failures.
Visual Monitoring Success Percent - Avg The percentage of visual comparisons that successfully matched the baseline screenshots during a canary run.
Visual Monitoring Total Comparisons - Sum The total number of visual comparisons that happened during a canary run.

CodeBuild Service

These Dynamic Applications are available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: CodeBuild Performance
Object Name Object Description
Build Duration - Avg Measures the duration of the build's BUILD phase.
Builds - Avg Measures the number of builds triggered.
Download Source Duration - Avg Measures the duration of the build's DOWNLOAD_SOURCE phase.
Duration - Avg Measures the duration of all builds over time.
Failed Builds - Sum Measures the number of builds that failed because of client error or a timeout.
Finalizing Duration - Avg Measures the duration of the build's FINALIZING phase.
Install Duration - Avg Measures the duration of the build's INSTALL phase.
Post Build Duration - Avg Measures the duration of the build's POST_BUILD phase.
Pre Build Duration - Avg Measures the duration of the build's PRE_BUILD phase.
Provisioning Duration - Avg Measures the duration of the build's PROVISIONING phase.
Queued Duration - Avg Measures the duration of the build's QUEUED phase.
Submitted Duration - Avg Measures the duration of the build's SUBMITTED phase.
Succeeded Builds - Sum Measures the number of successful builds.
Upload Artifacts Duration - Avg Measures the duration of the build's UPLOAD_ARTIFACTS phase.
AWS: CodeBuild Resource Performance
Object Name Object Description
Cpuutilized - Avg The number of CPU units of allocated processing used by the build container.
Cpuutilized Percent - Avg The percentage of allocated processing used by the build container.
Memory Utilized - Avg The number of megabytes of memory used by the build container.
Memory Utilized Percent - Avg The percentage of allocated memory used by the build container.
Storage Read Bytes - Avg The storage read speed used by the build container.
Storage Write Bytes - Avg The storage write speed used by the build container.

Cognito Service

These Dynamic Applications are available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: Cognito Resource Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Call Count - Sum Provides the total number of calls customers made related to a category. This metric includes all the calls, such as throttled calls, failed calls, and successful calls.
Throttle Count - Sum Provides the total number of throttled calls related to a category.
AWS: Cognito UserPool Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Federation Successes - Sum Provides the total number of successful identity federation requests to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A successful identity federation request produces a value of 1, whereas an unsuccessful request produces a value of 0. A throttled request is also considered as an unsuccessful request, and hence a throttled request will also produce a count of 0.
Federation Throttles - Sum Provides the total number of throttled identity federation requests to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A count of 1 is published whenever an identity federation request is throttled.
Sign In Successes - Sum Provides the total number of successful user authentication requests made to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A user authentication is considered successful when authentication token is issued to the user
Sign In Throttles - Sum Provides the total number of throttled user authentication requests made to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A count of 1 is published whenever an authentication request is throttled.
Sign Up Successes - Sum Provides the total number of successful user registration requests made to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A successful user registration request produces a value of 1, whereas an unsuccessful request produces a value of 0. A throttled request is also considered as an unsuccessful request, and hence a throttled request will also produce a count of 0.
Sign Up Throttles - Sum Provides the total number of throttled user registration requests made to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A count of 1 is published whenever a user registration request is throttled.
Token Refresh Successes - Sum Provides the total number of successful requests to refresh an Amazon Cognito token that were made to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A successful refresh Amazon Cognito token request produces a value of 1, whereas an unsuccessful request produces a value of 0. A throttled request is also considered as an unsuccessful request, and hence a throttled request will also produce a count of 0.
Token Refresh Throttles - Sum Provides the total number of throttled requests to refresh an Amazon Cognito token that were made to the Amazon Cognito user pool. A count of 1 is published whenever a refresh Amazon Cognito token request is throttled.

Connect Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: Connect Performance
Object Name Object Description
Call Back Not Dialable Number - Avg The number of times a queued callback to a customer could not be dialed because the customer's number is in a country for which outbound calls are not allowed for the instance. The countries allowed for an instance are defined by the service quotas.
Call Recording Upload Error - Sum The number of call recordings that failed to upload to the Amazon S3 bucket configured for your instance. This is the bucket specified in Data Storage > Call Recordings settings for the instance.
Calls Breaching Concurrency Quota - Sum The total number of voice calls that exceeded the concurrent calls quota for the instance. For the total number of calls that breach the quota, take a look at the Sum statistic. For example, assume your contact center experiences the following volumes, and your service quota is 100 concurrent calls: 0:00 : 125 concurrent calls. This is 25 over the quota. 0:04 : 135 concurrent calls. This is 35 over the quota. 0:10 : 150 concurrent calls. This is 50 over the quota. CallsBreachingConcurrencyQuota = 110: the total number of voice calls that exceeded the quota between 0:00 and 0:10.
Calls Per Interval - Avg The average number of voice calls, both inbound and outbound, received or placed per second in the instance.
Chats Breaching Active Chat Quota - Sum The total number of valid requests made to start a chat that exceeded the concurrent active chats quota for the instance. For the total number of chats requests that breach the quota, take a look at the Sum statistic. For example, assume your contact center experiences the following volumes, and your service quota is 2500 concurrent active chats: 0:00 : 2525 concurrent active chats. This is 25 over the quota. 0:04 : 2535 concurrent active chats. This is 35 over the quota. 0:10 : 2550 concurrent active chats. This is 50 over the quota. ChatsBreachingActiveChatsQuota = 110: the total number of chats that exceeded the quota between 0:00 and 0:10.
Concurrent Active Chats - Avg The number of concurrent active chats in the instance at the time the data is displayed in the dashboard. The value displayed for this metric is the number of concurrent active chats at the time the dashboard is displayed, and not a sum for the entire interval of the refresh interval set. All active chats are included, not only active tasks that are connected to agents.
Concurrent Active Chats Percentage - Sum The percentage of the concurrent active chats service quota used in the instance. This is calculated by: ConcurrentActiveChats / ConfiguredConcurrentActiveChatsLimit Where ConfiguredConcurrentActiveChatsLimit is the Concurrent active chats per instance configured for your instance.
Concurrent Calls - Avg The number of concurrent active voice calls in the instance at the time the data is displayed in the dashboard. The value displayed for this metric is the number of concurrent active calls at the time the dashboard is displayed, and not a sum for the entire interval of the refresh interval set. All active voice calls are included, not only active calls that are connected to agents.
Concurrent Calls Percentage - Avg The percentage of the concurrent active voice calls service quota used in the instance. This is calculated by: ConcurrentCalls / ConfiguredConcurrentCallsLimit.
Concurrent Tasks - Avg The number of concurrent active tasks in the instance at the time the data is displayed in the dashboard. The value displayed for this metric is the number of concurrent active tasks at the time the dashboard is displayed, and not a sum for the entire interval of the refresh interval set. All active tasks are included, not only active tasks that are connected to agents.
Concurrent Tasks Percentage - Avg he percentage of the concurrent active tasks service quota used in the instance. This is calculated by: ConcurrentTasks / ConfiguredConcurrentTasksLimit Where ConfiguredConcurrentTasksLimit is the Concurrent tasks per instance configured for your instance. Unit: Percent (output displays as a decimal).
Contact Flow Errors - Sum The number of times the error branch for a contact flow was run.
Contact Flow Fatal Errors - Sum The number of times a contact flow failed to execute due to a system error.
Longest Queue Wait Time - Max The longest amount of time, in seconds, that a contact waited in a queue. This is the length of time a contact waited in a queue during the refresh interval selected in the CloudWatch dashboard, such as 1 minute or 5 minutes.
Misconfigured Phone Numbers - Sum The number of calls that failed because the phone number is not associated with a contact flow.
Missed Calls - Sum The number of voice calls that were missed by agents during the refresh interval selected, such as 1 minute or 5 minutes. A missed call is one that is not answered by an agent within 20 seconds.
Public Signing Key Usage - Sum The number of times a contact flow security key (public signing key) was used to encrypt customer input in a contact flow.
Queue Capacity Exceeded Error - Sum The number of calls that were rejected because the queue was full.
Queue Size - Sum The number of contacts in the queue. The value reflects the number of contacts in the queue at the time the dashboard is accessed, not for the duration of the reporting interval.
Successful Chats Per Interval - Sum The number of chats successfully started in the instance for the defined interval.
Tasks Breaching Concurrency Quota - Sum The total number of tasks that exceeded the concurrent tasks quota for the instance. For the total number of tasks that breach the quota, take a look at the Sum statistic.
Tasks Expired - Sum Tasks which have expired after being active for 7 days.
Tasks Expiry Warning Reached - Sum Tasks that have been active for 6 days 22 hours and reached expiry warning limit.
Throttled Calls - Sum The number of voice calls that were rejected because the rate of calls per second exceeded the maximum supported quota. To increase the supported rate of calls, request an increase in the service quota for concurrent active calls per instance.
To Instance Packet Loss Rate - Sum The ratio of packet loss for calls in the instance, reported every 10 seconds. Each data point is between 0 and 1, which represents the ratio of packets lost for the instance.

DAX Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended ServicesPowerPack.

AWS: DAX Cluster Performance
Object Name Object Description
Batch Get Item Request Count - Sum The number of BatchGetItem requests handled by the node or cluster.
Batch Write Item Request Count - Sum The number of BatchWriteItem requests handled by the node or cluster.
Cache Memory Utilization - Avg The percentage of available cache memory that is in use by the item cache and query cache on the node or cluster. Cached data starts to be evicted prior to memory utilization reaching 100% (see EvictedSize metric). If CacheMemoryUtilization reaches 100% on any node, write requests will be throttled and you should consider switching to a cluster with a larger node type.
Cache Memory Utilization - Max The percentage of available cache memory that is in use by the item cache and query cache on the node or cluster. Cached data starts to be evicted prior to memory utilization reaching 100% (see EvictedSize metric). If CacheMemoryUtilization reaches 100% on any node, write requests will be throttled and you should consider switching to a cluster with a larger node type.
Client Connections - Avg The number of simultaneous connections made by clients to the node or cluster.
CPU Credit Balance - Avg The number of earned CPU credits that a node has accrued since it was launched or started. Credits are accrued in the credit balance after they are earned, and removed from the credit balance when they are spent. The credit balance has a maximum limit, determined by the DAX node size. After the limit is reached, any new credits that are earned are discarded. The credits in the CPUCreditBalance are available for the node to spend to burst beyond its baseline CPU utilization.
CPU Credit Usage - Avg The number of CPU credits spent by the node for CPU utilization. One CPU credit equals one vCPU running at 100% utilization for one minute or an equivalent combination of vCPUs, utilization, and time (for example, one vCPU running at 50% utilization for two minutes or two vCPUs running at 25% utilization for two minutes). CPU credit metrics are available at a five-minute frequency only. If you specify a period greater than five minutes, use the Sum statistic instead of the Average.
CPU Surplus Credit Balance - Avg The number of surplus credits that have been spent by a DAX node when its CPUCreditBalance value is zero. The CPUSurplusCreditBalance value is paid down by earned CPU credits. If the number of surplus credits exceeds the maximum number of credits that the node can earn in a 24-hour period, the spent surplus credits above the maximum incur an additional charge.
CPU Surplus Credits Charged - Avg The number of spent surplus credits that are not paid down by earned CPU credits, and which thus incur an additional charge. Spent surplus credits are charged when the spent surplus credits exceed the maximum number of credits that the node can earn in a 24-hour period. Spent surplus credits above the maximum are charged at the end of the hour or when the node is terminated.
CPU Utilization - Avg The percentage of CPU utilization of the node or cluster.
Delete Item Request Count - Sum The number of DeleteItem requests handled by the node or cluster.
Error Request Count - Sum Total number of requests that resulted in a user error reported by the node or cluster. Requests that were throttled by the node or cluster are included.
Estimated Db Size - Avg An approximation of the amount of data cached in the item cache and the query cache by the node or cluster.
Evicted Size - Avg The amount of data that was evicted by the node or cluster to make room for newly requested data. If the miss rate goes up, and you see this metric also growing, it probably means that your working set has increased. You should consider switching to a cluster with a larger node type.
Failed Request Count - Sum Total number of requests that resulted in an error reported by the node or cluster.
Fault Request Count - Sum Total number of requests that resulted in an internal error reported by the node or cluster.
Get Item Request Count - Sum The number of GetItem requests handled by the node or cluster.
Item Cache Hits - Sum The number of times an item was returned from the cache by the node or cluster.
Item Cache Misses - Sum The number of times an item was not in the node or cluster cache, and had to be retrieved from DynamoDB.
Network Bytes In - Avg The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the node or cluster.
Network Bytes Out - Avg The number of bytes sent out on all network interfaces by the node or cluster. This metric identifies the volume of outgoing traffic in terms of the number of bytes on a single node or cluster.
Network Packets In - Avg The number of packets received on all network interfaces by the node or cluster.
Network Packets Out - Avg The number of packets sent out on all network interfaces by the node or cluster. This metric identifies the volume of outgoing traffic in terms of the number of packets on a single node or cluster.
Put Item Request Count - Sum The number of PutItem requests handled by the node or cluster.
Query Cache Hits - Sum The number of times a query result was returned from the node or cluster cache.
Query Cache Misses - Sum The number of times a query result was not in the node or cluster cache, and had to be retrieved from DynamoDB.
Query Request Count - Sum The number of query requests handled by the node or cluster.
Scan Cache Hits - Sum The number of times a scan result was returned from the node or cluster cache.
Scan Cache Misses - Sum The number of times a scan result was not in the node or cluster cache, and had to be retrieved from DynamoDB.
Scan Request Count - Sum The number of scan requests handled by the node or cluster.
Throttled Request Count - Sum Total number of requests throttled by the node or cluster. Requests that were throttled by DynamoDB are not included, and can be monitored using DynamoDB Metrics.
Total Request Count - Sum Total number of requests handled by the node or cluster.
Transact Get Items Count - Sum The number of TransactGetItems requests handled by the node or cluster.
Transact Write Items Count - Sum The number of TransactWriteItems requests handled by the node or cluster.
Update Item Request Count - Sum The number of UpdateItem requests handled by the node or cluster.

DDB Service

AWS: DDB Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Read Capacity The provisioned read capacity of the table
Table Name The name of the DDB table.
Write Capacity The provisioned write capacity of the table.
AWS: DDB Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Avg Consumed Read Capacity Units The average consumed read capacity of the deployment configuration for this table.
Avg Consumed Write Capacity Units The average consumed write capacity for the table.
Avg Returned Item Count The average returned item count for the table.
Avg Successful Request Latency The average latency for successful table operations.
Consumed Read Capacity Units Avg. Prov. Throughput The average provisioned throughput (sum @ 5 min poll/300) read capacity of the deployment configuration for this table.
Consumed Write Capacity Units Avg. Prov. Throughput The average provisioned throughput of consumed write capacity for the table.
Max Consumed Read Capacity Units The maximum consumed read capacity of the deployment configuration for this table.
Max Consumed Write Capacity Units The maximum consumed write capacity for the table.
Max Returned Item Count The maximum returned item count for the table.
Max Successful Request Latency The maximum latency for a successful table operation.
Min Consumed Read Capacity Units The minimum consumed read capacity of the deployment configuration for this table.
Min Consumed Write Capacity Units The minimum consumed write capacity for the table.
Min Returned Item Count The minimum returned item count for the table.
Min Successful Request Latency The minimum latency for successful table operations.
Returned Item Count The datum counts of returned items for the table.
Successful Request Latency Counts The number of successful table operations.
Summed Consumed Read Capacity Units The sum total consumed read capacity of the deployment configuration for this table.
Summed Consumed Write Capacity Units The sum total consumed write capacity for the table.
Summed Returned Item Count The sum total of returned items for the table.
Summed System Errors The sum of all system error counts.
Summed Throttled Requests The sum of all table throttling requests.
Summed User Errors The sum of all user error counts.
System Errors Counts The datum count of all system errors.
Throttled Requests Count The datum counts for all table throttling requests.
User Errors Counts The datum counts for all user errors.
AWS: DDB Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date The timestamp of the health update of this service.
Health A text description of the health status of this AWS service.

Direct Connect Service

AWS: Direct Connect Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
AWS Device The Direct Connection endpoint which the physical connection terminates on.
AWS Device v2 The Direct Connect endpoint on which the physical connection terminates.
Bandwidth Bandwidth of the connection. Example: 1Gbps (for regular connections), or 500Mbps (for hosted connections). A connection represents the physical network connection between the AWS Direct Connect location and the customer.
Connection ID The ID of the connection.
Connection Name The name of the connection. A connection represents the physical network connection between the AWS Direct Connect location and the customer.
Has Logical Redundancy Indicates whether the connection supports a secondary BGP peer in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6). Possible values are yes, no or unknown.
Jumbo Frame Capable Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported. Possible values are True or False.
Key The key of the tag.
LAG ID The ID of the LAG.
Location Where the connection is located. A connection represents the physical network connection between the AWS Direct Connect location and the customer.
Owner Account The account ID of the owner of the connection. A connection represents the physical network connection between the AWS Direct Connect location and the customer.
Provided By AWS Direct Connect partner who is a member of the AWS Partner Network (APN). This is optional if your network is collocated with an existing AWS Direct Connect location.
Region The AWS Region where the connection is located.
State State of the connection. A connection represents the physical network connection between the AWS Direct Connect location and the customer. Valid Values: ordering | requested | pending | available | down | deleting | deleted | rejected Ordering: The initial state of a hosted connection provisioned on an interconnect. The connection stays in the ordering state until the owner of the hosted connection confirms or declines the connection order. Requested: The initial state of a standard connection. The connection stays in the requested state until the Letter of Authorization (LOA) is sent to the customer. Pending: The connection has been approved, and is being initialized. Available: The network link is up, and the connection is ready for use. Down: The network link is down. Deleted: The connection has been deleted. Rejected: A hosted connection in the 'Ordering' state will enter the 'Rejected' state if it is deleted by the end customer.
Tags Describes the tags associated with the specified Direct Connect resources.
Time DescribeLoa The time of the most recent call to DescribeLoa for this connection.
Value The value of the tag.
VLAN The ID of the VLAN.
AWS: Direct Connect Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Bit Rate Ingress Data The bit rate for inbound data to the AWS side of the connection.
Bit Rate Outbound Data The bit rate for outbound data from the AWS side of the connection.
Connection State The state of the connection. 0 indicates DOWN and 1 indicates UP.
CRC Error The number of times cyclic redundancy check (CRC) errors are observed for the data received at the connection.
Health Inbound Traffic "Indicates the health of the fiber connection for ingress (inbound) traffic to the AWS side of the connection. This metric is available for connections with 10 Gbps port speeds only."
Health Outbound Traffic "Indicates the health of the fiber connection for egress (outbound) traffic from the AWS side of the connection. This metric is available for connections with 10 Gbps port speeds only."
Packet Rate Ingress Data The packet rate for inbound data to the AWS side of the connection.
Packet Rate Outbound Data The packet rate for outbound data from the AWS side of the connection.
AWS: Direct Connect Virtual Interface Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Account The AWS account that will own the new virtual interface.
Address Family Indicates the address family for the BGP peer.
Address Family BGP Indicates the address family for the BGP peer.
Amazon IP Indicates the address family for the BGP peer.
Amazon Peer IP IP address assigned to the Amazon interface. Example:
Amazon Side ASN The autonomous system number (ASN) for the Amazon side of the connection.
Authentication Key The authentication key for BGP configuration.
AWS Device The Direct Connection endpoint which the virtual interface terminates on.
AWS Direct Connect/Virtual Private Gateway The unique identifier for the Direct Connect-Virtual Private Gateway relationship.
BGP ASN Autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
BGP Authentication Key Authentication key for BGP configuration.
BGP peers A list of the BGP peers configured on this virtual interface.
BGP Peers ASN The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
CIDR CIDR notation for the advertised route.
Connection The ID of the connection.
Customer IP IP address assigned to the customer interface.
Device The Direct Connection endpoint which the BGP peer terminates on.
Direct Connect Gateway The ID of the direct connect gateway.
ID The AWS resource ID for the virtual interface.
Jumbo Frame Capable Indicates whether jumbo frames (9001 MTU) are supported. Possible values are True or False.
Key The key of the tag.
Location Where the connection is located.
MTU The maximum transmission unit (MTU), in bytes. The supported values are 1500 and 9001. The default value is 1500.
Name The name of the virtual interface assigned by the customer. Example: "My VPC"
Region The AWS Region where the virtual interface is located.
Router Configuration Information for generating the customer router configuration.
Routes A list of routes to be advertised to the AWS network in this region (public virtual interface).
State State of the virtual interface. One of: Confirming: The creation of the virtual interface is pending confirmation from the virtual interface owner. If the owner of the virtual interface is different from the owner of the connection on which it is provisioned, then the virtual interface will remain in this state until it is confirmed by the virtual interface owner. Verifying: This state only applies to public virtual interfaces. Each public virtual interface needs validation before the virtual interface can be created. Pending: A virtual interface is in this state from the time that it is created until the virtual interface is ready to forward traffic. Available: A virtual interface that is able to forward traffic. Down: A virtual interface that is BGP down. Deleting: A virtual interface is in this state immediately after calling DeleteVirtualInterface until it can no longer forward traffic. Deleted: A virtual interface that cannot forward traffic. Rejected: The virtual interface owner has declined creation of the virtual interface. If a virtual interface in the 'Confirming' state is deleted by the virtual interface owner, the virtual interface will enter the 'Rejected' state.
State BGP The state of the BGP peer.
Tags Describes the tags associated with the specified Direct Connect resources.
Type The type of virtual interface. Example: private (Amazon VPC) or public (Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, and so on.)
Up/Down State The Up/Down state of the BGP peer
Value The value of the tag.
Virtual Gateway The ID of the virtual private gateway to a VPC. This only applies to private virtual interfaces.
VLAN The VLAN ID. Example: 101
Your Peer IP IP address assigned to the customer interface. Example:

DMS Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: DMS Replication Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Available Memory - Avg An estimate of how much memory is available for starting new applications, without swapping. For more information, see MemAvailable value in /proc/memInfo section of the Linux man-pages.
Cpuallocated - Avg The percentage of CPU maximally allocated for the task (0 means no limit).
Cpuutilization - Avg The percentage of allocated vCPU (virtual CPU) currently in use on the instance.
Disk Queue Depth - Avg The number of outstanding read/write requests (I/Os) waiting to access the disk.
Free Memory - Avg The amount of physical memory available for use by applications, page cache, and for the kernel's own data structures. For more information, see MemFree value in /proc/memInfo section of the Linux man-pages.
Free Storage Space - Avg The amount of available storage space.
Freeable Memory - Avg The amount of available random access memory.
Memory Allocated - Avg The maximum allocation of memory for the task (0 means no limits).
Network Receive Throughput - Avg The incoming (Receive) network traffic on the replication instance, including both customer database traffic and AWS DMS traffic used for monitoring and replication.
Network Transmit Throughput - Avg The outgoing (Transmit) network traffic on the replication instance, including both customer database traffic and AWS DMS traffic used for monitoring and replication.
Read Iops - Avg The average number of disk read I/O operations per second.
Read Latency - Avg The average amount of time taken per disk I/O (input) operation.
Read Throughput - Avg The average number of bytes read from disk per second.
Swap Usage - Avg The amount of swap space used on the replication instance.
Write Iops - Avg The average number of disk write I/O operations per second.
Write Latency - Avg The average amount of time taken per disk I/O (output) operation.
Write Throughput - Avg The average number of bytes written to disk per second.

