Create Incident Type

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Use this request to set attributes of an Incident Type.

Method URL URL created for this integration
Content Type application/json

Request Arguments

Required Arguments Data Type How To Use Default
itype_id string Incident Type ID None

Optional Arguments Data Type How To Use Default
itype_title string Short title of the incident as seen in the RCA list and RCA report Notes section None
itype_desc string Long description of the incident as seen in the RCA report Notes section None
itype_tracking_url string URL pointing to additional information for the Incident as seen in the RCA report Notes section None

Example Request Payload

    "itype_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "itype_title": "This is a short title",
    "itype_desc": "This is a longer description seen when viewing the RCA report Notes",
    "itype_tracking_url": ""

Example Response Payload

  "data": [
      "itype_desc": "This is a longer description seen when viewing the RCA report Notes",
      "itype_feedback_incident": 5,
      "itype_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "itype_keys": "",
      "itype_outbound_integration_ids": [
      "itype_owner": "",
      "itype_priority_ts": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "itype_title": "This is a short title",
      "itype_tracking_url": "",
      "modify_user_name": "Zebrium",
      "ts": "2021-09-15T15:50:16.726916Z",
      "itype_outbound_priority": "P3"
  "error": {
    "code": 200,
    "message": "200 OK"
  "op": "create",
  "softwareRelease": "20210915074109"