The following sections describe how to configure and discover IBM AIX devices for monitoring by SL1 using the IBM: AIX Monitoring PowerPack:
Supported Operating Systems
Versions 7.X of AIX are supported by the PowerPack. Older versions of IBM AIX will work if the commands in this document will work with that version.
To configure the SL1 system to monitor IBM AIX devices using the IBM: AIX Monitoring PowerPack, you must have the following information about your devices:
- IP addresses/hostnames of the devices you want to monitor.
- A service account with the appropriate privileges:
- Username/Password, OR
- SSH private keys
- You must install the "sudo" package on IBM's online article: AIX Toolbox for Open Source Software.
- Port 22 (default SSH port) open from the SL1 Data Collector to the end device. Custom ports are supported if they are specified in the credential.
- If you are using the "IBM: AIX CPU Utilization (sar)" Dynamic Application, you will need to execute the sar command with sudo. To do so, add the following permission to the sudoers configuration file (/etc/sudoers):
The "IBM: AIX CPU Utilization (sar)" and "IBM: AIX Total Allocated Storage Value (Bootinfo)" Dynamic Applications execute their commands via "sudo" by default. If you do not wish to install the "sudo" package, you will need specific permissions to execute both sar and bootinfo commands, and to remove "sudo" from the snippet arguments of the aforementioned Dynamic Applications.
<username> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/sar
By adding the permission to the sudoers configuration file, the sar command will not request for a password.
- If you are using the "IBM: AIX Total Allocated Storage Value (Bootinfo)" Dynamic Application, you will need to execute the booinfo command with sudo. To do so, add the following permission to the sudoers configuration file (/etc/sudoers):
<username> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/bootinfo
By adding the permission to the sudoers configuration file, the bootinfo command will not request for a password.
- If you are upgrading from any previous AIX community PowerPack, you will need to disable all events and alerts from the previous PowerPack before installing and using the IBM: AIX Monitoring PowerPack to ensure that duplicate events do not occur.
To monitor CLI-SSH authentication events or alerts, you must first install the "Linux Base Pack" PowerPack. The "Linux Base Pack" PowerPack contains the following API-type event policies, which trigger events for any device that uses SSH authentication:
- Linux SSH: Authentication Error (CLI-SSH: Authentication Error)
- Linux SSH: Authentication Timeout (CLI-SSH: Authentication Timeout)
- Linux SSH: Connection Error (CLI-SSH: Error Connecting to Host)
Configuring IBM AIX Devices to Collect Data
The following tables list the collection objects included in IBM AIX Dynamic Applications and the AIX commands used by each of those collection objects. You can use these commands to grant or restrict access to certain data types in your IBM AIX user account that you will use to monitor your IBM AIX devices.
Dynamic Application | Collection Object(s) | AIX Command(s) Used |
IBM: AIX Device Class Configuration | OS Level | oslevel |
OS Version | oslevel | sed 's/\./ /g' | awk '{ if (NF>=2) print "AIX "$1"."$2; else print "AIX "$1}' | |
IBM: AIX Disks | Active Disk % | lspv;iostat -D |
Disk Service Queue Full | ||
Failed Read requests per sec | ||
Failed Write requests per sec | ||
Physical Volume Name | ||
IBM: AIX Error Report | TimeStamp | errpt -s <start_time> | head -n 1000 |
IBM: AIX ICDA Cache | Filesystem | df -kP |
Filesystem Characteristics | lsfs | |
Processes | ps auxww | |
uptime | uptime | |
IBM: AIX Inodes | Inodes Used Percentage | df -i |
Mount Directory | ||
IBM: AIX LPAR CPU Configuration | Maximum Memory (MB) | lparstat -i |
Maximum Physical CPUs in system | ||
Maximum Virtual CPUs | ||
Minimum Memory (MB) | ||
Minimum Virtual CPUs | ||
Mode | ||
Node Name | ||
Online Memory | ||
Partition Name | ||
Partition Type | ||
IBM: AIX LPAR CPU Stats | Active CPUs in Pool | lparstat -i |
Active Physical CPUs in system | ||