DocumentDB Service

These Dynamic Applications are available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: DocDB Latency and System Performance
Object Name Object Description
Buffer Cache Hit Ratio - Avg The percentage of requests that are served by the buffer cache.
Dbcluster Replica Lag Maximum - Max The maximum amount of lag, in milliseconds, between the primary instance and each Amazon DocumentDB instance in the cluster.
Dbcluster Replica Lag Minimum - Min The minimum amount of lag, in milliseconds, between the primary instance and each replica instance in the cluster.
Dbinstance Replica Lag - Avg The amount of lag, in milliseconds, when replicating updates from the primary instance to a replica instance.
Disk Queue Depth - Avg The number of concurrent write requests to the distributed storage volume.
Engine Uptime - Avg The amount of time, in seconds, that the instance has been running.
Index Buffer Cache Hit Ratio - Avg The percentage of index requests that are served by the buffer cache. You might see a spike greater than 100% for the metric right after you drop an index, collection or database. This will automatically be corrected after 60 seconds. This limitation will be fixed in a future patch update.
Read Latency - Avg The average amount of time taken per disk I/O operation.
Write Latency - Avg The average amount of time, in milliseconds, taken per disk I/O operation.
AWS: DocDB Operations Performance
Object Name Object Description
Documents Deleted - Sum The number of deleted documents in a one-minute period.
Documents Inserted - Sum The number of inserted documents in a one-minute period.
Documents Returned - Sum The number of returned documents in a one-minute period.
Documents Updated - Sum The number of updated documents in a one-minute period.
Opcounters Command - Sum The number of commands issued in a one-minute period.
Opcounters Delete - Sum The number of delete operations issued in a one-minute period.
Opcounters Getmore - Sum The number of getmores issued in a one-minute period.
Opcounters Insert - Sum The number of insert operations issued in a one-minute period.
Opcounters Query - Sum The number of queries issued in a one-minute period.
Opcounters Update - Sum The number of update operations issued in a one-minute period.
Transactions Aborted - Sum The number of transactions aborted on an instance in a one-minute period.
Transactions Committed - Sum The number of transactions committed on an instance in a one-minute period.
Transactions Started - Sum The number of transactions started on an instance in a one-minute period.
Ttldeleted Documents - Sum The number of documents deleted by a TTLMonitor in a one-minute period.
AWS: DocDB Resource Performance
Object Name Object Description
Backup Retention Period Storage Used - Avg The number of documents deleted by a TTLMonitor in a one-minute period.
Change Stream Log Size - Avg The amount of storage used by your cluster to store the change stream log in megabytes. This value is a subset of the total storage for the cluster (VolumeBytesUsed) and affects the cost of the cluster. For storage pricing information, see the Amazon DocumentDB product page. The change stream log size is a function of how much change is happening on your cluster and the change stream long retention duration. For more information on change streams, see Using Change Streams with Amazon DocumentDB.
Cpuutilization - Avg The percentage of CPU used by an instance.
Database Connections - Avg The number of connections open on an instance taken at a one-minute frequency.
Database Connections Max - Avg The maximum number of open database connections on an instance in a one-minute period.
Database Cursors - Avg The number of cursors open on an instance taken at a one-minute frequency.
Database Cursors Max - Avg The maximum number of open cursors on an instance in a one-minute period.
Database Cursors Timed Out - Avg The number of cursors that timed out in a one-minute period.
Free Local Storage - Avg This metric reports the amount of storage available to each instance for temporary tables and logs. This value depends on the instance class. You can increase the amount of free storage space for an instance by choosing a larger instance class for your instance.
Freeable Memory - Avg The amount of available random access memory, in bytes.
Low Mem Num Operations Throttled - Avg The number of requests that are throttled due to low available memory in a one-minute period.
Low Mem Throttle Max Queue Depth - Avg The maximum queue depth for requests that are throttled due to low available memory in a one-minute period.
Low Mem Throttle Queue Depth - Avg The queue depth for requests that are throttled due to low available memory taken at a one-minute frequency.
Snapshot Storage Used - Avg The total amount of backup storage in GiB consumed by all snapshots for a given Amazon DocumentDB cluster outside its backup retention window. Included in the total reported by the TotalBackupStorageBilled metric. Computed separately for each Amazon DocumentDB cluster.
Swap Usage - Avg The amount of swap space used on the instance.
Total Backup Storage Billed - Avg The total amount of backup storage in GiB for which you are billed for a given Amazon DocumentDB cluster. Includes the backup storage measured by the BackupRetentionPeriodStorageUsed and SnapshotStorageUsed metrics. Computed separately for each Amazon DocumentDB cluster.
Transactions Open - Avg The number of transactions open on an instance taken at a one-minute frequency.
Transactions Open Max - Avg The maximum number of transactions open on an instance in a one-minute period.
Volume Bytes Used - Avg The amount of storage used by your cluster in bytes. This value affects the cost of the cluster. For pricing information, see the Amazon DocumentDB product page.
AWS: DocDB Throughput Performance
Object Name Object Description
Network Receive Throughput - Avg The amount of network throughput, in bytes per second, received from clients by each instance in the cluster. This throughput doesn't include network traffic between instances in the cluster and the cluster volume.
Network Throughput - Avg The amount of network throughput, in bytes per second, both received from and transmitted to clients by each instance in the Amazon DocumentDB cluster. This throughput doesn't include network traffic between instances in the cluster and the cluster volume.
Network Transmit Throughput - Avg The amount of network throughput, in bytes per second, sent to clients by each instance in the cluster. This throughput doesn't include network traffic between instances in the cluster and the cluster volume.
Read Iops - Avg The average number of disk read I/O operations per second. Amazon DocumentDB reports read and write IOPS separately, and on one-minute intervals.
Read Throughput - Avg The average number of bytes read from disk per second.
Volume Read Iops - Avg The average number of billed read I/O operations from a cluster volume, reported at 5-minute intervals. Billed read operations are calculated at the cluster volume level, aggregated from all instances in the cluster, and then reported at 5-minute intervals. The value is calculated by taking the value of the read operations metric over a 5-minute period. You can determine the amount of billed read operations per second by taking the value of the billed read operations metric and dividing by 300 seconds. For example, if the VolumeReadIOPs returns 13,686, then the billed read operations per second is 45 (13,686 / 300 = 45.62). You accrue billed read operations for queries that request database pages that are not present in the buffer cache and therefore must be loaded from storage. You might see spikes in billed read operations as query results are read from storage and then loaded into the buffer cache.
Volume Write Iops - Avg The average number of billed write I/O operations from a cluster volume, reported at 5-minute intervals. Billed write operations are calculated at the cluster volume level, aggregated from all instances in the cluster, and then reported at 5-minute intervals. The value is calculated by taking the value of the write operations metric over a 5-minute period. You can determine the amount of billed write operations per second by taking the value of the billed write operations metric and dividing by 300 seconds. For example, if the VolumeWriteIOPs returns 13,686, then the billed write operations per second is 45 (13,686 / 300 = 45.62). Note that VolumeReadIOPs and VolumeWriteIOPs metrics are calculated by the DocumentDB storage layer and it includes IOs performed by the primary and replica instances. The data is aggregated every 20-30 minutes and then reported at 5-minute intervals, thus emitting the same data point for the metric in the time period. If you are looking for a metric to correlate to your insert operations over a 1-minute interval, you can use the instance level WriteIOPS metric. The metric is available in the monitoring tab of your Amazon DocumentDB primary instance.
Write Iops - Avg The average number of disk write I/O operations per second. When used on a cluster level, WriteIOPs are evaluated across all instances in the cluster. Read and write IOPS are reported separately, on 1-minute intervals.
Write Throughput - Avg The average number of bytes written to disk per second.
AWS: DocDB Throughput Performance - VOLUME
Object Name Object Description
Volume Bytes Used - Avg The average number of bytes used from a cluster volume.
Volume Read Iops - Avg The average number of billed read I/O operations from a cluster volume, reported at 5-minute intervals. Billed read operations are calculated at the cluster volume level, aggregated from all instances in the cluster, and then reported at 5-minute intervals. The value is calculated by taking the value of the read operations metric over a 5-minute period. You can determine the amount of billed read operations per second by taking the value of the billed read operations metric and dividing by 300 seconds. For example, if the VolumeReadIOPs returns 13,686, then the billed read operations per second is 45 (13,686 / 300 = 45.62). You accrue billed read operations for queries that request database pages that are not present in the buffer cache and therefore must be loaded from storage. You might see spikes in billed read operations as query results are read from storage and then loaded into the buffer cache.
Volume Write Iops - Avg The average number of billed write I/O operations from a cluster volume, reported at 5-minute intervals. Billed write operations are calculated at the cluster volume level, aggregated from all instances in the cluster, and then reported at 5-minute intervals. The value is calculated by taking the value of the write operations metric over a 5-minute period. You can determine the amount of billed write operations per second by taking the value of the billed write operations metric and dividing by 300 seconds. For example, if the VolumeWriteIOPs returns 13,686, then the billed write operations per second is 45 (13,686 / 300 = 45.62). Note that VolumeReadIOPs and VolumeWriteIOPs metrics are calculated by the DocumentDB storage layer and it includes IOs performed by the primary and replica instances. The data is aggregated every 20-30 minutes and then reported at 5-minute intervals, thus emitting the same data point for the metric in the time period. If you are looking for a metric to correlate to your insert operations over a 1-minute interval, you can use the instance level WriteIOPS metric. The metric is available in the monitoring tab of your Amazon DocumentDB primary instance.

DynamoDB Service

AWS: DynamoDB Performance
Object Name Object Description
Conditional Check Failed Requests The number of failed attempts to perform conditional writes.
Online Index Consumed Write Capacity The number of write capacity units consumed when adding a new global secondary index to a table.
Online Index Percentage Progress The percentage of completion when a new global secondary index is being added to a table.
Online Index Throttle Events The number of write throttle events that occur when adding a new global secondary index to a table.
Provisioned Read Capacity Units The number of provisioned read capacity units for a table or a global secondary index.
Provisioned Write Capacity Units The number of provisioned write capacity units for a table or a global secondary index
Read Throttle Events Requests to DynamoDB that exceed the provisioned read capacity units for a table or a global secondary index.
Returned Bytes The number of bytes returned by GetRecords operations (Amazon DynamoDB Streams) during the specified time period.
Returned Records Count The number of stream records returned by GetRecords operations (Amazon DynamoDB Streams) during the specified time period.
Successful Request Latency The number of successful table operations requests.
Throttled Requests Requests to DynamoDB that exceed the provisioned throughput limits on a table.
Time To Live Deleted Item Count The number of items deleted by Time To Live (TTL) during the specified time period.
Write Throttle Events Requests to DynamoDB that exceed the provisioned write capacity units for a table or a global secondary index.

EBS Service

AWS: EBS Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Volume ID The unique identifier of this EBS volume.
IO Capacity If provisioned, the peak IOPS of the volume.
Storage Capacity The storage capacity of the EBS volume.
Type Whether or not this EBS volume has been provisioned (type consistent-iops or standard).
Volume Status The volume state.
EC2 Instance ID The ID of the EC2 instance that is attached to the EBS Volume if any.
Attached State Shows whether the EBS volume is attached to an EC2 instance.
Capacity The size of the snapshot.
Description The description of the snapshot.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Key The tag key. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you could define a set of tags for your Amazon EC2 instances on the account that helps you track each owner of the instance and stack level. We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meets your needs for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. You can search and filter the resources based on the tags you add.
Last State Count Quantity of the last state collected only for creating and deleting states.
Owner The ID of the snapshot.
Progress The progress towards completion of the snapshot.
Snapshot ID The AWS ID of the snapshot.
Snapshots The volume of the EBS snapshot.
Start Time The time the snapshot was started.
Status The status of the snapshot.
Value The tag value. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you could define a set of tags for your Amazon EC2 instances on the account that helps you track each owner of the instance and stack level. We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meets your needs for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. You can search and filter the resources based on the tags you add.
AWS: EBS Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Burst Balance The percent of General Purpose SSD (gp2) burst-bucket I/O credits available.
EBS Storage Capacity The storage capacity of the EBS volume.
Volume Consumed Read Write Ops The consumed total IOPS on the volume.
Volume Idle Time The average time that the volume has been idle.
Volume Queue Length The average queue length for the volume.
Volume Read Bytes The average bytes read from the volume.
Volume Read Ops The average number of read operations for the volume.
Volume Throughput Percent The percentage of available throughput currently consumed by the volume.
Volume Total Read Time The total read times for the volume.
Volume Total Write Time The total write times for the volume.
Volume Write Bytes The average bytes written by the volume.
Volume Write Ops The average write operations for the volume.

EC2 Service

AWS: EC2 Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
AMI Launch Index The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) index within the EC2's launch reservation list.
Architecture The architecture of the image.
Architecture The instance architecture. Type: String. Valid values: i386 | x86_64
Availability Zone The Availability Zone under which the EC2 instance will be launched.
AWS EC2 Identifier Namespace The namespace used to link the CCC application.
AWS EC2/EBS Volume The volume ID of the Amazon EBS volume.
Block Device Attach Time The attach time for an Amazon EBS volume mapped to the instance (for example, 2010-09-15T17:15:20.000Z)
Block Device Delete On Termination Indicates whether the Amazon EBS volume is deleted on instance termination.
Block Device Name The device name exposed to the instance (for example, /dev/sdh, or xvdh).
Block Device Status The status for the Amazon EBS volume. Valid values: attaching | attached | detaching | detached
CCC Application in AWS EC2 Instance CCC Applications in EC2 Instances.
Client Token The idempotency token you provided when you launched the instance. Type: String
Delete On Termination Indicates whether the EBS volume is deleted on instance termination.
Description The description of the AMI was provided during image creation.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
EBS Optimized Indicates whether the instance is optimized for EBS I/O. Type: xsd:boolean
EC2 Unique ID The unique identifier of the EC2 Instance that matches the identifier given by the CCC application.
Elastic IP One or more elastic IP addresses assigned to the EC2 instance.
ENA Support Specifies whether enhanced networking with ENA is enabled.
Encrypted Indicates whether the encryption state of an EBS volume is changed while being restored from a backing snapshot.
ENI Description The ENI description.
ENI ID The ID of the ENI.
ENI MAC Address The MAC address of the interface.
ENI Owner ID The ID of the owner of the ENI.
ENI Private IP Address The IP address of the interface within the subnet.
ENI Source/Dest Check Flag to indicate whether to validate network traffic to or from this network interface.
ENI Status The interface's status (available|in-use).
ENI Subnet ID The ID of the VPC subnet.
ENI VPC ID The ID of the VPC.
Group The name of the initial security group to which this EC2 instance is assigned.
Groups A list of all current groups to which this EC2 instance belongs. Within a VPC, this can change post-launch.
Hypervisor The hypervisor type of the image.
Hypervisor The type of root device that the instance uses. Type: String. Valid values: ebs | instance-store
Image Creation Date The date and time the image was created.
Image ID The Amazon Machine Image (AMI) id which this instance is booted from.
Image Location The location of the AMI.
Image Name The name of the AMI was provided during image creation.
Image Type The type of image.
Instance ID The unique identifier of this instance.
Instance Index The "device name" (if any) of this instance along with its zone and ID. The "device name" is the value of the 'Name' key in the instance's launch-time tag set.
Instance Profile The instance profile id and arn associated with this instance.
Instance State The string representation of the instance’s current state.
Instance Type The cpu, core, and memory capacity type-name of this instance. For example: t1.micro, c1.medium, m1.xlarge.
Kernel ID The kernel's unique identifier for this Amazon Machine Image (AMI). This is most useful when running a User Provided Kernel (UPK).
Key The tag key. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you could define a set of tags for your account's Amazon EC2 instances that helps you track each instance's owner and stack level. We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meets your needs for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. You can search and filter the resources based on the tags you add.
Key The tag key. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you could define a set of tags for your account's Amazon EC2 instances that helps you track each instance's owner and stack level. We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meets your needs for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. You can search and filter the resources based on the tags you add.
Key Pair Name The name of the SSH key associated with the instance.
Launch Time The UTC time when this instance was launched.
Lifecycle Whether or not this instance is 'normal'; or 'spot'. A 'spot' lifecycle means this instance's compute-time was purchased in the 'spot market' and has limitations on how, where, and when it can run.
Monitoring Level Whether or not AWS CloudWatch metrics are reported on a 'basic' (5 min.) or 'detailed' (1 min.) intervals.
Monitoring State Indicates whether monitoring is enabled for the instance. Type: String. Valid values: disabled | enabled
Persistent Lifecycle Whether or not Termination Protection is enabled.
Placement Group The Security Group where the instance is placed upon association with a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
Platform A high-level name of the operating system running on the instance. If such instance is Linux/Unix based the Collection Object won't be visible, only if it is Windows
Platform Details The platform details associated with the billing code of the AMI.
Private DNS Name The private AWS Cloud DNS name associated with the instance. Each instance will always have at least one Private DNS name.
Private IP Address The AWS cloud-local IP address.
Public Indicates whether the image has public launch permissions.
Public DNS Name The Public DNS Name (if any) associated with the instance. This DNS name is generally Internet routable and associated with one or more Elastic IPs.
Public IP Address The public IP address of the instance.
Ramdisk ID The unique identifier of the ramdisk (if any) associated with the instance.
Region The AWS Region (datacenter) where the instance is located.
Reservation The unique identifier associated with the Reservation which launched this instance.
Root Device The root block device (filesystem) of the instance.
Root Device Name The device name of the root device volume.
Root Device Type The type of root device used by the AMI.
Root Device Type The type of root device that the instance uses. Type: String. Valid values: ebs | instance-store
Security Group Id The ID of the security group.
Security Group Name The name of the security group.
Snapshot ID The ID of the snapshot.
Sriov Net Support Specifies whether enhanced networking with the Intel 82599 Virtual Function interface is enabled.
State The current state of the AMI.
State Reason The reason for the most recent state transition, typically "User initiated", that the state of the instance has changed.
Subnet Component Unique Identifier The SL1 component unique identifier for the associated subnet, if any.
Subnet ID If associated with a VPC, this is the AWS identifier of the subnet within the VPC where the instance resides.
Tag The key of the tag.
Tenancy Multi IAM placement status
Value The value of the tag.
Value The tag value. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you could define a set of tags for your account's Amazon EC2 instances that helps you track each instance's owner and stack level. We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meets your needs for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. You can search and filter the resources based on the tags you add.
Value The tag value. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you could define a set of tags for your account's Amazon EC2 instances that helps you track each instance's owner and stack level. We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meets your needs for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. You can search and filter the resources based on the tags you add.
Virtualization Type The type of virtualization of the AMI.
Virtualization Type This is always listed as 'paravirtual' or 'hvm' (xen or ovm).
Volume Size The size of the volume, in GiBs.
Volume Type The volume type.
VPC ID If associated with a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), this is the VPC AWS identifier.
AWS: EC2 Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
CPU Utilization The percentage of allocated EC2 compute units that are currently in use on the instance. This metric identifies the processing power required to run an application upon a selected instance.
Disk Read Bytes Bytes read from all ephemeral disks available to the instance (if your instance uses Amazon EBS, see Amazon EBS Metrics.) This metric is used to determine the volume of the data the application reads from the hard disk of the instance. This can be used to determine the speed of the application.
Disk Read Ops Completed read operations from all ephemeral disks available to the instance (if your instance uses Amazon EBS, see Amazon EBS Metrics.) This metric identifies the rate at which an application reads a disk. This can be used to determine the speed in which an application reads data from a hard disk.
Disk Write Bytes Bytes written to all ephemeral disks available to the instance (if your instance uses Amazon EBS, see Amazon EBS Metrics.) This metric is used to determine the volume of the data the application writes onto the hard disk of the instance. This can be used to determine the speed of the application.
Disk Write Ops Completed write operations to all ephemeral disks available to the instance (if your instance uses Amazon EBS, see Amazon EBS Metrics.) This metric identifies the rate at which an application writes to a hard disk. This can be used to determine the speed in which an application saves data to a hard disk.
Network In The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the instance. This metric identifies the volume of incoming network traffic to an application on a single instance.
Network Out The number of bytes sent out on all network interfaces by the instance. This metric identifies the volume of outgoing network traffic to an application on a single instance.
Network Packets In The number of packets received on all network interfaces by the instance. This metric identifies the volume of incoming traffic in terms of the number of packets on a single instance. This metric is available for basic monitoring only.
Network Packets Out The number of packets sent out on all network interfaces by the instance. This metric identifies the volume of outgoing traffic in terms of the number of packets on a single instance. This metric is available for basic monitoring only.
Status Check Failed A combination of StatusCheckFailed_Instance and StatusCheckFailed_System that reports if either of the status checks has failed. Values for this metric are either 0 (zero) or 1 (one.) A zero indicates that the status check passed. A one indicates a status check failure. Note Status check metrics are available at 1 minute frequency. For a newly launched instance, status check metric data will only be available after the instance has completed the initialization state. Status check metrics will become available within a few minutes of being in the running state.
Status Check Failed for Instance Reports whether the instance has passed the EC2 instance status check in the last minute. Values for this metric are either 0 (zero) or 1 (one.) A zero indicates that the status check passed. A one indicates a status check failure. Note Status check metrics are available at 1 minute frequency. For a newly launched instance, status check metric data will only be available after the instance has completed the initialization state. Status check metrics will become available within a few minutes of being in the running state.
Status Check Failed for System Reports whether the instance has passed the EC2 system status check in the last minute. Values for this metric are either 0 (zero) or 1 (one.) A zero indicates that the status check passed. A one indicates a status check failure. Note Status check metrics are available at 1 minute frequency. For a newly launched instance, status check metric data will only be available after the instance has completed the initialization state. Status check metrics will become available within a few minutes of being in the running state.
AWS: EC2 Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date The timestamp of this health status update string.
Health A text description of this AWS Service's health status.

ECS Service

AWS: ECS Cluster Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Active Services The number of services that are running on the cluster in an ACTIVE state.
Agent Connected This parameter returns true if the agent is connected to Amazon ECS. Registered instances with an agent that may be unhealthy or stopped return false.
AWS ECS Instance / EC2 The EC2 instance ID of the container instance.
Cluster ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the cluster.
Cluster Name The name of the cluster.
Cluster Status The status of the cluster. The valid values are ACTIVE or INACTIVE .
Container Instance ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the container instance.
Container Instance ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the container instance.
Key The key of the tag, that belongs to the ECS Cluster instance.
Pending Tasks The number of tasks in the cluster that are in the PENDING state.
Pending Tasks The number of tasks on the container instance that are in the PENDING status.
Registered At The Unix time stamp for when the container instance was registered.
Registered Container Instances The number of container instances registered into the cluster.
Registered CPU This value represents the total amount reserved of the resource CPU that can be allocated on the container instance to tasks.
Registered Memory This value represents the total amount reserved of the resource Memory that can be allocated on the container instance to tasks.
Registered Ports This value represents the total amount reserved of the resource Ports that can be allocated on the container instance to tasks.
Registered Ports UDP This value represents the total amount reserved of the resource Ports UDP that can be allocated on the container instance to tasks.
Remaining CPU This value represents the remaining of resource CPU that has not already been allocated to tasks and is therefore available for new tasks.
Remaining Memory This value represents the remaining of resource Memory that has not already been allocated to tasks and is therefore available for new tasks.
Remaining Ports This value represents the remaining of resource Ports that has not already been allocated to tasks and is therefore available for new tasks.
Remaining Ports UDP This value represents the remaining of resource Ports UDP that has not already been allocated to tasks and is therefore available for new tasks.
Running Tasks The number of tasks in the cluster that are in the RUNNING state.
Running Tasks The number of tasks on the container instance that are in the RUNNING status.
Statistic Name The name of the key value pair. For environment variables, this is the name of the environment variable. (EC2 Launch Type)
Statistic Name The name of the key value pair. For environment variables, this is the name of the environment variable. (Fargate Launch Type)
Statistic Value The value of the key value pair. For environment variables, this is the value of the environment variable. (EC2 Launch Type)
Statistic Value The value of the key value pair. For environment variables, this is the value of the environment variable. (Fargate Launch Type)
Status The status of the container instance. The valid values are ACTIVE , INACTIVE , or DRAINING.
Value The value of the tag, that belongs to the ECS Cluster instance.
AWS: ECS Cluster Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
CPU Reservation "The percentage of CPU units that are reserved by running tasks in the cluster. Cluster CPU reservation is measured as the total CPU units that are reserved by Amazon ECS tasks on the cluster, divided by the total CPU units that were registered for all of the container instances in the cluster. This metric is only used for tasks using the EC2 launch type."
CPU Utilization "The percentage of CPU units that are used in the cluster or service. Cluster CPU utilization is measured as the total CPU units in use by Amazon ECS tasks on the cluster, divided by the total CPU units that were registered for all of the container instances in the cluster. Cluster CPU utilization metrics are only used for tasks using the EC2 launch type."
Memory Reservation "The percentage of memory that is reserved by running tasks in the cluster. Cluster memory reservation is measured as the total memory that is reserved by Amazon ECS tasks on the cluster, divided by the total amount of memory that was registered for all of the container instances in the cluster. This metric is only used for tasks using the EC2 launch type."
Memory Utilization "The percentage of memory that is used in the cluster or service. Cluster memory utilization is measured as the total memory in use by Amazon ECS tasks on the cluster, divided by the total amount of memory that was registered for all of the container instances in the cluster. Cluster memory utilization metrics are only used for tasks using the EC2 launch type."
AWS: ECS Cluster Services Configuration
Object Name Object Description
AWS ECS Service/Classic Load Balancer The load balancer used for the service if it has created with a classic load balancer type.
AWS ECS Service/Security Groups The security groups associated with this ECS service.
AWS ECS Service/Subnets The subnets associated with this ECS service.
AWS ECS Service/Target Group The target group that is associated with this service if it was created with an application or network load balancer.
AWS ECS Service/VPC The VPC associated with the service.
Container Name The container being used with this service on the associated application ELB.
Container Port The port of the container being used with this service on the associated application ELB.
Created At The service creation time.
Desired Tasks The desired number of instantiations of the task definition to keep running on the service.
Key The key of the tag, that belongs to the ECS Cluster services.
Launch Type Type of ECS launch (EC2 or Fargate).
Pending Tasks The number of tasks in the cluster that are in the PENDING state.
Platform Version The platform version on which your task is running.
Running Tasks The number of tasks in the cluster that are in the RUNNING state.
Service ARN The Amazon ID (ARN) of the ECS service.
Service Name Name of the ECS Service.
Service Status The status of the service. The valid values are ACTIVE , DRAINING , or INACTIVE.
Service Type The scheduling strategy to use for the service (Daemon or Replica).
Task Definition The ARN of the ECS task definition.
Value The value of the tag, that belongs to the ECS Cluster services.
AWS: ECS Cluster Services Performance
Object Name Object Description
CPU Utilization The percentage of CPU units that are used in the cluster or service.
Desired Tasks Count The desired number of instantiations of the task definition to keep running on the service.
Memory Utilization The percentage of memory that is used in the cluster or service.
Running Tasks Count The number of tasks in the services that are in the RUNNING state.
Total Pending Deployments The total pending deployments of the service.
Total Running Deployments The total running deployments of the service.
AWS: ECS Cluster Tasks Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Container Id The Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) of the container from the Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Name The name of the container.
Container Id The Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) of the container from the Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Image The image used to start a container. This string is passed directly to the Docker daemon.
Last Status The last known status of the container.
Memory The hard limit (in MiB) of memory to present to the container. If your container attempts to exceed the memory specified here, the container is killed.
Bind IP The IP address that the container is bound to on the container instance.
Connectivity The connectivity status of a task.
Container Port The port number on the container that is used with the network binding.
CPU The number of CPU units used by the task as expressed in a task definition. It can be expressed as an integer using CPU units. If you are using the EC2 launch type, this field is optional. If you are using the Fargate launch type, this field is required.
CPU The number of cpu units reserved for the container.
Created At The Unix timestamp for when the task was created (the task entered the PENDING state).
Desired Status The desired status of the task.
Essential If the essential parameter of a container is marked as true , and that container fails or stops for any reason, all other containers that are part of the task are stopped. If the essential parameter of a container is marked as false, then its failure does not affect the rest of the containers in a task.
Group The name of the task group associated with the task.
Health The health status of the container. If health checks are not configured for this container in its task definition, then it reports the health status as UNKNOWN.
Health Status The health status for the task, which is determined by the health of the essential containers in the task. If all essential containers in the task are reporting as HEALTHY , then the task status also reports as HEALTHY . If any essential containers in the task are reporting as UNHEALTHY or UNKNOWN , then the task status also reports as UNHEALTHY or UNKNOWN , accordingly.
Host Port "The port number on the container instance to reserve for your container. If you are using containers in a task with the awsvpc or host network mode, the hostPort can either be left blank or set to the same value as the containerPort. If you are using containers in a task with the bridge network mode, you can specify a non-reserved host port for your container port mapping, or you can omit the hostPort (or set it to 0 ) while specifying a containerPort and your container automatically receives a port in the ephemeral port range for your container instance operating system and Docker version."
Key The key of the tag, that belongs to the ECS Cluster tasks.
Last Status The last known status of the task.
Launch Type The launch type on which your task is running. Options are: EC2 or Fargate.
MAC Address The MAC Address of the network interface.
Memory The amount of memory (in MiB) used by the task as expressed in a task definition. If you are using the EC2 launch type, this field is optional. If you are using the Fargate launch type, this field is required.
Network Interface Id The Network Interface Id of the elastic network interface attached if any.
Network Mode The Network mode of the task. Options are: awsvpc, bridge, host or none.
Platform Version The platform version on which your task is running. A platform version is only specified for tasks using the Fargate launch type. If one is not specified, the LATEST platform version is used by default.
Private IP Private IP address of the elastic network interface.
Protocol The protocol used for the network binding. Options are tpc or udp.
Started At The Unix timestamp for when the task started (the task transitioned from the PENDING state to the RUNNING state).
Started By The tag specified when a task is started. If the task is started by an Amazon ECS service, then the startedBy parameter contains the deployment ID of the service that starts it.
Subnet Id The subnet id of the elastic network interface attachment.
Task ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task.
Task Definition The ARN of the task definition that creates the task.
Value The value of the tag, that belongs to the ECS Cluster tasks.
Version The version counter for the task. Every time a task experiences a change that triggers a CloudWatch event, the version counter is incremented. If you are replicating your Amazon ECS task state with CloudWatch Events, you can compare the version of a task reported by the Amazon ECS API actions with the version reported in CloudWatch Events for the task (inside the detail object) to verify that the version in your event stream is current.
AWS: ECS Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date The date of the RSS feed entry.
Health The message of the RSS feed entry.

