Root Cause Report Incoming Webhook

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  • This section provides detailed information on webhook support provided by Zebrium so you can build your own custom integrations.
  • Root Cause report incoming webhooks provide a generic mechanism for requesting Root Cause analysis for a specific time. This can be useful for integrating with third-party of custom solutions for which a specific integration is not currently available from Zebrium.

STEP 1: Create a Root Cause Report Incoming Webhook Integration in Zebrium

  1. In the Zebrium user interface, go to the Integrations & Collectors page (Settings () > Integrations & Collectors).
  2. In the Webhooks section, click the Incoming RCA button.
  3. Click Create a New Integration button. The Create Incoming RCA Webhook dialog appears.
  4. On the General tab, enter an Integration Name for this integration.
  5. In the Deployment drop-down, select a deployment for the integration.
  6. In the Service Group(s) drop-down, select a service group for the integration.
  7. On the Receive Signals tab, click Enabled.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Copy and save the contents of the Your URL text box for use in STEP 2, below.

STEP 2: Request a Root Cause Report from Zebrium

Send a POST request to the URL created in STEP 1 with the required payload:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '<REQUEST_JSON_PAYLOAD>' <URL_FROM_STEP_1>

Webhook Payload Format

See Root Cause Report Incoming Webhook Payload, below, for a detailed description of the webhook payload.

Root Cause Report Incoming Webhook Payload

Method URL URL created for this integration
Content Type application/json


Name Type Description Required
zebrium.incident_ts string UTC Timestamp to perform RC Analysis, such as "2022-03-15T08:23:05Z" Yes
zebrium.service_group string Zebrium service group to perform RC Analysis or ‘All’ Yes

Example Payload

  "zebrium" : {
    "incident_ts" : "2022-03-15T08:23:05Z",
    "service_group" : "production"
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{ "zebrium" : { "incident_ts" : "2022-03-15T08:23:05Z", 
"service_group" : "production" } }'