NetApp Base Pack PowerPack Release Notes version 105

Version 105 of the "NetApp Base Pack" PowerPack addresses an issue in which library version conflicts could cause Sciencelogic libraries in the PowerPack to become corrupted.

  • Minimum Required SL1 Version: 8.7.0

  • Minimum Required NetApp Version: 8.2.2

Before You Install or Upgrade

Ensure that you are running version 8.7.0 or later of SL1 before installing "NetApp Base PackPowerPack version 105.

For details on upgrading SL1, see the relevant SL1 Platform Release Notes.

Installation and Upgrade Process

By default, installing a new version of a PowerPack will overwrite all content in that PowerPack that has already been installed on the target system. You can use the Enable Selective PowerPack Field Protection setting in the Behavior Settings page (System > Settings > Behavior) to prevent the new version of the PowerPack from overwriting local changes for some commonly customized fields.

If you are currently using the Dynamic Applications in this PowerPack to monitor devices, collection errors might occur for one or two polling cycles during the installation of a new version. To prevent collection errors during an upgrade, you can optionally disable collection for monitored devices before performing the following steps and re-enable collection after the upgrade.

To install this PowerPack:

  1. Search for and download the PowerPack from the PowerPacks page (Product Downloads > PowerPacks & SyncPacks) at the ScienceLogic Support Site.
  2. In SL1, go to the PowerPacks page (System > Manage > PowerPacks).
  3. Click the Actions menu and choose Import PowerPack. The Import PowerPack modal appears.
  4. Click Browse and navigate to the PowerPack file from step 1.
  5. Select the PowerPack file and click Import. The PowerPack Installer modal displays a list of the PowerPack contents.
  6. Click Install. The PowerPack is added to the PowerPack Manager page.


This release includes the following features:

  • Dynamic Applications that can monitor performance metrics and collect configuration data for all NetApp devices
  • Device classes for each of the NetApp component devices monitored
  • Event policies and corresponding alerts that are triggered when NetApp component devices meet certain status criteria
  • Sample credentials for discovering NetApp component devices
  • A device dashboard that displays information about NetApp clusters

Enhancements and Issues Addressed

The following enhancements are included in the PowerPack:

  • This version addresses an issue in which library version conflicts could cause the Sciencelogic libraries in this PowerPack to become corrupted. In this case, deployment of the PowerPack and subsequent collection would fail.

Known Issues

The following known issues affect version 105 of the "NetApp Base Pack" PowerPack:

  • Due to increased security restrictions on Military Unique Deployment (MUD) systems, users might see unexpected behavior when attempting to discover and collect data from a NetApp system. The symptoms include a failure to auto-align Dynamic Applications during discovery and SSL errors during collection after manual alignment. These errors would look like the following:

"2019-04-09 17:32:35,941","UIDEBUG","14179","discover_apps.MainProcess.14153","dynamic_snippet","378","App: 1012, Snippet: 1180 reported a collection problem (Explanation: [644] netapp_api: [SSL: ONLY_TLS_ALLOWED_IN_FIPS_MODE] only tls allowed in fips mode (_ssl.c:618) )"

The PowerPack defaults to using SSL (port 443) for connections to the NetApp storage devices. However, Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)-compliant systems require TLS for security. If SL1 is running in FIPS-compliant mode, the user will need to either:

  • Set the port to 80 in the credential, which directs the PowerPack to use HTTP for connections.


  • Enable TLS in the credential. See the "NetApp w/SSL/TLS Option" credential that is included in the PowerPack as an example.

NOTE: If TLS is required for the discovery of a 7-mode NetApp system, the example credential provided will need to be replaced by a SOAP/XML credential, as is used for a C-mode system discovery. In that case, the Embed Value [%1] field should be set to True and the TLS version should be entered in Embed Value [%2], as directed in the Monitoring NetApp Appliances manual.

  • A Content Libraries import error is present in SL1 version 8.8.0. If you encounter this error, upgrade SL1 to version Build 6 or later.