Configuring Oracle Monitoring

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The following sections describe how to configure your Oracle Database instances for monitoring by SL1 using the Oracle: Database PowerPack:

Prerequisites for Monitoring Oracle Database Instances

To configure the SL1 system to monitor Oracle Database instances using the Oracle: Database PowerPack, you must have a minimum of two users:

  1. SSH user to access instance related data (pmon, smon, listener status, tnsnames.ora, etc.) from the server hosting the Oracle DB instance.

  2. Oracle Database user to access the instance.

On a multi-tenant instance like a CDB, there can be multiple users to access CDBs and PDBs

  • Minimal permissions for SSH user access:

    • Permissions to access $ORACLE_HOME directory:

    • Directories: --x

    • Binaries ($ORACLE_HOME/bin): --x

    • Libraries ($ORACLE_HOME/lib): r-x

    • File “listener.ora”: r--

    • File “tnsnames.ora”: r--

    • ORACLE_HOME Directory: --x

    • Everything else that’s not executable in $ORACLE_HOME: r--

    • Permissions to execute commands. For example, $ORACLE_HOME/lsnrctl status.

    • Permissions to read files. For example, listeners.ora/tnsnames.ora ($ORACLE_HOME or $TNS_ADMIN folder).

For more information about the minimum permissions needed, and why they are required, see the Oracle: Database Minimum Permissions Needed Appendix.

r= read; w= write; x= execute; = denied. All files and directories can be owned by another non-credential user in SL1. However, the permissions must be given to the credential user's group, or to everyone else (Other).

If you do not want to configure permissions, you can move the SSH user to the group used by the Oracle installer.

The Oracle database user must have access to the following tables:

  • dba_data_files
  • dba_free_space
  • dba_registry
  • dba_scheduler_jobs
  • dba_tablespaces
  • dba_temp_files
  • gv$sort_segment
  • sys.dba_ind_partitions
  • sys.dba_ind_subpartitions
  • sys.dba_indexes
  • sys.dba_objects
  • sys.v_$database_block_corruption
  • sys.v_$lock
  • v$archive_dest
  • v$archived_log
  • v$block_change_tracking
  • v$controlfile
  • v$database
  • v$datafile
  • v$datafile_header
  • v$diag_alert_text
  • v$dispatcher
  • v$latch
  • v$librarycache
  • v$log
  • v$log_history
  • v$logfile
  • v$open_cursor
  • v$parameter
  • v$resource_limit
  • v$rman_backup_job_details
  • v$rollstat
  • v$rowcache
  • v$session
  • v$sesstat
  • v$statname
  • v$sysstat
  • v$tablespace
  • v$tempfile
  • v$version
  • v$asm_client (required for ASM Dynamic Applications)
  • v$asm_disk (required for ASM Dynamic Applications)
  • v$asm_diskgroup (required for ASM Dynamic Applications)
  • v$recovery_file_dest(required for ASM/RAC Dynamic Applications)

Required Privileges

All Oracle database users must have the following privileges:

  • System Privileges: CREATE SESSION
  • Role Privileges: SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE
  • Table Privileges:


  • Other: Permission to alter sessions to alter sessions.

Monitoring Pluggable Databases (PDBs)

To monitor pluggable databases (PDBs), you must have permissions to view `DBA_PDBS` and `V_$PDBS`.

NOTE: You can create multiple users to access a CDB and all PDBs by creating a minimum of two Database Credentials, one for the CDB, and one for each PDB.

Creating Users and Assigning Privileges

If you want to monitor a container database (CDB) and PDB, log in to the CDB and create a user and grant access to containers using the following permissions:

  • Grant access to query tables: GRANT CREATE SESSION TO C##[USERNAME] CONTAINER=ALL;
  • Grant access to all common tables and views on a CDB: GRANT SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE TO C##[USERNAME] CONTAINER=ALL;
  • Grant access for "Oracle: DB Tablespace Temp Stats" Dynamic Application: GRANT SELECT ON SYS.TS$ TO C##[USERNAME] CONTAINER=ALL;
  • Grant access for "Oracle: DB Log Alerts Config" Dynamic Application: GRANT SELECT ON SYS.V_$DIAG_ALERT_EXT TO C##[USERNAME] CONTAINER=ALL;
  • Show PDBs:

For Non-Container Databases (Non-CDBs):

  • Grant access to query tables: GRANT CREATE SESSION TO [USERNAME];
  • Grant access to all common tables and views on a CDB: GRANT SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE TO [USERNAME];
  • Grant access for "Oracle: DB Tablespace Temp Stats" Dynamic Application: GRANT SELECT ON SYS.TS$ TO [USERNAME];
  • Grant access for "Oracle: DB Log Alerts Config" Dynamic Application: GRANT SELECT ON SYS.V_$DIAG_ALERT_EXT TO [USERNAME];

NOTE: If you are monitoring RAC and ASM instances, no additional permissions are required.

NOTE: Each Oracle database user will need a corresponding SL1 database credential for database access.

Prerequisites to Monitor Using Transport Layer Security (TLS/TCPS)

To monitor using TCPS you must configure the collector with Oracle Instant Client, Oracle Database libraries, wallet and network files.

You need to configure every collector that the PowerPack will use. Alternatively, you can change the Collector Affinity of every Dynamic Application to use the “root device’s collector” to use only one single collector.

For the workflow below, assume the following example:

  Oracle Database SL1 Collector
Version Oracle Database 21c Oracle Instant Client 21.15
ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/21.0.0/dbhome_1 /opt/oracle/instant_client_21_15


  1. Download the Oracle Instant Client that matches your Oracle Database version.

  2. Install the Oracle Instant Client on your SL1 Collector, typically at /opt/oracle.

  3. Using SSH, connect to your Oracle Database and copy the following folders:

    • $ORACLE_HOME/jdk

    • $ORACLE_HOME/jlib

    • $ORACLE_HOME/bin/orapki

  4. Transfer the folders to your SL1 Collector:

    • Copy jdk to /opt/oracle/jdk

    • Copy jlib to /opt/oracle/jlib

    • Copy orapki to /opt/oracle/instant_client_21_15/orapki

  5. Confirm proper installation by running the following commands on your collector:

which orapki

which sqlplus

  1. Create a configuration file called "sqlnet.ora" at the location /opt/oracle/instant_client_21_15/network/admin/sqlnet.ora.

  2. Create a network file called "tnsnames.ora" at the location /opt/oracle/instant_client_21_15/network/admin/tnsnames.ora. The contents of this file will control your connections from SL1 to Oracle: Database.

  3. On your collector, create an Oracle wallet for SL1 using the following command:

orapki wallet create -wallet /opt/oracle/instant_client_21_15/wallet -pwd YOUR_PASSWORD -auto_login

Use the -auto_login option so Python can access the wallet. Do not use -auto_login_local, as this will cause issues.

