Managing Organizations

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This section covers many of the tasks that can be undertaken from the tabs in the Organizational Administration panel. These tasks include creating user accounts in the organization, viewing and adding organization devices, creating external contacts for the organization, creating tickets, viewing logs, associating products, and adding notes to the organization.

Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:

  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

This section includes the following topics:

Organizational Administration Panel

After saving a new organization, you can access the additional tabs in the Organizational Administration panel. These tabs allow you to further configure the organization and manage the organization. For example, these tabs allow you to add, edit, or view user accounts associated with the organization, view all devices and other elements associated with the organization, and view, create, or edit tickets about the organization, among other tasks.

The Organizational Administration panel for each organization includes the following tabs:

  • Summary. The Organizational Summary page displays read-only details about the organization and links to all elements associated with the organization.
  • Properties. The Organization Properties page displays the contact information for an organization and also lists all SKUs used by the organization and all additional locations for the organization.
  • Logs. The Organizational Logs page displays a record of all actions pertaining to the Organization, including all logins by organization members, all notifications sent to organization members, all events associated with an element in the organization or the organization itself, all create, edit, or delete actions in SL1 by organization members.
  • Accounts. The Organizational Accounts page displays a list of all user accounts associated with the organization. From this page, you can view and edit information about those user accounts.
  • Contacts. The External Contact Accounts page allows you to define users who can be sent email from within SL1. These external contacts can be sent messages from the Service Notifier page (Registry > Business Services > Service Notifier).
  • Events. The Organizational Events page displays a list of all active events associated with the organization. You can go the Actions menu and choose to view all cleared events associated with the organization.
  • Tickets. The Organizational Tickets page displays a list of all open, pending, and working tickets associated with the organization.
  • Notes. The Organizational Notes page displays all notes associated with the organization and created by selecting Notepad Editor from the Actions menu.

The Actions Menu

Each page in the Organization Administration panel (the set of tabs for each organization) includes the Actions menu. This menu allows you to perform many organization and account-related tasks, directly from the current page. The Actions menu looks like a button and is located in the upper right of the page.

The following entries in the Actions menu appear on each page in the Organization Administration panel.

  • My Bookmarks. Displays the Administer Bookmarks modal page, where you can access pre-defined bookmarks or save a new bookmark.
  • Add New Account. Leads to the Create New Account page, where you can define a new user account to include in the organization.
  • Add New External Contact. Leads to the Create New External Contact modal page, where you can define a new external contact to include in the organization.
  • Alternate Locations. Leads to the Alternate Locations modal page, where you can define an additional location, address, and contact information for the organization.
  • Create a Ticket. Leads to the Ticket Editor page, where you can define a new ticket about the organization.
  • Custom Navigation. Leads to the Custom Navigation modal page, where you can define a custom tab for the Organization Administration page for the current organization. The custom tab will contain a link to an outside URL.
  • Organizational Finder. Leads to the Finder page, where you can search SL1 for elements.
  • Geolocate Coordinates. Generates latitude and longitude coordinates for the organization's main location. The coordinates appear in the Organization Properties page and allow you to view the organization in the Google Earth application.
  • Notepad Editor. Leads to the Notepad Editor modal page, where you can enter a note to include with the organization. The note will appear in the Organizational Notes page for the organization.
  • Product Catalog. Leads to the Product Catalog modal page, where you can associate a product SKU with the organization or disassociate the organization from a product SKU.
  • Report Creator. Leads to the Report Creator modal page, where you can define an organization report, including the information to include in the report and the format in which to generate the report.

Shortcut Keys

You can access the page from any place in SL1 by entering the following key combination:

  • Ctrl + Alt + 0 (zero)

Viewing Details in the Organizational Summary Page

The Organizational Summary page provides an overview of an organization, information about the elements associated with the organization, and the current status of the organization.

To view the Organizational Summary page:

  1. Go to the page ().
  2. In the page, find the organization you want to edit. Click its wrench icon ().
  3. The Organizational Summary page appears.

Organizational Summary Window

  1. The Organizational Summary page displays the following:


The Events pane displays a list of active events associated with the organization. For each event, the Events pane displays the following:

  • Date and time. Date and time the event last occurred on the organization.
  • Element. Element associated with the event.