EFS Service

AWS: EFS File System Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Creation Time The time that the file system was created.
Creation Token The opaque string specified in the request.
Encrypted A Boolean value that, if true, indicates that the file system is encrypted.
File System Id The ID of the file system, assigned by Amazon EFS.
Key The tag key (String).
KMS Key Id The ID of an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer master key (CMK) that was used to protect the encrypted file system.
Last Size Update The latest known time at which the size of data was determined.
Life Cycle State The lifecycle phase of the file system.
Name You can add tags to a file system, including a Name tag. If the file system has a Name tag, Amazon EFS returns the value in this field.
Number of Mount Targets The current number of mount targets that the file system has.
Owner Id The AWS account that created the file system. If the file system was created by an IAM user, the parent account to which the user belongs is the owner.
Performance Mode The performance mode of the file system.
Provisioned Throughput The throughput, measured in MiB/s, that you want to provision for a file system.
Throughput Mode The throughput mode for a file system. There are two throughput modes to choose from for your file system: bursting and provisioned.
Value The value of the tag key.
AWS: EFS File System Performance
Object Name Object Description
Burst Credit Balance The number of burst credits that a file system has.
Client Connections The number of client connections to a file system. When using a standard client, there is one connection per mounted Amazon EC2 instance.
Data Read IO Bytes The number of bytes for each file system read operation.
Data Write IO Bytes The number of bytes for each file write operation.
Metadata IO Bytes The number of bytes for each metadata operation.
Percent IO Limit Shows how close a file system is to reaching the I/O limit of the General Purpose performance mode. If this metric is at 100% more often than not, consider moving your application to a file system using the Max I/O performance mode.
Permitted Throughput The maximum amount of throughput a file system is allowed. For file systems in the Provisioned Throughput mode, if the amount of storage allows your file system to drive a higher amount of throughput than you provisioned, this metric will reflect the higher throughput instead of the provisioned amount. For file systems in the Bursting Throughput mode, this value is a function of the file system size and BurstCreditBalance.
Total IO Bytes The number of bytes for each file system operation, including data read, data write, and metadata operations.
AWS: EFS File System Usage Performance
Object Name Object Description
Size of Infrequent Access Data The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the Infrequent Access storage class.
Size of Standard Access Data The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the Standard storage class.
Total File System Size The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system.

EKS Service

AWS: EKS Cluster Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
ARN The ARN that AWS provides for this cluster within EKS.
Certificate Authority The Certificate Authority used by this cluster for signing requests.
Client Request Token Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.
Created At The time at which this cluster was created.
Endpoint The REST endpoint used to make API calls into the Kubernetes cluster.
Keys Tags keys assigned to this cluster.
Logging Enabled An object representing the enabled or disabled Kubernetes control plane logs for your cluster.
Name The name of this cluster within EKS.
Platform Version The platform version of your Amazon EKS cluster.
Role ARN The ARN of the AWS role used to manage this cluster.
Security Group IDs The security groups associated with your cluster.
Status The active status of this cluster.
Subnet IDs The subnets associated with your cluster.
Tags Tags assigned to this cluster.
Types The available cluster control plane log types.
Values Tags values assigned to this cluster.
Version The version of Kubernetes that this cluster is running.
VPC The VPCs associated with your cluster.
VPC Endpoint Private Access This parameter indicates whether the Amazon EKS private API server endpoint is enabled. If the Amazon EKS private API server endpoint is enabled, Kubernetes API requests that originate from within your cluster's VPC use the private VPC endpoint instead of traversing the internet.
VPC Endpoint Public Access This parameter indicates whether the Amazon EKS public API server endpoint is enabled. If the Amazon EKS public API server endpoint is disabled, your clusters Kubernetes API server can receive only requests that originate from within the cluster VPC.
AWS: EKS Token Manager
Object Name Object Description
Token Created This token is used to authenticate with the EKS Cluster, True if the token was created otherwise False.
Token Expiration Time The token expiration time.

Elastic Beanstalk Service

AWS: Elastic Beanstalk Application Instance Health Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Instance Id The ID of the Amazon EC2 instance.
Availability Zone The availability zone in which the instance runs.
Color Represents the color indicator that gives you information about the health of the EC2 instance.
Health Status Returns the health status of the instance.
Launched At The time at which the EC2 instance was launched.
AWS: Elastic Beanstalk Application Performance
Object Name Object Description
Environment Name Cache Provides cache of Environment Names for consumption by other collection objects.
P10 Latency The average latency for the slowest 90 percent of requests over the last 10 seconds.
P50 Latency The average latency for the slowest 50 percent of requests over the last 10 seconds.
P75 Latency The average latency for the slowest 25 percent of requests over the last 10 seconds.
P85 Latency The average latency for the slowest 15 percent of requests over the last 10 seconds.
P90 Latency The average latency for the slowest 10 percent of requests over the last 10 seconds.
P95 Latency The average latency for the slowest 5 percent of requests over the last 10 seconds.
P99 Latency The average latency for the slowest 1 percent of requests over the last 10 seconds.
P999 Latency The average latency for the slowest 0.1 percent of requests over the last 10 seconds.
Request Count Average number of requests handled by the web server per second over the last 10 seconds.
Status 2xx The average number of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in a 2xx (200, 201, etc.) status code.
Status 3xx The average number of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in a 3xx (300, 301, etc.) status code.
Status 4xx The average number of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in a 4xx (400, 401, etc.) status code.
Status 5xx The average number of requests over the last 10 seconds that resulted in a 5xx (500, 501, etc.) status code.
AWS: Elastic Beanstalk Data Tier Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Engine The name of the database engine to use for this instance.
Instance Class The database instance type.
Multi Availability Zone Specifies whether a database instance Multi-AZ deployment needs to be created.
Storage (GB) The allocated database storage size, specified in gigabytes.
When Deleted Decides whether to delete or snapshot the DB instance on environment termination.
AWS: Elastic Beanstalk Network Tier Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Associate Public IP Address Specifies whether to launch instances with public IP addresses in your Amazon VPC. Instances with public IP addresses do not require a NAT device to communicate with the Internet. You must set the value to true if you want to include your load balancer and instances in a single public subnet.
Instance Subnets The IDs of the Auto Scaling group subnet or subnets. If you have multiple subnets, specify the value as a single comma-delimited string of subnet IDs (for example, "subnet-11111111,subnet-22222222").
RDS Subnets Contains the IDs of the database subnets. This is only used if you want to add an Amazon RDS DB Instance as part of your application. If you have multiple subnets, specify the value as a single comma-delimited string of subnet IDs (for example, "subnet-11111111,subnet-22222222").
VPC ID The ID for your Amazon VPC.
AWS: Elastic Beanstalk Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date A timestamp when the health status of this service was originally written.
Health A text description of the health status of this AWS service.
AWS: Elastic Beanstalk Web Tier Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Add Instance When (>) If the measurement is higher than this number for the breach duration, a trigger is fired. 0 to 20000000.
Allow URL fopen: Specifies if PHP file functions are allowed to retrieve data from remote locations, such as websites or FTP servers.
Availability Zones The availability zones configuration for the beanstalk application.
AWS Elastic Beanstalk/EC2 The ec2 associated with the beanstalk application.
Connection Draining Enabled If the beanstalk load balancer attempts connections to an Amazon EC2 instance before forcibly closing connections.
Cross Zone Load Balancing Enabled If the beanstalk load balancer attempts connections to an Amazon EC2 instance in multiple availability zones.
Deployment Batch Size (%) The size of the set of instances to deploy in each batch.
Display Errors Information about the errors that are common to all actions.
Environment ID The beanstalk application environment id.
Environment Name The beanstalk application environment name.
Environment Type The beanstalk application environment type.
Instance Port The beanstalk environment port.
Instance Type The beanstalk environment type.
Log Publication Copy the log files for the Amazon EC2 instances of your application into the Amazon S3 bucket associated with your application (valid values are true or false).
Max Execution Time The maximum number of attempts that Elastic Beanstalk attempts to send the message to the web application that will process it before moving the message to the dead letter queue.
Memory Limit Amount of memory allocated to the PHP environment.
Notification Protocol Protocol used to send notifications to your endpoint.
Number Instances Number of instances.
NumProcesses The number of daemon processes that should be started for the process group when running WSGI applications.
NumThreads The number of threads to be created to handle requests in each daemon process within the process group when running WSGI applications.
Remove Instance When (<) If the measurement falls below this number for the breach duration, a trigger is fired. 0 to 20000000.
Rolling Updates Enabled Rolling configuration update batches can be processed periodically (time-based), with a delay between each batch, or based on health. The following values are supported for RollingUpdateType: Health | Time | Immutable.
Send To Endpoint where you want to be notified of important events affecting your application.
StaticFiles Information about setting of the virtual path and directory mappings in the Static Files section of the Modify software configuration page.
WSGIPath The file that contains the WSGI application. This file must have an application callable (default:
Zlib Output Compression Specifies whether or not PHP should use compression for output.

Elastic Transcoder Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: Elastic Transcoder Pipeline Performance
Object Name Object Description
Billed Audio Output - Sum The number of billable seconds of audio output for a pipeline.
Billed Hd Output - Sum The number of billable seconds of HD output for a pipeline.
Billed Sd Output - Sum The number of billable seconds of SD output for a pipeline.
Jobs Completed - Sum The number of jobs completed by this pipeline.
Jobs Errored - Sum The number of jobs that failed because of invalid inputs, such as a request to transcode a file that is not in the given input bucket.
Outputs Per Job - Sum The number of outputs Elastic Transcoder created for a job.

ElastiCache Service

AWS: ElastiCache Cluster Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Auto Upgrade Whether or not the cluster engine can be upgrading during maintenance.
Cluster Node Type The EC2 class of the cluster nodes.
Creation Time The time the cluster was created.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Endpoint The DNS entry for the configuration endpoint.
Engine The cache engine (either Redis or Memecache) of the cluster.
Id The unique identifier of the cluster.
Maintenance Window The datetime when the cluster can undergo maintenance.
Name The name of the cache cluster.
Nodes The number of nodes in the cluster.
Notification ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN), if any, of the SNS instance for event notifications.
Parameter Groups The parameter groups of the cluster.
Preferred Zone The name of the Availability Zone in which the cluster is located or "Multiple" if the cache nodes are located in different Availability Zones.
Security Groups The security groups of the cluster.
Status The status of the cluster.
Version The version of the engine.
AWS: ElastiCache Cluster Performance
Object Name Object Description
CPU Utilization The percentage of CPU utilization.
Freeable Memory The amount of free memory on the cluster.
Network Bytes In The bytes the host has read from the network.
Network Bytes Out The number of bytes the host has written to the network.
Swap Usage The swap used, if any, on the cluster.
AWS: ElastiCache Memcached Node Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Availability Zone The Availability Zone where this node was created and now resides, also referred to as Customer Availability Zone.
Creation Time The creation time of the node.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Endpoint The DNS entry of the node.
Id The node's unique identifier.
Name The name of the cluster node.
Port The TCP port of the service running on the node.
Status The node's EC2 status.
AWS: ElastiCache Memcached Node Performance
Object Name Object Description
Bytes Read into Memcached The number of bytes that have been read from the network by the cache node.
Bytes Used for Cache Items The number of bytes used to store cache items.
Bytes Used For Hash The number of bytes currently used by hash tables.
Bytes Written Out From Memcached The number of bytes that have been written to the network by the cache node.
Check and Set Bad Values The number of CAS (check and set) requests the cache has received where the Cas value did not match the Cas value stored.
Check and Set Misses The number of Cas requests the cache has received where the key requested was not found.
Check and Set Request Hits The number of Cas requests the cache has received where the requested key was found and the Cas value matched.
Config Get Requests The cumulative number of "config get" requests.
Config Set Requests The cumulative number of "config set" requests.
Current Connections The number of connections connected to the cache. Note that due to the design of Memcached, this will always return a minimum count of 10.
Current Items The number of items currently stored in the cache. Note that due to the design of Memcached, this will always return a minimum count of 10.
Decrement Hits The number of decrement requests the cache has received where the requested key was found.
Decrement Misses The number of decrement requests the cache has received where the requested key was not found.
Delete Hits The number of delete requests the cache has received where the requested key was found.
Delete Misses The number of delete requests the cache has received where the requested key was not found.
Evicted Unfetched Items The number of valid items evicted from the least recently used cache (LRU) which were never touched after being set.
Evictions The number of non-expired items the cache evicted to allow space for new writes.
Expired Unfetched Items The number of expired items reclaimed from the LRU which were never touched after being set.
Flush Commands The number of flush commands the cache has received.
Get Commands The number of get commands the cache has received.
Get Hits The number of get requests the cache has received where the key requested was found.
Get Misses The number of get requests the cache has received where the key requested was not found.
Increment Hits The number of increment requests the cache has received where the key requested was found.
Increment Misses The number of increment requests the cache has received where the key requested was not found.
New Connections The number of new connections the cache has received. This is derived from the memcached total_connections statistic by recording the change in total_connections across a period of time. This will always be at least 1, due to a connection reserved for an ElastiCache.
New Items The number of new items the cache has received. This is derived from the memcached total_connections statistic by recording the change in total_connections across a period of time. This will always be at least 1, due to a connection reserved for a ElastiCache.
Reclaimed The number of expired items the cache evicted to allow space for new writes.
Set Commands The number of set commands the cache has received.
Slabs Moved The total number of slab pages that have been moved.
Stored Configurations The number of configurations stored.
Touch Commands The cumulative number of "touch" requests.
Touch Hits The number of keys that have been touched and were given a new expiration time.
Touch Misses The number of items that have been touched, but were not found.
Unused Memory The amount of unused memory the cache can use to store items.
AWS: ElastiCache Node Performance
Object Name Object Description
CPU Credit Balance The number of earned CPU credits that an instance has accrued since it was launched or started. CPU credit metrics are available at a five-minute frequency only.
CPU Credit Usage The number of CPU credits spent by the instance for CPU utilization. CPU credit metrics are available at a five-minute frequency only.
CPU Utilization The percentage of CPU utilization for the entire host.
Freeable Memory The amount of free memory available on the host.
Network Bytes In The number of bytes the host has read from the network.
Network Bytes Out The number of bytes sent out on all network interfaces by the instance.
Network Packets In The number of packets received on all network interfaces by the instance. This metric identifies the volume of incoming traffic in terms of the number of packets on a single instance.
Network Packets Out The number of packets sent out on all network interfaces by the instance. This metric identifies the volume of outgoing traffic in terms of the number of packets on a single instance.
Swap Usage The amount of swap used on the host.
AWS: ElastiCache Redis Node Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Availability Zone The Availability Zone where this node was created and now resides, also referred to as Customer Availability Zone.
Creation Time The datetime when this node was created.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Endpoint The DNS entry of this node.
Id The unique identifier of the Redis node.
Name The name of the Redis node.
Port The TCP port of the service cache on the node.
Status The EC2 status of the node.
AWS: ElastiCache Redis Node Performance
Object Name Object Description
Bytes Used For Cache The total number of bytes allocated by Redis.
Cache Hits The number of successful key lookups.
Cache Misses The number of unsuccessful key lookups.
Current Connections The number of client connections, excluding connections from read replicas.
Current Items The number of items in the cache.
Engine CPU Utilization Provides more precise visibility into the load of the Redis process itself.
Evictions The number of keys that have been evicted due to the maxmemory limit.
Get Type Commands The total number of get types of commands.
Hash Based Commands The total number of commands that are hash-based.
Hyper Log Log Based Cmds This is derived from the Redis commandstats statistic by summing all of the pf type of commands (pfadd, pfcount, pfmerge).
Key Based Commands The total number of commands that are key-based.
List Based Commands The total number of commands that are list-based.
New Connections The total number of connections that have been accepted by the server during this period.
Reclaimed The total number of key expiration events.
Replication Bytes The number of bytes that the primary is sending to all of its replicas.
Replication Lag This metric is only applicable for a cache node running as a read replica. It represents how far behind, in seconds, the replica is in applying changes from the primary cache cluster.
Save In Progress This binary metric returns 1 whenever a background save (forked or forkless) is in progress, and 0 otherwise.
Set Based Commands The total number of commands that are set-based.
Set Type Commands The total number of set types of commands.
Sorted Set Based Commands The total number of commands that are sorted set-based.
String Based Commands The total number of commands that are string-based.
AWS: ElastiCache Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date A timestamp when this service's health status was originally written.
Health A text description of this AWS Service's health status.

ELB Service

AWS: ELB Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Availability Zones The availability zones where the ELB is deployed.
AWS ELB/EC2 The unique identifier set for the EMR-EC2 relationship.
AWS ELB/VPC The unique identifier set for the VPC relationship.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Key The key of the tag, that belongs to the elastic load balancer.
Listener Instance Port The listener port for the ELB.
Load Balanced Instances The group label for the EMR-EC2 relationship.
Load Balancer Name The name of the ELB.
Load Balancer Port The load-balanced port for the ELB.
Load Balancer Protocol The protocol supported (HTTP, SMTP, etc.) by the ELB.
Value The value of the tag, that belongs to the application load balancer.
AWS: ELB Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Backend Connection Errors The count of the number of connections that were not successfully established between the load balancer and the registered instances. Because the load balancer will retry when there are connection errors, this count can exceed the request rate.
Healthy Host Count Average The average number of healthy hosts in the ELB.
Healthy Host Count Maximum The maximum number of healthy hosts in the ELB.
HTTPCode_Backend_2xx The count of the HTTP 200 status codes on the back-end of the ELB.
HTTPCode_Backend_3xx The count of the HTTP 300 status codes on the back-end of the ELB.
HTTPCode_Backend_4xx The count of HTTP 400 status codes (errors) on the back-end of the ELB.
HTTPCode_Backend_5xx The count of the HTTP 500 status codes (errors) on the back-end of the ELB.
Latency Average The average latency across the ELB.
Latency Maximum The maximum latency across the ELB.
Latency Minimum The minimum latency across the ELB.
Request Count The total requests datum counts for the ELB.
Spillover Count A count of the total number of requests that were rejected due to the queue being full.
Surge Queue Length A count of the total number of requests that are pending submission to a registered instance.
Unhealthy Host Count Average The average number of unhealthy hosts in the ELB.
Unhealthy Host Count Maximum The maximum number of unhealthy hosts in the ELB.
Unhealthy Host Count Minimum The minimum number of unhealthy hosts in the ELB.
AWS: ELB Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date The timestamp when this status was written.
Health A text description of this AWS Service's health status.
AWS: ELB Target Group Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Application LoadBalancer ID The dimension resource identifier of the load balancer that forwards traffic to the target group.
AWS Target Group/EC2 The unique identifiers of EC2s for the target groups.
AWS Target Group/VPC The unique identifiers of VPC for target groups.
HealthCheck Interval The approximate amount of time, in seconds, between health checks of an individual target.
HealthCheck Path The destination for the health check request.
HealthCheck Port The port to use to connect with the target.
HealthCheck Protocol The protocol to use to connect with the target.
HealthCheck Timeout The amount of time, in seconds, during which no response means a failed health check.
Healthy Threshold Count The number of consecutive health checks successes required before considering an unhealthy target healthy.
Key The keys of the tag, that belongs to the target group.
Load Balancer ARNs The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application or network load balancers.
Target Group ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target group.
Target Group Id The unique identifier for the target group component.
Target Group Name The name of the target group component.
Target Group Port The port on which the targets are listening.
Target Group Protocol The protocol to use for routing traffic to the targets.
Target Group VPC Id The ID of the VPC for the targets.
Target Type The type of target that you must specify when registering targets with this target group. The possible values are instance (targets are specified by instance ID) or ip (targets are specified by IP address).
Unhealthy Threshold Count The number of consecutive health check failures required before considering the target unhealthy.
Value The value of the tag, that belongs to the target group.
AWS: ELB Target Group Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Healthy Host Count (Average) The number of targets that are considered healthy.
Healthy Host Count (Maximum) The number of targets that are considered healthy.
Healthy Host Count (Minimum) The number of targets that are considered healthy.
HTTPCode Target 2XX Count The number of HTTP response codes generated by the targets. This does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer. For now we are not collecting data from amazon api, because it is not supported yet for Network ELB associated with Target Group.
HTTPCode Target 3XX Count The number of HTTP response codes generated by the targets. This does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer. For now we are not collecting data from amazon api, because it is not supported yet for Network ELB associated with Target Group.
HTTPCode Target 4XX Count The number of HTTP response codes generated by the targets. This does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer. For now we are not collecting data from amazon api, because it is not supported yet for Network ELB associated with Target Group.
HTTPCode Target 5XX Count The number of HTTP response codes generated by the targets. This does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer. For now we are not collecting data from amazon api, because it is not supported yet for Network ELB associated with Target Group.
Request Count Per Target The average number of requests received by each target in a target group. You must specify the target group using the TargetGroup dimension. For now we are not collecting data from amazon api, because it is not supported yet for Network ELB associated with Target Group.
Target Connection Error Count The number of connections that were not successfully established between the load balancer and target. This metric does not apply if the target is a Lambda function.
Target Response Time The time elapsed, in seconds, after the request leaves the load balancer until a response from the target is received. This is equivalent to the target_processing_time field in the access logs. For now we are not collecting data from amazon api, because it is not supported yet for Network ELB associated with Target Group.
TLS Negotiation Error Count per Target Group The number of TLS connections initiated by the load balancer that did not establish a session with the target. Possible causes include a mismatch of ciphers or protocols. For now we are not collecting data from amazon api, because it is not supported yet for Network ELB associated with Target Group.
Unhealthy Host Count (Average) The number of targets that are considered unhealthy.
Unhealthy Host Count (Maximum) The number of targets that are considered unhealthy.
Unhealthy Host Count (Minimum) The number of targets that are considered unhealthy.

EMR Service

AWS: EMR Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
AWS EMR/EC2 The unique identifier set for the EMR-EC2 relationship.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
EMR Nodes as EC2 Instances The group label for the EMR-EC2 relationship.
Instance ID The unique identifier of EMR master instance.
Name The name of the cluster.
State The current state of the cluster.
AWS: EMR Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Apps Completed The number of applications submitted to YARN that have completed.
Apps Failed The number of applications submitted to YARN that have failed to complete.
Apps Killed The number of applications submitted to YARN that have been killed.
Apps Pending The number of applications submitted to YARN that are in a pending state.
Apps Running The number of applications submitted to YARN that are in a running state.
Apps Submitted The number of applications submitted to YARN.
Capacity Remaining (GB) The amount of remaining HDFS disk capacity.
Container Allocated The number of resource containers allocated by the ResourceManager.
Container Pending The number of containers in the queue that have not yet been allocated.
Container Pending Ratio The ratio of pending containers to containers allocated (ContainerPendingRatio = ContainerPending / ContainerAllocated). If ContainerAllocated = 0, then ContainerPendingRatio = ContainerPending. The value of ContainerPendingRatio represents a number, not a percentage. This value is useful for scaling cluster resources based on container allocation behavior.
Container Reserved The number of containers reserved.
Core Nodes Pending The average number of pending nodes in the run.
Core Nodes Running The average number of core nodes running for this run.
Corrupt Blocks The number of blocks that HDFS reports as corrupted.
Dfs Pending Replication Blocks The status of block replication: blocks being replicated, age of replication requests, and unsuccessful replication requests.
HBase Backup Failed Whether the last backup failed. This is set to 0 by default and updated to 1 if the previous backup attempt failed. This metric is only reported for HBase clusters. Use case: Monitor HBase backups Units: Count
HBase Most Recent Backup Duration The amount of time it took the previous backup to complete. This metric is set regardless of whether the last completed backup succeeded or failed. While the backup is ongoing, this metric returns the number of minutes after the backup started. This metric is only reported for HBase clusters.
HBase Time Since Last Successful Backup The number of elapsed minutes after the last successful HBase backup started on your cluster. This metric is only reported for HBase clusters.
HDFS Bytes Read The average number of bytes read from all Hadoop filesystems.
HDFS Bytes Written The average number of bytes written to the Hadoop filesystems.
HDFS Utilization The percentage utilization of the available Hadoop filesystems.
Is Idle Whether or not this instance is idle at the moment.
Jobs Failed The number of jobs failed (if any) during the current run.
Jobs Running The number of current actively running jobs in the current run.
Live Data Nodes The number of active data nodes with IO for the current run.
Live Task Trackers The Percentage of active task tracking nodes for the current run.
Map Reduce Lost Nodes The number of nodes allocated to MapReduce that have been marked in a LOST state.
Map Slots Open The number of map slots currently open.
MapReduce Active Nodes The number of nodes presently running MapReduce tasks or jobs. Equivalent to YARN metric
MapReduce Decommissioned Nodes The number of nodes allocated to MapReduce applications that have been marked in a DECOMMISSIONED state.
MapReduce Rebooted Nodes The number of nodes available to MapReduce that have been rebooted and marked in a REBOOTED state.
MapReduce Total Nodes The number of nodes presently available to MapReduce jobs.
MapReduce Unhealthy Nodes The number of nodes available to MapReduce jobs marked in an UNHEALTHY state.
Memory Allocated (MB) The amount of memory allocated to the cluster.
Memory Available (MB) The amount of memory available to be allocated.
Memory Reserved (MB) The amount of memory reserved.
Memory Total (MB) The total amount of memory in the cluster.
Missing Blocks The current number of missing blocks.
Pending Deletion Blocks The number of blocks marked for deletion.
Reduce Slots Open The number of open reduction slots available.
Remaining Map Tasks The number of remaining map tasks for this run.
Remaining Map Tasks Per Slot The average number of remaining map tasks per available slot.
Remaining Reduce Tasks The number of remaining reduce tasks for this run.
Running Map Tasks The number of currently running map tasks for this run.
Running Reduce Tasks The number of currently running reduce tasks for this run.
S3 Bytes Read The number of Simple Storage Service (S3) bytes read during this run.
S3 Bytes Written The number of Simple Storage Service (S3) bytes written during this run.
Task Nodes Pending The number of pending (inactive) task nodes at the moment.
Task Nodes Running The number of task nodes running at the moment.
Total Load The total percentage load across all nodes at the moment.
Under Replicated Blocks The number of blocks that need to be replicated one or more times.
YARN Memory Available Percentage The percentage of remaining memory available to YARN (YARNMemoryAvailablePercentage = MemoryAvailableMB / MemoryTotalMB). This value is useful for scaling cluster resources based on YARN memory usage.
AWS: EMR Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date The timestamp when this health status was written.
Health A text description of the health status of this AWS service.

