Read Incident

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Use this request to get attributes of an Incident based on specified filters.

Method URL http://<mwsd_container_url>:<mwsd_container_port>/mwsd/v1/incident/read/list
Content Type application/json

Request Arguments

Required Arguments Data Type How To Use Default
time_from integer Include Incidents created after this epoch time (use 1 as beginning of time) None
time_to integer Include Incidents created before this epoch time (use 999999999999 as all time) None
timezone string Time zone name for time_from - time_to specification. Typically use “UTC” None
repeating_incidents string Include “first” or “all” occurrence(s) of an Incident Type None
occurrences string Always specify “none” None
time_buckets string Always specify “none” None


Optional Arguments Data Type How To Use Default
inci_id string Return the Incident with this Incident ID None
itype_id string Include only incidents of this Incident Type None
itype_id string Return all Incidents created as a result of a signal with this SRID. Use the SRID returned from the Signal Create API None
batch_ids stringSlice Return all Incidents associated with the Transactional Batch Upload. Use the Batch ID returned from the Begin Batch API None

Example Request Payload

  "time_from": 1,
  "time_to": 999999999999,
  "repeating_incidents": "first",
  "occurrences": "none",
  "time_buckets": "none",
  "timezone": "UTC",
  "inci_signal": "000615d0-39a0-0000-0000-00fffff00004"

Example Response Payload

  "data": [
      "inci_code": "5nDZv",
      "inci_fevt_etext": "Oct  5 18:50:17 ip-172-31-62-10 kernel: [11128469.531293] nvme nvme2: rescanning",
      "inci_fevt_gen": "1ab751d74131e92b12ea357418a53d6ed4753583",
      "inci_fevt_host": "ip-172-31-62-10",
      "inci_fevt_log": "kern",
      "inci_fevt_ts": "2021-10-06T01:50:17.487Z",
      "inci_has_signal": true,
      "inci_hosts": "ip-172-31-59-106,ip-172-31-62-10,ip-172-31-62-236,ip-172-91-93-128",
      "inci_id": "000615d0-0d97-6e58-0000-2f9000000c89",
      "inci_itype_occ": 1,
      "inci_itype_ttl": 1,
      "inci_logs": "kern,network,vertica",
      "inci_signal": "000615d0-39a0-0000-0000-00fffff00004",
      "inci_svc_grps": "portal03,qa-blue",
      "inci_ts": "2021-10-06T01:50:17.487Z",
      "inci_wevt_etext": "Oct  5 18:50:17 ip-172-31-62-10 kernel: [11128469.531293] Permission expired : rescanning and calculating for brady",
      "inci_wevt_gen": "1ab751d74131e92b12ea357418a53d6ed4753583",
      "inci_wevt_host": "ip-172-31-62-10",
      "inci_wevt_log": "kern",
      "inci_wevt_ts": "2021-10-06T01:50:17.487Z",
      "itype_code": "5nDZv",
      "itype_desc": "The first log message is a warning that the permission voter for user brady has expired and will be recalculated.",
      "itype_feedback_incident": 0,
      "itype_id": "000615d0-0d97-6e58-0000-2f9000000c89",
      "itype_outbound_integration_ids": [],
      "itype_owner": "",
      "itype_title": "The first log message is a warning that the permission voter for user brady has expired and will be recalculated.",
      "itype_tracking_url": ""
  "error": {
    "code": 200,
    "data": null,
    "message": ""
  "op": "read",
  "softwareRelease": "release-ea58_20211005201105"