  • Message. The event message. The message is color-coded for severity.
  • Critical. Critical events are those that require immediate attention.
  • Major. Major events are those that require immediate investigation.
  • Minor. Minor events are those that need to be investigated before problems become sever.
  • Notice. Notice events are those that require attention but are not problem-related.
  • Healthy. Healthy events are those that are not urgent.

Clicking on an event displays the Event Summary modal page, where you can view details about the event.

Managed Entities

The Managed Entities pane displays the number of each type of element associated with the organization. This pane can contain entries for one or more of the following:

  • Active Tickets (OWP). Specifies the number of active tickets associated with the organization. Clicking on the life ring icon () or the number of tickets leads to the Organizational Tickets page, where you can view details about the active tickets for the organization.
  • Resolved Tickets. Specifies the number of resolved tickets associated with the organization. Clicking on the life ring icon () or the number of tickets leads to the Organizational Tickets page, where you can view details about the resolved tickets for the organization.
  • Active Events. Specifies the number of active events associated with the organization. Clicking on the events icon () or the number of events leads to the Organizational Events page, where you can view details about the list of active events associated with the organization.
  • Cleared Events. Specifies the number of events that have been cleared or automatically resolved. Clicking on the events icon () or the number of events leads to the Organizational Events page, where you can view details about the list of active events associated with the organization.
  • Accounts. Displays the number of user accounts associated with the organization. Clicking on the accounts icon () leads to the Organizational Accounts page, where you can view details on the list of accounts.
  • Product Services. Specifies the number of product or service SKUs associated with the organization. Clicking on the barcode icon or the number of products displays the Product Services modal page. In this page, you can view details about the products associated with the organization.
  • External Contacts. Displays the number of external contacts associated with the organization. Clicking on the number or the contacts icon () leads to the External Contact Accounts page, where you can view details about the list of external contacts.
  • Devices. Displays the number of organizations associated with the organization. Clicking on the number or the devices icon () leads to the Organizational Finder page, where you can view details on the list of devices in the organization.
  • Asset Records. Displays the number of asset records associated with the organization. Clicking on the number or the asset icon () leads to the Organizational Finder page, where you can view details on the list of assets associated with the organization.
  • IPv4 Networks. Displays the number of asset records associated with the organization. Clicking on the number or the network icon () leads to the Organizational Finder page, where you can view details on the list of networks associated with the organization.
  • Interfaces. Displays the number of asset records associated with the organization. Clicking on the number or the interface icon () leads to the Organizational Finder page, where you can view details on the list of interfaces associated with the organization.
  • Virtual Interfaces. Displays the number of asset records associated with the organization. Clicking on the number or the virtual interface icon () leads to the Organizational Finder page, where you can view details on the list of virtual interfaces associated with the organization. 

NOTE: When a user assigns a network interface to a bandwidth policy, SL1 creates a virtual interface. The virtual interface represents the network interface, as monitored by the bandwidth policy. If multiple interfaces from a single organization are assigned to a bandwidth policy, the virtual interface represents the "sum" of the interfaces assigned to the policy. For example, suppose an organization has two network interfaces. Suppose both interfaces are assigned to a single bandwidth policy. The virtual interface for the organization will represent both network interfaces.


The Tickets pane displays a list of open tickets associated with the organization. For each ticket, the following is displayed:

  • Date and Time. Date and time ticket was created or last edited.
  • Element associated with the Ticket. Element associated with the ticket.
  • Ticket Message. Message displayed by the ticket.

Clicking on a ticket message displays the Ticket Summary page for that ticket.

Contact List

The Contact List pane displays information about all the user accounts associated with the organization.

  • Name. Name of person to contact. Clicking on the name or the wrench icon () leads to the Account Properties page for the user account.
  • Role. Description of the user's responsibilities in case of a critical situation. The user's description might differ from the user's actual title. For example, a contact's title might be Senior Engineer, but his/her role for the organization might be technical lead.
  • Critical Contact. Circumstance when person should be contacted. This description might differ from the user's department. For example, the user's department might be Operations, but his/her role for the organization might be Hardware Maintenance.
  • Phone. Person's phone number.
  • Cell. Person's cell phone number.
  • Pager. Person's pager number.
  • Email. Person's email address. Clicking on this link opens an email client on the local computer and creates a new email message, with the contact's email address in the To field.