FSx Service

These Dynamic Applications are available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: FSx Lustre Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Data Read Bytes - SC The number of bytes for file system read operations. The Sum statistic is the total number of bytes associated with read operations during the period. The Minimum statistic is the minimum number of bytes associated with read operations on a single disk. The Maximum statistic is the maximum number of bytes associated with read operations on the disk. The Average statistic is the average number of bytes associated with read operations per disk. The SampleCount statistic is the number of disks.
Data Read Bytes - Sum The number of bytes for file system read operations. The Sum statistic is the total number of bytes associated with read operations during the period. The Minimum statistic is the minimum number of bytes associated with read operations on a single disk. The Maximum statistic is the maximum number of bytes associated with read operations on the disk. The Average statistic is the average number of bytes associated with read operations per disk. The SampleCount statistic is the number of disks.
Data Read Operations - Sum The number of read operations. The Sum statistic is the total number of read operations.
Data Write Bytes - Sum The number of bytes for file system write operations. The Sum statistic is the total number of bytes associated with write operations. The Minimum statistic is the minimum number of bytes associated with write operations on a single disk. The Maximum statistic is the maximum number of bytes associated with write operations on the disk. The Average statistic is the average number of bytes associated with write operations per disk. The SampleCount statistic is the number of disks.
Data Write Operations - Sum The number of write operations. The Sum statistic is the total number of write operations.
Free Data Storage Capacity - Sum The amount of available storage capacity. The Sum statistic is the total number of bytes available in the file system. The Minimum statistic is the total number bytes available in the fullest disk. The Maximum statistic is the total number of bytes available in the disk with the most remaining available storage. The Average statistic is the average number of bytes available per disk. The SampleCount statistic is the number of disks.
Logical Disk Usage - Sum The amount of logical data stored (uncompressed). The Sum statistic is the total number of logical bytes stored in the file system. The Minimum statistic is the least number of logical bytes stored in a disk in the file system. The Maximum statistic is the largest number of logical bytes stored in a disk in the file system. The Average statistic is the average number of logical bytes stored per disk. The SampleCount statistic is the number of disks.
Metadata Operations - Sum The number of metadata operations. The Sum statistic is the count of metadata operations.
Physical Disk Usage - Sum The amount of storage physically occupied by file system data (compressed). The Sum statistic is the total number of bytes occupied in disks in the file system. The Minimum statistic is the total number of bytes occupied in the emptiest disk. The Maximum statistic is the total number of bytes occupied in the fullest disk. The Average statistic is the average number of bytes occupied per disk. The SampleCount statistic is the number of disks.
AWS: FSx ONTAP Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Data Read Bytes - Sum The number of bytes (network I/O) from reads by clients to the file system. The Sum statistic is the total number of bytes associated with read operations during the period. To calculate the average throughput (bytes per second) for a period, divide the Sum statistic by the number of seconds in the period.
Data Read Operations - Sum The count of read operations (network I/O) from reads by clients to the file system. The Sum statistic is the total number of I/O operations that occurred over the specified period. To calculate the average read operations per second for a period, divide the Sum statistic by the number of seconds in the period.
Data Write Bytes - Sum The number of bytes (network I/O) from writes by clients to the file system. The Sum statistic is the total number of bytes associated with write operations during the period. To calculate the average throughput (bytes per second) for a period, divide the Sum statistic by the number of seconds in the period.
Data Write Operations - Sum The count of write operations (network I/O) from writes by clients to the file system. The Sum statistic is the total number of I/O operations that occurred over the specified period. To calculate the average write operations per second for a period, divide the Sum statistic by the number of seconds in the period.
Logical Data Storage - Avg The total amount of logical data stored on file system, on both the primary (SSD) tier and the capacity pool tier. This metric does not include storage-efficiency savings. To compute storage-efficiency savings in bytes, take the Average of StorageUsed over a given period and subtract it from the Average of LogicalDataStored over the same period. To compute storage-efficiency savings as a percentage of total logical data size, take the Average of StorageUsed over a given period and subtract it from the Average of LogicalDataStored over the same period. Then divide the difference by the Average of LogicalDataStored over the same period.
Metadata Operations - Sum The count of metadata operations (network I/O) by clients to the file system. The Sum statistic is the total number of I/O operations that occurred over the specified period. To calculate the average metadata operations per second for a period, divide the Sum statistic by the number of seconds in the period.
Storage Used - Avg The total amount of physical data stored on the file system, on both the primary (SSD) tier and the capacity pool tier. This metric includes savings from storage-efficiency features, such as data compression and deduplication.
AWS: FSx OpenZFS Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Compression Ratio - Avg Ratio of compressed storage usage to uncompressed storage usage.
Data Read Bytes - Sum Number of bytes for read operations.
Data Read Operations - Sum Number of data read operations.
Data Write Bytes - Sum Number of bytes for write operations.
Data Write Operations - Sum Number of data write operations.
Nfs Bad Calls - Sum Number of calls rejected by NFS server Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism.
Storage Capactiy - Avg Total storage capacity, equal to the sum of used and available storage capacity.
Used Storage Capacity - Avg Amount of storage used.
AWS: FSx Window File Server Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Data Read Bytes - Sum The number of bytes for file system read operations. The Sum statistic is the total number of bytes associated with read operations during the period. To calculate the average throughput (Bytes per second) for a period, divide the Sum statistic by the number of seconds in the period.
Data Read Operations - Sum The number of read operations. The Sum statistic is the count of read operations during the time period. To calculate the average number of read operations (operations per second) for a period, divide the Sum statistic by the number of seconds in the period.
Data Write Bytes - Sum The number of bytes for file system write operations. The Sum statistic is the total number of bytes associated with write operations during the period. To calculate the average throughput (Bytes per second) for a period, divide the Sum statistic by the number of seconds in the period.
Data Write Operations - Sum The number of write operations. The Sum statistic is the count of write operations during the time period. To calculate the average number of write operations (operations per second) for a period, divide the Sum statistic by the number of seconds in the period.
Free Storage Capacity - Avg The amount of available storage capacity.
Metadata Operations - Sum The number of metadata operations. The Sum statistic is the count of metadata operations during the time period. To calculate the average number of metadata operations (operations per second) for a period, divide the Sum statistic by the number of seconds in the period.

Glacier Service

AWS: Glacier Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
# of Archives The number of archives in this vault.
ARN The unique identifier (ARN) of the vault.
AWS Glacier/SNS DCMR Relation
AWS: SNS Relationship Label for the DCMR relationship
Creation Time The datetime when the vault was created.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Job Type Notifications A list of job types which trigger notifications.
Key The tag key. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment.
Last Updated The most recent, if any, date the inventory of the vault was modified.
Name The name of the vault.
Notifications The SNS Topics, if any, which publish events related to this vault.
Region The region of the vault.
Size The size of the vault.
Tags Label for glacier tags.
Value The tag value. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment.
AWS: Glacier Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date A timestamp when the health status of this service was originally written.
Health A text description of the health status of this AWS service.

Glue Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended ServicesPowerPack.

AWS: Glue Job Performance
Object Name Object Description
Glue All Jvm Heap Usage - Sum The fraction of memory used by the JVM heap for ALL executors (scale: 0-1).
Glue All Jvm Heap Used - Sum The number of memory bytes used by the JVM heap for ALL executors.
Glue All S3 Filesystem Read Bytes - Sum The number of bytes read from Amazon S3 by ALL the executors, since the previous report (aggregated by the AWS Glue Metrics Dashboard as the number of bytes read during the previous minute).
Glue All S3 Filesystem Write Bytes - Sum The number of bytes written to Amazon S3 by ALL the executors ,since the previous report (aggregated by the AWS Glue Metrics Dashboard as the number of bytes written during the previous minute).
Glue All System CpuSystemLoad - Sum The fraction of CPU system load used (scale: 0-1) by ALL the executors.
Glue Driver Aggregate Bytes Read - Sum The number of bytes read from all data sources by all completed Spark tasks running in all executors.
Glue Driver Aggregate Elapsed Time - Sum The ETL elapsed time in milliseconds (does not include the job bootstrap times).
Glue Driver Aggregate Num Completed Stages - Sum The number of completed stages in the job.
Glue Driver Aggregate Num Completed Tasks - Sum The number of completed tasks in the job.
Glue Driver Aggregate Num Failed Tasks - Sum The number of failed tasks.
Glue Driver Aggregate Num Killed Tasks - Sum The number of tasks killed.
Glue Driver Aggregate Records Read - Sum The number of records read from all data sources by all completed Spark tasks running in all executors.
Glue Driver Aggregate Shuffle Bytes Written - Sum The number of bytes written by all executors to shuffle data between them since the previous report (aggregated by the AWS Glue Metrics Dashboard as the number of bytes written for this purpose during the previous minute).
Glue Driver Aggregate Shuffle Local Bytes Read - Sum The number of bytes read by all executors to shuffle data between them since the previous report (aggregated by the AWS Glue Metrics Dashboard as the number of bytes read for this purpose during the previous minute).
Glue Driver Block Manager Disk DiskSpaceUsed MB - Sum The number of megabytes of disk space used across all executors.
Glue Driver ExecAllocManager Executors NumberMaxNeededExecutors The number of maximum (actively running and pending) job executors needed to satisfy the current load.
Glue Driver ExecutorAllocationManagerExecutorsNumberAllExecutors The number of actively running job executors.
Glue Driver Jvm Heap Usage - Sum The fraction of memory used by the JVM heap for this driver (scale: 0-1) for driver.
Glue Driver Jvm Heap Used - Sum The number of memory bytes used by the JVM heap for the driver.
Glue Driver S3 Filesystem Read Bytes - Sum The number of bytes read from Amazon S3 by the driver, since the previous report (aggregated by the AWS Glue Metrics Dashboard as the number of bytes read during the previous minute).
Glue Driver S3 Filesystem Write Bytes - Sum The number of bytes written to Amazon S3 by the driver, since the previous report (aggregated by the AWS Glue Metrics Dashboard as the number of bytes written during the previous minute).
Glue Driver Streaming Num Records - Sum The number of records that are received in a micro-batch. This metric is only available for AWS Glue streaming jobs with AWS Glue version 2.0 and above.
Glue Driver StreamingBatchProcessingTimeINMs - Sum The time it takes to process the batches in milliseconds. This metric is only available for AWS Glue streaming jobs with AWS Glue version 2.0 and above.
Glue Driver System CpuSystemLoad - Sum The fraction of CPU system load used (scale: 0-1) by the driver.

IoT Service

AWS: IoT Service Performance
Object Name Object Description
Connect.Success The number of successful connections to the message broker.
GetThingShadow.Accepted The number of GetThingShadow requests processed successfully.
Ping.Success The number of ping messages received by the message broker.
Subscribe.Success The number of subscribe requests that were successfully processed by the message broker.
UpdateThingShadow.Accepted The number of UpdateThingShadow requests processed successfully.
AWS: IoT Thing Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Attribute Keys The key of the thing attributes assigned to the resource.
Attribute Values The value of the thing attributes assigned to the resource.
Billing Group The name of the billing group the thing belongs to.
Key The key of the tags assigned to the resource.
Thing Name The name of the thing.
Thing ARN The ARN of the thing to describe.
Thing Id The ID of the thing to describe.
Thing Type Name The thing type name.
Value The value of the tags assigned to the resource.
Version The current version of the thing record in the registry.

Kafka/MSK Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended ServicesPowerPack.

AWS: MSK (Kafka) Cluster Performance
Object Name Object Description
Active Controller Count - Avg Only one controller per cluster should be active at any given time.
Client Connection Count - Avg The number of active authenticated client connections.
Global Partition Count - Avg The number of partitions across all topics in the cluster, excluding replicas. Because GlobalPartitionCount doesn't include replicas, the sum of the PartitionCount values can be higher than GlobalPartitionCount if the replication factor for a topic is greater than 1.
Global Topic Count - Avg Total number of topics across all brokers in the cluster.
Kafka Data Logs Disk Used - Avg The percentage of disk space used for application logs.
Offline Partitions Count - Avg Total number of partitions that are offline in the cluster.
Zoo Keeper Request Latency Ms Mean - Avg The mean latency in milliseconds for Apache ZooKeeper requests from broker.
Zoo Keeper Session State - Avg Connection status of broker's ZooKeeper session which may be one of the following: NOT_CONNECTED: '0.0', ASSOCIATING: '0.1', CONNECTING: '0.5', CONNECTEDREADONLY: '0.8', CONNECTED: '1.0', CLOSED: '5.0', AUTH_FAILED: '10.0'.

Kinesis Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended ServicesPowerPack.

AWS: Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream Performance
Object Name Object Description
Data Read From Kinesis Stream Bytes - Avg When the data source is a Kinesis data stream, this metric indicates the number of bytes read from that data stream. This number includes rereads due to failovers.
Data Read From Kinesis Stream Records - Sum When the data source is a Kinesis data stream, this metric indicates the number of records read from that data stream. This number includes rereads due to failovers.
Throttled Describe Stream - Sum The total number of times the DescribeStream operation is throttled when the data source is a Kinesis data stream.
Throttled Get Records - Sum The total number of times the GetRecords operation is throttled when the data source is a Kinesis data stream.
Throttled Get Shard Iterator - Sum The total number of times the GetShardIterator operation is throttled when the data source is a Kinesis data stream.
AWS: Kinesis Stream Performance
Object Name Object Description
Get Records Bytes - Avg The number of bytes retrieved from the Kinesis stream, measured over the specified time period. Minimum, Maximum, and Average statistics represent the bytes in a single GetRecords operation for the stream in the specified time period.
Get Records Iterator Age Milliseconds - Avg The age of the last record in all GetRecords calls made against a Kinesis stream, measured over the specified time period. Age is the difference between the current time and when the last record of the GetRecords call was written to the stream. The Minimum and Maximum statistics can be used to track the progress of Kinesis consumer applications. A value of zero indicates that the records being read are completely caught up with the stream.
Get Records Latency - Avg The time taken per GetRecords operation, measured over the specified time period.
Get Records Records - Avg The number of records retrieved from the shard, measured over the specified time period. Minimum, Maximum, and Average statistics represent the records in a single GetRecords operation for the stream in the specified time period.
Get Records Success - Avg The number of successful GetRecords operations per stream, measured over the specified time period.
Incoming Bytes - Avg The number of bytes successfully put to the Kinesis stream over the specified time period. This metric includes bytes from PutRecord and PutRecords operations. Minimum, Maximum, and Average statistics represent the bytes in a single put operation for the stream in the specified time period.
Incoming Records - Avg The number of records successfully put to the Kinesis stream over the specified time period. This metric includes record counts from PutRecord and PutRecords operations. Minimum, Maximum, and Average statistics represent the records in a single put operation for the stream in the specified time period.
Put Record Bytes - Sum The number of bytes put to the Kinesis stream using the PutRecord operation over the specified time period.
Put Record Latency - Avg The time taken per PutRecord operation, measured over the specified time period.
Put Record Success - Sum The number of successful PutRecord operations per Kinesis stream, measured over the specified time period. Average reflects the percentage of successful writes to a stream.
Put Records Bytes - Avg The number of bytes put to the Kinesis stream using the PutRecords operation over the specified time period.
Put Records Failed Records - Sum The number of records rejected due to internal failures in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, measured over the specified time period. Occasional internal failures are to be expected and should be retried.
Put Records Latency - Avg The time taken per PutRecords operation, measured over the specified time period.
Put Records Success - Avg The number of PutRecords operations where at least one record succeeded, per Kinesis stream, measured over the specified time period.
Put Records Successful Records - Sum The number of successful records in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, measured over the specified time period.
Put Records Throttled Records - Sum The number of records rejected due to throttling in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, measured over the specified time period.
Put Records Total Records - Sum The total number of records sent in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, measured over the specified time period.
Read Provisioned Throughput Exceeded - Avg The number of GetRecords calls throttled for the stream over the specified time period.
Write Provisioned Throughput Exceeded - Avg The number of records rejected due to throttling for the stream over the specified time period. This metric includes throttling from PutRecord and PutRecords operations.
AWS: Kinesis Video Stream Performance
Object Name Object Description
Archived Fragments Consumed Media - Sum Number of fragment media quota points that were consumed by all of the APIs. For an explanation of the concept of quota points.
Archived Fragments Consumed Metadata - Sum Number of fragments metadata quota points that were consumed by all of the APIs.
Get Clip Latency - Avg Latency of the GetClip API calls for the given video stream name.
Get Clip Outgoing Bytes - Avg Total number of bytes sent out from the service as part of the GetClip API for a given video stream.
Get Clip Requests - Sum Number of GetClip API requests for a given video stream.
Get Clip Success - Avg 1 for every successful request; 0 for every failure. The average value indicates the rate of success.
Get Dashmanifest Latency - Avg Latency of the GetDASHManifest API calls for the given stream name.
Get Dashmanifest Requests - Sum Number of GetDASHManifest API requests for a given stream.
Get Dashmanifest Success - Avg 1 for every successful request; 0 for every failure. The average value indicates the rate of success.
Get Dashstreaming Session Url Latency - Avg Latency of the GetDASHStreamingSessionURL API calls for the given stream name.
Get Dasstreaming Session Url Requests - Sum Number of GetDASHStreamingSessionURL API requests for a given stream.
Get Dashstreaming Session Url Success - Avg 1 for every successful request; 0 for every failure. The average value indicates the rate of success.
Get Hlsmaster Playlist Latency - Avg Latency of the GetHLSMasterPlaylist API calls for the given stream name.
Get Hlsmaster Playlist Requests - Sum Number of GetHLSMasterPlaylist API requests for a given stream.
Get Hlsmaster Playlists Success - Avg 1 for every successful request; 0 for every failure. The average value indicates the rate of success.
Get Hlsmedia Playlist Latency - Avg Latency of the GetHLSMediaPlaylist API calls for the given stream name.
Get Hlsmedia Playlist Requests - Sum Number of GetHLSMediaPlaylist API requests for a given stream.
Get Hlsmedia Playlist Success - Avg 1 for every successful request; 0 for every failure. The average value indicates the rate of success.
Get Hlsstreaming Session Url Latency - Avg Latency of the GetHLSStreamingSessionURL API calls for the given stream name.
Get Hlsstreaming Session Url Requests - Sum Number of GetHLSStreamingSessionURL API requests for a given stream.
Get Hlsstreaming Session Url Success - Avg 1 for every successful request; 0 for every failure. The average value indicates the rate of success.
Get Media For Fragment List Outgoing Bytes - Avg Total number of bytes sent out from the service as part of the GetMediaForFragmentList API for a given stream.
Get Media For Fragment List Outgoing Fragments - Sum Total number of fragments sent out from the service as part of the GetMediaForFragmentList API for a given stream.
Get Media For Fragment List Outgoing Frames - Sum Total number of frames sent out from the service as part of the GetMediaForFragmentList API for a given stream.
Get Media For Fragment List Requests - Sum Number of GetMediaForFragmentList API requests for a given stream.
Get Media For Fragment List Success - Sum 1 for every fragment successfully sent; 0 for every failure. The average value indicates the rate of success.
Get Media Connection Errors - Sum The number of connections that were not successfully established.
Get Media Millis Behind Now - Avg Time difference between the current server timestamp and the server timestamp of the last fragment sent.
Get Media Outgoing Bytes - Avg Total number of bytes sent out from the service as part of the GetMedia API for a given stream.
Get Media Outgoing Fragments - Sum Number of fragments sent while doing GetMedia for the stream.
Get Media Outgoing Frames - Sum Number of frames sent during GetMedia on the given stream.
Get Media Requests - Sum Number of GetMedia API requests for a given stream.
Get Media Success - Avg 1 for every fragment successfully sent; 0 for every failure. The average value indicates the rate of success.
Get Mp4Init Fragment Latency - Avg Latency of the GetMP4InitFragment API calls for the given stream name.
Get Mp4Init Fragment Requests - Sum Number of GetMP4InitFragment API requests for a given stream.
Get Mp4Init Fragment Success - Avg 1 for every successful request; 0 for every failure. The average value indicates the rate of success.
Get Mp4Media Fragment Latency - Avg Latency of the GetMP4MediaFragment API calls for the given stream name.
Get Mp4Media Fragment Outgoing Bytes - Avg Total number of bytes sent out from the service as part of the GetMP4MediaFragment API for a given stream.
Get Mp4Media Fragment Requests - Sum Number of GetMP4MediaFragment API requests for a given stream.
Get Mp4Media Fragment Success - Avg 1 for every successful request; 0 for every failure. The average value indicates the rate of success.
Get Tsfragment Latency - Avg Latency of the GetTSFragment API calls for the given stream name.
Get Tsfragment Outgoing Bytes - Avg Total number of bytes sent out from the service as part of the GetTSFragment API for a given stream.
Get Tsfragment Requests - Sum Number of GetTSFragment API requests for a given stream.
Get Tsfragment Success - Avg 1 for every successful request; 0 for every failure. The average value indicates the rate of success.
List Fragments Latency - Avg Latency of the ListFragments API calls for the given stream name.
List Fragments Requests - Sum Number of ListFragments API requests for a given stream.
List Fragments Success - Avg 1 for every successful request; 0 for every failure. The average value indicates the rate of success.
Put Media Active Connections - Sum The total number of connections to the service host.
Put Media Buffering Ack Latency - Avg Time difference between when the first byte of a new fragment is received by Kinesis Video Streams and when the Buffering ACK is sent for the fragment.
Put Media Connection Errors - Sum Errors while establishing PutMedia connection for the stream.
Put Media Error Ack Count - Sum Number of Error ACKs sent while doing PutMedia for the stream.
Put Media Fragment Ingestion Latency - Avg Time difference between when the first and last bytes of a fragment are received by Kinesis Video Streams.
Put Media Fragment Persist Latency - Avg Time taken from when the complete fragment data is received and archived.
Put Media Incoming Bytes - Avg Number of bytes received as part of PutMedia for the stream.
Put Media Incoming Fragments - Sum Number of complete fragments received as part of PutMedia for the stream.
Put Media Incoming Frames - Sum Number of complete frames received as part of PutMedia for the stream.
Put Media Latency - Avg Time difference between the request and the HTTP response from InletService while establishing the connection.
Put Media Persisted Ack Latency - Avg Time difference between when the last byte of a new fragment is received by Kinesis Video Streams and when the Persisted ACK is sent for the fragment.
Put Media Received Ack Latency - Avg Time difference between when the last byte of a new fragment is received by Kinesis Video Streams and when the Received ACK is sent for the fragment.
Put Media Requests - Sum Number of PutMedia API requests for a given stream.
Put Media Success - Avg 1 for each fragment successfully written; 0 for every failed fragment. The average value of this metric indicates how many complete, valid fragments are sent.

KMS Service

AWS: KMS Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Key Id The unique identifier of every Key from Key Management Service.
Target Key Id String that contains the key identifier referred to by the alias.
Target Key Id The key identifier which referred to by the tags.
Alias String that contains the alias. This value begins with alias/.
ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of every Key from Key Management Service.
Creation Date The date and time when the Key was created.
Key Manager The manager of the Key. In AWS are either Customer Managed or AWS managed.
Origin The source of the Key. They could be: AWS_KMS, EXTERNAL, AWS_CLOUDHSM.
Status The state of the Key.
Tag Key The key of the tag.
Tag Value The value of the tag.
AWS: KMS Performance
Object Name Object Description
Seconds Until Key Material Expiration This metric tracks the number of seconds remaining until imported key material expires. This metric is valid only for CMKs whose origin is EXTERNAL and whose key material is or was set to expire.

Lambda Service

AWS: Lambda Function Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Name The alias name.
State The state of the event source mapping.
State Transition Reason The reason the event source mapping is in its current state.
Description The alias description.
Last Processing Result The result of the last AWS Lambda invocation of your Lambda function.
Version List of versions of the Lambda function.
Action The action that the trigger makes to Lambda Function.
DLQ Resource The Dead-Letter Queue service. Possible values are "SNS" or "SQS".
Event Source ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis stream that is the source of events.
Function Version The function version to which the alias points.
Service The Amazon Service that triggers the Lambda Function.
Version Description Descriptions of each version of the Lambda function.
ARN Lambda function ARN that is qualified using the alias name as the suffix.
AWS Lambda Function/Security Group A list of security group IDs associated with the Lambda function.
AWS Lambda Function/SNS-SQS The Id of the SQS or SNS service that the lambda is using for the error handling storage.
AWS Lambda Function/Subnet A list of subnet IDs associated with the Lambda function.
AWS Lambda Function/VPC The custom VPC that the lambda belongs to.
Batch Size The largest number of records that AWS Lambda will retrieve from your event source at the time of invoking your function.
Code Size (B) The size, in bytes, of the function .zip file you uploaded.
Description The user-provided description for the lambda function.
Event Source ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Service that is the source of triggers.
Execution Role The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda assumes when it executes your function to access any other Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources.
Function ARN Lambda Function Amazon Resource Name identifier.
Function Name The name of the function.
Handler The function Lambda calls to begin executing your function.
Key The key of the lambda function tag.
Last Modified The time stamp of the last time you updated the function.
Last Modified The UTC time string indicating the last time the event mapping was updated.
Memory Size (MB) The memory size, in MB, you configured for the function. Must be a multiple of 64 MB.
Runtime The runtime environment for the Lambda function.
Timeout (s) The function execution time in seconds at which Lambda should terminate the function. Because the execution time has cost implications, we recommend you set this value based on your expected execution time. The default is 3 seconds.
Value The value of the lambda function tag.
Version The version of the Lambda function.
Version ARN List of ARNs with the detail of versions of the Lambda function.
AWS: Lambda Function Performance
Object Name Object Description
Dead Letter Errors Incremented when Lambda is unable to write the failed event payload to your configured Dead Letter Queues. The major event expires after 90 minutes.
Duration Elapsed wall clock time from when the function code starts executing as a result of an invocation to when it stops executing.
Errors Number of invocations that failed due to errors in the function (response code 4XX).
Invocations Number of times a function is invoked in response to an event or invocation API call.
Iterator Age Measures the age of the last record for each batch of records processed. Age is the difference between the time Lambda received the batch, and the time the last record in the batch was written to the stream.
Throttles Number of Lambda function invocation attempts that were throttled due to invocation rates exceeding the customer’s concurrent limits (error code 429).
AWS: Lambda Function Qualified Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Alias ARN Lambda function ARN that is qualified using the alias name as the suffix.
Alias Description Alias description.
Alias Function Version Function version to which the alias points.
Alias Name Alias name.
Alias Revision ID Represents the latest updated revision of the function or alias.
AWS Lambda Function Qualified/Security Groups A list of security group IDs associated with the Lambda function.
AWS Lambda Function Qualified/Subnets A list of subnet IDs associated with the Lambda function.
AWS Lambda Function Qualified/VPC The custom VPC that the lambda belongs to.
Version Code Sha256 It is the SHA256 hash of your function deployment package.
Version Code Size (B) The size, in bytes, of the function .zip file you uploaded.
Version Description The user-provided description for lambda function version.
Version Function ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to a regular lambda function.
Version Function ARN Version The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the lambda function version.
Version Function Name The name of the function. Note that the length constraint applies only to the ARN. If you specify only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Version Handler The function Lambda calls to begin executing your function.
Version Last Modified The time stamp of the last time you updated the function.
Version Memory Size (MB) The memory size, in MB, you configured for the function. Must be a multiple of 64 MB.
Version Revision ID Represents the latest updated revision of the function or alias.
Version Role The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda assumes when it executes your function to access any other Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources.
Version Runtime The runtime environment for the Lambda function.
Version Timeout (s) The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate the function. Because the execution time has cost implications, we recommend you set this value based on your expected execution time. The default is 3 seconds.
Version Version The version of the Lambda function.
VPC Config Security Group ID A list of security group IDs associated with the Lambda function.
VPC Config Subnet ID A list of subnet IDs associated with the Lambda function.
VPC Config VPC ID The VPC ID associated with you Lambda function.
AWS: Lambda Function Qualified Performance
Object Name Object Description
Dead Letter Errors Incremented when Lambda is unable to write the failed event payload to your configured Dead Letter Queues. The major event expires after 90 minutes.
Duration Elapsed wall clock time from when the function code starts executing as a result of an invocation to when it stops executing.
Errors Number of invocations that failed due to errors in the function (response code 4XX).
Invocations Number of times a function is invoked in response to an event or invocation API call.
Iterator Age Measures the age of the last record for each batch of records processed. Age is the difference between the time Lambda received the batch, and the time the last record in the batch was written to the stream.
Throttles Number of Lambda function invocation attempts that were throttled due to invocation rates exceeding the customer’s concurrent limits (error code 429).
AWS: Lambda Function Replica Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Code Size (B) The size, in bytes, of the function .zip file you uploaded.
Description The user-provided description for the lambda function.
Execution Role The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that Lambda assumes when it executes your function to access any other Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources.
Function ARN Lambda Function Amazon Resource Name identifier.
Function Name The name of the function.
Handler The function Lambda calls to begin executing your function.
Lambda Replica Master ARN The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the master function from which the function was replicated.
Last Modified The time stamp of the last time you updated the function.
Memory Size (MB) The memory size, in MB, you configured for the function. Must be a multiple of 64 MB.
Parent (Master) Lambda Function/Replica Lambda Function The master function from which the function was replicated.
Runtime The runtime environment for the Lambda function.
Timeout (s) The function execution time in seconds at which Lambda should terminate the function. Because the execution time has cost implications, we recommend you set this value based on your expected execution time. The default is 3 seconds.
Version The version of the Lambda function.
AWS: Lambda Service Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Code Storage (B) Total size, in bytes, of the deployment packages of your account per region.
Memory Allocated (B) Memory allocated for all lambda functions.
Total Code Size (B) Maximum size, in bytes, of a code package you can upload per region. The default size is 75 GB.
Code Size Unzipped (B) Size, in bytes, of code/dependencies that you can zip into a deployment package (uncompressed .zip/.jar size) for uploading. The default limit is 250 MB.
Code Size Zipped (B) Size, in bytes, of a single zipped code/dependencies package you can upload for your Lambda function(.zip/.jar file). Try using Amazon S3 for uploading larger files. Default limit is 50 MB.
Code Storage Percentage Total size, in bytes, of the deployment packages of your account per region, it is measured in percentage.
Full Account Concurrency Number of simultaneous executions of your function per region. The default limit is 1000.
Lambda Functions The number of existing functions of your account per region.
Unreserved Account Concurrency The number of concurrent executions available to functions that do not have concurrency limits set.
AWS: Lambda Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date The timestamp of this health status update string.
Health A text description of this AWS Lambda Service health status.
AWS: Lambda Service Performance
Object Name Object Description
Concurrent Executions Sum for all functions within this service instance, during this polling interval, of concurrent executions of functions.
Duration An average of the elapsed wall clock time from when the function code starts executing as a result of an invocation to when it stops executing. This averaged time value is for all functions within this service instance during this polling interval.
Errors Sum for all functions within this service instance, during this polling interval, of invocations that failed due to errors (response code 4XX).
Invocations Sum for all functions within this service instance, during this polling interval, of the times functions are invoked in response to an event or invocation API call.
Throttles Sum for all functions within this service instance, during this polling interval, of function invocation attempts that were throttled due to invocation rates exceeding the customer’s concurrent limits (error code 429).
Unreserved Concurrent Executions Sum for all functions within this service instance, during this polling interval, for functions invoked or running in concurrency for functions that have no custom concurrency limit specified.