  1. Create or add your SSL certificate to the SL1 wallet. The certificate must have a key size of 2048 bits or greater.

  2. Exchange certificates between the Oracle Database wallet and the SL1 wallet if needed.

  3. Change the collector's Instant Client owner and permissions for monitoring:

    • sudo chown -R ‘em7admin:s-em7-core' /opt/oracle

    • chmod -v 640 /opt/oracle/instant_client_21_15/wallet/*

Monitoring TCPS Use Case

Assume this Oracle DB:

Instance Host Port Protocol
cdb1 (SID) 2484 TCPS
silo_pdb (SERVICE_NAME) 2484 TCPS


You must configure the collector's tnsnames.ora file to point to these instances. The tnsnames.ora file should have a format similar to the following:












Modifying the collector's SL1 tnsnames.ora file with the example Oracle Database above, the tnsnames.ora file should look like this:























After configuring the tnsnames.ora file, fill the SL1 database credential with the following:

  1. In the Oracle Connect Type field, enter "Oracle Real Application Clusters (SERVICE_NAME)"

  2. In the Oracle Database SID field, enter the tnsnames.ora alias you created above. For example, "cdb1_ssl" or "silo_pdb_tcps".

  3. Complete the other fields of the Database Credential as described in the Creating a Database Credential section.

Configuring Oracle Credentials

To monitor Oracle Database instances using SL1, you must create at least three credentials. The types of credentials that are required for monitoring depend on the type of server that is hosting the Oracle Database:

NOTE: The SOAP/XML credential is the only credential that is used for discovery.

Suggested Timeout Configuration

There are current platform limitations to implementing a timeout for Database Server sessions.

To prevent issues and perform the suggested configuration:

  1. Create a new profile for the DB user in the Database.

  2. Configure the profile with these queries:



With this configuration implemented, a three-minute minute timeout session is established. This allows the user time to stop the collection if it prevents SL1 from creating SIGTERMs.

Creating an SSH/Key Credential

Linux and Unix users must create an SSH/Key credential.

To create an SSH/Key credential:

  1. Go to the Credentials page (Manage > Credentials).
  2. Locate the "Oracle: DB Example SSH" sample credential, then click its Actions icon () and select Duplicate. A copy of the credential, called Oracle: DB Example SSH copy appears.

An image of the SSH Create Credential page.

  1. Supply values in the following fields:
  • Name. Type a new name for the credential.

  • All Organizations. Toggle on (blue) to align the credential to all organizations, or toggle off (gray) and then select one or more specific organizations from the What organization manages this service? drop-down field to align the credential with those specific organizations.

  • Hostname/IP. Type "%D" or the IP address of the server that is hosting the Oracle Database.

  • Port. Type "22".
  • Username. Type the username for the Linux server that is hosting the Oracle Database.
  • Password. Type the password for the Linux server that is hosting the Oracle Database.
  • Private Key (PEM Format). Optional. Use if required for SSH authentication. For information on gathering a private key, see the section on Enabling PEM on a Linux Machine.

The private key can have a maximum of 64 characters per line. Therefore, you cannot use keys in the OpenSSH format, because that format uses 70 characters per line. When you attempt to save the credential, SL1 will validate that the private key entered is in the correct format. You will be able to save the credential only if the private key is correctly formatted.

  1. Click Save & Close.

NOTE: The credential ID will appear in the ID column of the Credentials page after it has been saved. Take note of the ID as you will need it when creating the SOAP/XML credential.

Creating an SSH/Key Credential in the Classic SL1 User Interface

To create an SSH/Key credential :

  1. Go to the Credential Management page (System > Manage > Credentials).

  1. Click the wrench icon () for the "Oracle: DB Example SSH" credential. The Credential Editor modal page appears.

  1. Supply values in the following fields:
  • Credential Name. Type a new name for the credential.

  • Hostname/IP. Type "%D" or the IP address of the server that is hosting the Oracle Database.
  • Port. Type the default port for SSH (22).
  • Username. Type the username for the server that is hosting the Oracle Database.
  • Password. Type the password for the server that is hosting the Oracle Database.
  • Private Key (PEM Format). Optional. Use if required for SSH authentication. For information on gathering a private key, see the section on Enabling PEM on a Linux Machine.

The private key can have a maximum of 64 characters per line. Therefore, you cannot use keys in the OpenSSH format, because that format uses 70 characters per line. When you attempt to save the credential, SL1 will validate that the private key entered is in the correct format. You will be able to save the credential only if the private key is correctly formatted.

  1. Click the Save As button.
  2. When the confirmation message appears, click OK.

NOTE: The credential ID will appear at the top of the window after it has been saved. Take note of the ID as you will need it when creating the SOAP/XML credential.

Creating a PowerShell Credential (Windows Users)

Windows users must create a PowerShell credential.

To create a PowerShell credential:

  1. Go to the Credentials page (Manage > Credentials).
  2. Locate the "Oracle: DB Example PSH" sample credential, then click its Actions icon () and select Duplicate. A copy of the credential, called Oracle: DB Example PSH copy appears.

An image of the powershell Create Credential page.

  1. Supply values in the following fields:
  • Name. Type a new name for the credential.

  • All Organizations. Toggle on (blue) to align the credential to all organizations, or toggle off (gray) and then select one or more specific organizations from the What organization manages this service? drop-down field to align the credential with those specific organizations.
  • Timeout (ms). Time, in milliseconds, after which SL1 will stop trying to communicate with the authenticating server. For collection to be successful, SL1 must connect to the authenticating server, execute the PowerShell command, and receive a response within the amount of time specified in this field.

  • Account Type. Select Local. However, if you plan to host an Oracle Database in a server that is part of an Active Directory, select Active Directory and configure a user without admin permissions.

NOTE: For ease of configuration, ScienceLogic recommends using an Active Directory account that is a member of the local Administrators group.

  • Hostname/IP. Hostname/IP of the AD Server, not the server’s IP that is part of the AD.

  • Username. Type the username for the Windows server that is hosting the Oracle Database.
  • Password. Type the password for the Windows server that is hosting the Oracle Database.
  • Encrypted. Select whether SL1 will communicate with the device using an encrypted connection:
  • Toggle on (blue) if SL1 will communicate with the device using an encrypted connection. If the connection is encrypted, when communicating with the Windows server, SL1 will use a local user account with authentication of type "Basic Auth". You must then use HTTPS and can use a Microsoft Certificate or a self signed certificate.
  • Toggle off (gray) if the connection is not encrypted. If the connection is not encrypted, when communicating with the Windows server, SL1 will not encrypt the connection.
  • Port. Type "5985" (http) or "5986" (https).
  • PowerShell Proxy Hostname/IP. Leave this field blank.
  • Active Directory Host/IP. If you selected Active Directory in the Account Type field, type the hostname or IP address of the Active Directory server that will authenticate the credential.
  • Active Directory Domain. If you selected Active Directory in the Account Type field, type the domain where the monitored Windows device resides.
  1. Click Save & Close.

NOTE: The credential ID will appear in the ID column of the Credentials page after it has been saved. Take note of the ID as you will need it when creating the SOAP/XML credential.

If you do not have Local Administrator access to the servers that you want to monitor with PowerShell or WinRM, or if the monitored Windows server is a Domain Controller that will not be in the local Administrators group, then you must first create a domain user account or create a local user account on the Windows Server.

To configure Windows Servers to allow access by your non-administrator user account:

  1. See Option 3: Creating a Non-Administrator User Account in the Configuring Windows Servers for Monitoring with PowerShell manual, and follow Option 3's steps.

  2. Configure a Server Authentication Certificate. See Step 2: Configuring a Server Authentication Certificate in the same manual to follow steps if needed.

  3. Configure a Windows Remote Management. See Step 3: Configuring Windows Remote Management and follow the “Option 1: Using a Script to Configure Windows Remote Management” instructions.

Creating a PowerShell Credential (Windows Users) in the Classic SL1 User Interface

Windows users must create a PowerShell credential.

