Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:
- To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon (
- To view a page containing all of the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon (
SL1 includes the VMware: vSphere Dashboards PowerPack, which contains dashboards that display data collected from VMware systems.
In addition, the VMware: vSphere Base Pack PowerPack includes device dashboards that provide summary information for VMware component devices. Each of these device dashboards is aligned as the default device dashboard for its equivalent device class.
The following sections describe how to install the VMware: vSphere Dashboards PowerPack and a description of each dashboard that is included in the VMware: vSphere Dashboards and VMware: vSphere Base Pack PowerPacks:
Installing the VMware: vSphere Dashboards PowerPack
Before you can view the VMware Host Performance or VMware vCenter Overview dashboards in SL1, you must first install the VMware: vSphere Dashboards PowerPack. To do so:
- Go to the PowerPack Manager page (System > Manage > PowerPacks).
- Click the Install PowerPack. The Imported PowerPacks modal page appears. button, then select
- Use the search filter in the PowerPack Name column heading to locate the PowerPack you want to install. To do so, enter text to match, including special characters, and the Imported PowerPacks modal page displays only PowerPacks that have a matching name.
- Click the lightning-bolt icon (
) for the PowerPack that you want to install.
- The Install PowerPack modal page appears. To install the PowerPack, click .
- The PowerPack now appears in the PowerPack Manager page. The contents of the PowerPack are automatically installed in your SL1 System.
VMware Host Performance Dashboard
The VMware Host Performance dashboard allows service providers to monitor VMware hosts and diagnose problems with those hosts. The dashboard can include data from up to four hosts in each graph. This allows users to find correlations between hosts in data drops or spikes, making it easier for users to identify and diagnose issues.
The dashboard displays the following widgets:
Context Quick Selector. This widget is located along the top of the dashboard and contains:
- Time span presets. Users select the time span over which they want to view data. Selections range from 6 hours to 90 days.
- vCenter Selector. If a user has multiple vCenters, this drop-down list allows the user to select one or several vCenters for which they want to view data.
- Organizations Selector. This drop-down list allows a user to select specific organizations for which they want to view data.
- IT Services Selector. If a user has an ITSM service (for example, for e-commerce), the IT Services Selector drop-down list allows them to select an IT service for which they want to view data.
Host Status. Displays the IP address of each VMware ESX/ESXi server and its status with a color-coded "traffic light" icon. When you select one or more VMware ESX/ESXi server, the four performance widgets are populated with data from that host server(s). The status of each host is indicated as follows:
- Critical. Host has a serious problem that requires immediate attention.
- Major. Host has a problem that requires immediate attention.
- Minor. Host has a less-serious problem.
- Notice. Host has an informational event associated with it.
- Healthy. Host is running with no problems.
NOTE: More than four hosts can be selected in the Host Status widget, but the dashboard will only display data from the first four that have been selected.
VMware Inventory. This widget displays information based on the user's credentials. The widget displays inventory information about the following:
- vCenters
- Clusters
- Resource Pools
- Hosts
- VMs
- Total CPU Cores
- Total RAM
- Platform
The following four widgets measure different aspects of VMware performance. Select one or more hosts in the Host Status widget to view data in these widgets:
- VMware Host CPU & Memory Utilization. Displays overall and average CPU and Memory Utilization in percent. Displays a line graph with a line each for CPU Utilization and Memory Utilitization over the time period selected in the Context Quick Selector by percent.
- VMware Host Disk Read Performance. Displays the Disk Read Performance of the selected host in a line graph.
- VMware Host Network Utilization. Displays the Network Utilization of the selected host in a line graph.
- VMware Host Disk Write Performance. Displays the Disk Write Performance of the selected host in a line graph.
Each of the four performance widgets has the following features:
- The X-axis of each widget displays time selected in the Context Quick Selector by hours or days.
- For the selected VMware ESX/ESXi server, the Y-axis displays either performance or utilization by percentage or in a format that is auto-converted to the most consumable value based on the server.
- You can hide a data series by selecting the label in the legend that appears at the bottom of the widget. To show a hidden data series, select the label again.