Lex V2 Service

These Dynamic Applications are available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: Lexv2 PostContent Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Kendra Index Access Error - Sum The number of times that Amazon Lex V2 could not access your Amazon Kendra index.
Kendra Latency - Avg The amount of time that it takes Amazon Kendra to respond to a request from the AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent.
Kendra Success - Sum The number of times that Amazon Lex V2 could not access your Amazon Kendra index.
Kendra System Errors - Sum The number of times that Amazon Lex V2 could not query the Amazon Kendra index.
Kendra Throttled Events - Sum The number of times Amazon Kendra throttled requests from the AMAZON.
Missed Utterance Count - Sum The number of utterances that were not recognized in the specified period
Runtime Concurrency - Sum The number of concurrent connections in the specified time period. RuntimeConcurrency is reported as a StatisticSet.
Runtime Invalid Lambda Responses - Sum The number of invalid AWS Lambda responses in the specified period.
Runtime Lambda Errors - Sum The number of Lambda runtime errors in the specified period.
Runtime Polly Errors - Sum The number of invalid Amazon Polly responses in the specified period.
Runtime Request Count - Sum The number of runtime requests in the specified period.
Runtime Successful Request Latency - Sum The latency for successful requests between the time that the request was made and the response was passed back.
Runtime System Errors - Sum The number of system errors in the specified period. The response code range for a system error is 500 to 599.
Runtime Throttled Events - Sum The number of throttled requests. Amazon Lex throttles a request when it receives more requests than the limit of transactions per second set for your account.
Runtime User Errors - Sum The number of user errors in the specified period. The response code range for a user error is 400 to 499.
AWS: Lexv2 PostText Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Kendra Index Access Error - Sum The number of times that Amazon Lex V2 could not access your Amazon Kendra index.
Kendra Latency - Avg The amount of time that it takes Amazon Kendra to respond to a request from the AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent.
Kendra Success - Sum The number of times that Amazon Lex V2 could not access your Amazon Kendra index.
Kendra System Errors - Sum The number of times that Amazon Lex V2 could not query the Amazon Kendra index.
Kendra Throttled Events - Sum The number of times Amazon Kendra throttled requests from the AMAZON.
Missed Utterance Count - Sum The number of utterances that were not recognized in the specified period
Runtime Concurrency - Sum The number of concurrent connections in the specified time period. RuntimeConcurrency is reported as a StatisticSet.
Runtime Invalid Lambda Responses - Sum The number of invalid AWS Lambda responses in the specified period.
Runtime Lambda Errors - Sum The number of Lambda runtime errors in the specified period.
Runtime Polly Errors - Sum The number of invalid Amazon Polly responses in the specified period.
Runtime Request Count - Sum The number of runtime requests in the specified period.
Runtime Successful Request Latency - Sum The latency for successful requests between the time that the request was made and the response was passed back.
Runtime System Errors - Sum The number of system errors in the specified period. The response code range for a system error is 500 to 599.
Runtime Throttled Events - Sum The number of throttled requests. Amazon Lex throttles a request when it receives more requests than the limit of transactions per second set for your account.
Runtime User Errors - Sum The number of user errors in the specified period. The response code range for a user error is 400 to 499.

LightSail Service

AWS: LightSail Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Access Direction The access direction (inbound or outbound).
Access From The location from which access is allowed (e.g., Anywhere ( ).
Access Type The type of access (Public or Private).
Availability Zone The Availability Zone.
Blueprint ID The blueprint ID.
Blueprint Name The friendly name of the blueprint.
CPU count The number of vCPUs the instance has.
Created At The timestamp when the instance was created.
Disk ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the disk.
Disk Attached To The resources to which the disk is attached.
Disk Attachment State The attachment state of the disk.
Disk Created At The date when the disk was created.
Disk Name The name of the disk.
Disk Path The disk path.
Disk Resource Type The resource type of the disk.
Disk Size in GB The size of the disk in GB.
Distinguished Name The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.
From Port The first port in the range.
GB per Month Allocation The amount allocated per month (in GB).
Instance Type The Amazon EC2 instance type. Note: This collection object may not collect any data if AWS has deprecated the bundle that was used to create the original Lightsail instance.
IPv6 Address The IPv6 address of the instance.
Is Static Ip? A Boolean value indicating whether this instance has a static IP assigned to it.
Name The name the user gave the instance.
Price The price in US dollars. Note: This collection object may not collect any data if AWS has deprecated the bundle that was used to create the original lightsail instance.
Private IP Address The private IP address of the instance.
Protocol The protocol being used, it can contain following values tcp|-1|udp. The -1 value means all protocols (udp and udp).
Public IP Address The public IP address of the instance.
RAM size in GB The amount of RAM in GB on the instance (e.g., 1.0 ).
Region Name The AWS Region name.
Resource Type The type of resource (usually Instance).
State The status code and the state (e.g., running) for the instance.
Support Code The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.
System Disk A Boolean value indicating whether this disk is a system disk (has an operating system loaded on it).
To Port The last port in the range.
AWS: LightSail Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
CPU Utilization This metric refers to the percentage of CPU capacity that your Amazon Lightsail instance is using at the timestamp. This metric identifies the processing power required to run an application on a selected instance.
Network In The number of bytes received at the timestamp on all network interfaces by the Amazon Lightsail instance. This metric identifies the volume of incoming network traffic to an application on a single instance.
Network Out The number of bytes sent out at the timestamp on all network interfaces by the Amazon Lightsail instance. This metric identifies the volume of outgoing network traffic to an application on a single instance.
Status Check Failed Reports whether the instance has passed both the AmazonLightsail instance status check and the system status check in the last minute. This metric can be either 0 (passed) or 1 (failed).
Status Check Failed Instance Reports whether the instance has passed the Amazon Lightsail instance status check in the last minute. This metric can be either 0 (passed) or 1 (failed).
Status Check Failed System Reports whether the instance has passed the system status check in the last minute. This metric can be either 0 (passed) or 1 (failed).

MediaConnect Service

These Dynamic Applications are available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: Media Connect Flow Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Arqrecovered - Sum The number of dropped packets that were recovered by automatic repeat request (ARQ). This metric applies only to flows that have one source that uses the RIST protocol or the Zixi protocol. It doesn't apply to flows that receive content from entitlement or to flows that have multiple sources. For flows that have multiple sources, use the SourceARQRecovered metric to view data for each source.
Arqrequests - Sum The number of retransmitted packets that were requested through automatic repeat request (ARQ) and received. This metric applies only to flows that have one source that uses the RIST protocol or the Zixi protocol. It doesn't apply to flows that receive content from an entitlement or to flows that have multiple sources. For flows that have multiple sources, use the SourceARQRequests metric to view data for each source.
Bit Rate - Avg The bitrate of the incoming (source) video.
Connected - Avg The status of the source. A value of 1 indicates that the source is connected and a value of 0 (zero) indicates that the source is disconnected. This metric applies only to sources that use the Zixi protocol.
Disconnections - Sum The number of times that the source status changed from connected to disconnected.
Dropped Packets - Sum The number of packets that were lost during transit. This value is measured before any error correction takes place.
Failover Switches - Sum The total number of times the flow switches back and forth between sources when using the Failover mode for source failover.
Fecpackets - Sum The number of packets that were transmitted using forward error correction (FEC) and received. This metric applies only to flows that have one source that uses the RTP-FEC protocol or the Zixi protocol. It doesn't apply to flows that receive content from an entitlement or to flows that have multiple sources. For flows that have multiple sources, use the SourceFECPackets metric to view data for each source.
Fecrecovered - Sum The number of packets that were transmitted using forward error correction (FEC), lost during transit, and recovered. This metric applies only to flows that have one source that uses the RTP-FEC protocol or the Zixi protocol. It doesn't apply to flows that receive content from an entitlement or to flows that have multiple sources. For flows that have multiple sources, use the SourceFECRecovered metric to view data for each source.
Merge Active - Avg The merge status of all sources on the flow. A value of 1 indicates that all sources are merged. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that at least one source is not actively merged with 2022-7.
Merge Latency - Sum The maximum value for SourceMergeLatency.
Not Recovered Packets - Sum The number of packets that were lost during transit and were not recovered by error correction.
Overflow Packets - Sum The number of packets that were lost in transit because the video required more buffer than was available. This metric doesn't apply to flows that receive content from an entitlement or to flows that have multiple sources.
Packet Loss Percent - Avg The percentage of packets that were lost during transit, even if they were recovered.
Recovered Packets - Sum The number of packets that were lost during transit, but recovered.
Round Trip Time - Avg The amount of time it takes for the source to send a signal and receive an acknowledgment from AWS Elemental MediaConnect. This metric applies only to flows that have one source that uses the Zixi protocol. It doesn't apply to flows that receive content from an entitlement or to flows that have multiple sources. For flows that have multiple sources, use the SourceRoundTripTime metric to view data for each source.
Total Packets - Sum The total number of packets that were received.
AWS: Media Connect Maintenance Flow Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Maintenance Canceled - Avg Maintenance for this flow is canceled by MediaConnect.
Maintenance Failed - Avg Maintenance did not complete successfully for this flow.
Maintenance Rescheduled - Avg MediaConnect is unable to perform maintenance at the previously scheduled date and time. A new date and time has been automatically assigned by MediaConnect for this flow's maintenance.
Maintenance Scheduled - Avg Maintenance is scheduled for the flow.
Maintenance Started - Avg Maintenance has started and is currently in progress for this flow.
Maintenance Succeeded - Avg Maintenance completed successfully for this flow.
AWS: Media Connect Output Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Connected Outputs - Avg The number of outputs that are currently connected. This metric applies only to outputs that use the Zixi protocol.
Output Connected - Avg The status of the output. A value of 1 indicates that the output is connected, and a value of 0 (zero) indicates that the output is disconnected. This metric applies only to outputs that use the Zixi protocol.
Output Disconnections - Avg The number of times that the output status changed from connected to disconnected.
Output Dropped Payloads - Sum Payloads that were lost during transit from MediaConnect to the output. A payload is a frame of video or an audio sample. Payloads can consist of multiple packets. Payload metrics are only applicable when using CDI.
Output Late Payloads - Sum Packets of a payload that arrive at the output outside of MediaConnect's internal buffer. A payload is a frame of video or an audio sample. Payloads can consist of multiple packets. Payload metrics are only applicable when using CDI.
Output Total Bytes - Sum Total amount of bytes transferred from MediaConnect to the output.
Output Total Payloads - Sum Total amount of payloads delivered from MediaConnect to the output. A payload is a frame of video or an audio sample. Payloads can consist of multiple packets. Payload metrics are only applicable when using CDI.
AWS: Media Connect Source Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Source Arqrecovered - Sum The number of dropped packets that were recovered by automatic repeat request (ARQ). This metric applies only to sources that use the RIST protocol or the Zixi protocol. It doesn't apply to flows that receive content from an entitlement.
Source Arqrequests - Sum The number of retransmitted packets that were requested through automatic repeat request (ARQ) and received. This metric applies only to sources that use the RIST protocol or the Zixi protocol. It doesn't apply to flows that receive content from an entitlement.
Source Bit Rate - Avg The bitrate of the incoming (source) video. Note MediaConnect suppresses null packets in an effort to optimize the data connection between the content originator of flow and the subscribers of flow. This can result in a fluctuating bitrate on the subscribers of flow, or a difference between the bitrate of the content originator of flow and the subscribers flow. We recommend that you monitor source health as a combination of SourceBitRate and other metrics such as SourceContinuityCounter and SourceNotRecoveredPackets.
Source Connected - Avg The status of the source. A value of 1 indicates that the source is connected and a value of 0 (zero) indicates that the source is disconnected. This metric applies only to sources that use the Zixi protocol.
Source Disconnections - Sum The number of times that the source status changed from connected to disconnected.
Source Dropped Packets - Sum The number of packets that were lost during transit. This value is measured before any error correction takes place.
Source Dropped Payloads - Avg Payloads that were lost during transit to MediaConnect from the source. A payload is a frame of video or an audio sample. Payloads can consist of multiple packets. Payload metrics are only applicable when using CDI.
Source Fecpackets - Sum The number of packets that were transmitted using forward error correction (FEC) and received. This metric applies only to sources that use the RTP-FEC protocol or the Zixi protocol. It doesn't apply to flows that receive content from an entitlement.
Source Fecrecovered - Sum The number of packets that were transmitted using forward error correction (FEC), lost during transit, and recovered. This metric applies only to sources that use the RTP-FEC protocol or the Zixi protocol. It does not apply to flows that receive content from an entitlement.
Source Late Payloads - Avg Packets of a payload that arrive outside of the configured Max sync buffer time frame. A payload is a frame of video or an audio sample. Payloads can consist of multiple packets. Payload metrics are only applicable when using CDI.
Source Merge Active - Avg An indication of the status of the source with respect to other sources. This metric is useful when the flow has multiple sources for failover and you are using the Merge failover mode. A value of 1 indicates that the flow has multiple sources and that this source is actively in use, with 2022-7 merge. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that the flow is not using the source to form the stream.
Source Merge Latency - Avg The amount of time that this source trails the primary source. If this source is the primary source, the value is 0 (zero).
Source Merge Status Warn Mismatch - Avg A status metric warning that the flow is receiving mismatched sources. This means that any dropped packets will not be recovered and will result in poor network reliability. This metric only applies to sources using merge mode failover. Merge mode failover requires both sources to be binary identical. To be binary identical, the sources must originate from the same encoder. This will ensure the sources can share missing packets, as the packets are identical.
Source Merge Status Warn Solo - Avg A status metric warning that the flow is only receiving one source. This means any dropped packets will not be recovered and will result in poor network reliability. This metric only applies to sources using merge mode failover.
Source Missing Packets - Avg A packet was missing from both source streams, this means the packet could not be recovered. This metric only applies to sources using merge mode failover.
Source Not Recovered Packets - Avg The number of packets that were lost during transit and were not recovered by error correction.
Source Overflow Packets - Avg The number of packets that were lost in transit because the video required more buffer than was available. This metric does not apply to flows that receive content from an entitlement or to flows that have multiple sources.
Source Packet Loss Percent - Avg The percentage of packets that were lost during transit, even if they were recovered.
Source Recovered Packets - Avg The number of packets that were lost during transit, but recovered.
Source Round Trip Time - Avg The amount of time it takes for the source to send a signal and receive an acknowledgment from AWS Elemental MediaConnect. This metric applies only to sources that use the Zixi protocol. It does not apply to flows that receive content from an entitlement.
Source Selected - Avg An indication if a source is being used as the input for flow ingest. This metric applies if your flow uses source failover, and the failover mode is set to Failover. A value of 1 indicates that the source is being used as the input. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that the flow is being used as the backup stream.
Source Total Bytes - Avg Total amount of bytes transferred to MediaConnect from the source.
Source Total Packets - Avg The total number of packets that were received.
Source Total Payouts - Avg Total amount of payloads delivered to MediaConnect from the source. A payload is a frame of video or an audio sample. Payloads can consist of multiple packets. Payload metrics are only applicable when using CDI.
AWS: Media Connect TR 101 Source Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Source Caterror - Sum The number of times that a conditional access table (CAT) error occurred. This error indicates that the CAT is not present. The CAT tells the integrated receiver decoder (IRD) where to find management messages for the conditional access (CA) systems that are in use.
Source Continuity Counter - Sum The number of times that a continuity error occurred. This error indicates an incorrect packet order or lost packets.
Source Crcerror - Sum The number of times that a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) error occurred. This error happens when a CRC determines that data is corrupted.
Source Paterror - Sum The number of times that a program association table (PAT) error occurred. This error indicates that the PAT is missing. The PAT lists the programs that are available in a transport stream (TS) and points to the program map tables (PMTs). The decoder needs the PAT to do its job.
Source Pcraccuracy Error - Sum The number of times that a program clock register (PCR) accuracy error occurred. This error happens when the value of the transmitted PCR differs from what is expected by more than 500 nanoseconds (ns). When a stream is encoded, the encoder assigns periodic PCR values from the encoder of program clock. The decoder relies on these values to ensure that the stream is kept in sync.
Source Pcerror - Sum The number of times that a PCR error occurred. This error happens when PCR values are not sent frequently enough. The service relies on consistent, frequent PCRs to reset the local 27 MHz system clock. Although the error occurs when the interval exceeds 100 milliseconds (ms), best practices dictate that PCRs should be received at least every 40 ms.
Source Piderror - Sum The number of times that a packet identifier (PID) error occurred. This error indicates that a PID is missing its associated data stream. The PIDs are identifiers that provide the location of the video, audio, and data streams. This error can occur after the TS has been multiplexed and then remultiplexed.
Source Pmterror - Sum The number of times that a program map table (PMT) error occurred. This error happens when the PMT is not received at least every 500 milliseconds (ms). Each PMT contains a list of PIDs, which help decoders reassemble data. The decoder needs the PMTs to do its job.
Source Ptserror - Sum The number of times that a presentation timestamp (PTS) error occurred. This error happens when a presentation timestamp (PTS) is not received at least every 700 ms. This can occur if the PTS is sent less frequently or not at all. The most common cause of this error is when the TS is scrambled.
Source Transport Error - Sum The number of times that a primary transport error occurred. This error indicates that the TS packet is unusable. When this error occurs, ignore all other TR 101 290 errors for this packet.
Source Tsbyte Error - Sum The number of times that a TS byte error occurred. This error indicates that the sync byte did not appear after the prescribed number of bytes.
Source Tssync Loss - Sum The number of times that a TS sync loss error occurred. This error happens after two or more consecutive TS byte errors.
AWS: Media Connect TR101 Flow Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Caterror - Sum The number of times that a conditional access table (CAT) error occurred. This error indicates that the CAT is not present. The CAT tells the integrated receiver decoder (IRD) where to find management messages for the conditional access (CA) systems that are in use.
Continuity Counter - Sum The number of times that a continuity error occurred. This error indicates an incorrect packet order or lost packets.
Crcerror - Sum The number of times that a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) error occurred. This error happens when a CRC determines that data is corrupted.
Paterror - Sum The number of times that a program association table (PAT) error occurred. This error indicates that the PAT is missing. The PAT lists the programs that are available in a transport stream (TS) and points to the program map tables (PMTs). The decoder needs the PAT to do its job.
Pcraccuracy Error - Sum The number of times that a program clock register (PCR) accuracy error occurred. This error happens when the value of the transmitted PCR differs from what is expected by more than 500 nanoseconds (ns). When a stream is encoded, the encoder assigns periodic PCR values of the encoder's program clock. The decoder relies on these values to ensure that the stream is kept in sync.
Pcrerror - Sum The number of times that a PCR error occurred. This error happens when PCR values are not sent frequently enough. The service relies on consistent, frequent PCRs to reset the local 27 MHz system clock. Although the error occurs when the interval exceeds 100 milliseconds (ms), best practices dictate that PCRs should be received at least every 40 ms.
Piderror - Sum The number of times that a packet identifier (PID) error occurred. This error indicates that a PID is missing its associated data stream. The PIDs are identifiers that provide the location of the video, audio, and data streams. This error can occur after the transport stream has been multiplexed and then remultiplexed.
Pmterror - Sum The number of times that a program map table (PMT) error occurred. This error happens when the PMT is not received at least every 500 milliseconds (ms). Each PMT contains a list of PIDs, which help decoders reassemble data. The decoder needs the PMTs to do its job.
Ptserror - Sum The number of times that a presentation timestamp (PTS) error occurred. This error happens when a presentation timestamp (PTS) is not received at least every 700 ms. This can occur if the PTS is sent less frequently or not at all. The most common cause of this error is when the transport stream (TS) is scrambled.
Transport Error - Sum The number of times that a primary transport error occurred. This error indicates that the TS packet is unusable. When this error occurs, ignore all other TR 101 290 errors for this packet.
Tsbyte Error - Sum The number of times that a transport stream byte error occurred. This error indicates that the sync byte did not appear after the prescribed number of bytes.
Tssync Loss - Sum The number of times that a TS sync loss error occurred. This error happens after two or more consecutive TS byte errors.

MediaConvert Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: Media Convert Queue Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
8KOutput Duration - Avg The number of milliseconds of 8K output for a queue.
Audio Output Duration - Avg The number of milliseconds of audio-only output for a queue.
HDOutput Duration - Avg The number of milliseconds of high-definition (HD) output for a queue.
Jobs Completed Count - Sum The number of jobs completed in this queue.
Jobs Errored Count - Sum The number of jobs that failed because of invalid inputs, such as a request to transcode a file that is not in the specified input bucket.
SDOutput Duration - Avg The number of milliseconds of standard definition (SD) output for a queue.
Standby Time - Avg The number of milliseconds before AWS Elemental MediaConvert starts transcoding a job.
Transcoding Time - Avg The number of milliseconds for AWS Elemental MediaConvert to complete transcoding.
UHDOutput Duration - Avg The number of milliseconds of ultra-high-definition (UHD) output for a queue.

MediaPackage Service

These Dynamic Applications are available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: Media Package Live Content Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Egress Bytes - Sum Number of bytes that AWS Elemental MediaPackage successfully sends for each request. If MediaPackage does not receive any requests for output in the specified interval, then no data is given.
Egress Request Count - Sum Number of content requests that AWS Elemental MediaPackage receives. If MediaPackage does not receive any requests for output in the specified interval, then no data is given.
Egress Response Time - Avg The time that it takes AWS Elemental MediaPackage to process each output request. If MediaPackage does not receive any requests for output in the specified interval, then no data is given.
Ingress Bytes - Sum Number of bytes of content that AWS Elemental MediaPackage receives for each input request. If MediaPackage does not receive any requests for input in the specified interval, then no data is given.
Ingress Response Time - Avg The time that it takes AWS Elemental MediaPackage to process each input request. If MediaPackage does not receive any requests for input in the specified interval, then no data is given.
AWS: Media Package Vod Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Egress Bytes - Sum Number of bytes that AWS Elemental MediaPackage successfully sends for each request. If MediaPackage does not receive any requests for output in the specified interval, then no data is given.
Egress Request Count - Sum Number of content requests that AWS Elemental MediaPackage receives. If MediaPackage does not receive any requests for output in the specified interval, then no data is given.
Egress Response Time - Avg The time that it takes AWS Elemental MediaPackage to process each output request. If MediaPackage does not receive any requests for output in the specified interval, then no data is given.

MediaTailor Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: Media Tailor Server Side Ad-Insertion Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Ad Decision Server Ads - Sum The count of ads included in ad decision server (ADS) responses within the CloudWatch time period that you specified.
Ad Decision Server Duration - Sum The total duration, in milliseconds, of all ads that MediaTailor received from the ADS within the CloudWatch time period that you specified. This duration can be greater than the Avail.Duration that you specified.
Ad Decision Server Errors - Sum The number of non-HTTP 200 status code responses, empty responses, and timed-out responses that MediaTailor received from the ADS within the CloudWatch time period that you specified.
Ad Decision Server Fill Rate - Avg The simple average of the rates at which the responses from the ADS filled the corresponding individual ad avails for the time period that you specified. To get the weighted average, calculate the AdDecisionServer.Duration as a percentage of the Avail.Duration. For more information about simple and weighted averages, see Simple and weighted averages.
Ad Decision Server Latency - Sum The response time in milliseconds for requests made by MediaTailor to the ADS.
Ad Decision Server Timeouts - Sum The number of timed-out requests to the ADS in the CloudWatch time period that you specified.
Ad Not Ready - Sum The number of times that the ADS pointed at an ad that wasn't yet transcoded by the internal transcoder service in the time period that you specified. A high value for this metric might contribute to a low overall Avail.FillRate.
Ads Billed - Sum The number of ads for which MediaTailor bills customers based on insertion.
Avail Duration - Sum The planned total number of milliseconds of ad avails within the CloudWatch time period. The planned total is based on the ad avail durations in the origin manifest.
Avail Fill Rate - Avg The planned simple average of the rates at which MediaTailor will fill individual ad avails within the CloudWatch time period. To get the weighted average, calculate the Avail.FilledDuration as a percentage of the Avail.Duration. For more information about simple and weighted averages, see Simple and weighted averages. The maximum Avail.FillRate that MediaTailor can attain is bounded by the AdDecisionServer.FillRate. If the Avail.FillRate is low, compare it to the AdDecisionServer.FillRate. If the AdDecisionServer.FillRate is low, your ADS might not be returning enough ads for the avail durations.
Avail Filled Duration - Sum The planned number of milliseconds of ad avail time that MediaTailor will fill with ads within the CloudWatch time period.
Avail Impression - Sum The number of ads with impression tracking events that MediaTailor sees during server-side beaconing (not the number of impressions).
Avail Observed Duration - Sum The observed total number of milliseconds of ad avails that occurred within the CloudWatch time period. Avail.ObservedDuration is emitted at the end of the ad avail, and is based on the duration of the segments reported in the manifest during the ad avail.
Avail Observed Fill Rate - Avg The observed simple average of the rates at which MediaTailor filled individual ad avails within the CloudWatch time period.
Avail Observed Filled Duration - Sum The observed number of milliseconds of ad avail time that MediaTailor filled with ads within the CloudWatch time period.
Avail Observed Slate Duration - Sum The observed total number of milliseconds of slate that was inserted within the CloudWatch period.
Cluster Replica Lag - Avg For a read replica, the amount of lag when replicating updates from the primary instance, in milliseconds.
Cluster Replica Lag Maximum - Max The maximum amount of lag between the primary instance and each Neptune DB instance in the DB cluster, in milliseconds.
Cluster Replica Lag Minimum - Min The minimum amount of lag between the primary instance and each Neptune DB instance in the DB cluster, in milliseconds.
Get Manifest Errors - Sum The number of errors received while MediaTailor was generating manifests in the CloudWatch time period that you specified.
Get Manifest Latency - Sum The MediaTailor response time in milliseconds for the request to generate manifests.
Origin Errors - Sum The number of non-HTTP 200 status code responses and timed-out responses that MediaTailor received from the origin server in the CloudWatch time period that you specified.
Origin Latency - Sum The response time for requests made by MediaTailor to your content origin server.
Origin Manifest File Size Bytes - Sum The file size of the origin manifest in bytes for both HLS and DASH. Typically this metric is used in conjunction with Origin.ManifestFileSizeTooLarge.
Origin Manifest File Size Too Large - Sum The number of responses from the origin that have a manifest size larger than the configured amount. Typically this metric is used in conjunction with Origin.ManifestFileSizeBytes.
Origin Timeouts - Sum The number of timed-out requests to the origin server in the CloudWatch time period that you specified.
Requests - Sum The number of concurrent transactions per second across all request types. The transaction count depends mainly on the number of players and how often the players request updated manifests. Each player request counts as a transaction.
Skipped Reason Duration Exceeded - Sum The number of ads that were not inserted into an avail because the ADS returned a duration of ads that was greater than the specified avail duration. A high value for this metric might contribute to a discrepancy between the Avail.Ads and AdDecisionServer.Ads metric.
Skipped Reason Early Cue In - Sum The number of ads skipped due to an early CUE-IN.
Skipped Reason Internal Error - Sum The number of ads skipped due to a MediaTailor internal error.
Skipped Reason New Creative - Sum The number of ads that were not inserted into an avail because it was the first time the asset had been requested by a client. A high value for this metric might temporarily contribute to a low overall Avail.FillRate, until assets can be successfully transcoded.
Skipped Reason No Variant Match - Sum The number of ads skipped due to there being no variant match between the ad and content.
Skipped Reason Personalization Threshold Exceeded - Sum The duration of ads exceeding the Personalization Threshold setting in this configuration.
Skipped Reason Profile Not Found - Sum The number of ads skipped due to the transcoding profile not being found.
Skipped Reason Transcode Error - Sum The number of ads skipped due to a transcode error.
Skipped Reason Transcode In Progress - Sum The count of the number of ads that were not inserted into an avail because the ad had not yet been transcoded. A high value for this metric might temporarily contribute to a low overall Avail.FillRate, until the assets can be successfully transcoded.