To create a PowerShell credential:

  1. Go to the Credential Management page (System > Manage > Credentials).
  2. Click the wrench icon () for the "Oracle: DB Example PSH" credential. The Credential Editor modal page appears.
  1. Supply values in the following fields:

  • Profile Name. Type a new name for the credential.
  • Account Type. Select Local. However, if you plan to host an Oracle Database in a server that is part of an Active Directory, select Active Directory and configure a user without admin permissions.

NOTE:For ease of configuration, ScienceLogic recommends using an Active Directory account that is a member of the local Administrators group.

  • Active Directory Settings. Hostname/IP of the AD Server, not the server’s IP that is part of the AD.

  • Domain. Domain the user is in.

  • Hostname/IP. Type "%D" or the IP address of the server that is hosting the Oracle Database.
  • Timeout (ms). Type the time, in milliseconds, after which SL1 will stop trying to collect data from the authenticating server. For collection to be successful, SL1 must connect to the authenticating server, execute the PowerShell command, and receive a response within the amount of time specified in this field.

  • Username. Type the username for the Windows server that is hosting the Oracle Database.
  • Password. Type the password for the Windows server that is hosting the Oracle Database.
  • Encrypted. Select whether SL1 will communicate with the device using an encrypted connection. Choices are:
  • yes. When communicating with the Windows server, SL1 will use a local user account with authentication of type "Basic Auth". You must then use HTTPS and can use a Microsoft Certificate or a self-signed certificate.
  • no. When communicating with the Windows server, SL1 will not encrypt the connection.
  • Port. Type "5985" (http) or "5986" (https).
  • PowerShell Proxy Hostname/IP. Leave this field blank.
  1. Click the Save As button.

NOTE: The credential ID will appear at the top of the window after it has been saved. Take note of the ID as you will need it when creating the SOAP/XML credential.

If you do not have Local Administrator access to the servers that you want to monitor with PowerShell or WinRM, or if the monitored Windows server is a Domain Controller that will not be in the local Administrators group, then you must first create a domain user account or create a local user account on the Windows Server.

To configure Windows Servers to allow access by your non-administrator user account:

  1. See Option 3: Creating a Non-Administrator User Account in the Configuring Windows Servers for Monitoring with PowerShell manual, and follow Option 3's steps.

  2. Configure a Server Authentication Certificate. See Step 2: Configuring a Server Authentication Certificate in the same manual to follow steps if needed.

  3. Configure a Windows Remote Management. See Step 3: Configuring Windows Remote Management and follow the “Option 1: Using a Script to Configure Windows Remote Management” instructions.

Creating a Database Credential

To monitor multiple CDB or PDB instances, you must create a database credential.

To create a database credential:

  1. Go to the Credentials page (Manage > Credentials).
  2. Click the Create New button and then select Create Database Credential. The Create Credential modal page appears:

An image of the database Create Credential page.

  1. Supply values in the following fields:
  • Name. Type a name for the credential.

  • All Organizations. Toggle on (blue) to align the credential to all organizations, or toggle off (gray) and then select one or more specific organizations from the What organization manages this service? drop-down field to align the credential with those specific organizations.
  • Timeout (ms). Type a time, in milliseconds, after which SL1 will stop trying to communicate with the database.
  • Database Type. Select Oracle & *SQLNet.
  • Database Name. Type the name of the database parent. If the database does not have a parent, type the name of the database to access.
  • To discover CDBs, type the CDB's SID.
  • To discover PDBs, type the SID of the parent CDB.
  • To discover ASMs, type the SID of the ASM instance
  • DB User. Type the username for the Oracle Database account.
  • To discover CDBs, type the instance username.
  • To discover PDBs, type the PDB instance username.
  • To discover ASMs, use the recommended “ASMSNMP” username.
  • Password. Type the password for the Oracle Database account.
  • To discover CDBs, type the instance password.
  • To discover PDBs, type the PDB instance password.
  • To discover ASMs, type the ASM instance password.
  • Hostname/IP. Type "%D" or the IP address where the database resides.
  • Port. Type the port number associated with the database you want to access with this credential. For the Oracle and *SQLNet database type, the default value is 1521.
  • To discover CDBs, type the listener port value.
  • To discover PDBs, type the PDB listener port value.
  • To discover ASMs, type the ASM listener port value.

Oracle Settings

  • Oracle Connect Type. Select the method SL1 should use to connect to the Oracle database, depending on your Oracle database setup. The choices supported by this PowerPack are:
  • Oracle System Identifier (SID). Select this option if you want to discover a CDB or Non-CDB instance. PDBs do not typically have a SID.
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters (SERVICE_NAME). Select this option if you want to discover a PDB instance, or if your setup uses SERVICE_NAME. Ensure that SERVICE_NAME points to a single instance for more precise monitoring.
  • ScienceLogicrecommends selecting "Oracle System Identifier (SID) for better instance control, or "Oracle Real Application Clusters (SERVICE_NAME) if mapping to a single instance. The "Oracle Real Application Clusters (SERVICE_NAME)" field represents SERVICE_NAME, regardless of whether the database is RAC or not.

  • Oracle Database SID. Type the SID or SERVICE_NAME, depending on the Oracle Connect Type selected in the Oracle Connect Type field.
  • To discover CDBs, type the instance SID.
  • To discover PDBs, type the PDB instance SERVICE_NAME.
  • To discover ASMs, type the ASM instance SID
  • To discover instances using TCPS, type the alias in your SL1 tnsnames.ora file for the corresponding instance. Be sure to check the prerequisites for monitoring TCPS before choosing this option.

NOTE: Any PDB instance SERVICE_NAME or SID that you entered in the database credential should match the PDB alias in your Oracle DB tnsnames.ora file.

  1. Click Save & Close.

NOTE: The credential ID will appear in the ID column of the Credentials page after it has been saved. Take note of the ID as you will need it when creating the SOAP/XML credential.

Creating a Database Credential in the Classic SL1 User Interface

You must create a database credential if you want to monitor multiple CDB or PDB instances .

To create a database credential:

  1. Go to the Credential Management page (System > Manage > Credentials).
  1. In the Credential Management page, click the Actions menu. Select Create Database Credential.
  1. The Credential Editor modal page appears. In this page, you can define the new database credential. To define the new credential, supply values in the following fields:

Basic Settings

  • Profile Name. Type a name for the credential.
  • DB Type. Select Oracle & *SQLNet.
  • Database Name. Type the name of the database parent. If the database does not have a parent, type the name of the database to access.
  • To discover CDBs, type the CDB's SID.
  • To discover PDBs, type the SID of the parent CDB.
  • To discover ASMs, type the SID of the ASM instance
  • DB User. Type the username for the Oracle Database account.
  • To discover CDBs, type the instance username.
  • To discover PDBs, type the PDB instance username.
  • To discover ASMs, use the recommended “ASMSNMP” username.
  • Password. Type the password for the Oracle Database account.
  • To discover CDBs, type the instance password.
  • To discover PDBs, type the PDB instance password.
  • To discover ASMs, type the ASM instance password.
  • Hostname/IP. Type "%D" or the IP address where the database resides.
  • Port. Type the port number associated with the database you want to access with this credential. For the Oracle and *SQLNet database type, the default value is 1521.
  • To discover CDBs, type the listener port value.
  • To discover PDBs, type the PDB listener port value.
  • To discover ASMs, type the ASM listener port value.

