Create Signal

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Use this request to enter a time around which to search for interesting events to create a Root Cause report.

Method URL http://<mwsd_container_url>:<mwsd_port>/mwsd/v1/incident/create/signal
Content Type application/json

Request Arguments

Required Arguments Data Type How To Use
timestamp string Timestamp in RFC3339


Optional Arguments Data Type How To Use
service_group string Service group to scan for creating Root Cause Report. Default is all if not specified.

Example Request Payload

  "timestamp": "2020-12-11T00:53:04.451035Z",
  "service_group": "staging"

Example Response Payload

  "data": [
      "customer": "zebrium466",
      "db_schema": "zebrium466_trial",
      "service_group": "ops-blue",
      "srid": "000615d0-39a0-0000-0000-00fffff00004"
  "error": {
    "code": 200,
    "data": null,
    "message": ""
  "op": "create",
  "softwareRelease": "20210412141334"