Version 107 of the "Linux SSH Automations" PowerPack includes updates for compatibility with Python 3 and incorporates content from the "Linux SSH User-Initiated Automations" PowerPack.
This PowerPack is intended to be used in conjunction with the "Linux Base Pack" PowerPack.
- Minimum Required SL1 Version: 12.1.2
Before You Install or Upgrade
Ensure that you are running version 12.1.2 or later of SL1 before installing "Linux SSH Automations" PowerPack version 107.
For details on upgrading SL1, see the relevant SL1 Platform Release Notes.
You must install version 200 or later of the "Datacenter Automation Utilities" PowerPack before proceeding. If you are using SL1 agents, you will need to install version 201 of the "Datacenter Automation Utilities" PowerPack.
Installation or Upgrade Process
To install version 107 of the "Linux SSH Automations" PowerPack, perform the following steps:
- See the Before You Install or Upgrade section. If you have not done so already, upgrade your system to the 12.1.2 or later release.
- Familiarize yourself with the Known Issues for this release.
- Download the PowerPack to a local computer.
- Go to the PowerPack Manager page (System > Manage > PowerPacks). Click the menu and choose Import PowerPack. For details on importing PowerPacks, see the chapter on Installing a PowerPack in the PowerPacks manual.
- Click the Installing a PowerPack in the PowerPacks manual. button. For details on installing PowerPacks, see the chapter on
- See the Run Book Automation manual for instructions on using the action type contained in the PowerPack.
See the Linux SSH Automations PowerPack manual for instructions on using the new PowerPack.
This release includes the following features that let you:
- Enrich SL1 events for Linux devices by automatically running diagnostic commands using a remote SSH connection.
- Run remediation commands using a remote SSH connection in response to SL1 system process events for Linux devices.
Enhancements and Issues Addressed
The following enhancements and addressed issues are included this release:
- Made updates to make the PowerPack compatible with Python 3, including updates to the libraries and execution environments for Python 3.6.
- The PowerPack now includes the following automation policies, and each Policy Type was updated to Active Events/User Initiated:
- Linux SSH: Illicit Process Remediation
- Linux SSH: Process Restart Remediation
- Linux SSH: Run CPU Diagnostic Commands
- Linux SSH: Run File System Diagnostic Commands
- Linux SSH: Run Interface Error/Discard Diagnostic Commands
- Linux SSH: Run Interface Utilization Diagnostic Commands
- Linux SSH: Run Memory/Swap Diagnostic Commands
- Linux SSH: Run System-Storage Diagnostic Commands
All automation policies in the PowerPack are disabled by default and must be enabled for use.
All automation policies in this PowerPack require the target device to be part of the "Linux Automation" device group.
- The PowerPack now includes the following run book actions:
- Linux CPU Diagnostic Commands
- Linux File System Diagnostic Commands
- Linux Illicit Process Remediation
- Linux Interface Error/Discard Diagnostic Commands
- Linux Interface Utilization Diagnostic
- Linux Memory Dmidecode Command
- Linux Memory/Swap Diagnostic Commands
- Linux Process Restart Remediation
- Linux System-Storage Diagnostic Commands
- Linux Tcpdump Command
- Added the following parameter to the "Execute Shell Commands" action type (version 2.2):
- dynamic_app_guid:Specifies the globally unique ID number (GUID) assigned to the Dynamic Application by SL1. You can specify multiple Dynamic Application IDs, separated by commas. If the credential_id parameter is not specified, SL1 will use the dynamic_app_guid parameter to determine the credential. If this value is not specified, or if it is an empty string, SL1 runs a query against the database to get the credential details. The default value for this parameter corresponds to the GUID value in the "Linux: Configuration Discovery" Dynamic Application.
- Enabled passwordless sudo access on the client being monitored to ensure that run book automations that use sudo in the commands work as expected. For more information, see the "Configuring Linux Devices" topic in the Linux SSH Automations PowerPack manual.
- Removed the write_password_after_command parameter from the "Execute Shell Commands" custom action type.
Known Issues
This release has no known issues.