Oracle Settings

  • Oracle Connect Type. Select the method SL1 should use to connect to the Oracle database, depending on your Oracle database setup. The choices supported by this PowerPack are:
  • Oracle System Identifier (SID). Select this option if you want to discover a CDB or Non-CDB instance. PDBs do not typically have a SID.
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters (SERVICE_NAME). Select this option if you want to discover a PDB instance, or if your setup uses SERVICE_NAME. Ensure that SERVICE_NAME points to a single instance for more precise monitoring.
  • ScienceLogicrecommends selecting "Oracle System Identifier (SID) for better instance control, or "Oracle Real Application Clusters (SERVICE_NAME) if mapping to a single instance. The "Oracle Real Application Clusters (SERVICE_NAME)" field represents SERVICE_NAME, regardless of whether the database is RAC or not.

  • Oracle Database SID. Type the SID or SERVICE_NAME, depending on the Oracle Connect Type selected in the Oracle Connect Type field.
  • To discover CDBs, type the instance SID.
  • To discover PDBs, type the PDB instance SERVICE_NAME.
  • To discover ASMs, type the ASM instance SID
  • To discover instances using TCPS, type the alias in your SL1 tnsnames.ora file for the corresponding instance. Be sure to check the prerequisites for monitoring TCPS before choosing this option.

NOTE: Any PDB instance SERVICE_NAME or SID that you entered in the database credential should match the PDB alias in your Oracle DB tnsnames.ora file.

NOTE: Any PDB instance SID that you entered in the database credential should match the SID in your tnsnames.ora file. Your SOAP/XML credential can have the alias of the PDB instance SID.

  1. Click Save.

NOTE: The credential ID will appear at the top of the window after it has been saved. Take note of the ID as you will need it when creating the SOAP/XML credential.

Creating a SOAP/XML Credential

To create a SOAP/XML credential:

  1. Go to the Credentials page (Manage > Credentials).
  2. Locate the appropriate sample credential for your use case, then click its Actions icon () and select Duplicate. A copy of the credential with its name and copy as a suffix appears.

An image of the SOAP/XML Create Credential page.

  1. Supply values in the following fields:
  • Name. Type a new name for the credential.
  • All Organizations. Toggle on (blue) to align the credential to all organizations, or toggle off (gray) and then select one or more specific organizations from the What organization manages this service? drop-down field to align the credential with those specific organizations.
  • URL. Leave the default value of "https://%D".
  • HTTP Auth User. This field is not required, but cannot be left blank. Enter any value here.
  • HTTP Auth Password. This field is not required, but cannot be left blank. Enter any value here.
  • HTTP Headers. Add the following headers by clicking + Add a header and see the following workflow that describes header formats based on the Oracle devices that you are monitoring.

HTTP Headers

HTTP Headers allow you to register the Oracle Database servers you want to discover. Additionally, there are special keywords that can be used, described in the HTTP Headers Special Keywords section.

A header should be added for each Oracle Database instance that you are monitoring.

Only the SIDs listed in the credential will be discovered.

Do not end the HTTP header with a backslash.

Headers for Oracle DB Server OS:

  • SSH. <cred_id> for the SSH/Key credential you created.


  • PSH. <cred_id> for the PowerShell credential you created.

Only one OS type is supported per credential.

Headers for PDBs

  • CDB SID. The SID of the CDB where the PDB is plugged in.

  • PDB NAME. Must always be in upper case. This can be retrieved with the following commands:

show pdbs


  • DB_CID. The ID of the Database credentials for the CDB and PDB

For the SID, the CDB value will always be either "True" or "False". For a PDB, the CDB value will be the container SID.

Example Use Case 1, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
cdb1 122 N/A
PDB1 123 cdb1
PDB2 23456 cdb1


SSH: 77




Example Use Case 2, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
cdb2 332 N/A
PDB3 333 cdb2





Example Use Case 3, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
silo_cdb 1241 N/A
SILO_PDB55 1242 silo_cdb





Example Use Case 4, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
cdb1 56 N/A
PDB1 111 cdb1
PDB2 222 cdb1
PDB3 333 cdb1
cdb2 77 N/A
PDB1 90 cdb2









Example Use Case 5, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
oraclecdb 56 N/A
PDB1 111 oraclecdb
PDB2 222 oraclecdb






ScienceLogic strongly recommends NOT including "TNS_ADMIN" in PDB headers.

Be sure to put CDB:true as the last element in the header. If you do not, the PowerPack may report incorrectly that the SOAP credential is incorrect.

PDB headers should always be followed by their parent CDB.

Headers for RAC

This version of the Oracle: Database PowerPack is designed to monitor Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) environments. While comprehensive cluster-wide monitoring is limited, you can effectively monitor each RAC node individually by discovering and configuring them separately.

This section includes instructions for discovering Container Databases (CDBs). If your cluster includes Pluggable Databases (PDBs), please refer to the Monitoring Pluggable Databases (PDBs) section after completing this section. This section is also applicable to non-CDB environments.

  • SID. The node SID.
  • DB_CID. The ID of the database credential you created.

Example Use Case 1, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
cdbrac1 51 N/A
cdbrac2 52 N/A


OS information will only be gathered from one node.




Example Use Case 2, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
cdbrac1 51 N/A
PDB1 53 cdbrac1
cdbrac2 52 N/A
PDB1 54 cdbrac2







Example Use Case 3, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
cdbrac1 51 N/A
PDB1 53 cdbrac1
cdbrac2 52 N/A
PDB1 54 cdbrac2
cdbrac3 55 N/A
+ASM1 56 N/A
+ASM2 57 N/A










Example Use Case 4, assuming this Oracle DB and multiple SOAP/XML credentials to gather OS information from multiple nodes:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
cdbrac1 51 N/A
PDB1 53 cdbrac1
cdbrac2 52 N/A
PDB1 54 cdbrac2
cdbrac3 55 N/A


SOAP/XML Credential 1:




SOAP/XML Credential 2:




SOAP/XML Credential 3:



This configuration will likely cause duplicate collection and event generation.

Headers for Non-CDB

Headers for non-CDBs are handled like the headers for CDBs, but the PDB header is not included.

Example Use Case 1, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID
rac1 51
rac2 52





Example Use Case 2, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID
orcl 52




Example Use Case 3, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID
devdb 52
testdb 54
prod1 56
staging 59
qaenv 57








Headers for ASM

Headers for ASMs only need to include the credential ID.

Example Use Case 1, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID
cdbrac1 51
cdbrac2 52
+ASM1 53
+ASM2 54







Example Use Case 2, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID
orcl 52
+ASM1 53





Headers for TCPS

To force the PowerPack use TCPS, you must add a header with “TCPS:/path/to/instant_client”. By adding this header, every instance listed in the headers will reference the SL1 tnsnames.ora file, so it is important to ensure that all required instances are included in the tnsnames.ora file.

Example Use Case 1, assuming this Oracle DB:

  • SL1 Collector’s Oracle Instant Client path: /opt/oracle/instant_client_21_15

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
cdbrac1 51 N/A
PDB1 53 cdbrac1






Example Use Case 2, assuming this Oracle DB:

  • SL1 Collector’s Oracle Instant Client path: /opt/oracle/instant_client_19_24

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
orcl 52 N/A
PDBPROD 54 orcl
+ASM1 53 N/A







HTTP Headers Special Keywords

This section contains special keywords you can use to modify or enhance the discovery and data collection process, giving you greater control over how your Oracle Database instances are managed.


