ServiceNow Configuration Management Database (CMDB) SyncPack Release Notes, version 3.5.4

The "ServiceNow CMDB" SyncPack version 3.5.4 addresses an issue that caused the "Post Device Groups to ServiceNow" step in the 'Sync Business Services From SL1 To ServiceNow' application to fail and updates the "Sync Interfaces From SL1 To ServiceNow" application so that data passed into the "Trigger Interface Uploads" and "Send Relations to ServiceNow" steps is serialized.

This SyncPack requires the "ServiceNow Base" SyncPack version 3.6.3 or later and the "Base Steps" SyncPack version 1.5.3 or later. You can download these SyncPacks from the ScienceLogic Support Site.

Issues Addressed in this Release

The following issue was addressed in this release:

  • Addressed an issue that caused the "Post Device Groups to ServiceNow" step in the 'Sync Business Services From SL1 To ServiceNow' application to fail. The "Post Device Groups to ServiceNow" step will now make a number of posts to ServiceNow where the number of groups in each post request equals the snow_chunk_size, as opposed to the previous behavior of posting all of the device groups at once. (Support Case: 00376134)

  • Data passed into the "Trigger Interface Uploads" and "Send Relations to ServiceNow" steps in the "Sync Interfaces From SL1 To ServiceNow" application is now serialized.

  • Addressed an issue with the "Sync Business Services from ServiceNow to SL1" application that caused the sync to fail when non-SL1 monitored devices were attached to a service in ServiceNow. This sync will not create the devices in SL1, but will no longer fail.

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

  • SL1 only supports the state field as a US state.
  • For the "Sync Business Services from SL1 to ServiceNow" application, creating a business service relationship in SL1 where the bottom service is a device service without any devices in it will send the empty device service to ServiceNow. This behavior is different from the "Sync Business Services from ServiceNow to SL1" application, which does not send any service in the tree if the bottom device service is empty.
  • Merging devices in the middle of a component tree could cause relationships in ServiceNow to be incorrect.
  • Due to a change in GraphQL in SL1 version 11.1.0, some PowerFlow applications will fail to sync if you upgrade to that version of SL1. This issue was addressed in SL1 version 11.1.2.
  • An issue exists with syncing VMware resource pools if the resource pool has a direct link to the VMware cluster. In SL1, if you have a VMware resource pool that does not belong to a VMware host, that resource pool will not be synced to ServiceNow. The children devices underneath the resource pool will continue to be synced to ServiceNow.
  • When syncing VMware virtual devices from SL1 to ServiceNow, any virtual apps are synced by default to the VMware object table in ServiceNow, because ServiceNow does not have a virtual app class. To work around this issue, you can either use the default setting to sync to the VMware object table or you can create a custom virtual app class and modify the mappings.
  • In version 3.5.0 of this SyncPack, filtering by SL1 org_id requires the use of companies in ServiceNow. The org filter works by including the corresponding company_sys_id in the payload when posting to ServiceNow to gather the CIs. ServiceNow then filters the CIs based on this value, and returns the CIs. To avoid undesired disconnects, the org filter needs to be applied on both the SL1 side as well as the ServiceNow side. Starting in 3.5.0, this SyncPack supports a multi-stack set up, which can lead to a scenario where the same company sys_id in ServiceNow is aligned to multiple organizations across different SL1 systems. The ServiceNow company sys_id is required when filtering by org (as opposed to just the SL1 org_id) because the organizations with the matching crm_id may have different SL1 org IDs. (Case: 00318963)

    As a workaround, to sync only devices of certain SL1 organizations to ServiceNow, use a GraphQL filter. For example, to filter devices by SL1 org_id 0, add the following JSON code to the gql_filter on the Configuration pane of the "Sync Devices from SL1 to ServiceNow" application:

    {"organization": {"has": {"id": {"in": [0]}}}}

  • In version 3.5.0 of this SyncPack, the "cmdb_ci_vcenter_object": ["VMware | Virtual App"] was removed from the default mappings because ServiceNow has not implemented a default dependency that differs from previous behavior. This change might lead to orphaned devices being sent to ServiceNow.

System Requirements

This release requires the following components:

  • SL1 PowerFlow platform version 2.4.0 or later.
  • SL1 version 11.2.0 or later. For details on upgrading SL1, see the relevant SL1 Platform Release Notes.
  • Base Steps SyncPack version 1.5.3 or later.
  • ServiceNow Base SyncPack version 3.6.3 or later.
  • ServiceNow version Tokyo or later, with Web Services enabled.
  • "ScienceLogic SL1: CMDB & Incident Automation" certified application version 1.0.81. This version includes the following updates:
    • Addressed an issue where the Organization Sync to Company was not being handled correctly.
    • Addressed an issue where the Change Request API was returning incorrect results and not taking advantage of the sys_object_source_info table.
    • Addressed an issue where the Installed Software API was returning incorrect results and not taking advantage of the sys_object_source_info' table.

You should always use the most recent version of a SyncPack and its certified application.

If your ServiceNow instance is domain-separated, install the latest "ScienceLogic Domain Separation (Global)" update set in ServiceNow. Ask your ScienceLogic contact for access to this update set.

The following table lists the port access required by PowerFlow for this SyncPack:

Source Port Purpose



SL1 API Access

ServiceNow API


ServiceNow API Access

SL1 Database


SL1 Database Access

Prerequisites for the SyncPack

To install this SyncPack, you must have administrator access to both SL1 and ServiceNow. Specifically, you will need:

  • ScienceLogic root SSH access
  • ScienceLogic administrator access to the Administration Portal
  • ServiceNow administrator access

ScienceLogic highly recommends that you disable all firewall session-limiting policies. Firewalls will drop HTTPS requests, which results in data loss.

Installing or Upgrading the SyncPack

For detailed steps about installing or upgrading to this version of the "ServiceNow CMDB" SyncPack, see the Installing the ServiceNow CMDB SyncPack chapter in the ServiceNow CMDB SyncPack manual.