Organization Name

This pane displays the address, phone and Email information about the organization.

Editing Contact Information in the Organization Properties Page

The Organization Properties page displays the basic properties of the selected Organization and also additional information about critical contacts, product usage, and sub-locations.

In the Organization Properties page, you can view and edit the contact information for the organization.

To access the Organization Properties page:

  1. Go to the page ().
  2. In the page, find the organization you want to edit. Click its wrench icon ().
  3. The Organizational Summary page appears. Click the Properties tab.
  4. The Organization Properties page appears. In this page, you can edit one or more of the following fields:

Organization Properties

The Organization Properties page contains the following fields:

  • Organization Name. Name of the organization. Can be any combination of characters up to 64 characters in length.
  • Street Address. Street address of the organization. For easier viewing, ScienceLogic suggests that you limit the address to 5 lines, with up to 60 characters per line.
  • City. City where the organization is located. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • State. State where the organization is located. Select from the drop-down list.
  • Postal Code. Zip code of the organization. Can be up to 15 characters in length.
  • Country. Country where the organization is located. Select from the drop-down list.
  • Contact First Name. First name of organization contact. Can be up to 128 characters in length.
  • Contact Last Name. Last name of organization contact. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Title. Contact's title. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Department. Contact's department. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Phone. Business phone number for the organization. Can be up to 36 characters in length.
  • Fax Phone. Fax number for the organization. Can be up to 36 characters in length.
  • Toll Free. Toll-free phone number for the organization. Can be up to 36 characters in length.
  • Email. Organization's main email address. Can be up to 250 characters in length.
  • Billing ID. Billing ID for organization. Can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • CRM ID. CRM ID for organization. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Email Notification Append Text. The text entered in this field will appear at the bottom of all email messages sent from SL1 to members of this organization. This includes automated email messages and email messages that are sent manually either by clicking on an email icon or from the Send Message tab in the Ticket Editor page.
  • Longitude. Displays the longitude associated with the organization's address. To generate this field, click the Actions menu and then select Geolocate Coordinates.
  • Latitude. Displays the latitude associated with the organization's address. To generate this field, click the Actions menu and then select Geolocate Coordinates.
  • Organizational Ticket Watchers. You can select one or more users (in addition to the ticket's creator or assignee) who will be considered "watchers" for all tickets associated with the organization. Each organizational watcher will be notified when a ticket is created and aligned with the organization and when that ticket is assigned to a user or changes status. When that ticket is created, assigned, or updated, SL1 will automatically send email notifications to the list of watchers.

Users whose Login State is set to Suspended on the Account Permissions page will not display in the list of users in the Organizational Ticket Watchers field. For details about suspending user accounts, see the Managing User Accounts section.

NOTE: On the Behavior Settings page (System > Settings > Behavior, if the field Automatic Ticketing Emails is set to Disabled, all assignees and watchers will not receive automatic email notifications about any tickets. By default, the field is set to Enabled.

Critical Contact List

The Critical Contact List pane is useful when organization members must assign a task or contact a key team member.

A user appears in this pane if he/she was defined as a critical contact in the Account Properties page.

The Critical Contact List pane displays the following information about each critical contact:

  • Name. Name of person to contact.
  • Role. Description of the user's responsibilities in case of a critical situation. This description might differ from the user's actual title. For example, a contact's title might be Senior Engineer, but his/her role for the organization might be technical lead.
  • Critical Contact. Circumstance when person should be contacted. This description might differ from the user's department. For example, the user's department might be Operations, but his/her role for the organization might be Hardware Maintenance.
  • Phone. Person's phone number.
  • Cell. Person's cell phone number.
  • Pager. Person's pager number.
  • Email. Person's email address.
  • Tools. The following tools are available for each entry in the critical contact list:
  • Manage User's Contact Information (). Leads to the Account Properties page, where you can edit the person's contact information.
  • Send Email Message to this User (). Opens an email client on the local desktop. The To field is populated with the email address of the selected user.