Neptune Service

These Dynamic Applications are available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: Neptune Cluster Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Backup Retention Period Storage Used - Sum The total amount of backup storage, in bytes, used to support from the Neptune DB cluster's backup retention window. Included in the total reported by the TotalBackupStorageBilled metric.
Buffer Cache Hit Ratio - Avg The percentage of requests that are served by the buffer cache. This metric can be useful in diagnosing query latency, because cache misses induce significant latency. If the cache hit ratio is below 99.9, consider upgrading the instance type to cache more data in memory.
Cpuutilization - Avg The percentage of CPU utilization.
Engine Uptime - Avg The amount of time that the instance has been running, in seconds.
Freeable Memory - Min The amount of available random access memory, in bytes.
Gremlin Requests Per Sec - Avg Number of requests per second to the Gremlin engine.
Gremlin Web Socket Open Connections - Avg The number of open WebSocket connections to Neptune.
Loader Requests Per Sec - Avg Number of loader requests per second.
Main Request Queue Pending Requests - Avg The number of requests waiting in the input queue pending execution. Neptune starts throttling requests when they exceed the maximum queue capacity.
Neptune Global Dbdata Transfer Bytes - Sum The number of bytes of redo log data transferred from the primary AWS Region to a secondary AWS Region in a Neptune global database.
Neptune Global Dbprogress Lag - Avg The number of milliseconds that a secondary cluster is behind the primary cluster for both user transactions and system transactions.
Neptune Global Dbreplicated Write Io - Sum The number of write I/O operations replicated from the primary AWS Region in the global database to the cluster volume in a secondary AWS Region. The billing calculations for each DB cluster in a Neptune global database use the VolumeWriteIOPS metric to account for writes performed within that cluster. For the primary DB cluster, the billing calculations use NeptuneGlobalDBReplicatedWriteIO to account for the cross-region replication to secondary DB clusters.
Network Throughput - Avg The amount of network throughput both received from and transmitted to clients by each instance in the Neptune DB cluster, in bytes per second. This throughput does not include network traffic between instances in the DB cluster and the cluster volume.
Network Transmit Throughput - Avg The amount of outgoing network throughput transmitted to clients by each instance in the Neptune DB cluster, in bytes per second. This throughput does not include network traffic between instances in the DB cluster and the cluster volume.
Num Tx Committed - Avg The number of transactions successfully committed per second.
Num Tx Opened - Avg The number of transactions opened on the server per second.
Num Tx Rolled Back - Avg The number of transactions per second rolled back on the server because of errors.
Open Cypher Bolt Open Connections - Avg The number of open Bolt connections to Neptune.
Open Cypher Requests Per Sec - Avg Number of requests per second (both HTTPS and Bolt) to the openCypher engine.
Snapshot Storage Used - Sum The total amount of backup storage consumed by all snapshots for a Neptune DB cluster outside its backup retention window, in bytes. Included in the total reported by the TotalBackupStorageBilled metric.
Sparql Requests Per Sec - Avg The number of requests per second to the SPARQL engine.
Stats Num Statements Scanned - Avg The total number of statements scanned for DFE statistics since the server started. Every time statistics computation is triggered, this number increases, but when no computation is happening, it remains static. As a result, if you graph it over time, you can tell when computation happened and when it didn't: By looking at the slope of the graph in periods where the metric is increasing, you can also tell how quickly the computation was going. If there is no such metric, it means that the statistics feature is disabled on your DB cluster, or that the engine version you're running doesn't have the statistics feature. If the metric value is zero, it means that no statistics computation has occurred.
Total Backup Storage Billed - Avg The total amount of backup storage for which you are billed for a given Neptune DB cluster, in bytes. Includes the backup storage measured by the BackupRetentionPeriodStorageUsed and SnapshotStorageUsed metrics.
Total Client Errors Per Sec - Avg The total number per second of requests that errored out because of client-side issues.
Total Requests Per Sec - Avg The total number of requests per second to the server from all sources.
Total Server Errors Per Sec - Avg The total number per second of requests that errored out on the server because of internal failures.
Volume Bytes Used - Avg The total amount of storage allocated to your Neptune DB cluster, in bytes. This is the amount of storage for which you are billed. It is the maximum amount of storage allocated to your DB cluster at any point in its existence, not the amount you are currently using (see Neptune storage billing).
Volume Read Iops - Avg The average number of billed read I/O operations from a cluster volume, reported at 5-minute intervals. Billed read operations are calculated at the cluster volume level, aggregated from all instances in the Neptune DB cluster, and then reported at 5-minute intervals.
Volume Write Iops - Avg The average number of write disk I/O operations to the cluster volume, reported at 5-minute intervals.
AWS: Neptune Deprecated Cluster Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Gremlin Errors - Avg Number of errors in Gremlin traversals.
Gremlin Http1Xx - Avg Number of HTTP 1xx responses for the Gremlin endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http1xx combined metric instead.
Gremlin Http2Xx - Avg Number of HTTP 2xx responses for the Gremlin endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http2xx combined metric instead.
Gremlin Http4Xx - Avg Number of HTTP 4xx errors for the Gremlin endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http4xx combined metric instead.
Gremlin Http5Xx - Avg Number of HTTP 5xx errors for the Gremlin endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http5xx combined metric instead.
Gremlin Requests - Avg Number of requests to Gremlin engine.
Gremlin Web Socket Available Connections - Avg Number of potential WebSocket connections currently available.
Gremlin Web Socket Client Errors - Avg Number of WebSocket client errors on the Gremlin endpoint per second.
Gremlin Web Socket Server Errors - Avg Number of WebSocket server errors on the Gremlin endpoint per second.
Gremlin Web Socket Success - Avg Number of successful WebSocket connections to the Gremlin endpoint per second.
Http100 - Avg Number of HTTP 100 responses for the endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http1xx combined metric instead.
Http101 - Avg Number of HTTP 101 responses for the endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http1xx combined metric instead.
Http1Xx - Avg Number of HTTP 1xx responses for the endpoint per second.
Http200 - Avg Number of HTTP 200 responses for the endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http2xx combined metric instead.
Http2Xx - Avg Number of HTTP 2xx responses for the endpoint per second.
Http400 - Avg Number of HTTP 400 errors for the endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http4xx combined metric instead.
Http403 - Avg Number of HTTP 403 errors for the endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http4xx combined metric instead.
Http405 - Avg Number of HTTP 405 errors for the endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http4xx combined metric instead.
Http413 - Avg Number of HTTP 413 errors for the endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http4xx combined metric instead.
Http429 - Avg Number of HTTP 429 errors for the endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http4xx combined metric instead.
Http4Xx - Avg Number of HTTP 4xx errors for the endpoint per second.
Http500 - Avg Number of HTTP 500 errors for the endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http5xx combined metric instead.
Http501 - Avg Number of HTTP 501 errors for the endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http5xx combined metric instead.
Http5Xx - Avg Number of HTTP 5xx errors for the endpoint per second.
Loader Errors - Avg Number of errors from Loader requests.
Loader Requests - Avg Number of Loader Requests.
Sparql Errors - Avg Number of errors in the SPARQL queries.
Sparql Http1Xx - Avg Number of HTTP 1xx responses for the SPARQL endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http1xx combined metric instead.
Sparql Http2Xx - Avg Number of HTTP 2xx responses for the SPARQL endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http2xx combined metric instead.
Sparql Http4Xx - Avg Number of HTTP 4xx errors for the SPARQL endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http4xx combined metric instead.
Sparql Http5Xx - Avg Number of HTTP 5xx errors for the SPARQL endpoint per second. We recommend that you use the new Http5xx combined metric instead.
Sparql Requests - Avg Number of requests to the SPARQL engine.
Status Errors - Avg Number of errors from the status endpoint.
Status Requests - Avg Number of requests to the status endpoint.

Network ELB Service

AWS: Network ELB Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
AWS Network ELB/Availability Zones The availability zones for the load balancer.
AWS Network ELB/Target Groups The unique identifiers of the target groups for the network load balancer.
AWS Network ELB/VPC The unique identifier of the VPC for the load balancer.
DNS Name The public DNS name of the network load balancer.
Key The key of the tag, that belongs to the network load balancer.
Listener ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the listener.
Listener Port The port on which the load balancer is listening.
Listener Protocol The protocol for connections from clients to the load balancer.
Load Balancer ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the load balancer.
Load Balancer Name The name of the load balancer.
Load Balancer State The state of the load balancer.
Scheme The DNS name of an Internet-facing load balancer is publicly resolvable to the public IP addresses of the nodes.
Type The type of load balancer.
Value The value of the tag, that belongs to the network load balancer.
AWS: Network ELB Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Active Flow Count The total number of concurrent TCP flows (or connections) from clients to targets.
Active Flow Count TLS The total number of concurrent TLS flows (or connections) from clients to targets. This metric includes only connections in the ESTABLISHED states.
Client TLS Negotation Error Count The total number of TLS handshakes that failed during negotiation between a client and a TLS listener.
Consumed LCUst The number of load balancer capacity units (LCU) used.
New Flow Count The total number of new TCP flows (or connections) established from clients to targets in the time period.
New Flow Count TLS The total number of new TLS flows (or connections) established from clients to targets in the time period.
Processed Bytes The total number of bytes processed by the load balancer, including TCP/IP headers.
Processed Bytes TLS The total number of bytes processed by TLS listeners.
Target TLS Negotiation Error Count The total number of TLS handshakes that failed during negotiation between a TLS listener and a target.
TCP Client Reset Count The total number of reset (RST) packets sent from a client to a target.
TCP ELB Reset Count The total number of reset (RST) packets generated by the load balancer.
TCP Target Reset Count The total number of reset (RST) packets sent from a target to a client.

OpenSearch Service

These Dynamic Applications are available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: OpenSearch Cluster Performance
Object Name Object Description
2Xx - Sum The number of requests to the domain that resulted in the given HTTP response code (2xx).
3Xx - Sum The number of requests to the domain that resulted in the given HTTP response code (3xx).
4Xx - Sum The number of requests to the domain that resulted in the given HTTP response code (4xx).
5Xx - Sum The number of requests to the domain that resulted in the given HTTP response code (5xx).
Automated Snapshot Failure - Sum The number of failed automated snapshots for the cluster. A value of 1 indicates that no automated snapshot was taken for the domain in the previous 36 hours.
Cluster Index Writes Blocked - Max Indicates whether your cluster is accepting or blocking incoming write requests. A value of 0 means that the cluster is accepting requests. A value of 1 means that it is blocking requests.
Cluster Status Green - Max A value of 1 indicates that all index shards are allocated to nodes in the cluster.
Cluster Status Red - Max A value of 1 indicates that the primary and replica shards for at least one index are not allocated to nodes in the cluster.
Cluster Status Yellow - Max A value of 1 indicates that the primary shards for all indexes are allocated to nodes in the cluster, but replica shards for at least one index are not.
Cluster Used Space - Max The total used space for the cluster. You must leave the period at one minute to get an accurate value.
Cpucredit Balance - Min The remaining CPU credits available for data nodes in the cluster. A CPU credit provides the performance of a full CPU core for one minute.
Cpuutilization - Avg The percentage of CPU usage for data nodes in the cluster. Maximum shows the node with the highest CPU usage. Average represents all nodes in the cluster.
Cpuutilization - Max The percentage of CPU usage for data nodes in the cluster. Maximum shows the node with the highest CPU usage. Average represents all nodes in the cluster.
Deleted Documents - Avg The total number of documents marked for deletion across all data nodes in the cluster. These documents no longer appear in search results, but OpenSearch only removes deleted documents from disk during segment merges. This metric increases after delete requests and decreases after segment merges.
Free Storage Space - Sum The free space for data nodes in the cluster. Sum shows total free space for the cluster, but you must leave the period at one minute to get an accurate value. Minimum and Maximum show the nodes with the least and most free space, respectively.
Invalid Host Header Requests - Sum The number of HTTP requests made to the OpenSearch cluster that included an invalid (or missing) host header. Valid requests include the domain hostname as the host header value. OpenSearch Service rejects invalid requests for public access domains that don't have a restrictive access policy. We recommend applying a restrictive access policy to all domains. If you see large values for this metric, confirm that your OpenSearch clients include the domain hostname (and not, for example, its IP address) in their requests.
Jvmmemory Pressure - Max The maximum percentage of the Java heap used for all data nodes in the cluster. OpenSearch Service uses half of an instance's RAM for the Java heap, up to a heap size of 32 GiB. You can scale instances vertically up to 64 GiB of RAM, at which point you can scale horizontally by adding instances.
Kibana Reporting Failed Request Sys Err Count - Sum The number of requests to generate OpenSearch Dashboards reports that failed due to server problems or feature limitations.
Kibana Reporting Gailed Request User Err Count - Sum The number of requests to generate OpenSearch Dashboards reports that failed due to client issues.
Kibana Reporting Request Count - Sum The total number of requests to generate OpenSearch Dashboards reports.
Kibana Reporting Success Count - Sum The number of successful requests to generate OpenSearch Dashboards reports.
Kmskey Error - Max A value of 1 indicates that the AWS KMS key used to encrypt data at rest has been disabled. To restore the domain to normal operations, re-enable the key. The console displays this metric only for domains that encrypt data at rest.
Kmskey Inaccessible - Max A value of 1 indicates that the AWS KMS key used to encrypt data at rest has been deleted or revoked its grants to OpenSearch Service. You can't recover domains that are in this state. If you have a manual snapshot, though, you can use it to migrate the domain's data to a new domain. The console displays this metric only for domains that encrypt data at rest.
Nodes - Avg The number of nodes in the OpenSearch Service cluster, including dedicated master nodes and UltraWarm nodes.
Open Search Dashboards Healthy Nodes - Avg A health check for OpenSearch Dashboards. If the minimum, maximum, and average are all equal to 1, Dashboards is behaving normally. If you have 10 nodes with a maximum of 1, minimum of 0, and average of 0.7, this means 7 nodes (70%) are healthy and 3 nodes (30%) are unhealthy. Note that this object was previously KibanaHealthyNodes in AWS).
Open Search Requests - Sum The number of requests made to the OpenSearch cluster.
Searchable Documents - Avg The total number of searchable documents across all data nodes in the cluster.
Shards Active - Avg The total number of active primary and replica shards.
Shards Active Primary - Avg The number of active primary shards.
Shards Delayed Unassigned - Avg The number of shards whose node allocation has been delayed by the timeout settings.
Shards Initializing - Avg The number of shards that are under initialization.
Shards Relocating - Avg The number of shards that are under relocation.
Shards Unassigned - Avg The number of shards that are not allocated to nodes in the cluster.
AWS: OpenSearch EBS Performance
Object Name Object Description
Disk Queue Depth - Avg The number of pending input and output (I/O) requests for an EBS volume.
Disk Queue Depth - Max The number of pending input and output (I/O) requests for an EBS volume.
Disk Queue Depth - Min The number of pending input and output (I/O) requests for an EBS volume.
Read Iops - Avg The number of input and output (I/O) operations per second for read operations on EBS volumes.
Read Iops - Max The number of input and output (I/O) operations per second for read operations on EBS volumes.
Read Iops - Min The number of input and output (I/O) operations per second for read operations on EBS volumes.
Read Latency - Avg The latency, in seconds, for read operations on EBS volumes.
Read Latency - Max The latency, in seconds, for read operations on EBS volumes.
Read Latency - Min The latency, in seconds, for read operations on EBS volumes.
Read Throughput - Avg The throughput, in bytes per second, for read operations on EBS volumes.
Read Throughput - Max The throughput, in bytes per second, for read operations on EBS volumes.
Read Throughput - Min The throughput, in bytes per second, for read operations on EBS volumes.
Write Iops - Avg The number of input and output (I/O) operations per second for write operations on EBS volumes.
Write Iops - Max The number of input and output (I/O) operations per second for write operations on EBS volumes.
Write Iops - Min The number of input and output (I/O) operations per second for write operations on EBS volumes.
Write Latency - Avg The latency, in seconds, for write operations on EBS volumes.
Write Latency - Max The latency, in seconds, for write operations on EBS volumes.
Write Latency - Min The latency, in seconds, for write operations on EBS volumes.
Write Throughput - Avg The throughput, in bytes per second, for write operations on EBS volumes.
Write Throughput - Max The throughput, in bytes per second, for write operations on EBS volumes.
Write Throughput - Min The throughput, in bytes per second, for write operations on EBS volumes.
AWS: OpenSearch Instances Performance
Object Name Object Description
Coordinating Write Rejected - Sum The total number of rejections happened on the coordinating node due to indexing pressure since the last OpenSearch Service process startup.
Indexing Latency - Avg The average time, in milliseconds, that it takes a shard to complete an indexing operation.
Indexing Latency - Max The average time, in milliseconds, that it takes a shard to complete an indexing operation.
Indexing Rate - Avg The number of indexing operations per minute. A single call to the _bulk API that adds two documents and updates two counts as four operations, which might be spread across one or more nodes. If that index has one or more replicas, other nodes in the cluster also record a total of four indexing operations. Document deletions do not count towards this metric.
Jvmgcold Collection Count - Avg The number of times that "old generation" garbage collection has run. In a cluster with sufficient resources, this number should remain small and grow infrequently.
Jvmgcold Collection Count - Max The number of times that "old generation" garbage collection has run. In a cluster with sufficient resources, this number should remain small and grow infrequently.
Jvmgcold Collection Time - Avg The amount of time, in milliseconds, that the cluster has spent performing "old generation" garbage collection.
Jvmgcyoung Collection Count - Avg The number of times that "young generation" garbage collection has run. A large, ever-growing number of runs is a normal part of cluster operations.
Jvmgcyoung Collection Time - Avg The amount of time, in milliseconds, that the cluster has spent performing "young generation" garbage collection.
Jvmgcyoung Collection Time - Max The amount of time, in milliseconds, that the cluster has spent performing "young generation" garbage collection.
Open Search Dashboards Concurrent Connections - Avg The number of active concurrent connections to OpenSearch Dashboards. If this number is consistently high, consider scaling your cluster.  (previously KibanaConcurrentConnections).
Open Search Dashboards Concurrent Connections - Max The number of active concurrent connections to OpenSearch Dashboards. If this number is consistently high, consider scaling your cluster.  (previously KibanaConcurrentConnections).
Open Search Dashboards Healthy Node - Avg A health check for the individual OpenSearch Dashboards node. A value of 1 indicates normal behavior. A value of 0 indicates that Dashboards is inaccessible. (previously KibanaHealthyNode).
Open Search Dashboards Healthy Node - Min A health check for the individual OpenSearch Dashboards node. A value of 1 indicates normal behavior. A value of 0 indicates that Dashboards is inaccessible. (previously KibanaHealthyNode).
Open Search Dashboards Heap Total - Avg The amount of heap memory allocated to OpenSearch Dashboards in MiB. Different EC2 instance types can impact the exact memory allocation. (previously KibanaHealthyNode).
Open Search Dashboards Heap Used - Avg The absolute amount of heap memory used by OpenSearch Dashboards in MiB. (previously KibanaHeapUsed).
Open Search Dashboards Heap Utilization - Avg The maximum percentage of available heap memory used by OpenSearch Dashboards. If this value increases above 80%, consider scaling your cluster. (previously KibanaHeapUtilization).
Open Search Dashboards Heap Utilization - Max The maximum percentage of available heap memory used by OpenSearch Dashboards. If this value increases above 80%, consider scaling your cluster.
Open Search Dashboards Os1Minute Load - Avg The one-minute CPU load average for OpenSearch Dashboards. The CPU load should ideally stay below 1.00. While temporary spikes are fine, we recommend increasing the size of the instance type if this metric is consistently above 1.00. (previously KibanaOS1MinuteLoad).
Open Search Dashboards Os1Minute Load - Max The one-minute CPU load average for OpenSearch Dashboards. The CPU load should ideally stay below 1.00. While temporary spikes are fine, we recommend increasing the size of the instance type if this metric is consistently above 1.00. (previously KibanaOS1MinuteLoad).
Open Search Dashboards Request Total - Sum The total count of HTTP requests made to OpenSearch Dashboards. If your system is slow or you see high numbers of Dashboards requests, consider increasing the size of the instance type. (previously KibanaRequestTotal).
Open Search Dashboards Response Times Max In Millis - Avg The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that it takes for OpenSearch Dashboards to respond to a request. If requests consistently take a long time to return results, consider increasing the size of the instance type. (previously KibanaResponseTimesMaxInMillis).
Open Search Dashboards Response Times max In Millis - Max The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that it takes for OpenSearch Dashboards to respond to a request. If requests consistently take a long time to return results, consider increasing the size of the instance type.  (previously KibanaResponseTimesMaxInMillis).
Primary Write Rejected - Sum The total number of rejections happened on the primary shards due to indexing pressure since the last OpenSearch Service process startup.
Replica Write Rejected - Sum The total number of rejections happened on the replica shards due to indexing pressure since the last OpenSearch Service process startup. This metric is available in version 7.9 and above.
Search Latency - Avg The average time, in milliseconds, that it takes a shard on a data node to complete a search operation.
Search Latency - Max The average time, in milliseconds, that it takes a shard on a data node to complete a search operation.
Search Rate - Avg The total number of search requests per minute for all shards on a data node. A single call to the _search API might return results from many different shards. If five of these shards are on one node, the node would report 5 for this metric, even though the client only made one request.
Segment Count - Avg The number of segments on a data node. The more segments you have, the longer each search takes. OpenSearch occasionally merges smaller segments into a larger one.
Segment Count - Max The number of segments on a data node. The more segments you have, the longer each search takes. OpenSearch occasionally merges smaller segments into a larger one.
Sys Memory Utilization - Avg The percentage of the instance's memory that is in use. High values for this metric are normal and usually do not represent a problem with your cluster. For a better indicator of potential performance and stability issues, see the JVMMemoryPressure metric.
Threadpool Bulk Queue - Sum The number of queued tasks in the bulk thread pool. If the queue size is consistently high, consider scaling your cluster.
Threadpool Bulk Rejected - Sum The number of rejected tasks in the bulk thread pool. If this number continually grows, consider scaling your cluster.
Threadpool Bulk Threads - Sum The size of the bulk thread pool.
Threadpool Force_Merge Queue - Sum The number of queued tasks in the force merge thread pool. If the queue size is consistently high, consider scaling your cluster.
Threadpool Force_Merge Rejected - Sum The number of rejected tasks in the force merge thread pool. If this number continually grows, consider scaling your cluster.
Threadpool Force_Merge Threads - Sum The size of the force merge thread pool.
Threadpool Index Queue - Sum The number of queued tasks in the index thread pool. If the queue size is consistently high, consider scaling your cluster. The maximum index queue size is 200.
Threadpool Index Rejected - Sum The number of rejected tasks in the index thread pool. If this number continually grows, consider scaling your cluster.
Threadpool Index Threads - Sum The size of the index thread pool.
Threadpool Search Queue - Sum The number of queued tasks in the search thread pool. If the queue size is consistently high, consider scaling your cluster. The maximum search queue size is 1,000.
Threadpool Search Rejected - Sum The number of rejected tasks in the search thread pool. If this number continually grows, consider scaling your cluster.
Threadpool Search Threads - Sum The size of the search thread pool.
Threadpool Write Queue - Sum The number of queued tasks in the write thread pool.
Threadpool Write Rejected - Sum The number of rejected tasks in the write thread pool. Note Because the default write queue size was increased from 200 to 10000 in version 7.9, this metric is no longer the only indicator of rejections from OpenSearch Service. Use the CoordinatingWriteRejected, PrimaryWriteRejected, and ReplicaWriteRejected metrics to monitor rejections in versions 7.9 and later.
Threadpool Write Threads - Sum The size of the write thread pool.
Threadpoolsql-Worker Queue - Sum The number of queued tasks in the SQL search thread pool. If the queue size is consistently high, consider scaling your cluster.
Threadpoolsql-Worker Rejected - Sum The number of rejected tasks in the SQL search thread pool. If this number continually grows, consider scaling your cluster.
Threadpoolsql-Worker Threads - Sum The size of the SQL search thread pool.
AWS: OpenSearch k-NN Performance
Object Name Object Description
Knncache Capacity Reached - Max Per-node metric for whether cache capacity has been reached. This metric is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
Knncircuit Breaker Triggered - Max Per-cluster metric for whether the circuit breaker is triggered. If any nodes return a value of 1 for KNNCacheCapacityReached, this value will also return 1. This metric is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
Knneviction Count - Sum Per-node metric for the number of graphs that have been evicted from the cache due to memory constraints or idle time. Explicit evictions that occur because of index deletion are not counted. This metric is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
Knngraph Index Errors - Sum Per-node metric for the number of requests to add the knn_vector field of a document to a graph that produced an error.
Knngraph Index Requests - Sum Per-node metric for the number of requests to add the knn_vector field of a document to a graph.
Knngraph Memory Usage - Avg Per-node metric for the current cache size (total size of all graphs in memory) in kilobytes. This metric is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
Knngraph Query Errors - Sum Per-node metric for the number of graph queries that produced an error.
Knngraph Query Requests - Sum Per-node metric for the number of graph queries.
Knnhit Count - Sum Per-node metric for the number of cache hits. A cache hit occurs when a user queries a graph that is already loaded into memory. This metric is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
Knnload Exception Count - Sum Per-node metric for the number of times an exception occurred while trying to load a graph into the cache. This metric is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
Knnload Success Count - Sum Per-node metric for the number of times the plugin successfully loaded a graph into the cache. This metric is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
Knnmiss Count - Sum Per-node metric for the number of cache misses. A cache miss occurs when a user queries a graph that is not yet loaded into memory. This metric is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
Knnquery Requests - Sum Per-node metric for the number of query requests the k-NN plugin received.
Knnscript Compilation Errors - Sum Per-node metric for the number of errors during script compilation. This statistic is only relevant to k-NN score script search.
Knnscript Compilations - Sum Per-node metric for the number of times the k-NN script has been compiled. This value should usually be 1 or 0, but if the cache containing the compiled scripts is filled, the k-NN script might be recompiled. This statistic is only relevant to k-NN score script search.
Knnscript Query Errors - Sum Per-node metric for the number of errors during script queries. This statistic is only relevant to k-NN score script search.
Knnscript Query Requests - Sum Per-node metric for the total number of script queries. This statistic is only relevant to k-NN score script search.
Knntotal Load Time - Sum The time in nanoseconds that k-NN has taken to load graphs into the cache. This metric is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
AWS: OpenSearch Master Nodes Performance
Object Name Object Description
Master Cpucredit Balance - Min The remaining CPU credits available for dedicated master nodes in the cluster. A CPU credit provides the performance of a full CPU core for one minute. For more information, see CPU credits in the Amazon EC2 Developer Guide. This metric is available only for the T2 instance types.
Master Cpuutilization - Max The maximum percentage of CPU resources used by the dedicated master nodes. We recommend increasing the size of the instance type when this metric reaches 60 percent.
Master Jvmmemory Pressure - Max The maximum percentage of the Java heap used for all dedicated master nodes in the cluster. We recommend moving to a larger instance type when this metric reaches 85 percent.
Master Reachable From Node - Min A health check for MasterNotDiscovered exceptions. A value of 1 indicates normal behavior. A value of 0 indicates that /_cluster/health/ is failing. Failures mean that the master node stopped or is not reachable. They are usually the result of a network connectivity issue or AWS dependency problem.
Master Sys Memory Utilization - Max The percentage of the master node's memory that is in use.
AWS: OpenSearch SQL Performance
Object Name Object Description
Sqldefault Cursor Request Count - Sum Similar to SQLRequestCount but only counts pagination requests.
Sqlfailed Request Count By Cus Err - Sum The number of requests to the _sql API that failed due to a client issue. For example, a request might return HTTP status code 400 due to an IndexNotFoundException.
Sqlfailed Request Count By Sys Err - Sum The number of requests to the _sql API that failed due to a server problem or feature limitation. For example, a request might return HTTP status code 503 due to a VerificationException.
Sqlrequest Count - Sum The number of requests to the _sql API.
Sqlunhealthy - Max A value of 1 indicates that, in response to certain requests, the SQL plugin is returning 5xx response codes or passing invalid query DSL to OpenSearch. Other requests should continue to succeed. A value of 0 indicates no recent failures. If you see a sustained value of 1, troubleshoot the requests your clients are making to the plugin.