- You can zoom in on a section of the graph by clicking, holding, and dragging your mouse across the section you want to view. If you are zoomed in on a section of the graph, you can revert to the original time span by selecting Reset zoom in the top-right corner of the graph.
- Hovering the cursor over a single line reveals details about specific data points. If you select a data point, the Device Performance page will open in a separate window with the graph for the selected metric displayed.
VMware vCenter Overview Dashboard
The VMware vCenter Overview dashboard allows users to have visibility into their VMware environment. Users can view how their VMs and hosts are performing over a given period of time. The dashboard allows diagnostics with its overlay capability. By selecting up to four hosts, the usage average of those devices and hosts can reveal correlations in spikes or drops in data, allowing the user to quickly diagnose issues.
Context Quick Selector. This widget contains the time span presets buttons, vCenter Selector, VMware VM Selector, Organizations Selector, and IT Services Selector.
- Time span presets. Users select the time span over which they want to view data. Selections range from 6 hours to 90 days.
- vCenter Selector. If a user has multiple vCenters, this drop-down list allows the user to select one or several vCenters for which they want to view data
- VMware Host Selector. This drop-down list allows a user to select up to four VMware Hosts for which they want to view data.
- Organizations Selector. This drop-down list allows a user to select specific organizations for which they want to view data
- IT Services Selector. If a user has an ITSM service for e-commerce, for example, the IT Services Selector drop-down list allows them to select an IT service for which they want to view data.
Host Status. Displays the IP address of each VMware server and its status with a color-coded "traffic light" icon. When one or more are selected, the graphs will be populated with data from that host server(s). The status of each host is indicated as follows:
- Critical. Host has a serious problem that requires immediate attention.
- Major. Host has a problem that requires immediate attention.
- Minor. Host has a less-serious problem.
- Notice. Host has an informational event associated with it.
- Healthy. Host is running with no problems.
NOTE: More than four hosts can be selected in the Host Status widget, but the dashboard will only display data from the first four that have been selected. It is recommended that you select VMware devices from the VMware VM Selector drop-down list in the Quick Context Selector widget.
VMware Inventory. This widget displays information based on the user's credentials. The widget displays inventory information about the following:
- vCenters
- Clusters
- Resource Pools
- Hosts
- VMs
- Total CPU Cores
- Total RAM
- Platform
VM CPU Utilization. Displays the 10 guest VMs with the highest average CPU utilization over the selected time period. The widget displays a bar graph with percentage utilized as the Y-axis.
VM Memory Top 10. Displays the 10 guest VMs with the highest average memory utilization over the selected time period. The widget displays a bar graph with percentage utilized as the Y-axis.
VM Disk IO Top 10. Displays the 10 guest VMs with the highest average disk usage over the selected time period. The widget displays a bar graph with disk utilization as the Y-axis.
VM Network Transmit Top 10. Displays the 10 guest VMs with the highest average outbound network utilization over the selected time period. The widget displays a bar graph with outbound network utilization as the Y-axis.
VM Network Receive Top 10. Displays the 10 guest VMs with the highest average inbound network utilization over the selected time period. The widget displays a bar graph with inbound network utilization as the Y-axis.
Detailed Performance Graph. The widget in the bottom-right of the dashboard displays data when a bar on any of the other graphs in this dashboard is selected. When a bar is selected, it displays the selected metric over time. You can select up to eight metrics to display in this graph by holding down the <Ctrl> key when you select each bar.
VMware Device Dashboards
The VMware: vSphere Base Pack PowerPack includes device dashboards that provide summary information for VMware component devices. Each of these device dashboards is aligned as the default device dashboard for its equivalent device class.
