Cisco Viptela PowerPack Release Notes, version 105

Version 105 of the "Cisco: Viptela" PowerPack adds three new Dynamic Applications and updated regular expression for several Event Policies.

  • Minimum Required SL1 Version: 11.1.0

Before You Install or Upgrade

Ensure that you are running version 11.1.0 or later of SL1 before installing "Cisco: ViptelaPowerPack version 105.

For details on upgrading SL1, see the relevant SL1 Platform Release Notes.

Installation or Upgrade Process

By default, installing a new version of a PowerPack will overwrite all content in that PowerPack that has already been installed on the target system. You can use the Enable Selective PowerPack Field Protection setting in the Behavior Settings page (System > Settings > Behavior) to prevent the new version of the PowerPack from overwriting local changes for some commonly customized fields.

To install version 105 of the "Cisco: Viptela" PowerPack, perform the following steps:

  1. See the Before You Install or Upgrade section. If you have not done so already, upgrade your system to the minimum required platform version or later release.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the Issues for this release.
  3. Download Version 105 of the "Cisco: Viptela" PowerPack from the Support Site to a local computer.
  4. Go to the PowerPack Manager page (System > Manage > PowerPacks). Click the Actions menu and select Import PowerPack. When prompted, import Version 105 of the "Cisco: Viptela" PowerPack.

  5. After importing/upgrading the PowerPack, you will be prompted to install the PowerPack. Click the Install button to install the PowerPack.

  6. To ensure all apps are collecting data after the upgrade, go to the Credentials page (Manage > Credentials). Click the name of the current credential to edit the credential. Add %silo_token=X-XSRF-TOKEN as a header in the HTTP Headers section if it is not present already, and click the Close button.

  7. Go to the Device Manager page (Devices > Device Manager). Identify the vManage virtual root device and click the Device Properties icon. In the Collections tab, select the Actions menu and click the Add Dynamic Application button. Select the "Cisco: Viptela Token Configuration" Dynamic Application with the current credential and save it. Perform these same steps to align the "Cisco: Viptela vManage IP Address Configuration" Dynamic Application to the root device. Follow these steps if the two Dynamic Applications involved are not aligned already. Otherwise, skip this step.

  8. See the manual Monitoring Cisco Viptela for instructions on using the new PowerPack.

To discover vEdge devices with only "valid" statuses, modify the "Cisco: Viptela vEdge Discovery" Dynamic Application's snippet arguments to filter by "valid" by changing the [*] section to use [?validity=='valid']. For example, the serialNumber's snippet argument uses the following: rest://dataservice/system/device/vedges&silo_args=jpath=data[?validity=='valid'].serialNumber|serialNumber


This release includes the following features:

  • Dynamic Applications that enable SL1 to discover, model, and monitor Cisco: Viptela devices.
  • Device Classes for each type of Cisco: Viptela device monitored.
  • Event Policies and the corresponding alerts that are triggered when Cisco: Viptela devices meet certain status criteria.
  • An example credential that you can use as a template to create a SOAP/XML credential to connect to the Cisco: Viptela component devices that you want to monitor.
  • Dashboards that display information about Cisco: Viptela component devices.
  • "The Cisco: Viptela vManage Template" is available for aligning all Dynamic Applications to the root component device.

Enhancements and Issues Addressed

The following enhancements and addressed issues are included in this release:

  • Added the following Dynamic Applications (disabled by default):

    • Cisco: Viptela TLOC Aggregation Configuration
    • Cisco: Viptela TLOC Real-Time Configuration
    • Cisco: Viptela Tunnel Statistics Performance
  • Replaced the match string with a Regular expression match for the following event policies:

    • Cisco: Viptela BFD TLOC Sessions Down
    • Cisco: Viptela TLOC Down

The regex string should match with the TLOC down alarms with either severities Major or Medium.

The value of the Max Sessions Per User field must be set as Disabled in the Administration Settings for this PowerPack to work correctly.

The "Cisco: Viptela TLOC Aggregation Configuration" and "Cisco: Viptela Tunnel Statistics Performance" Dynamic Applications are configured to capture data twice from the Dynamic Application's poll frequency before they run. The poll frequency could be changed by editing the snippet code of the Dynamic Application and setting the value required in minutes for the delta_minutes variable: delta_minutes = int(self.freq * 2) > delta_minutes = 60

Known Issues

The following known issues affect version 105 of the "Cisco: Viptela" PowerPack:

  • There may be a collection gap in the "Cisco: Viptela Events Caching" Dynamic Application when the "Cisco: Viptela Token Configuration" Dynamic Application logs out of a previous session. This could happen approximately every 12 hours.

  • "Cisco: Viptela Tunnel Statistics Performance" Dynamic Application may present collection gaps if the API is not returning data in the period of time configured in this Dynamic Application.

  • "Cisco: Viptela TLOC Aggregation Configuration" Dynamic Application may not display data in its configuration report if the API is not returning data in the period of time configured in this Dynamic Application.

  • If there is a large amount of data to analyze on the database for the "Cisco: Viptela TLOC Aggregation Configuration" Dynamic Application, you may experience a 500 (Internal Server Error) error which will be displayed in the inspector web console. As a troubleshooting method, go to /etc/php.d/sl1_memory_limit.ini to increase the memory_limit and restart services with systemctl restart em7 php-fpm nginx.