OpsWorks Service

AWS: OpsWorks Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
AWS OpsWorks/EC2 The unique identifier for the OpsWorks-EC2 relationship.
Chef Version The versionof Chef used to deploy the stack.
Default Operating System The default Operating System of the Stack.
Default Root Device Type The type of the root file system.
Default SSH Key The SSH keyname associated with the key-pair of the stack.
Default Subnet The default subnet of the Stack.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Hostname Theme The default naming scheme, if any, for the instances of the stack.
Id The unique identifier of the Stack.
Name The common name of the Stack.
Region The region where the stack is deployed.
Use Custom Chef Cookbooks Whether or not the stack was deployed with a custom Chef cookbook.
Use OpsWorks Security Groups Whether or not to use OpsWorks Security Groups for instances within the stack.
VPC The virtual private cloud, if any, associated with the Stack.
AWS: OpsWorks Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date A timestamp when this service's health status was originally written.
Health A text description of the health status of this AWS service.
AWS: OpsWorks Stack Performance
Object Name Object Description
Active Processes The number of active processes.
CPU Idle The percentage of time the CPU is idle.
CPU Nice The percentage of time that the CPU is handling processes with a positive nice value, which have lower scheduling priority. For further information, see nice (Unix).
CPU Steal The percentage of time that an instance is waiting for the hypervisor to allocate physical CPU resources.
CPU System The percentage of time that the CPU is handling system operations.
CPU User The percentage of time the CPU is handling user operations.
CPU Wait I/O The percentage of time the CPU is waiting on I/O operations.
Load 1 Minute The Unix load average over a 1 minute window.
Load 15 Minutes The Unix load averaged over a 15 minute window.
Load 5 Minutes The Unix load averaged over a 5 minute window.
Memory Buffers The amount of buffered memory.
Memory Cached The amount of cached memory.
Memory Free The amount of free memory.
Memory Swap The amount of swap space used.
Memory Total The total amount of memory.
Memory Used The total amount of memory used.

RDS Service

AWS: RDS Aurora Cluster Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Allocated Storage The amount of allocated storage available for a database cluster. For AWS Aurora clusters this will always return a value of 1 as Aurora DB Cluster sizes are not fixed.
Availablity Zones Availability zones where database instances in the cluster can be created.
Backup Retention Period Number of days which automatic DB snapshots are stored.
Capacity Current capacity active AWS Aurora Serverless DB Clusters. Will return 0 when cluster is paused.
Cluster Creation Time When the DB cluster was created in UTC
Custom Endpoints Custom endpoints associated with the cluster.
Database Name The name of the Database Cluster that was provided at creation time.
DB Cluster ARN The ARN associated with the DB cluster.
DB Cluster Identifier DBClusterIdentifier provided for the DB Cluster
DB Cluster Parameter Group Name of the DB Cluster Parameter Group.
DB Cluster Resource ID Region unique immutable identifier for the cluster.
DB Subnet Group Specifies information about the DB Clusters subnet group.
Deletion Protection Specifies if deletion protection is enabled.
Endpoint Connection endpoint for the primary instance of the DB Cluster
Engine Name of the database engine used for the DB cluster.
Engine Mode Mode of the DB engine for the cluster.
Engine Version Version of the database engine used for the DB cluster.
Hosted Zone ID Specifies the ID that Amazon Route 53 assigns when you create a hosted zone.
IAM Database Authentication Enabled Specifies if IAM database authentication is enabled.
Key Tag key value.
KMS Key ID If database is encrypted the KMS Key identifier for the encrypted DB cluster.
Master Username Master username for the DB cluster.
Multiple Availability Zones Identifies if the database cluster has instances in multiple availability zones.
Port The port that the database engine is listening on.
Read Replica Identifier Contains one or more of the identifiers for the read replicas associated with the DB cluster.
Reader Endpoint Reader endpoint for the DB Cluster.
Replication Source Identifier Contains the identifier of the source DB cluster if the DB cluster is a read replica.
Status The status of the database cluster.
Storage Encrypted Specifies if the DB Cluster is encrypted.
Value Tag value.
AWS: RDS Aurora Cluster Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Aborted Clients The number of client connections that have not been closed properly.
Active Transactions The average number of current transactions executing on an Aurora database instance per second.
Aurora Bin Log Replica Lag The amount of time a replica DB cluster running on Aurora with MySQL compatibility lags behind the source DB cluster.
Aurora Global DB Data Transfer Bytes The amount of redo log data transferred from the master AWS Region to a secondary AWS Region.
Aurora Global DB Replicated Write IO The number of write I/O operations replicated from the primary AWS Region to the cluster volume in a secondary AWS Region.
Aurora Global DB Replication Lag The amount of lag when replicating updates from the primary AWS Region.
Aurora Parallel Query Bytes Returned The number of bytes for the tuple data structures transmitted to the head node during parallel queries.
Aurora Parallel Query Max Concurrent Requests The maximum number of parallel query sessions that can run concurrently on this Aurora DB instance.
Aurora Parallel Query Pages Pushed Down The number of data pages (each with a fixed size of 16 KiB) where parallel query avoided a network transmission to the head node.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Attempted The number of parallel query sessions requested.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Executed The number of parallel query sessions run successfully.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Failed The number of parallel query sessions that returned an error to the client.
Aurora Parallel Query Request In Progress The number of parallel query sessions currently in progress.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen The number of times parallel query was not chosen to satisfy a query.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Below Min Rows The number of times parallel query was not chosen due to the number of rows in the table.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Column Bit The number of parallel query requests that use the nonparallel query processing path because of an unsupported data type in the list of projected columns.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Column Geometry The number of parallel query requests that use the nonparallel query processing path because the table has columns with the GEOMETRY data type.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Column Lob The number of parallel query requests that use the nonparallel query processing path because the table has columns with a LOB data type, or VARCHAR columns that are stored externally due the declared length.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Column Virtual The number of parallel query requests that use the nonparallel query processing path because the table contains a virtual column.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Custom Charset The number of parallel query requests that use the nonparallel query processing path because the table has columns with a custom character set.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Fast DDL The number of parallel query requests that use the nonparallel query processing path because the table is currently being altered by a fast DDL ALTER statement.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Full Text Index The number of parallel query requests that use the nonparallel query processing path because the table has full-text indexes.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen High Buffer Pool Pct The number of times parallel query was not chosen because a high percentage of the table data (currently, greater than 95 percent) was already in the buffer pool.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Index Hint The number of parallel query requests that use the nonparallel query processing path because the query includes an index hint.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen InnoDB Table Format The number of parallel query requests that use the nonparallel query processing path because the table uses an unsupported InnoDB row format.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Long Trx The number of parallel query requests that used the nonparallel query processing path, due to the query being started inside a long-running transaction.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen No Where Clause The number of parallel query requests that use the nonparallel query processing path because the query does not include any WHERE clause.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Range Scan The number of parallel query requests that use the nonparallel query processing path because the query uses a range scan on an index.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Row Length Too Long The number of parallel query requests that use the nonparallel query processing path because the total combined length of all the columns is too long.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Small Table The number of times parallel query was not chosen due to the overall size of the table, as determined by number of rows and average row length.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Temporary Table The number of parallel query requests that use the nonparallel query processing path because the query refers to temporary tables that use the unsupported MyISAM or memory table types.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Tx Isolation The number of parallel query requests that use the nonparallel query processing path because query uses an unsupported transaction isolation level.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Unsupported Access The number of parallel query requests that use the nonparallel query processing path because the WHERE clause does not meet the criteria for parallel query.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Not Chosen Update Delete Stmts The number of parallel query requests that use the nonparallel query processing path because the query is part of an UPDATE or DELETE statement.
Aurora Parallel Query Request Throttled The number of times parallel query was not chosen due to the maximum number of concurrent parallel queries already running on a particular Aurora DB instance.
Aurora PQ Request Not Chosen Few Pages Outside Buffer Pool The number of times parallel query was not chosen, even though less than 95 percent of the table data was in the buffer pool, because there was not enough unbuffered table data to make parallel query worthwhile.
Aurora Replica Lag For an Aurora replica, the amount of lag when replicating updates from the primary instance.
Aurora Replica Lag Maximum The maximum amount of lag between the primary instance and each Aurora DB instance in the DB cluster.
Aurora Replica Lag Minimum The minimum amount of lag between the primary instance and each Aurora DB instance in the DB cluster.
Aurora Volume Bytes Left Total The remaining available space for the cluster volume. As the cluster volume grows, this value decreases. If it reaches zero, the cluster reports an out-of-space error.
Backtrack Change Records Creation Rate The number of backtrack change records created over 5 minutes for your DB cluster.
Backtrack Change Records Stored The number of backtrack change records used by your DB cluster.
Backtrack Window Actual The difference between the target backtrack window and the actual backtrack window.
Backtrack Window Alert The number of times that the actual backtrack window is smaller than the target backtrack window for a given period of time.
Backup Retention Period Storage Used The total amount of backup storage used to support the point-in-time restore feature within the Aurora DB cluster's backup retention window.
Bin Log Disk Usage The amount of disk space occupied by binary logs on the primary instance.
Blocked Transactions The average number of transactions in the database that are blocked per second.
Buffer Cache Hit Ratio The percentage of requests that are served by the buffer cache.
Commit Latency The average duration of commit operations.
Commit Throughput The average number of commit operations per second.
CPU Credit Balance The number of CPU credits that an instance has accumulated, reported at 5-minute intervals. This metric applies only to db.t2.small and db.t2.medium instances for Aurora MySQL, and to db.t3 instances for Aurora PostgreSQL.
CPU Credit Usage The number of CPU credits consumed during the specified period, reported at 5-minute intervals. This metric applies only to db.t2.small and db.t2.medium instances for Aurora MySQL, and to db.t3 instances for Aurora PostgreSQL.
CPU Utilization The percentage of CPU used by an Aurora DB instance.
Database Connections The current number of connections to an Aurora DB instance.
DDL Latency The average duration of requests such as example, create, alter, and drop requests.
DDL Throughput The average number of DDL requests per second.
Deadlocks The average number of deadlocks in the database per second.
Delete Latency The average duration of delete operations.
Delete Throughput The average number of delete queries per second.
Disk Queue Depth The number of outstanding read/write requests waiting to access the disk.
DML Latency The average duration of inserts, updates, and deletes.
DML Throughput The average number of inserts, updates, and deletes per second.
Engine Uptime The amount of time that the instance has been running.
Free Local Storage The amount of local storage available.
Freeable Memory The amount of available random access memory.
Insert Latency The average duration of insert operations.
Insert Throughput The average number of insert operations per second.
Login Failures The average number of failed login attempts per second.
Maximum Used Transaction IDs The age of the oldest unvacuumed transaction ID, in transactions.
Network Receive Throughput The amount of network throughput received from clients by each instance in the Aurora MySQL DB cluster.
Network Throughput The amount of network throughput both received from and transmitted to clients by each instance in the Aurora MySQL DB cluster.
Network Transmit Throughput The amount of network throughput sent to clients by each instance in the Aurora DB cluster.
Num Binary Log Files The number of binlog files generated.
Queries The average number of queries executed per second.
Read IOPS The average number of disk I/O operations per second.
Read Latency The average amount of time taken per disk I/O operation.
Read Throughput The average number of bytes read from disk per second.
Result Set Cache Hit Ratio The percentage of requests that are served by the Resultset cache.
Rollback Segment History List Length The undo logs that record committed transactions with delete-marked records.
Row Lock Time The total time spent acquiring row locks for InnoDB tables.
Select Latency The average amount of time for select operations.
Select Throughput The average number of select queries per second.
Serverless Database Capacity The current capacity of an Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster.
Snapshot Storage Used The total amount of backup storage consumed by all Aurora snapshots for an Aurora DB cluster outside its backup retention window.
Sum Binary Log Size The total size of the binlog files.
Swap Usage The amount of swap space used. This metric is available for the Aurora PostgreSQL instance classes db.t3.medium, db.r5.large, db.r5.xlarge, db.r4.large, and db.r4.xlarge. For Aurora MySQL, this metric applies only to db.t* instances.
Total Backup Storage Billed The total amount of backup storage in bytes for which you are billed for a given Aurora DB cluster.
Transaction Logs Disk Usage The amount of disk space consumed by transaction logs on the Aurora PostgreSQL DB instance.
Update Latency The average amount of taken taken for update operations.
Update Throughput The average number of updates per second.
Volume Bytes Used The amount of storage used by your Aurora DB instance.
Volume Read IOPs The number of billed read I/O operations from a cluster volume within a 5-minute interval.
Volume Write IOPs The number of write disk I/O operations to the cluster volume, reported at 5-minute intervals.
Write IOPS The average number of disk I/O operations per second.
Write Latency The average amount of time taken per disk I/O operation.
Write Throughput The average number of bytes written to persistent storage every second.
AWS: RDS Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
DB Subnet Group Name The name of the DB subnet group.
Is Clustered Boolean value to know if a cluster has members or not.
RDS Instance/RDS Aurora Cluster The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the DB cluster.
VPC ID For instances associated with a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), this is the unique identifier of the VPC.
Created Time The timestamp the instance was created.
Database Class The size of the database. For example: db.t1.micro, db.m2.2xlarge, db.m5.xlarge, etc.
DB Cluster Parameter Group Status The status of the DB cluster parameter group for this member of the DB cluster.
DB Default Max Connections The default maximum number of simultaneous database connections varies by the DB engine type and the memory allocation for the DB instance class.
DB Instance Identifier The unique identifier for this instance.
DB Parameter Groups Provides the list of DB parameter groups applied to this DB instance.
DB Security Group Name Security group associated with RDS instance.
DB Security Group Status Security group description associated with RDS instance.
DB Subnet Group Description Provides the description of the DB subnet group.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Engine Name A high-level name for the database engine such as MySQL, or SQLServer.
Is Cluster Writer Value that is true if the cluster member is the primary instance for the DB cluster and false otherwise.
Key The tag key. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you could define a set of tags for Amazon EC2 instances of your account that helps you track the stack level and owner of each instance. We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meets your needs for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. You can search and filter the resources based on the tags you add.
Multi-AZ A boolean specifying whether or not this instance exists in more than one zone.
Pending Values A list of pending events such as replication, class change, or group changes.
Primary Zone The primary availability zone where this instance is addressable.
Promotion Tier Value that specifies the order in which an Aurora Replica is promoted to the primary instance after a failure of the existing primary instance.
Status Whether this instance is terminated, starting, stopped, running, or replicating.
Storage Size The file system size of the local instance used for table spaces.
Value The tag value. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you could define a set of tags for Amazon EC2 instances of your account that helps you track the stack level and owner of each instance. We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meets your needs for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. You can search and filter the resources based on the tags you add.
VPC Security Group ID The unique identifier of the VPC security group.
VPC Security Group Name The name of the VPC security group.
VPC Security Group Status The status of the VPC security group.
AWS: RDS Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Allocated Storage Specifies the allocated storage size specified in gigabytes.
Bin Log Disk Usage The bytes consumed by the binary log of RDS instance.
CPU Credit Balance The number of CPU credits available for the instance to burst beyond its base CPU utilization.
CPU Credit Usage The number of CPU credits consumed by the instance.
CPU Utilization The utilization percentage across the virtualized CPU cores of database.
Database Connections The number of current database connections.
Disk Queue Depth The number of outstanding IOs (read/write requests) waiting to access the disk.
Free Storage Space The available free storage space on the mounted filesystem of database.
Freeable Memory The available memory which has yet to be freed by the the processes of database.
Max Database Connections The maximum number of database connections, this value represents the default max_connections defined in AWS documentation. If SL1 administrator wants to customize this max_connections value, just edit the snippet and set the new value for an DB Engine (MAX_MYSQL_CONNECTIONS, MAX_MARIADB_CONNECTIONS, MAX_POSTGRESQL_CONNECTIONS, MAX_ORACLE_CONNECTIONS or MAX_SQLSERVER_CONNECTIONS).
Network Receive Throughput The incoming (Receive) network traffic on the DB instance, including both customer database traffic and Amazon RDS traffic used for monitoring and replication.
Network Transmit Throughput The outgoing (Transmit) network traffic on the DB instance, including both customer database traffic and Amazon RDS traffic used for monitoring and replication.
Read IOPS The read Input/Output Operations per Second for the database instance.
Read Latency The average read latency on the database instance.
Read Throughput The average read throughput on the database instance.
Replica Lag The current lag time (latency) for replication.
Swap Usage The usage in bytes of the swap space.
Write IOPS The write Input/Output Operations per Second for the database instance.
Write Latency The average latency of write operations on the database instance.
Write Throughput The average write throughput in Bytes per Second for the database instance.
AWS: RDS Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date The timestamp when the health status was written.
Health A text description of the health status of this AWS service.

Redshift Service

AWS: Redshift Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Allow Version Upgrade Whether or not to allow automatic version upgrades to the database.
Audit Logging Enabled Whether or not audit logs are kept.
Automated Snapshot Retention Period The number of days a snapshot is maintained.
AWS Redshift Instance / Security Groups The security groups associated with this cluster.
AWS Redshift Instance / VPC The VPC associated with this cluster.
Cluster Id The unique ID of the cluster.
Cluster Name The name of the cluster.
Cluster Parameter Group The parameter group of the cluster.
Cluster Public key The public key of the cluster in RSA base-64 encoded text format.
Cluster Security Groups The names of the security groups of the cluster.
Cluster Version The version ID of the Amazon Redshift engine that is running on the cluster.
Created Time The creation date of the cluster.
Cross-Region Snapshots Enabled Whether or not database snapshots are automatically copied to another region.
Current Node Type The EC2 type used for the database nodes.
Database Name The name of the database.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Encrypted Whether or not (yes/no) the database is encrypted.
Endpoint The DNS name of the cluster.
In Maintenance Mode A Boolean (yes or no); if maintenance mode is active.
Key Redshift cluster tag key.
Maintenance Track The name of the maintenance track for the cluster.
Maintenance Window The timespan chosen for maintenance.
Master Username The username of the master (i.e. root) database user.
Nodes The number of nodes in the cluster.
Number of Nodes The number of nodes in the cluster.
Port The TCP port of the cluster.
Publicly Accessible Indicates if the cluster can be accessed from a public network.
Value Redshift cluster tag value.
AWS: Redshift Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
CPU Utilization The utilization of the cluster's CPU.
Database Connections The number of current database connections.
Health Status A Boolean duty-cycle for cluster health.
Maintenance Mode A Boolean duty-cycle for the maintenance of a cluster.
Network Receive Throughput The total network throughput received from the cluster.
Network Transmit Throughput The total transmitted network throughput for the cluster.
Percentage Disk Space Used The percentage of disk space used by the cluster.
Read IOPS The total read IOPs for the cluster.
Read Latency The average read latency for the cluster.
Read Throughput The total read throughput for the cluster.
Write IOPS The total write IOPS for the cluster.
Write Latency The average write latency for the cluster.
Write Throughput The average write throughput for the cluster.
AWS: Redshift Node Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Id The unique identifier of the node.
Name The node name.
Private IP Address The private IP address of the node.
Public IP Address The public IP address of the node.
AWS: Redshift Node Performance
Object Name Object Description
Commit Queue Length Number of transactions in Leader Node where the queueing started.
CPU Utilization The CPU utilization of the cluster.
Database Connections The number of current database connections.
Health Status A Boolean duty-cycle for Leader Node health.
Maintenance Mode A Boolean duty-cycle for the maintenance of Leader Node.
Network Receive Throughput The total network throughput received from the cluster.
Network Transmit Throughput The total transmitted network throughput for the cluster.
Percentage Disk Space Used The percentage of disk space used by the cluster.
Read IOPS The total read IOPs for the cluster.
Read Latency The average read latency for the cluster.
Read Throughput The total read throughput for the cluster.
Total Table Count The number of user tables open at a particular point in time.
Write IOPS The total write IOPS for the cluster.
Write Latency The average write latency for the cluster.
Write Throughput The average write throughput for the cluster.
AWS: Redshift Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date A timestamp when the health status of this service was originally written.
Health A text description of the health status of this AWS service.

Route 53 Service

AWS: Route 53 Health Check Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Failure Threshold The minimum count of Health Check request failures before marking a route as unhealthy.
Host The name of the health check instance.
Id The unique identifier of the health check.
IP Address The IP address of the health check.
Port The port of the health check.
Protocol The protocol of the health check.
Request Interval The period of time between health check network requests.
Search String The URL path component query string, if any, for the Health Check request.
URL The resource referenced by the URL for the check.
AWS: Route 53 Health Check Performance
Object Name Object Description
Health Check Status This metric represents the duty cycle of the Health Check endpoint divided by 100. For example, 0 means the endpoint was repsonsive 0% of the time during the monitoring interval, 0.5 = 50% of the time, and 1 = responsive 100% of the time.
Health checkers that report the endpoint healthy The percentage of Amazon Route 53 health checkers that consider the selected endpoint to be healthy.
Number of healthy child health checks For a calculated health check, the number of health checks that are healthy among the health checks that Amazon Route 53 is monitoring.
TCP connection time The average time, in milliseconds, that it took Amazon Route 53 health checkers to establish a TCP connection with the endpoint.
Time to complete SSL handshake The average time, in milliseconds, that it took Amazon Route 53 health checkers to complete the SSL handshake.
Time to first byte The average time, in milliseconds, that it took Amazon Route 53 health checkers to receive the first byte of the response to an HTTP or HTTPS request.
AWS: Route 53 Hosted Zone Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
AWS Route 53-Hosted Zone/Application ELB The unique identifiers of Application ELBs in the Route 53.
AWS Route 53-Hosted Zone/Network ELB The unique identifiers of Network ELBs in the Route 53.
Comment Comments, if any, regarding the zone.
Delegation Set The delegation set of the zone.
Id The unique identifier of the hosted zone.
Name The name of the hosted zone.
Record Set Count The number of zone records.
AWS: Route 53 Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date A timestamp when this service's health status was originally written.
Health A text description of this AWS Service's health status.

S3 Service

AWS: S3 Cache Configuration
Object Name Object Description
s3_bucket_cache Whether or not the S3 cache is collected.
AWS: S3 Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Bucket Name The name of the bucket.
Creation Time The datetime the bucket was created.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Id The unique identifier of the bucket.
Key Name of the tag.
Logging Bucket If logging is enabled, the name of the S3 bucket where the logs are stored.
Logging Prefix If logging is enabled, the value, if any, of the S3 bucket's object prefix.
Logging Status Whether or not this bucket's activities are logged.
Owner The owner of the bucket.
Region The AWS region where this bucket is deployed.
Value Value of the tag.
Web Hosting The website index and error document configurations, if any, for this bucket.
AWS: S3 Request Performance
Object Name Object Description
4xx Errors The number of HTTP 4xx client error status code requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket with a value of either 0 or 1.
5xx Errors The number of HTTP 5xx server error status code requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket with a value of either 0 or 1.
All Requests The total number of HTTP requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket, regardless of type.
Bytes Downloaded The number bytes downloaded for requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket, where the response includes a body.
Bytes Uploaded The number bytes uploaded that contain a request body, made to an Amazon S3 bucket.
Delete Requests The number of HTTP DELETE requests made for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket.
First Byte Latency The per-request time from the complete request being received by an Amazon S3 bucket to when the response starts to be returned.
Get Requests The number of HTTP GET requests made for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket.
Head Requests The number of HTTP HEAD requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket.
List Requests The number of HTTP requests that list the contents of a bucket.
Post Requests The number of HTTP POST requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket.
Put Requests The number of HTTP PUT requests made for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket.
Select Bytes Returned The number of bytes of data returned with Amazon S3 SELECT Object Content requests in an Amazon S3 bucket.
Select Bytes Scanned The number of bytes of data scanned with Amazon S3 SELECT Object Content requests in an Amazon S3 bucket.
Select Requests The number of Amazon S3 SELECT Object Content requests made for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket.
Total Request Latency The elapsed per-request time from the first byte received to the last byte sent to an Amazon S3 bucket.
AWS: S3 Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date A timestamp when this service's health status was originally written.
Health A text description of this AWS Service's health status.
AWS: S3 Service Performance
Object Name Object Description
Total Bucket Size Bytes The total collected metrics for BucketSizeBytes metric and its Storage Types: Standard, StandardIA, ReducedRedundancy, OneZoneIAStorage, IntelligentTieringFAStorage, GlacierStorage.
Total Number Of Objects The total collected metrics for NumberOfObjects metric and its Storage Types: AllStorageTypes.
AWS: S3 Storage Performance
Object Name Object Description
Bucket Size Bytes The amount of data in bytes stored in a bucket in the Standard storage class, Standard - Infrequent Access (Standard_IA) storage class, or the Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) storage class.
Number Of Objects The total number of objects stored in a bucket for all storage classes.
OI Average Object Size The average object size in a bucket. If bucket object versioning is enabled then the calculations do include all the object versions.