The TNS_ADMIN parameter is used to specify a custom path for the tnsnames.ora file, which overrides the default location ($Oracle_HOME/network/admin). This is useful if your configuration files are stored in a non-standard directory. By including a standalone TNS_ADMIN header, you instruct the PowerPack to apply the specified custom path to all SIDs listed under the corresponding SOAP/XML credential.

Do not end the path specified in TNS_ADMIN with a backslash (/), as this can cause configuration errors.

TNS_ADMIN and GRID_PATH are not supported for Windows devices.

Example Use Case 1:





Example Use Case 2:




TNS_ADMIN Within a SID Header

Including the TNS_ADMIN parameter within a SID header directs the PowerPack to use a custom path for the tnsnames.ora file specifically for that SID. This allows precise control over which SIDs use a non-default location for their network configuration files.

If the CDB header requires CDB:true, ensure this is always the last part of the header.

The TNS_ADMIN parameter is not supported for PDB headers.

Example Use Case 1:

  • In this case, only "cdbrac1" uses the custom path /u01/app/oracle/network, while "cdbrac2" uses the default location.




Example Use Case 2:

  • In this case, "orcl" and "silo_cdb" use custom paths, while "mycdb" uses the default location.





Example Use Case 3:

  • In this case, "orclcdb" is configured with a custom TNS_ADMIN path and marked as a CDB (CDB:true). The associated PDBs, PDB1 and PDB2, are linked to "orclcdb" but do not utilize the TNS_ADMIN parameter.






The GRID_PATH header is used to specify the location of the GRID_HOME directory and locate Oracle listeners, particularly for RAC (Real Application Clusters) or ASM (Automatic Storage Management) environments. Additionally, if the PowerPack is unable to execute the lsnrctl status command using the default listener path, it will attempt to use the grid_path specified in the HTTP header as an alternative.

TNS_ADMIN and GRID_PATH are not supported for Windows devices.

Example Use Case 1:

  • In this case, if the default listener path fails, the PowerPack will attempt to locate the listeners using the GRID_PATH provided.





Example Use Case 2:

  • If the initial attempt to use default listener path is unsuccessful, the PowerPack will fall back to use the specified GRID_PATH.

Ensure that the GRID_PATH provided accurately reflects the location of the Grid Infrastructure on your system to facilitate correct listener management for RAC or ASM environments.






The TYPE_OF_OS header is used to address compatibility issues when the PowerPack encounters difficulties determining the operating system, or when an OS is part of a supported family but is not explicitly recognized. This header helps ensure that the PowerPack operates correctly by specifying the OS type manually.

The following values are supported:

  • linux
  • solaris
  • aix
  • windows
  • ubuntu

Example Use Case 1:

  • In this case, the TYPE_OF_OS is specified as linux, ensuring proper compatibility with the PowerPack.





Example Use Case 2:

  • In this case, the TYPE_OF_OS is set to windows, which helps the PowerPack handle any compatibility issues with the Windows operating system.






Example Use Case 3:

  • In this case, the TYPE_OF_OS is set to windows, and is applied to the CDB and its associated PDBs to ensure compatibility.






Example Use Case 4:

  • In this case, TYPE_OF_OS is set to ubuntu, which is used to address any issues related to the Ubuntu OS.





Deprecated HTTP Configuration Headers

The following headers have been deprecated and will no longer function:

  • HOST. This header was previously used to specify a default host for all SIDs listed under a SOAP/XML credential. This was useful if your Oracle DB was hosted on a different machine than the OS server.

  • PORT. This header was used to specify the port number for database instances in the SOAP/XML credential. This method is retained for compatibility but is now outdated. ScienceLogic recommends using DB_CID for new configurations.

  • SERVICE_NAME. This header was used to specify the service name of the Oracle database. This header was part of an older configuration method and is now obsolete with the introduction of DB_CID. ScienceLogic does not recommend using SERVICE_NAME with DB_CID.

  1. Click Save & Close.

Creating a SOAP/XML Credential in the Classic SL1 User Interface

To create the SOAP/XML credential:

  1. Go to the Credential Management page (System > Manage > Credentials).

  1. Click the wrench icon () for either the chosen sample credential for Windows users. The Credential Editor modal page appears.

  1. Update the values in the following fields:

Basic Settings

  • Profile Name. Type a new name for the credential.

  • URL. Leave the default value of https://%D.
  • HTTP Auth User. This field is not required, but cannot be left blank. Enter any value here.
  • HTTP Auth Password. This field is not required, but cannot be left blank. Enter any value here.

NOTE: Discovering multiple instances on a single database server is supported, but all instances must share the same credentials entered in the SOAP/XML credential's HTTP Auth User and HTTP Auth Password fields.

  • HTTP Headers. Add the following headers by clicking + Add a header and see the following workflow that describes header formats based on the Oracle devices that you are monitoring:

HTTP Headers

HTTP Headers allow you to register the Oracle Database servers you want to discover. Additionally, there are special keywords that can be used, described in the HTTP Headers Special Keywords section.

A header should be added for each Oracle Database instance that you are monitoring.

Only the SIDs listed in the credential will be discovered.

Do not end the HTTP header with a backslash.

Headers for Oracle DB Server OS:

  • SSH. <cred_id> for the SSH/Key credential you created.


  • PSH. <cred_id> for the PowerShell credential you created.

Only one OS type is supported per credential.

Headers for PDBs

  • CDB SID. The SID of the CDB where the PDB is plugged in.

  • PDB NAME. Must always be in upper case. This can be retrieved with the following commands:

show pdbs


  • DB_CID. The ID of the Database credentials for the CDB and PDB

For the SID, the CDB value will always be either "True" or "False". For a PDB, the CDB value will be the container SID.

Example Use Case 1, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
cdb1 122 N/A
PDB1 123 cdb1
PDB2 23456 cdb1


SSH: 77




Example Use Case 2, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
cdb2 332 N/A
PDB3 333 cdb2





Example Use Case 3, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
silo_cdb 1241 N/A
SILO_PDB55 1242 silo_cdb





Example Use Case 4, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
cdb1 56 N/A
PDB1 111 cdb1
PDB2 222 cdb1
PDB3 333 cdb1
cdb2 77 N/A
PDB1 90 cdb2









Example Use Case 5, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
oraclecdb 56 N/A
PDB1 111 oraclecdb
PDB2 222 oraclecdb






ScienceLogic strongly recommends NOT including "TNS_ADMIN" in PDB headers.

Be sure to put CDB:true as the last element in the header. If you do not, the PowerPack may report incorrectly that the SOAP credential is incorrect.

PDB headers must always be followed by their parent CDB.

Headers for RAC

This version of the Oracle: DatabasePowerPack is designed to monitor Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) environments. While comprehensive cluster-wide monitoring is limited, you can effectively monitor each RAC node individually by discovering and configuring them separately.

This section includes instructions for discovering Container Databases (CDBs). If your cluster includes Pluggable Databases (PDBs), please refer to the Monitoring Pluggable Databases (PDBs) section after completing this section. This section is also applicable to non-CDB environments.

  • SID. The node SID.
  • DB_CID. The ID of the database credential you created.

Example Use Case 1, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
cdbrac1 51 N/A
cdbrac2 52 N/A


OS information will only be gathered from one node.




