Appendix: Cisco: Meraki [API] API Endpoints

This appendix describes the list of API endpoints being requested from and their matching Dynamic Applications, as well as the API Rates for those Dynamic Applications.

Cisco: Meraki [API] API Endpoints

The "Cisco: Meraki [API]" Dynamic Applications listed below make requests to the listed endpoints.

  • Cisco: Meraki Organization Discovery [API]: /api/v1/organizations, List the organizations that the user has privileges on.

  • Cisco: Meraki Network Discovery [API]: /api/v1/<ORGANIZATION_ID>/networks , List the networks that the user has privileges on in an organization.

  • Cisco: Meraki Device Discovery [API]: /api/v1/<ORGANIZATION_ID>/devices , List the devices in an organization.

  • Cisco: Meraki Device Configuration [API]: /api/v1/<ORGANIZATION_ID>/devices/statuses , List the status of every Meraki device in the organization.

  • Cisco: Meraki Uplink Performance [API]: /api/v1/<ORGANIZATION_ID>/devices/uplinksLossAndLatency , Return the uplink loss and latency for every MX appliance in the organization from at least 2 minutes ago.

  • Cisco: Meraki Organization License Configuration [API]: /api/v1/<ORGANIZATION_ID>/licenses/overview , Return an overview of the license state for an organization.

  • Cisco: Meraki VPN Status [API]: /api/v1/<ORGANIZATION_ID>/appliance/vpn/statuses , Show VPN status for networks in an organization.

  • Cisco: Meraki Uplink Status [API]: /api/v1/<ORGANIZATION_ID>/appliance/uplink/statuses , List the uplink status of every Meraki MX and Z series appliance in the organization.

  • Cisco: Meraki Switch Ports Configuration [API]: /api/v1/organizations/<ORGANIZATION_ID>/switch/ports/bySwitch, List the switchports in an organization by switch

  • Cisco: Meraki Switch Ports Status Configuration [API]: /api/v1/devices/<DEVICE_SERIAL>/switch/ports/statuses, Return the status for all the ports of a switch

  • Cisco: Meraki Switch Port Status Performance [API]: /api/v1/devices/<DEVICE_SERIAL>/switch/ports/statuses, Return the status for all the ports of a switch

  • Cisco: Meraki Uplink Usage Performance [API]: api/v1/organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/uplinks/usage/byNetwork \ AND /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/uplinkBandwidth, Return the sent and received bytes for each uplink of all MX and Z networks within an organization. Collects the uplink bandwidth limits, then presents the result as % utilization per uplink. If more than one device was active during the specified timespan, then the sent and received bytes will be aggregated by interface.

The calls made to the endpoint used by the "Cisco: Meraki VPN Status [API]" Dynamic Application is only made if at least one instance of the Dynamic Application is aligned to a device. Additional instances of the Dynamic Application aligned to other devices does not add to the number of calls to the endpoint, and only one call is made per Polling Interval of the "Cisco: Meraki Request Manager [API]" Dynamic Application to get the VPN information for the entire organization.

The calls made to the endpoints used by the "Cisco: Meraki Switch Ports Status Configuration [API]" Dynamic Application are only made if the Dynamic Application is manually aligned to a switch device.

The following endpoint is called by the "Cisco: Meraki Reboot Device" run book action policy instead of a Dynamic Application. Only one call is made per execution of the run book action policy:

  • Cisco: Meraki Reboot Device: /api/v1/devices/<SERIAL_ID>/reboot, Reboot a device.

Cisco: Meraki [API] Dynamic Application API Rates

The "Cisco: Meraki [API]" Dynamic Applications below make a number of API calls at the rates listed.

  • Cisco: Meraki Organization Discovery [API]: 1 API call per Account per Dynamic Application run.

  • Cisco: Meraki HTTP Stats [API]: N/A

  • Cisco: Meraki Component Counts [API]: N/A

  • Cisco: Meraki Network Discovery [API]: 1 API call per Meraki Organization when the Request Manager runs. Paginates after 1000 networks.

  • Cisco: Meraki Organization License Configuration [API]: 1 API call per Meraki Organization when the Request Manager runs. Paginates after results.

  • Cisco: Meraki Request Manager [API]: N/A

  • Cisco: Meraki Device Discovery [API]: 1 API call per Meraki Organization when the Request Manager runs. Paginates after 1000 devices.

  • Cisco: Meraki Network Component Counts [API]: N/A

  • Cisco: Meraki Network Configuration [API]: N/A

  • Cisco: Meraki Device Configuration [API]: 1 API call per Meraki Organization when the Request Manager runs. Paginates after 1000 devices.

  • Cisco: Meraki Uplink Usage Performance [API]: When the Request Manager runs, 1 API call per Meraki Organization for the usage, 1 API call per Network for the limits to calculate utilization. You can configure limiting the API call rate in the Request Manager snippet.

  • Cisco: Meraki Uplink Performance [API]: 1 API call per Meraki Organization when the Request Manager runs. Paginates after 1000 devices with uplinks.

  • Cisco: Meraki Uplink Status [API]: 1 API call per Meraki Organization when the Request Manager runs. Paginates after 1000 devices.

  • Cisco: Meraki VPN Status [API]: 1 API call per Meraki Organization when the Request Manager runs. Paginates after 1000 devices.

  • Cisco: Meraki Switch Ports Configuration [API]: 1 API call per Meraki Organization when the Request Manager runs. Paginates after 1000 devices.

  • Cisco: Meraki Switch Ports Status Configuration [API]: 1 API call per device with this Dynamic Application aligned when the Request Manager runs.

  • Cisco: Meraki Switch Port Status Performance [API]: N/A