SL1 Core Reports PowerPack Release Notes, version 115

Version 115 of the SL1 Core Reports PowerPack includes updates to the Device Outage History Report that corrects how an outage start or end is calculated, as well as updates for time zone behavior in some reports.

  • Minimum Required SL1 Version: 10.1.0

Before You Install or Upgrade

Ensure that you are running version 10.1.0 or later of SL1 before installing "SL1 Core Reports PowerPack version 115.

For details on upgrading SL1, see the relevant SL1 Platform Release Notes.

Installation or Upgrade Process

To install version 115 of the SL1 Core Reports PowerPack, perform the following steps:

To install this PowerPack:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the Known Issues for this release.
  2. See the Before You Install or Upgrade section. If you have not done so already, upgrade your system to the 10.1.0 or later release.
  3. Download the "SL1 Core Reports " version 115PowerPack from the Support Site to a local computer.
  4. Go to the PowerPack Manager page (System > Manage > PowerPacks). Click the Actions menu and choose Import PowerPack. When prompted, import "SL1 Core Reports " version 115.
  5. Click the Install button. For details on installing PowerPacks, see the chapter on Installing a PowerPack in the PowerPacks manual.

For more information about using the reports in this PowerPack, see the Reports manual.

To access the PowerPack documentation, see SL1 PowerPack Documentation: Current.

Enhancements and Issues Addressed

The following enhancements and addressed issues are included this release of the "SL1 Core Reports " PowerPack:

  • Updated the Device Outage History Report to correctly calculate an outage start or end.
  • Updated time zone behavior in some reports.
  • Updated the File System Report to show Available (%) and Used (%) with two decimal digits.

  • The Ticket List Report now shows Close Time as a human-readable age instead of a date.

  • The Interface Usage Report was updated to use ifHighSpeed in bits if it has a value. Otherwise the report uses ifSpeed (already in bits).

  • The Asset Warranty Expiration Report shows now assets without warranty in white color.

  • The Report Span Workday With Timezones Report now uses the correct start time for American time zones.

  • The File System Top Metrics Report no longer shows an extra row.

  • Added two more Device Available events for calculating device outage in the Device Outage History report.

  • The SSL Certificates Expiration Report no longer shows certificates that expire after the year 2038 as "expired".

  • Updated the ODS output template for the Device At A Glance report to fix a Device Availability graph issue.

  • Updated the glue code for the Interface Usage Report so the report fetches %utilization data from the data.ifutil database table.

  • Addressed the Fix No Data Found issue in the Interface Usage report when a non-zero option was selected with the %utilization option.

Known Issues

This release has no known issues.