Entitled Capacity (%entc) | lparstat | |
Entitled Capacity (units) | lparstat -i | |
LPAR Overall CPU Utilization % | lparstat | |
LPAR Type | ||
Maximum Physical CPUs in system | lparstat -i | |
Node Name | ||
IBM: AIX Memory Stats | Available Memory | svmon -G -O summary=basic,unit=MB |
Free Memory | ||
Memory Size | ||
Pinned memory consumption | ||
Real Memory Consumption | ||
Virtual Memory Consumption | ||
Paging (Swap) Space Inuse | ||
Paging (Swap) Space Size | ||
IBM: AIX Network Stats | Packet Errors | netstat |
IBM: AIX Page Space Read Write | Page Space Pages Read per Sec | vmstat 1 1 |
Page Space Pages Written per Sec | ||
IBM: AIX Path Status | Path Status | lspath | uniq |
IBM: AIX Processor States | Processor Name | lsdev -Cc processor |
Processor Status | lsdev -Cc processor; lsattr -El <processorname> | |
IBM: AIX System Configuration | CPU type | prtconf |
Default Gateway | ||
Domain Name | ||
Firmware Version | ||
FQDN | ||
Host Name | ||
IP Address | ||
Logical CPU Cores | mpstat -s 1 1 | |
Manufacturer | prtconf | |
Name Server | ||
Netmask | ||
OS Level | oslevel | |
OS Version | oslevel | sed 's/\./ /g' | awk '{ if (NF>=2) print "AIX V"$1"."$2; else print "AIX V"$1}' | |
Paging Space (MB) | prtconf | |
Physical Memory (MB) | ||
Physical Processors | ||
Processor Speed (MHz) | ||
Processor Type | ||
Processor Version | ||
Product Name | ||
Serial Number | ||
System Type | ||
Time Zone | date | |
Uptime (days) | uptime | |
IBM: AIX Uptime & Load Average | CPU Core Count | lsdev -Cc processor |
Load Average (15 min) | uptime | |
Load Average (1 min) | ||
Load Average (5 min) |
Total Uptime Minutes | ||
IBM: AIX Volumes | Free Partition Size | lspv |
Logical Volume Name | lsvg | |
Logical Volume State | ||
Logical Volume Type | ||
Physical Volume Name | lspv | |
Physical Volume State | ||
Stale Partitions Count | ||
Total Partition Size | ||
Used Partition Size | ||
IBM: AIX Zombie Process Count | Zombie Process Count | ps -eo "status" | grep -c Z |
The following table lists internal collection inventory and internal collection performance Dynamic Applications (ICDA) in the PowerPack:
Dynamic Application | Metrics | AIX Command(s) Used |
IBM: AIX IC Detail | uptime | uptime |
IBM: AIX IC Filesystem Inventory | Filesystem | df -kP |
IBM: AIX IC Filesystem Performance | ||
IBM: AIX IC Process Inventory | Processes | ps auxww |
IBM: AIX IC Process Performance |
The following table lists Dynamic Applications that are disabled by default and not included as part of the "IBM: AIX Dynamic Applications Template" device template. These Dynamic Applications can be enabled as needed by manually adding them to your devices or the device template:
Dynamic Application | Metrics | AIX Command(s) Used |
IBM: AIX CPU Utilization (mpstat) | CPU Utilization % | mpstat |
IBM: AIX CPU Utilization (sar) | CPU Utilization % | sudo sar -u 1 3 |
IBM: AIX Filesystem | Filesystem | df -kP |
IBM: AIX Total Allocated Storage Value (Bootinfo) | Total Allocated Storage (GB) | TOTAL=0; for DISK in $(lspv | awk '{ print $1 }');do SIZE=$(sudo bootinfo -s $DISK); TOTAL=$(echo "$TOTAL + $SIZE"|bc); done; echo "$TOTAL / 1024" | bc |
The "IBM: AIX ICDA Cache" Dynamic Application acts as a cache producer for the following Dynamic Applications:
- IBM: AIX Filesystem
- IBM: AIX IC Detail
- IBM: AIX IC Filesystem Inventory
- IBM: AIX IC FIlesystem Performance
- IBM: AIX IC Process Inventory
- IBM: AIX IC Process Performance
Creating an SSH/Key Credential for IBM AIX
To configure SL1 to monitor IBM AIX devices using SSH, you must first create an SSH/Key credential. This credential allows the Dynamic Applications in the IBM: AIX Monitoring PowerPack to connect with an IBM AIX device.
NOTE: If you are using an SL1 system prior to version 11.1.0, the new user interface does not include the Duplicate option for sample credential(s). ScienceLogic recommends that you use the classic user interface and the Save As button to create new credentials from sample credentials. This will prevent you from overwriting the sample credential(s).
To create an SSH/Key credential:
- Go to the Credentials page (Manage > Credentials).