Example Use Case 2, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
cdbrac1 51 N/A
PDB1 53 cdbrac1
cdbrac2 52 N/A
PDB1 54 cdbrac2







Example Use Case 3, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
cdbrac1 51 N/A
PDB1 53 cdbrac1
cdbrac2 52 N/A
PDB1 54 cdbrac2
cdbrac3 55 N/A
+ASM1 56 N/A
+ASM2 57 N/A










Example Use Case 4, assuming this Oracle DB and multiple SOAP/XML credentials to gather OS information from multiple nodes:

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
cdbrac1 51 N/A
PDB1 53 cdbrac1
cdbrac2 52 N/A
PDB1 54 cdbrac2
cdbrac3 55 N/A


SOAP/XML Credential 1:




SOAP/XML Credential 2:




SOAP/XML Credential 3:



This configuration will likely cause duplicate collection and event generation.

Headers for Non-CDB

Headers for non-CDBs are handled like the headers for CDBs, but the PDB header is not included.

Example Use Case 1, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID
rac1 51
rac2 52





Example Use Case 2, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID
orcl 52




Example Use Case 3, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID
devdb 52
testdb 54
prod1 56
staging 59
qaenv 57








Headers for ASM

Headers for ASMs only need to include the credential ID.

Example Use Case 1, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID
cdbrac1 51
cdbrac2 52
+ASM1 53
+ASM2 54







Example Use Case 2, assuming this Oracle DB:

Instance DB Credential ID
orcl 52
+ASM1 53





Headers for TCPS

To force the PowerPack use TCPS, you must add a header with “TCPS:/path/to/instant_client”. By adding this header, every instance listed in the headers will reference the SL1 tnsnames.ora file, so it is important to ensure that all required instances are included in the tnsnames.ora file.

Example Use Case 1, assuming this Oracle DB:

  • SL1 Collector’s Oracle Instant Client path: /opt/oracle/instant_client_21_15

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
cdbrac1 51 N/A
PDB1 53 cdbrac1






Example Use Case 2, assuming this Oracle DB:

  • SL1 Collector’s Oracle Instant Client path: /opt/oracle/instant_client_19_24

Instance DB Credential ID Parent CDB
orcl 52 N/A
PDBPROD 54 orcl
+ASM1 53 N/A







HTTP Headers Special Keywords

This section contains special keywords you can use to modify or enhance the discovery and data collection process, giving you greater control over how your Oracle Database instances are managed.


The TNS_ADMIN parameter is used to specify a custom path for the tnsnames.ora file, which overrides the default location ($Oracle_HOME/network/admin). This is useful if your configuration files are stored in a non-standard directory. By including a standalone TNS_ADMIN header, you instruct the PowerPack to apply the specified custom path to all SIDs listed under the corresponding SOAP/XML credential.

Do not end the path specified in TNS_ADMIN with a backslash (/), as this can cause configuration errors.

TNS_ADMIN and GRID_PATH are not supported for Windows devices.

Example Use Case 1:





Example Use Case 2:




TNS_ADMIN Within an SIDE Header

Including the TNS_ADMIN parameter within a SID header directs the PowerPack to use a custom path for the tnsnames.ora file specifically for that SID. This allows precise control over which SIDs use a non-default location for their network configuration files.

If the CDB header requires CDB:true, ensure this is always the last part of the header.

The TNS_ADMIN parameter is not supported for PDB headers.

Example Use Case 1:

  • In this case, only "cdbrac1" uses the custom path /u01/app/oracle/network, while "cdbrac2" uses the default location.




Example Use Case 2:

  • In this case, "orcl" and "silo_cdb" use custom paths, while "mycdb" uses the default location.





Example Use Case 3:

  • In this case, "orclcdb" is configured with a custom TNS_ADMIN path and marked as a CDB (CDB:true). The associated PDBs, PDB1 and PDB2, are linked to "orclcdb" but do not utilize the TNS_ADMIN parameter.






The GRID_PATH header is used to specify the location of the GRID_HOME directory and locate Oracle listeners, particularly for RAC (Real Application Clusters) or ASM (Automatic Storage Management) environments. Additionally, if the PowerPack is unable to execute the lsnrctl status command using the default listener path, it will attempt to use the grid_path specified in the HTTP header as an alternative.

TNS_ADMIN and GRID_PATH are not supported for Windows devices.

Example Use Case 1:

  • In this case, if the default listener path fails, the PowerPack will attempt to locate the listeners using the GRID_PATH provided.





Example Use Case 2:

  • If the initial attempt to use default listener path is unsuccessful, the PowerPack will fall back to use the specified GRID_PATH.

Ensure that the GRID_PATH provided accurately reflects the location of the Grid Infrastructure on your system to facilitate correct listener management for RAC or ASM environments.






The TYPE_OF_OS header is used to address compatibility issues when the PowerPack encounters difficulties determining the operating system, or when an OS is part of a supported family but is not explicitly recognized. This header helps ensure that the PowerPack operates correctly by specifying the OS type manually.

The following values are supported:

  • linux
  • solaris
  • aix
  • windows
  • ubuntu

Example Use Case 1:

  • In this case, the TYPE_OF_OS is specified as linux, ensuring proper compatibility with the PowerPack.





Example Use Case 2:

  • In this case, the TYPE_OF_OS is set to windows, which helps the PowerPack handle any compatibility issues with the Windows operating system.






Example Use Case 3:

  • In this case, the TYPE_OF_OS is set to windows, and is applied to the CDB and its associated PDBs to ensure compatibility.






Example Use Case 4:

  • In this case, TYPE_OF_OS is set to ubuntu, which is used to address any issues related to the Ubuntu OS.





Deprecated HTTP Configuration Headers

The following headers have been deprecated and will no longer function:

  • HOST. This header was previously used to specify a default host for all SIDs listed under a SOAP/XML credential. This was useful if your Oracle DB was hosted on a different machine than the OS server.

  • PORT. This header was used to specify the port number for database instances in the SOAP/XML credential. This method is retained for compatibility but is now outdated. ScienceLogic recommends using DB_CID for new configurations.

  • SERVICE_NAME. This header was used to specify the service name of the Oracle database. This header was part of an older configuration method and is now obsolete with the introduction of DB_CID. ScienceLogic does not recommend using SERVICE_NAME with DB_CID.

  1. Click the Save As button.

Enabling PEM on a Linux Machine

Linux and Unix users can create an SSH/Key credential in order to monitor Oracle Database instances in SL1. The Private Key (PEM Format) field may be filled when creating an SSH/Key credential. To enable PEM on a Linux machine, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a PEM folder to place the identity keys by running the following command:

mkdir -p ~s/.ssh

ScienceLogic suggests that you create a PEM folder inside the .ssh folder of the user that will use the PEM authentication.

  1. Run the following command on your Linux machine to create the SSH key. This command will create public and private keys:

ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/identity

When prompted for a password, you can press Enter to leave it blank and move forward. You will be prompted for a password every time the system runs a Dynamic Application.

The value "identity" in the command above will be the name of the file that is generated. This value can be replaced with any file name.

