OpenStack PowerPack Release Notes version 100

Version 100 of the OpenStack PowerPack is the initial version of the PowerPack. It includes Dynamic Applications, Device Classes, Event Policies, and sample credentials for monitoring OpenStack resources.

  • Minimum Required SL1 Version: 8.5.0

  • Operating System Requirements: Linux only

Before discovering component devices for an OpenStack project, ensure that the project user whose information is included in the credential used for discovery is assigned a role with all of the required permissions. To discover an entire OpenStack domain, the credential used for discovery must be an administrator. For more information, see the Monitoring OpenStack manual.

Before You Install or Upgrade

Ensure that you are running version 8.5.0 or later of SL1 before installing "OpenStackPowerPack version 100.

For details on upgrading SL1, see the relevant SL1 Platform Release Notes.

Installation and Upgrade Process

If you are currently using the Dynamic Applications in this PowerPack to monitor devices, collection errors might occur for one or two polling cycles during the installation of a new version. To prevent collection errors during an upgrade, you can optionally disable collection for monitored devices before performing the following steps and re-enable collection after the upgrade.

To install this PowerPack:

  1. Search for and download the PowerPack from the PowerPacks page (Product Downloads > PowerPacks & SyncPacks) at the ScienceLogic Support Site.
  2. In SL1, go to the PowerPacks page (System > Manage > PowerPacks).
  3. Click the Actions menu and choose Import PowerPack. The Import PowerPack modal appears.
  4. Click Browse and navigate to the PowerPack file from step 1.
  5. Select the PowerPack file and click Import. The PowerPack Installer modal displays a list of the PowerPack contents.
  6. Click Install. The PowerPack is added to the PowerPack Manager page.


This release includes the following features:

  • The following Dynamic Applications to discover and collect configuration and performance data for OpenStack component devices:
  • OpenStack: Account Discovery
  • OpenStack: Domain Collection Configuration
  • OpenStack: Hypervisor Configuration
  • OpenStack: Hypervisor Discovery
  • OpenStack: Hypervisor Performance
  • OpenStack: Hypervisor Pool Discovery
  • OpenStack: Image Catalog Configuration
  • OpenStack: Instance Configuration
  • OpenStack: Instance Performance
  • OpenStack: Network Configuration
  • OpenStack: Network Discovery
  • OpenStack: Network Pool Discovery
  • OpenStack: Project Block Storage Configuration
  • OpenStack: Project Collection Configuration
  • OpenStack: Project Configuration
  • OpenStack: Project Discovery
  • OpenStack: Project Images Configuration
  • OpenStack: Project Instance Discovery
  • OpenStack: Project Performance
  • OpenStack: Project Usage Configuration
  • OpenStack: Project Volumes Configuration
  • OpenStack: Resource Pool Discovery
  • OpenStack: Service Endpoint Configuration

If the user credential you use to discover your OpenStack resources does not have access to the appropriate endpoints in its user policy, the ScienceLogic platform will discover Instance component devices, but the "OpenStack: Instance Performance" Dynamic Application will not collect performance metrics for those components due to an API limitation. In that scenario, the following log message appears: "Response code was not OK. Reason: Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-server-diagnostics to be performed."

Because OpenStack allows users to over-commit CPU on compute nodes, it is possible for the "OpenStack: Hypervisor Performance" Dynamic Application to display CPU utilization greater than 100%.

  • Device Classes (with assigned Device Tiers) for each of the OpenStack devices monitored:
  • OpenStack Cloud Physical Service (Tier 1)
  • OpenStack Cloud Virtual Service (Tier 1)
  • OpenStack Domain (Tier 1)
  • OpenStack Hypervisor (Tier 2)
  • OpenStack Hypervisor Pool (Tier 1)
  • OpenStack Network (Tier 1)
  • OpenStack Network Pool (Tier 1)
  • OpenStack Project (Tier 3)
  • OpenStack Resources (No Tier)
  • OpenStack Virtual Machine (Tier 3)

The Dynamic Applications in the PowerPack create dynamic component map relationships between the following components:

  • Virtual machines and hypervisors
  • Virtual machines and networks

  • Event Policies and corresponding alerts that are triggered when OpenStack devices meet certain status criteria.
  • Sample credentials for discovering OpenStack component devices, either as an administrator or as a non-administrative user.

Known Issues

This release has no known issues.