- Locate the "IBM: AIX Example Credential" and click on it. The Edit Credential modal page appears:
- Supply values in the following fields:
- Name. Name of the credential. Can be any combination of alphanumeric characters, up to 64 characters. This field is required.
- All Organizations. Toggle on (blue) to align the credential to all organizations, or toggle off (gray) and then select one or more specific organizations from the What organization manages this service? drop-down field to align the credential with those specific organizations. This field is required.
- Timeout (ms). Time, in milliseconds, after which SL1 will stop trying to communicate with the device from which you want to retrieve data.
- Hostname/IP. Type the hostname or IP address of the IBM AIX device you want to monitor. Alternatively, you can use the following variables:
- You can include the variable %D in this field. SL1 will replace the variable with the IP address of the current device (device that is currently using the credential).
- You can include the variable %N in this field. SL1 will replace the variable with hostname of the current device (device that is currently using the credential). If SL1 cannot determine the hostname, SL1 will replace the variable with the primary, management IP address for the current device.
- Port. Port number associated with the data you want to retrieve. This field is required.
The default TCP port for SSH servers is 22.
- Username. Username for an SSH or user account on the device to be monitored.
- Password. Password for an SSH user account on the device to be monitored.
- Private Key (PEM Format). Type or paste the SSH private key that you want SL1 to use, in PEM format.
The private key must include the lines "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY" and "END RSA PRIVATE KEY", as well as all preceding and following dashes on those lines.
The Private Key (PEM Format) field is only required in the current SL1 user interface. The Private Key (PEM Format) field is not required if you are using the classic SL1 user interface to define a credential.
The private key can have a maximum of 64 characters per line. Therefore, you cannot use keys in the OpenSSH format, because that format uses 70 characters per line. When you attempt to save the credential, SL1 will validate that the private key entered is in the correct format. You will be able to save the credential only if the private key is correctly formatted.
- Click .
Creating an SSH/Key Credential for IBM AIX in the SL1 Classic User Interface
To configure SL1 to monitor IBM AIX devices using SSH, you must first create an SSH/Key credential. This credential allows the Dynamic Applications in the IBM: AIX Monitoring PowerPack to connect with an IBM AIX device.
To define an SSH/Key credential:
- Collect the information you need to create each credential (usually username and password).
- Go to the Credential Management page (System > Manage > Credentials).
- In the Credential Management page, located the "IBM: AIX Example Credential" and click its wrench icon (
). The Credential Editor appears.
- In the Credential Editor, supply values in the following fields:
- Credential Name. Type a name for the credential.
- Hostname/IP. Type the hostname or IP address of the IBM AIX device you want to monitor. Alternatively, you can use the following variables:
- You can include the variable %D in this field. SL1 will replace the variable with the IP address of the current device (device that is currently using the credential).
- You can include the variable %N in this field. SL1 will replace the variable with hostname of the current device (device that is currently using the credential). If SL1 cannot determine the hostname, SL1 will replace the variable with the primary, management IP address for the current device.
- Port. Port number associated with the data you want to retrieve. This field is required.
The default TCP port for SSH servers is 22.
- Timeout (ms). Time, in milliseconds, after which SL1 will stop trying to communicate with the authenticating server.
- Username. Username for an SSH or user account on the device to be monitored.
- Password. Password for an SSH user account on the device to be monitored. (Optional if using a PEM key.)
- Private Key (PEM Format). Type or paste the SSH private key that you want SL1 to use, in PEM format.
The private key must include the lines "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY" and "END RSA PRIVATE KEY", as well as all preceding and following dashes on those lines.
The private key can have a maximum of 64 characters per line. Therefore, you cannot use keys in the OpenSSH format, because that format uses 70 characters per line. When you attempt to save the credential, SL1 will validate that the private key entered is in the correct format. You will be able to save the credential only if the private key is correctly formatted.
- Click the button to save the new SSH/Key credential.
Configuring the AIX Device Template
A device template allows you to save a device configuration and apply it to multiple devices. The Dynamic Applications in the IBM: AIX Monitoring PowerPack do not align automatically. Configuring and applying the "IBM: AIX Dynamic Applications Template" device template when you discover your IBM AIX device will align the appropriate Dynamic Applications.
To configure the IBM AIX device template:
- Go to the Configuration Templates page (Devices > Templates or Devices > Templates, or Registry > Devices > Templates in the classic SL1 user interface in the SL1 classic user interface).