  1. The private key generated from this command is the .pem file needed for the SSH/Key credential. Copy the contents of the file to input into the SL1 credential.
  2. Add the generated public key to the authorized_keys file that is found in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys manually or by using the following command:

cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

  1. Restart the SSH service by running the following command:

sudo service ssh restart

After completing the steps above, you can create an SSH/Key credential in SL1 by entering your Linux server username, Linux server password, and private key. If you would like to create an SSH/Key credential by entering only your Linux server username and private key, perform the following steps on your Linux machine:

  1. Find the sshd_config file.
  2. Find the PasswordAuthentication command line, delete yes, and input no.
  3. Restart the SSH service by running the following command:

sudo service ssh restart

Discovering Oracle Database Instances

To create and run a discovery session that will discover an Oracle instance, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Devices page () or the Discovery Sessions page (Devices > Discovery Sessions), click the Add Devices button. The Select page appears:

Image of the Discovery start page

  1. Click the Unguided Network Discovery button. Additional information about the requirements for discovery appears in the General Information pane to the right.
  1. Click Select. The Add Devices page appears:

An image of the Add Devices page.

  1. Complete the following fields:
  • Name. Type a unique name for this discovery session. This name is displayed in the list of discovery sessions on the Discovery Sessions tab.
  • Description. Optional. Type a short description of the discovery session. You can use the text in this description to search for the discovery session on the Discovery Sessions tab.
  • Select the organization to add discovered devices to. Select the name of the organization to which you want to add the discovered devices.

  1. Click Next. The Credentials page of the Add Devices wizard appears:

Image of the Add Devices wizard, page 2

  1. On the Credentials page, select the SOAP/XML credential you created.
  1. Click Next. The Discovery Session Details page of the Add Devices wizard appears:

An image of the Add Devices page.

  1. Complete the following fields:
  • List of IPs/Hostnames. Type the IP address for the server that is hosting your Oracle Database.

  • Which collector will monitor these devices?. Select an existing collector to monitor the discovered devices. Required.
  • Run after save. Select this option to run this discovery session as soon as you click Save and Close.

In the Advanced options section, click the down arrow icon () to complete the following fields:

  • Discover Non-SNMP. Enable this setting.
  • Model Devices. Enable this setting.

  1. Click Save and Close to save the discovery session. The Discovery Sessions page (Devices > Discovery Sessions) displays the new discovery session.
  2. If you selected the Run after save option on this page, the discovery session runs, and the Discovery Logs page displays any relevant log messages. If the discovery session locates and adds any devices, the Discovery Logs page includes a link to the Device Investigator page for the discovered device.

Discovering Oracle Database Instances in the SL1 Classic User Interface

To model and monitor your Oracle Database instances, you must run a discovery session. To create and run a discovery session that will discover your Oracle Database instances, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Discovery Control Panel page (System > Manage > Classic Discovery).

  1. Click the Create button to create a new discovery session. The Discovery Session Editor window appears:

  1. Enter values in the following fields:
  • IP Address Discovery List. Type the IP address for the server that is hosting your Oracle Database. One discovery session per server is supported.
  • Other Credentials. Select the SOAP/XML credential that you configured in the previous section.
  • Discover Non-SNMP. Select this checkbox.
  • Model Devices. Select this checkbox.

  1. You can enter values in the other fields on this page, but are not required to and can simply accept the default values. For more information about the other fields on this page, see the Discovery & Credentials section.
  2. Click the Save button and then close the Discovery Session Editor window.
  3. The discovery session you created will appear at the top of the Discovery Control Panel page. Click its lightning-bolt icon () to run the discovery session.
  4. The Discovery Session window will be displayed.
  5. When the server that is hosting the Oracle Database is discovered, click its device icon () to view the Device Properties page for that device.
  6. After the server hosting the Oracle Database is discovered, the "Oracle: DB Instance Discovery" Dynamic Application will automatically be aligned. This Dynamic Application will discover the Oracle Database instances which will appear in the Device Manager page.

NOTE: If you are on a Windows system and are having issues with discovery, please see the Monitoring Windows Systems with PowerShell section.

Verifying Discovery and Dynamic Application Alignment

During discovery, SL1 will first identify the root device, followed by the associated Oracle Database instance, whether it's a CDB, PDB, non-CDB, or RAC node, depending on the configuration in the SOAP/XML credential header. All relevant Dynamic Applications will then be automatically aligned to the discovered components, ensuring accurate monitoring and configuration.

If you discovered a non-CDB in a Windows instance, the "Oracle: DB Archived File System Stats" and "Oracle: DB Non-Archived File System Stats" Dynamic Applications will not be aligned.

In version 106 of this PowerPack, the "Oracle: DB ASM Diskgroup Config (moved)" and "Oracle DB ASM Instance Config (moved)" Dynamic Applications are disabled by default and were duplicated since they are now aligned to a different device. The old version of these Dynamic Applications are still in the PowerPack with the names "Oracle: DB ASM Diskgroup Config (moved)" and "Oracle: DB ASM Instance Config (moved)", but now with some collection objects removed. These Dynamic Applications will be removed completely in a future release of this PowerPack.

To verify alignment of the Oracle Database Dynamic Applications:

  1. After discovery has completed, click the device icon for the Oracle device (). From the Device Properties page for the Oracle device, click the Collections tab. The Dynamic Application Collections page appears.

    It can take two to three polling cycles after the discovery session has completed for Dynamic Applications to appear in the Dynamic Application Collections page.

  1. All applicable Dynamic Applications are automatically aligned to the root device and component devices during discovery:

You should see the following Dynamic Applications aligned to the root device:

  • Oracle: DB Instance Discovery
  • Oracle: DB Server Config
  • Oracle: DB ASM Discovery
  • Oracle: DB ASM Diskgroup Config
  • Oracle: DB ASM Diskgroup Stats
  • Oracle: DB ASM Disks Config
  • Oracle: DB ASM Disks Stats

Using an Oracle PP on an existing Linux device will not interfere with the historical data on the device. Instead, the Oracle will align at the root with the other Linux Dynamic Applications.

You should see the following Dynamic Applications aligned to ASM:

  • Oracle: DB ASM Instance Config

You should see the following Dynamic Applications aligned to CDB:

  • Oracle: DB Archived File System Stats
  • Oracle: DB Non-Archived File System Stats
  • Oracle: DB Instance Config
  • Oracle: DB PDB Discovery
  • Oracle: DB RMAN Backup Status Config

The Oracle RAC Dynamic Applications will only be aligned on RAC systems.

If your CDB is part of a RAC (Real Application Cluster), the following additional Dynamic Applications will also be aligned:

  • Oracle: DB RAC Disk Group Space Stats
  • Oracle: DB RAC Flash Recovery Stats
  • Oracle: DB RAC Global Cache Stats

You should see the following Dynamic Applications aligned to PDB Oracle Database instances:

  • Oracle: DB Archived File System Stats
  • Oracle: DB Blocking Session
  • Oracle: DB Non-Archived File System Stats
  • Oracle: DB Instance Config
  • Oracle: DB Chained Row Stats
  • Oracle: DB Data Guard Gap Stats
  • Oracle: DB Database Size Stats
  • Oracle: DB Instance Invalid Object Stats
  • Oracle: DB Integrity Metrics Stats
  • Oracle: DB Logswitch Rate Stats
  • Oracle: DB Long Running Session
  • Oracle: DB Open Cursors per Session Stats
  • Oracle: DB Performance Stats
  • Oracle: DB Resource Stats
  • Oracle: DB Session Stats
  • Oracle: DB Tablespace Stats
  • Oracle: DB Tablespace Temp Stats
  • Oracle: DB Components Status Config
  • Oracle: DB Log Alerts Config
  • Oracle: DB Tablespaces and Datafiles Status Config

