Zebrium Release Notes, EA-89

This release notes file covers the latest Early Access (EA) release from Zebrium, EA-89. This release adds Disaster Recovery options to ensure that data saved to a Zebrium instance can be recovered after an emergency.

New Features in EA-89

The following features are included in this release of Zebrium:

  • Added Disaster Recovery features to ensure that data saved to a Zebrium instance can be recovered after an emergency. Disaster Recovery for Zebrium data uses the most recent snapshot of its database as its recovery point.
  • Core Zebrium tables are archived periodically to an Amazon S3 bucket.
  • Added the Refresh Data button to the Ingest History page (Settings () > Ingest History) to let you manually update the data on the page.
  • Added light-mode support to the Zebrium user interface to make it consistent with SL1 guidelines.

To view the complete Zebrium documentation online, see the Zebrium Product Documentation.

Known Issues

This release has no known issues.