- Locate the "IBM: AIX Dynamic Applications Template", or if the target host is a VIOS type, the "IBM: VIOS Dynamic Applications Template", and click its wrench icon (
). The Device Template Editor page appears.
- Click the Editing Dynamic Application Subtemplates page appears. tab. The
- Complete the following fields:
- Template Name. Type a new name for the device template.
- Credentials. Select the SSH/Key credential that you created for IBM AIX.
- Click the next Dynamic Application listed in the Subtemplate Selection section on the left side of the page and then select the AIX SSH/Key credential in the Credentials field.
- Repeat step 5 until the you have selected the IBM AIX SSH/Key credential in the Credentials field for all of the Dynamic Applications listed in the Subtemplate Selection section.
- Click .
Do not click the
button, as it will save over the "IBM: AIX Dynamic Applications Template", which you may need for future use.Preventing IBM AIX Devices from Dynamically Aligning Unwanted Dynamic Applications
As the Dynamic Applications in this PowerPack do not get automatically aligned during discovery, you can choose to disable the "Dynamic Discovery" flag on your IBM AIX device to ensure that other Dynamic Applications do not automatically align to your IBM AIX device and cause increased scale on your SL1 system.
To disable the "Dynamic Discovery" flag from the Device Investigator:
- In the Devices page, locate your IBM AIX device and click on it.
- In the Device Investigator page, click the tab.
- Locate the Dynamic Discovery checkbox and deselect it.
- Click the button.
To disable "Dynamic Discovery" from the device template:
- In the Configuration Templates page (Devices > Templates, or Registry > Devices > Templates in the classic SL1 user interface), locate your IBM AIX device and click on its wrench icon (
- In the Device Template Editor, in the Device Preferences pane of the tab, click on Dynamic Discovery to enable the option.
- Deselect the Dynamic Discovery checkbox.
- Click the button.
Discovering IBM AIX Devices
To create and run a discovery session that will discover IBM AIX devices, perform the following steps:
- On the Devices page (
) or the Discovery Sessions page (Devices > Discovery Sessions), click the button. The Select page appears:
- Click the General Information pane to the right. button. Additional information about the requirements for discovery appears in the
- Click Basic Information page appears: . The
- Complete the following fields:
- Name. Type a unique name for this discovery session. This name is displayed in the list of discovery sessions on the tab.
- Description. Optional. Type a short description of the discovery session. You can use the text in this description to search for the discovery session on the tab.
- Select the organization to add discovered devices to. Select the name of the organization to which you want to add the discovered devices.
- Click Credential Selection page of the Add Devices wizard appears: . The
- On the Credentials page, locate and select the SSH/Key credential you created.
- Click Discovery Session Details page of the Add Devices wizard appears: . The
- Complete the following fields:
- List of IPs/Hostnames. Type the IP addresses for the IBM AIX devices you want to monitor, separated by a comma.
- Which collector will monitor these devices?. Select an existing collector to monitor the discovered devices. Required.
- Run after save. Select this option to run this discovery session as soon as you click .
In the Advanced options section, click the down arrow icon () to complete the following fields:
- Discover Non-SNMP. Enable this setting.
- Model Devices. Enable this setting.
- Apply Device Template. Select the device template that you created for IBM AIX.
- Click Discovery Sessions page (Devices > Discovery Sessions) displays the new discovery session. to save the discovery session. The
- If you selected the Run after save option on this page, the discovery session runs, and the Discovery Logs page displays any relevant log messages. If the discovery session locates and adds any devices, the Discovery Logs page includes a link to the Device Investigator page for the discovered device.
Discovering IBM AIX Component Devices in the SL1 Classic User Interface
To create and run a discovery session that will discover IBM AIX devices, perform the following steps:
- Go to the Discovery Control Panel page (System > Manage > Classic Discovery).
- Click the Discovery Session Editor modal page appears. button to create a new discovery session. The
- Enter values in the following fields:
- IP Address Discovery List. Type the IP addresses for the IBM AIX devices you want to monitor, separated by a comma.
- Other Credentials. Select the SSH/Key credential that you created for IBM AIX.
- Discover Non-SNMP. Select this checkbox.
- Model Devices. Select this checkbox.
- Apply Device Template. Select the device template that you created for IBM AIX.
- Optionally, you can enter values in the other fields on this page. For more information about the other fields on this page, see the Discovery & Credentials manual.
- Click the Discovery Session Editor modal page. button and then close the
- The discovery session you created will appear at the top of the Discovery Control Panel page. Click its lightning-bolt icon (
) to run the discovery session.