SES Service

AWS: SES Service Performance
Object Name Object Description
Bounces The number of emails that were rejected by email servers of the recipient. This count also includes soft bounces, meaning AWS attempted to deliver the email but was unable to over a period of time.
Clicks The number of recipients who clicked one or more links in emails.
Complaints The number of sent emails marked as spam by recipients.
Deliveries The number of emails Amazon SES successfully delivered to recipients mail servers.
Opens The number of emails opened by recipients.
Rejects Calls to Amazon SES that were not successful and Amazon SES will not attempt to deliver the email.
Rendering Failure The Email was not sent because there was a template rendering error. This can only occur with Template and Bulk Template emails.
Reputation.BounceRate The rate at which sent emails are bounced.
Reputation.ComplaintRate The Rate at which sent emails are receiving complaints.
Sends The number of successful calls to Amazon SES meaning Amazon SES will attempt to deliver the email.

Shield Standard Service

AWS: Shield Advanced Service Performance
Object Name Object Description
DDoS Attack Bits Per Second The number of bytes observed during a DDoS event for a particular Amazon Resource Name (ARN). Reporting criteria: Non-zero value during an attack. Zero when there is no attack.
DDoS Attack Packets Per Second The number of packets observed during a DDoS event for a particular Amazon Resource Name (ARN). Reporting criteria: Non-zero value during an attack. Zero when there is no attack.
DDoS Attack Requests Per Second The number of requests observed during a DDoS event for a particular Amazon Resource Name (ARN). Reporting criteria: Non-zero value during an attack. Zero when there is no attack.
DDoS Detected Indicates a DDoS event for a particular Amazon Resource Name (ARN). Reporting criteria: Non-zero value indicates a DDoS event. Zero when there is no DDoS event detected.
AWS: Shield Service Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Attack Id The unique identifier (ID) of the attack.
Emergency Contact Emails Email address that the DRT can use to contact you during a suspected attack.
End Time The end time of the attack.
Name The name of the protection.
Protection ID The unique identifier (ID) of the protection.
Resource ARN The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the resource that was attacked.
Resource ARN The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the AWS resource that is protected.
Start Time The start time of the attack.
Subscription Status The status of the subscription.

SNS Service

AWS: SNS Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Subscription ARN The ARN of the subscription.
Subscription Endpoint The location of the endpoint for the subscriber. * For email, this would be a valid email address * For email-json, this would be a valid email address * For http, this would be a URL beginning with http * For https, this would be a URL beginning with https * For sqs, this would be the ARN of an SQS Queue * For sms, this would be a phone number of an SMS-enabled device. For application, the endpoint is the EndpointArn of a mobile app and device.
Subscription Owner The endpoint owner.
Subscription Protocol The protocol used to communicate with the subscriber. Current choices are: email|email-json|http|https|sqs|sms|application.
Topic Name The topic name of this instance.
AWS: SNS Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Avg Published Size The average published size of messages for this topic.
Max Published Size The maximum published size of a message for this topic.
Min Published Size The minimum published size of a message for this topic.
Number of Messages Published A count of the number of published messages for this topic.
Number of Notifications Delivered A count of the number of delivered notifications for this instance.
Number of Notifications Failed The number of notifications which failed delivery.
Number Of Notifications Filtered Out The number of messages that were rejected by subscription filter policies. A filter policy rejects a message when the message attributes do not match the policy attributes.
Number Of Notifications Filtered Out Invalid Attributes The number of messages that were rejected by subscription filter policies because the messages attributes are invalid. For example, because the attribute JSON is incorrectly formatted.
Number Of Notifications Filtered Out No Message Attributes The number of messages that were rejected by subscription filter policies because the messages have no attributes.
Published Size Count The datum count of published size messages for this topic.
AWS: SNS Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date A timestamp when this service's health status was originally written.
Health A text description of this AWS Service's health status.
AWS: SNS Service Performance
Object Name Object Description
SMS Month To Date Spent USD Month to Date Spent on SNS in USD.
SMS Success Rate The success rate of messages delivered to subscribers per country.
SMS Success Rate Label Country Label for SMS Success Rate Metrics.

SQS Service

AWS: SQS Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) (a unique identifier) of this queue.
Created The timestamp when this queue was created.
Delivery Delay The built-in delivery delay for messages from the initial time of queueing.
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Last Updated The timestmap when this queue was last modified.
Max Message Size The maximum message size, in bytes, that this queue has contained.
Message Delayed An estimate for the number of delayed messages (incorporating the built-in delay) in the queue.
Messages Available An estimate for the number of messages still in the queue.
Messages In Flight An estimate for the number of messages that have been dequeued, but not yet delivered.
Name The name of the queue.
Retention Period The maximum time (a kind of TTL) that a message may remain in the queue.
URL The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the queue.
Visibility Timeout The time period when AWS prevents queue clients from processing messages which has been delivered, but not not explicitly deleted by prior clients.
AWS: SQS Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Approximate Age of Oldest Message The approximate age of the oldest non-deleted message in the queue.
Approximate Number of Messages Delayed The number of messages in the queue that are delayed and not available for reading immediately. This can happen when the queue is configured as a delay queue or when a message has been sent with a delay parameter.
Approximate Number of Messages Not Visible The approximate number of messages not visible in this queue.
Approximate Number of Messages Visible The approximate number of visible messages in this queue.
Avg Sent Message Size The average size of messages sent through this queue.
Max Sent Message Size The maximum size of all messages sent through this queue.
Min Sent Message Size The minimum size of all messages sent through this queue.
Number of Empty Receives The number of empty messages received by this queue.
Number of Messages Deleted The number of messages deleted from this queue.
Number of Messages Received The number of messages received by this queue.
Number of Messages Sent The number of messages send through this queue.
Sent Message Size Count The datum counts of all message sizes sent through this queue.
AWS: SQS Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date The timestamp when this health status was written.
Health A text description of the health status of the AWS Service.

Storage Gateway Service

AWS: Storage Gateway Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Gateway ID The unique identifier of this gateway containing Region information.
Gateway Name The name of this gateway.
AWS: Storage Gateway Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Cloud Bytes Downloaded The average number of bytes downloaded from the cloud to this gateway.
Cloud Bytes Uploaded The average number of bytes uploaded to the cloud from this gateway.
Cloud Download Latency The average latency when downloading from the cloud to this gateway.
Queued Writes The average number of queued write operations on this gateway.
Read Bytes The average number of bytes read by this gateway.
Read Time The average read times for this gateway.
Working Storage Free The average free/available working storage on this gateway.
Working Storage Percent Used The percentage of the local Working Storage buffer currently being used.
Working Storage Used The average working storage used for this gateway.
Write Bytes The average number of bytes written by this gateway.
Write Time The average write times for this storage gateway.
AWS: Storage Gateway Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date The timestamp when this health status update was written.
Health A text description of the health status of the AWS Service.
AWS: Storage Gateway Volume Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Volume ID The unique identifier for this volume.
Volume Name The name of this filesystem volume.
AWS: Storage Gateway Volume Performance
Object Name Object Description
Queued Writes The average number of queued (pending) write operations on this gateway volume.
Read Bytes The average bytes read from this gateway volume.
Read Time The average time for read operations for this gateway volume.
Write Bytes The average bytes written to this gateway volume.
Write Time The average time for write operations for this gateway volume.

STS Service

AWS: STS Session Manager
Object Name Object Description
Account ID The unique identifier (ID) of the account.
Organization Namespace Namespace defined to create relationship between organization and its accounts.
Response Status Response Status as value starting with Succes or Error. Once you run the collect method of the sts_session_manager class it will change its value.

SWF Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended Services PowerPack.

AWS: SWF General Limit Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Consumed Limit - Sum The amount of general limit that has been consumed.
Provisioned Limit - Sum The amount of general limit that is provisioned to the account.

Transfer Server Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended ServicesPowerPack.

AWS: Transfer Server Performance
Object Name Object Description
Bytes In - Sum The total number of bytes transferred into the server.
Bytes Out - Sum The total number of bytes transferred out of the server.
Files In - Sum The total number of files transferred into the server.
Files Out - Sum The total number of files transferred out of the server.
On Upload Executions Failed - Sum The total number of unsuccessful workflow executions on the server.
On Upload Executions Started - Sum The total number of workflow executions started on the server.
On Upload Executions Success - Sum The total number of successful workflow executions on the server.

Transit Gateway Service

AWS: Transit Gateway Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Attachment Id The ID of the attachment.
Attachment Id The ID of the attachment.
Attachment Name The name of the attachment.
Attachment Name The name of the attachment.
ID The ID of transit gateway.
Name The name of transit gateway.
Transit Gateway Route Table Id The ID of the transit gateway route table.
Transit Gateway/VPC The ID of the resource.
ARN The ARN of transit gateway.
Default Association Route Table Indicates whether this is the default association route table for the transit gateway (true | false).
Default Propagation Route Table Indicates whether this is the default propagation route table for the transit gateway (true | false).
Owner Id The ID of the AWS account that owns the transit gateway.
Resource Id The ID of the resource.
Resource Type The resource type. Valid values are vpc | vpn | direct-connect-gateway | peering | connect.
Resource Type The resource type. Valid values are vpc | vpn | direct-connect-gateway | peering | connect.
State The state of transit gateway (available | deleted | deleting | modifying | pending ).
State The state of the attachment. Valid values are available | deleted | deleting | failed | failing | initiatingRequest | modifying | pendingAcceptance | pending | rollingBack | rejected | rejecting.
State The state of the route table (available | deleting | deleted | pending).
State The state of the attachment. Valid values are available | deleted | deleting | failed | failing | initiatingRequest | modifying | pendingAcceptance | pending | rollingBack | rejected | rejecting.
Creation Time The creation time of transit gateway.
Creation Time The creation time of the attachment.
Creation Time The creation time of the route table.
Creation Time The creation time of the attachment.
Key The tag key (String).
Value The value of the tag key.
AWS: Transit Gateway Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Bytes Drop Count Blackhole The number of bytes dropped because they matched a blackhole route.
Bytes Drop Count No Route The number of bytes dropped because they did not match a route.
Bytes In The number of bytes received by the transit gateway.
Bytes Out The number of bytes sent from the transit gateway.
Packet Drop Count Blackhole The number of packets dropped because they matched a blackhole route.
Packet Drop Count No Route The number of packets dropped because they did not match a route.
Packets In The number of packets received by the transit gateway.
Packets Out The number of packets sent by the transit gateway.

VPC Service

AWS: VPC Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
VPC Peer ID The ID of the VPC peering connection.
VPC Peer Name The name of the VPC peering connection.
Accepter VPC ID The ID of the accepter VPC.
Status The status of the VPC peering connection.
AWS VPC/EC2 The unique identifier for the VPC-EC2 relationship.
AWS VPC/Security Group The unique identifier for the VPC-Security Group relationship.
AWS VPC/VPC Inter-Account The relationship between Inter-Account VPCs. Contains the relationship namespace value. A relationship between accounts is drawn when the relationship namespace has the same value as the identity namespace and their respective group indices also have the same value.
AWS VPC/VPC Intra-Account The relationship between Intra-Account VPCs.
DHCP Options Set The resource ID of the DHCP option set for the VPC. DHCP options are associated with your AWS account so that you can use them across all of your virtual private clouds (VPC).
Distinguished Name The internal SL1 distinguished name of the AWS component. This follows closely the format of the AWS Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Id The unique identifier of the VPC.
Inter-Account Requester VPC ID The Inter-Account Requester VPC ID. Value populated only when the current VPC is the Requester VPC.
Inter-Account Requester VPC ID The Inter-Account Requester VPC ID.
Is Default VPC Is this a default VPC. True | False. A default VPC combines the benefits of the advanced features provided by EC2-VPC with the ease of use of EC2-Classic. If you have a default VPC and do not specify a subnet when you launch an instance, the instance is launched into your default VPC. You can launch instances into your default VPC without needing to know anything about Amazon VPC.
Key The tag key. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you could define a set of tags for your account's Amazon EC2 instances that helps you track each instance's owner and stack level. We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meets your needs for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. You can search and filter the resources based on the tags you add.
Name The Name property, if any, of the VPC as set in its tags.
Requester VPC ID The Requester VPC ID.
State Whether the VPC is available or not.
Tenancy One of default | dedicated. If default, your instance runs on shared hardware. If dedicated, your instance runs on single-tenant hardware.
Value The tag value. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you could define a set of tags for your account's Amazon EC2 instances that helps you track each instance's owner and stack level. We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meets your needs for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. You can search and filter the resources based on the tags you add.
VPC CIDR The Classless Inter-Domain Routing(CIDR) block for the VPC.
vpc_identity_namespace The identity namespace used to identify Inter-Account relationships. Value populated only when the current VPC is the Requester VPC.
AWS: VPC NAT Gateway Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Allocated ID The allocation ID of the Elastic IP address that is
associated with the NAT gateway.
AWS NAT Gateway/Subnet The unique identifier for the VPC NAT Geteway-Subnet relationship.
Create Time The date and time the NAT gateway was created.
Key The key of a tag assigned to the resource.
NAT Gateway ID The ID of the NAT gateway.
Network Interface ID The ID of the network interface associated with the NAT gateway.
Private Ip The private IP address associated with the Elastic IP address.
Public Ip The Elastic IP address associated with the NAT gateway.
State The state of the NAT gateway. Possible values are: pending|failed|failureMessage|available|deleting|deleted.
Value The value of a tag assigned to the resource.
VPC ID The ID of the VPC in which the NAT gateway is located.
AWS: VPC NAT Gateway Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Active Connection Count The total number of concurrent active TCP connections through the NAT gateway. A value of zero indicates that there are no active connections through the NAT gateway.
Bytes In From Destination The number of bytes received by the NAT gateway from the destination. If the value for BytesOutToSource is less than the value for BytesInFromDestination, there may be data loss during NAT gateway processing, or traffic being actively blocked by the NAT gateway.
Bytes In From Source The number of bytes received by the NAT gateway from clients in your VPC. If the value for BytesOutToDestination is less than the value for BytesInFromSource, there may be data loss during NAT gateway processing.
Bytes Out To Destination The number of bytes sent out through the NAT gateway to the destination. A value greater than zero indicates that there is traffic going to the internet from clients that are behind the NAT gateway. If the value for BytesOutToDestination is less than the value for BytesInFromSource, there may be data loss during NAT gateway processing.
Bytes Out To Source The number of bytes sent through the NAT gateway to the clients in your VPC. A value greater than zero indicates that there is traffic coming from the internet to clients that are behind the NAT gateway. If the value for BytesOutToSource is less than the value for BytesInFromDestination, there may be data loss during NAT gateway processing, or traffic being actively blocked by the NAT gateway.
Connection Attempt Count The number of connection attempts made through the NAT gateway. If the value for ConnectionEstablishedCount is less than the value for ConnectionAttemptCount, this indicates that clients behind the NAT gateway attempted to establish new connections for which there was no response.
Connection Established Count The number of connections established through the NAT gateway. If the value for ConnectionEstablishedCount is less than the value for ConnectionAttemptCount, this indicates that clients behind the NAT gateway attempted to establish new connections for which there was no response.
Error Port Allocation The number of times the NAT gateway could not allocate a source port. A value greater than zero indicates that too many concurrent connections are open through the NAT gateway.
Idle Timeout Count The number of connections that transitioned from the active state to the idle state. An active connection transitions to idle if it was not closed gracefully and there was no activity for the last 350 seconds. A value greater than zero indicates that there are connections that have been moved to an idle state. If the value for IdleTimeoutCount increases, it may indicate that clients behind the NAT gateway are re-using stale connections.
Packets Drop Count The number of packets dropped by the NAT gateway. A value greater than zero may indicate an ongoing transient issue with the NAT gateway.
Packets In From Destination The number of packets received by the NAT gateway from the destination. If the value for PacketsOutToSource is less than the value for PacketsInFromDestination, there may be data loss during NAT gateway processing, or traffic being actively blocked by the NAT gateway.
Packets In From Source The number of packets received by the NAT gateway from clients in your VPC. If the value for PacketsOutToDestination is less than the value for PacketsInFromSource, there may be data loss during NAT gateway processing.
Packets Out To Destination The number of packets sent out through the NAT gateway to the destination. A value greater than zero indicates that there is traffic going to the internet from clients that are behind the NAT gateway. If the value for PacketsOutToDestination is less than the value for PacketsInFromSource, there may be data loss during NAT gateway processing.
Packets Out To Source The number of packets sent through the NAT gateway to the clients in your VPC. A value greater than zero indicates that there is traffic coming from the internet to clients that are behind the NAT gateway. If the value for PacketsOutToSource is less than the value for PacketsInFromDestination, there may be data loss during NAT gateway processing, or traffic being actively blocked by the NAT gateway.
AWS: VPC Route Table Configuration
Object Name Object Description
AWS Route Table/Subnet The unique identifier for the Route Table-Subnet relationship.
AWS Route Table/Virtual Private Gateway The unique identifier for the Route Table-Virtual Private Gateway relationship.
Destination The Destination in a route.
Key The tag key. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you could define a set of tags for your Amazon EC2 instances account that helps you track each owner of the instance and stack level. We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meets your needs for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. You can search and filter the resources based on the tags you add.
Main Whether the Route Table is the default (main) or otherwise.
Route Table ID The unique identifier of the VPC Route Table.
Status Whether a Route in the VPC Route Table is active or not.
Target The Gateway of a Route defined in a VPC Route Table.
Value The tag value. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you could define a set of tags for your Amazon EC2 instances account that helps you track each owner of the instance and stack level. We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meets your needs for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. You can search and filter the resources based on the tags you add.
VPC ID The unique identifier of the VPC.
AWS: VPC Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date The timestamp of this service's health update.
Health A text description of this AWS Service's health status.
AWS: VPC Subnet Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Available IP Address Count The number of IPv4 addresses in the subnet that are available.
AWS VPC Subnet/EC2 The unique identifier for the VPC Subnet-EC2 relationship.
Id The unique identifier of the subnet.
Key The tag key. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you could define a set of tags for your Amazon EC2 instances account that helps you track each owner of the instance and stack level. We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meets your needs for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. You can search and filter the resources based on the tags you add.
Name The Name property, if any, of the subnet as set in its tags.
Subnet CIDR The IPv4 CIDR block of the subnet.
Value The tag value. Tags enable you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you could define a set of tags for your Amazon EC2 instances account that helps you track each owner of the instance and stack level. We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meets your needs for each resource type. Using a consistent set of tag keys makes it easier for you to manage your resources. You can search and filter the resources based on the tags you add.
AWS: VPC Virtual Private Gateway Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Key The key of a tag assigned to the resource.
State The current state of the attachment between the gateway and the VPC (attaching | attached | detaching | detached).
Value The value of a tag assigned to the resource.
VPC ID The unique identifier of an attached VPC.
VPN Gateway ID The unique identifier of the virtual private gateway.
VPN Gateway Name The name of the virtual private gateway.
VPN Gateway State The state of the virtual private gateway (pending | available | deleting | deleted).
VPN Gateway Type The type of virtual private gateway. Currently the only supported type is ipsec.1.

WAF Service

AWS: WAF Global WebACL Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Action The action that CloudFront or AWS WAF takes when a web request matches the conditions in the Rule.
Default Action The WebACL instance component default action.
Id The Id for a Rule.
Name The WebACL instance component name.
Name The name for a Rule.
Priority The order in which the Rules in a WebACL are evaluated.
Type Type of AWS WAF response to requests that match the settings in a Rule.
Web ACL ARN The ARN for the WebACL component.
Web ACL Id The WebACL instance component Unique Identifier.
AWS: WAF Global WebACL Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Allowed (By Rule) The number of allowed web requests by rule.
Blocked (By Rule Group) The number of blocked web requests by rule group.
Blocked (By Rule) The number of blocked web requests by rule.
Counted (By Rule Group) The number of counted web requests by rule group.
Counted (By Rule) The number of counted web requests by rule.
AWS: WAF Regional WebACL Instance Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Action Specifies the action that API Gateway or Application ELB or AWS WAF takes when a web request matches the conditions in the Rule.
AWS WAF/API Gateway The API IDs of resources associated with the specified web ACL.
AWS WAF/API Stage The API Stage IDs of resources associated with the specified web ACL.
AWS WAF/Application ELB The Application ELB IDs of resources associated with the specified web ACL.
Default Action The action to perform if none of the Rules contained in the WebACL match.
Metric Name A friendly name or description for the metrics for this WebACL.
Name The name for a Rule.
Priority Specifies the order in which the Rules in a WebACL are evaluated.
Rule Id The RuleId for a Rule.
Type Specifies how you want AWS WAF to respond to requests that match the settings in a Rule.
WebACL ARN The ARN for the WebACL component.
WebACL Id The WebACL instance component Unique Identifier.
WebACL Name A friendly name or description of the WebACL.
AWS: WAF Regional WebACL Instance Performance
Object Name Object Description
Allowed (By Rule) The number of allowed web requests by rule.
Blocked (By Rule Group) The number of blocked web requests by rule group.
Blocked (By Rule) The number of blocked web requests by rule.
Counted (By Rule Group) The number of counted web requests by rule group.
Counted (By Rule) The number of counted web requests by rule.
AWS: WAF Service Health
Object Name Object Description
Date The date of the RSS feed entry.
Health The message of the RSS feed entry.

Workspaces Service

AWS: Workspaces Directory Configuration
Object Name Object Description
Alias The directory alias.
Change Compute Type Specifies whether users can change the compute type (bundle) for their WorkSpace.
Customer User Name The user name for the service account.
Device Type Android Indicates whether users can use Android and Android-compatible Chrome OS devices to access their WorkSpaces.
Device Type Chrome OS Indicates whether users can use Chromebooks to access their WorkSpaces.
Device Type IOS Indicates whether users can use iOS devices to access their WorkSpaces.
Device Type Linux Indicates whether users can use Linux clients to access their WorkSpaces.
Device Type OSX Indicates whether users can use OSX clients to access their WorkSpaces.
Device Type Web Indicates whether users can access their WorkSpaces through a web browser.
Device Type Windows Indicates whether users can use Windows clients to access their WorkSpaces.
Device Type Zero Client Indicates whether users can use zero client devices to access their WorkSpaces.
Directory Id The unique identifier of the directory
Directory Name The directory name or directory id if name is not present, prefixed by the region where it is located.
Directory Type The directory type.
DNS IP Addresses The IP addresses of the DNS servers for the directory.
Enable Internet Access Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default.
Enable Maintenance Mode Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces.
Enable Work Docs Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.
IAM Role Id The identifier of the IAM role. This is the role that allows Amazon WorkSpaces to make calls to other services, such as Amazon EC2, on your behalf.
Increase Volume Size Specifies whether users can increase the volume size of the drives on their WorkSpace.
Rebuild Workspace Specifies whether users can rebuild the operating system of a WorkSpace to its original state.
Registration Code The registration code for the directory. This is the code that users enter in their Amazon WorkSpaces client application to connect to the directory.
Restart Workspace Specifies whether users can restart their WorkSpace.
State The state of the directory registration with Amazon WorkSpaces.
Subnet Ids The identifiers of the subnets used with the directory.
Switch Running Mode Specifies whether users can switch the running mode of their WorkSpace.
Tenancy Specifies whether the directory is dedicated or shared.
User Enabled As Local Administrator Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.
AWS: Workspaces Directory Performance
Object Name Object Description
Available The number of WorkSpaces that returned a healthy status.
Connection Attempt The number of connection attempts.
Connection Failure The number of failed connections.
Connection Success The number of successful connections.
In Session Latency The round trip time between the WorkSpaces client and the WorkSpace.
Maintenance The number of WorkSpaces that are under maintenance.
Session Disconnect The number of connections that were closed, including user-initiated and failed connections.
Session Launch Time The amount of time it takes to initiate a WorkSpaces session.
Stopped The number of WorkSpaces that are stopped.
Trusted Device Validation Attempt The number of device authentication signature validation attempts.
Trusted Device Validation Failure The number of failed device authentication signature validations.
Trusted Device Validation Success The number of successful device authentication signature validations.
Unhealthy The number of WorkSpaces that returned an unhealthy status.
User Connected The number of WorkSpaces that have a user connected.

WorkMail Service

This Dynamic Application is available in the AWS Extended ServicesPowerPack.

AWS: WorkMail Organization Performance
Object Name Object Description
Incoming Email Bounced - Avg The number of incoming emails that bounced due to full mailboxes. This metric is counted for each intended recipient. For example, if 1 email is sent to 10 recipients in your organization, and 2 of the recipients have full mailboxes resulting in a bounce response, the IncomingEmailBounced count is 2.
Mailbox Email Delivered - Avg The number of emails delivered to individual mailboxes in your Amazon WorkMail organization. If 1 email is successfully delivered to 10 recipients in your organization, the MailboxEmailDelivered count is 10.
Organization Email Received - Avg The number of emails received by your Amazon WorkMail organization. If 1 email is addressed to 10 recipients in your organization, the OrganizationEmailReceived count is 1.
Outgoing Email Bounced - Avg The number of outgoing emails that could not be delivered, counted for each intended recipient. For example, if 1 email is sent to 10 recipients, and 2 emails could not be delivered, the OutgoingEmailBounced count is 2.
Outgoing Email Sent - Avg The number of emails successfully sent from your Amazon WorkMail organization. This metric is counted for each recipient of a successfully sent email. For example, if 1 email is sent to 10 recipients, and the email was successfully delivered to 8 of the recipients, the OutgoingEmailSent count is 8 .

Other Supported Services

The following services have partial coverage with configuration information, health status, and AWS alerts:

AWS Service
Chime SDK
Client VPN
CloudWatch Logs
CloudWatch Metric Streams
CloudWatch RUM
CodeGuru Profiler
CodeGuru Reviewer
Data Exchange
Data Pipeline
DevOps Guru
DLM (Data Life Cycle Manager)
EC2 Fleet
EC2 Spot
EC2 Spot Fleet
Elastic Inference
Fraud Detector
Gateway Load Balancer (ELB)
Glue DataBrew
Ground Station
Interactive Video Service Channel
Interactive Video Service Chat
IoT Analytics
IoT Device Defender
IoT Events
IoT FleetWise
IoT Greengrass
IoT RoboRunner
IoT Sitewise
IoT Twinmaker
IoT Things Graph
Lake Formation
Location Service
Lookout for Equipment
Lookout for Metrics
Lookout for Vision
MWAA (Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow)
Network Firewall
Network Manager
Private Certificate Authority
QLDB (Quantum Ledger DB)
Secrets Manager
Service Catalog
Step Functions
Systems Manager
WorkSpaces Web