VMware: Cluster
The VMware: Cluster device dashboard displays the following information:
- The basic information about the cluster
- The current health, availability, and latency for the cluster
- A list of active events and open tickets associated with the cluster
- A count of, and links to, the elements associated with the cluster
- Four instances of the Multi-series Performance Widget that display the following metrics trended over the last 12 hours:
- Cluster Effective CPU Average
- CPU Usage Average
- Cluster Effective Memory Average
- Memory Total Average
- Memory Swapped Average
- Memory Consumed Average
- Memory Balloon Average
- Memory Active Average
VMware: Datastore
The VMware: Datastore device dashboard displays the following information:
- The basic information about the datastore
- The current health, availability, and latency for the datastore
- A list of active events and open tickets associated with the datastore
- A count of, and links to, the elements associated with the datastore
- Six instances of the Multi-series Performance Widget that display the following metrics trended over the last 12 hours:
- Datastore Throughput Usage
- Datastore Throughput Contention
- Datastore Capacity
- Datastore Free Space
- Datastore Space Used
- Datastore Uncommitted Space
- Datastore Utilization
- Datastore Host Total IOPS
- Datastore Host Read IOPS
- Datastore Host Write IOPS
- Datastore VM Total IOPS
- Datastore VM Read IOPS
- Datastore VM Write IOPS
- Storage I/O Control Aggregate IOPS
- Virtual Disk Average Read IOPS
- Virtual Disk Average Write IOPS
VMware: Datastore Cluster
The VMware: Datastore Cluster device dashboard displays the following information:
- The basic information about the datastore cluster
- A list of active events and open tickets associated with the datastore cluster
- A count of, and links to, the elements associated with the datastore cluster
- Four instances of the Multi-series Performance Widget that display the following metrics trended over the last 12 hours:
- Datastore Cluster Capacity
- Datastore Cluster Space Used
- Datastore Cluster Space Allocated
- Storage I/O Control Aggregate IOPS
- Virtual Disk Average Read Latency
- Virtual Disk Average Write Latency
- Virtual Machine Observed Latency
VMware: Host
The VMware: Host device dashboard displays the following information:
- The basic information about the host
- A list of active events and open tickets associated with the host
- A count of, and links to, the elements associated with the host
- Seven instances of the Multi-series Performance Widget that display the following metrics trended over the last 12 hours:
- Availability
- CPU (%)
- Memory (%)
- CPU Usage Average
- Memory Swap Used Average
- Memory Consumed Average
- Memory Balloon Average
- Memory Active Average
- Network Transmitted Average
- Network Received Average
- Disk Total Write Latency Average
- Disk Total Read Latency Average
- Disk Commands Aborted Summation
- Datastore Average Read Commands
- Datastore Average Write Commands
- Datastore Write Latency
- Datastore Read Latency
VMware: Resource Pool
The VMware: Resource Pool device dashboard displays the following information:
- The basic information about the resource pool
- A count of, and links to, the elements associated with the resource pool
- Two instances of the Multi-series Performance Widget that display the following metrics trended over the last 12 hours:
- CPU Usage Average
- Memory Active Average
- Memory Swap Used Average
- Memory Consumed Average
- Memory Balloon Average
VMware: Virtual App
The VMware: Virtual App device dashboard displays the following information:
- The basic information about the virtual app
- A count of, and links to, the elements associated with the virtual app
- Two instances of the Multi-series Performance Widget that display the following metrics trended over the last 12 hours:
- CPU Usage Average
- Memory Active Average
- Memory Swap Used Average
- Memory Consumed Average
- Memory Balloon Average
VMware: Virtual Machine
The VMware: Virtual Machine device dashboard displays the following information:
- The basic information about the virtual machine
- The current health, availability, latency, CPU, and memory for the virtual machine
- A list of active events and open tickets associated with the virtual machine
- A count of, and links to, the elements associated with the virtual machine
- Six instances of the Multi-series Performance Widget that display the following metrics trended over the last 12 hours:
- Availability
- CPU (%)
- Memory (%)
- Memory Swapped Average
- Memory Consumed Average
- Memory Balloon Average
- Memory Active Average
- Network Transmitted Average
- Network Received Average
- Storage Committed
- Storage Uncommitted
- Disk Read Average
- Disk Write Average
- Disk Commands Aborted Summation
- Datastore Read Rate
- Datastore Write Rate
- Datastore Read Latency
- Datastore Write Latency