Product Usage List

The Product Usage List displays a list of SKUs associated with the organization. Usually, a SKU is associated with an organization because the organization is using that product or service.

To associate a SKU with the organization or change the list of SKUs associated with the organization, click the Actions menu and then select Product Catalog. In the Product Catalog modal page, you can add and remove products from the organization.

For each product associated with the organization, the Product Usage List pane displays the following:

  • SKU Class. Description of the SKU. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • SKU Number. Numeric ID for the SKU. Can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • SKU Name. Name of the SKU. Can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Name. The name of the element using the SKU. Clicking on the icon for the element leads to a page where you can view more information about the element.
  • Type. The type of element using the SKU. Choices are:
  • Organization
  • Device
  • Asset
  • Domain Name
  • Network
  • Interface
  • Other

Organizational Alternate Locations

If one or more alternate locations have already been defined for the Organization, the Organizational Alternate Locations pane appears at the bottom of the page.

To define an alternate location for an organization, click the Actions menu and select Alternate Locations. In the Alternate Locations modal page, you can define a sub-location for the organization.

The Organizational Alternate Locations pane displays the following about each location:

  • Location Name. Name of the alternate organization.
  • City. City where the additional branch is located.
  • State. State where the additional branch is located.
  • Zip Code. Zip code of the additional location.
  • Country. Country where the additional branch is located.
  • Primary Contact. Name of the contact for the alternate location. To view detailed contact information, click on the contact icon ( ).
  • Secondary Contact. Name of the contact for alternate location. To view detailed contact information, click on the contact icon ( ).
  • Tools. For each location, you can use the following tools:

  • View/edit properties of location (). Leads to the Location Editor modal page, where you can edit the properties of an alternate location.
  • Delete (). Click this icon to delete the location.

Viewing the User Accounts in an Organization

Each user account in SL1 is associated with an organization. Usually, each organization in SL1 will include at least one user account (although an organization is not required to include user accounts).

The Organization Administration tools allow you to view, create, and edit user accounts for an organization.

There are two ways you can view a list of user accounts associated with an organization. This section describes both ways.

To view a list of user accounts associated with an organization:

  1. Go to the page ().

  1. In the page, find the organization you are interested in. Check if its Users column contains a value. If it does, you can click the user icon (). SL1 will display the Finder page with a list of each user in the organization. From this page, you can click the business card icon () to edit an account's properties.

  1. From the page, you can also click the wrench icon () for an organization and then click the Accounts tab. TheOrganizational Accounts page will display a list of user accounts for the organization. From this page, you can click the wrench icon () to edit an account's properties.

Creating a User Account for an Organization

Each user account in SL1 is associated with an organization. Usually, each organization in SL1 will include at least one user account (although an organization is not required to include user accounts).

You can create a new user account from the Organizational Administration tools. The new account will automatically be associated with the organization from which you created the account.

To add a user account to an organization:

  1. Go to ().
  2. In the page, find the organization where you want to add a new user account. Click the wrench icon () for that organization.
  3. From the Organizational Summary page (or any page in the Organizational Administration tools), click the Actions menu.
  4. From the Actions menu, select Add New Account.

  1. The page appears. Supply a value in each field:

  • First Name. User's first name. This value can be up to 24 characters in length.

  • Last Name. User's last name. This value can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • Generate a unique name based on first and last name. If you select this checkbox, SL1 will generate a login name for the user.
  • Password. The user's password. This value must be at least six characters in length and can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Confirm Password. The user's password again. This value must be at least four characters in length and can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Account Login Name. User's login name. This field can be up to 32 characters in length
  • Primary Email. User's email address. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Organization. The organization of which the new user account will be a member. Users can select from among all organizations in SL1.
  • Account Type. Specifies whether the user is a member of a user policy. Choices are:
  • Individual. User account is not a member of a user policy

  • Policy Membership. User will be defined with a user policy. When selected, the Policy Membership field becomes active.
    • When a user policy is applied to a user's account, the user inherits the Key Privileges specified in the user policy. Administrators cannot add additional Key Privileges or delete Key Privileges from the user's account.
    • When a user policy is edited, each user account that is a member of that policy will be dynamically updated.