- The Discovery Session window appears. When the IBM AIX device is discovered, click its device icon (
) to view the Device Properties page for the IBM AIX device.
Enabling More Than Two Thresholds for Filesystem
The "IBM: AIX IC Filesystem Inventory" and "IBM: AIX IC Filesystem Performance" Dynamic Applications provide two thresholds - Major and Critical. If you need more than two thresholds for Filesystem, you will need to disable the IC Filesystem Dynamic Applications and enable the "IBM: AIX Filesystem" Dynamic Application.
To disable the "IBM: AIX IC Filesystem Inventory" and "IBM: AIX IC Filesystem Performance" Dynamic Applications:
- Locate your IBM AIX device in the Devices page and click on it.
- In the Device Investigator page for the IBM AIX device, go to the tab.
- In the tab, click the button.
- Locate the "IBM: AIX IC Filesystem Inventory" Dynamic Application, click its Actions icon (
), and select Disable Collection.
- Click the button.
- Repeat these steps to disable the "IBM: AIX IC Filesystem Performance" Dynamic Application.
Next, you will need to enable the "IBM: AIX ICDA Cache" and "IBM: AIX Filesystem" Dynamic Applications:
- In the Device Investigator page for the IBM AIX device, go to the tab.
- In the tab, click the button.
- Locate the "IBM: AIX ICDA Cache" Dynamic Application, click its Actions icon (
), and select Enable Collection.
- Click the button.
- Repeat these steps to enable the "IBM: AIX Filesystem" Dynamic Application.
Disabling the "IBM: AIX IC Filesystem Inventory" and "IBM: AIX IC Filesystem Performance" Dynamic Applications will result in no filesystem data collection in the Hardware page and hiding the filesystem option will not be available.
Enabling both ICDA and non-ICDA Dynamic Applications will result in duplicate filesystem alerts.
Changing the Collection Commands for CPU Utilization
Some IBM AIX administrators prefer to calculate CPU utilization using the SAR command as opposed to the MPSTAT command. SL1 administrators can chose to use the approach that best fits their use case.
There are two CPU utilization Dynamic Applications in the PowerPack:
- IBM: AIX CPU Utilization (mpstat)
- IBM: AIX CPU Utilization (sar)
The "IBM: AIX CPU Utilization (sar)" and "IBM: AIX CPU Utilization (mpstat) Dynamic Applications and their alerts are disabled by default and cannot be aligned using the device template. To enable the "IBM: AIX CPU Utilization (sar)" and "IBM: AIX CPU Utilization (mpstat)" Dynamic Applications:
- Ensure that the user has the proper privileges to run the SAR command.
- Go to the Dynamic Applications Manager page (System > Manage > Dynamic Applications).
- Locate the "IBM: AIX CPU Utilization (sar)"/"IBM: AIX CPU Utilization (mpstat)" Dynamic Application and click its wrench icon (
- In the Operational State dropdown field, select Enabled. Click .
- Go to the Event Policies page (Events > Event Policies) and enable the following events:
- IBM: AIX Logical CPU Utilization % has exceeded threshold
- IBM: AIX Logical CPU Utilization % has returned below threshold
- Go to the Dynamic Applications and enable their alerts. tab for both
- The "IBM: AIX CPU Utilization (sar)" and "IBM: AIX CPU Utilization (mpstat)" Dynamic Applications can now be manually aligned to individual devices.
Updating Virtual Memory Alerts
The "IBM: AIX Memory Stats" Dynamic Application has virtual memory events enabled by default. You must ensure that there are no other previously built custom PowerPacks with virtual memory events running to use these events.
If you are using the AIX Virtual Memory Utilization Monitoring PowerPack, you must disable the alerts and events in that PowerPack or disable the alerts in the "IBM: AIX Memory Stats" Dynamic Application in the IBM: AIX Monitoring PowerPack.
To disable these events:
- Go to the Dynamic Applications Manager page (System > Manage > Dynamic Applications) .
- Locate the "IBM: AIX Memory Stats" Dynamic Application and click its wrench icon (
- Click the
tab and locate the "IBM: AIX Virtual Memory Utilization Critical" alert and click its wrench icon ( - In the Active State dropdown, select Disabled. Click .
- Repeat the above steps for the following event policies:
- IBM: AIX Virtual Memory Utilization Healthy
- IBM: AIX Virtual Memory Utilization Major
- IBM: AIX Virtual Memory Utilization not Critical