You should see the following Dynamic Applications aligned to non-CDB Oracle Database instances:

  • Oracle: DB Archived File System Stats
  • Oracle: DB Blocking Session
  • Oracle: DB Non-Archived File System Stats
  • Oracle: DB Instance Config
  • Oracle: DB Chained Row Stats
  • Oracle: DB Data Guard Gap Stats
  • Oracle: DB Database Size Stats
  • Oracle: DB Instance Invalid Object Stats
  • Oracle: DB Integrity Metrics Stats
  • Oracle: DB Logswitch Rate Stats
  • Oracle: DB Long Running Session
  • Oracle: DB Open Cursors per Session Stats
  • Oracle: DB Performance Stats
  • Oracle: DB Resource Stats
  • Oracle: DB Session Stats
  • Oracle: DB Tablespace Stats
  • Oracle: DB Tablespace Temp Stats
  • Oracle: DB Components Status Config
  • Oracle: DB Log Alerts Config
  • Oracle: DB Tablespaces and Datafiles Status Config

If your CDB is part of a RAC (Real Application Cluster), the following additional Dynamic Applications will also be aligned:

The Oracle RAC Dynamic Applications will only be aligned on RAC systems.

  • Oracle: DB RAC Disk Group Space Stats
  • Oracle: DB RAC Flash Recovery Stats
  • Oracle: DB RAC Global Cache Stats

Snippet and Snippet Argument Configuration for New Oracle Dynamic Applications

You can configure snippets and snippet arguments in Oracle: Database Dynamic Applications to run SQL queries.

Snippet arguments can be used for simple queries consisting of only SELECT and WHERE. Complex queries must be defined in the snippet.

Running SQL Queries from Snippet Arguments

In the Collections tab of a Dynamic Application, you can select a collection object in the Collection Object Registry and edit the argument in the Snippet Arguments field.

For example, using the collection objects from the "Oracle: DB Performance Stats" Dynamic Application:

Snippet argument without a filter:



Snippet argument with a filter:

oracle://&silo_args=column=<column_name>&table=<table_name>&filter=<where clause>



oracle://&silo_args=column=name&table=my_table&filter=name LIKE '%abc%' AND id != 0

NOTE: Spaces can be used in any of the arguments if necessary. Column should name a single column only.

Queries are consolidated into a single SQL query for each table. If you want to separate the queries, use the following format:

oracle://&silo_args=column=name&table=my_table a_names&filter=name LIKE 'a%'


oracle://&silo_args=column=name&table=my_table b_names&filter=name LIKE 'b%'


Running Raw SQL Queries from the Snippet

You can run raw SQL queries in the snippets in Dynamic Applications by going to the Snippets tab and selecting the snippet from the Snippet Registry.

In the "Oracle: DB Chained Rows Stats" Dynamic Application, you can edit the snippet to include a raw SQL query in the following way:

from silo.oracle_db.OracleDB_sql_collector import OracleDBSQLCollector

from silo.apps.errors import ErrorManager

import logging


query = """SELECT X, Y FROM table"""


with ErrorManager(self):

collector = OracleDBSQLCollector(self)

results = collector.collect_raw(query)

if results:

query_order = ["X", "Y"] #

collector.handle_raw_results(self.oids, query_order, results)


X and Y are collection object OIDs, in the order corresponding to the query column names.

Indexed Raw SQL Query

You can run indexed SQL queries in the snippets in Dynamic Applications by going to the Snippets tab and selecting the snippet from the Snippet Registry.

For example, in the "Oracle: DB Tablespaces and Datafiles Status Config" Dynamic Application, you can edit the snippet to include an indexed SQL query in the following way:

from silo.oracle_db.OracleDB_sql_collector import OracleDBSQLCollector

from silo.apps.errors import ErrorManager

import logging


query = """SELECT x, x, y FROM table""" #<-The first column is the index; it is ok to repeat a column


with ErrorManager(self):

collector = OracleDBSQLCollector(self)

results = collector.collect_raw(query)

if results:

query_order = ["X", "Y"]

collector.handle_raw_results(self.oids, query_order, results, indexed=True)


X and Y are collection object OIDs, in the order corresponding to the query column names, not including the index column.

Running Combined Raw SQL Queries and Snippet Arguments

If snippet arguments and raw queries are combined in a single Dynamic Application, the snippet argument code must be executed first. The following example was added to the snippet in the "Oracle: DB Session Stats" Dynamic Application: 

with ErrorManager(self):

collector = OracleDBSQLCollector(self)


# Collect snippet arg results




# Collect raw query results

results = collector.collect_raw(query)

if results:

collector.handle_raw_results(self.oids, query_order, results)


Running SSH Commands from a Snippet

You can run SSH commands the snippets in Dynamic Applications by going to the Snippets tab and selecting the snippet from the Snippet Registry.

For example, in the "Oracle: DB Non-Archived File System Stats" Dynamic Application, you can edit the snippet to include an SSH command in the following way:


ssh_results = ssh_collector.run_commands(ssh)


Viewing Oracle Component Devices

In addition to the Devices page, you can view the Oracle Database and all associated component devices in the following places in the user interface:

  • The Device Investigator Map page (click Map in the Device Investigator page) displays a map of a particular device and all of the devices with which it has parent-child relationships. Double-clicking any of the listed devices reloads the page to make the selected device the primary device.

  • The Device Components page (Devices > Device Components) displays a list of all root devices and component devices discovered by SL1. The Device Components page displays all root devices and component devices in an indented view, so you can easily view the hierarchy and relationships between child devices, parent devices, and root devices. To view the component devices associated with an Oracle Database, find the Oracle Database and click its plus icon (+).

  • The Component Map page (Classic Maps > Device Maps > Components) allows you to view devices by root node and view the relationships between root nodes, parent components, and child components in a map. This makes it easy to visualize and manage root nodes and their components. SL1 automatically updates the Component Map as new component devices are discovered. The platform also updates each map with the latest status and event information. To view the map for an Oracle Database, go to the Component Map page and select the map from the list in the left NavBar. To learn more about the Component Map page, see the section on Views.

Viewing Oracle Component Devices in the Classic SL1 User Interface

In addition to the Device Manager page (Devices > Classic Devices, or Registry > Devices > Device Manager in the classic SL1 user interface), you can view the Oracle Database instances and all associated component devices in the following places in the user interface:

  • The Device View modal page (click the bar-graph icon [] for a device, then click the Topology tab) displays a map of a particular device and all of the devices with which it has parent-child relationships. Double-clicking any of the devices listed reloads the page to make the selected device the primary device.

  • The Device Components page (Devices > Device Components) displays a list of all root devices and component devices discovered by SL1 in an indented view, so you can easily view the hierarchy and relationships between child devices, parent devices, and root devices. To view the component devices associated with an Oracle Database instance, find the Oracle device and click its plus icon (+).

  • The Component Map page (Classic Maps > Device Maps > Components) allows you to view devices by root node and view the relationships between root nodes, parent components, and child components in a map. This makes it easy to visualize and manage root nodes and their components. SL1 automatically updates the Component Map as new component devices are discovered. The platform also updates each map with the latest status and event information. To view the map for an Oracle Database instance, go to the Component Map page and select the map from the list in the left NavBar. To learn more about the Component Map page, see the section on Views.