  • Account Type. This drop-down contains an entry for each standard account type. These account types affect the list of Key Privileges for the user. The choices are:
  • Administrator. By default, administrators are granted all permissions available in SL1. Administrators can access all tabs and pages and perform all actions and tasks.
  • User. Accounts of type "user" are assigned key privileges. Key privileges are customizable by the administrator and grant users access to pages and tabs and permit users to view information and perform tasks in SL1. These key privileges are defined by the system administrator from the Access Keys page (System > Manage > Access Keys).
  • Organization. The organization of which the new user account will be a member. You can select from among all organizations in SL1.
  • Login State. Default login state for the user account. The choices are:
  • Suspended. Account is not active. User cannot log in to SL1.
  • Active. Account is active. User can log in to SL1.
  • Authentication Method. Specifies how the user's username and password will be authenticated. The choices are:
  • EM7 Session. User's username and password are authenticated by the Database Server.
  • LDAP/Active Directory. User's username and password are authenticated by an LDAP server or Active Directory server. For details on configuring SL1 to use LDAP or Active Directory authentication, see the section on using LDAP or Active Directory.

NOTE: For users who are authenticated with Single Sign-On (SSO), SL1 ignores the Authentication Method field. For details on configuring SL1 to use SSO authentication, see the section on using Using Single Sign-On (SSO).

  • Restrict to IP. The user will be allowed to access SL1 only from the specified IP. Specify the IP address in standard dotted-decimal notation.
  • Time Zone. Select the appropriate time zone to associate with the user account.

NOTE: If the user account is aligned with a user policy that specifies a time zone, the Time Zone field will be disabled. The user account will use the Time Zone specified in the user policy and the Time Zone field cannot be edited.

  • Policy Membership. If you selected Policy Membership in the Account Type field, the Policy Membership field is activated. In this field, you can select a user policy to apply to the new user account.
  • When a user policy is applied to a user's account, the user inherits the Key Privileges specified in the user policy. Administrators cannot add additional Key Privileges or delete Key Privileges from the user's account.
  • When a user policy is edited, each user account that is a member of that template will be dynamically updated.
  • Click the Save button to save the new account.
  • After saving, additional tabs (the Account tools) will appear for the account. You can then define additional parameters for the account. For details on the account tools, see the section on Creating and Editing User Accounts.
  • To later edit the user account from the Organizational Accounts page, click the wrench icon () for an account. The Account tools will appear for the account. For details on the account tools, see the section on Creating and Editing User Accounts.
  • You can also perform administrative tasks on multiple accounts from the Organizational Accounts page. To do so:
  • Select the checkbox for each account you want to edit.
  • In the Select Action drop-down list, select one of the following actions.
  • DELETE Accounts. Deletes all selected user accounts.
  • Require LDAP/AD Authentication. Each selected user must be authenticated on an LDAP server or an Active Directory server. User must have an existing account on an LDAP server or an Active Directory server. For details on configuring SL1 to use LDAP or Active Directory authentication, see the manual Using LDAP or Active Directory.
  • Remove LDAP/AD Authentication. Each selected user must be authenticated by a Compute Nodes.
  • Change Brand To. Change the default theme (page layout, color, and graphics) for the user. Select from the list of existing themes.
  • Click the Go button to apply the selected action to each selected user account.

Viewing the Devices in an Organization

Each device in SL1 is associated with an organization. You can use the page to view a list of devices associated with a specific organization.

To view a list of devices associated with a specific organization:

  1. Go to the page ().
  2. In the page, find the organization you are interested in.
  3. Check if its Devices column contains a value. If it does, you can click the devices icon ().

  1. SL1 will display the Finder page with a list of each device in the organization.

  1. From the Finder page, you can click the device icon () to edit a device's properties.

Adding Devices to an Organization

There are two ways to add a device with an organization:

  • Specifying the organization during discovery of the device.
  • Moving a device from its current organization to another organization.

SL1's discovery tool automatically finds all the devices, hardware components, and software applications in your network. You must provide the discovery tool with a range of IP addresses, and SL1 finds all the devices, hardware components, and software applications in the range. For each discovered device, hardware component, or software application, SL1 gathers detailed data. This data is used throughout SL1.

To specify an organization during dynamic discovery:

  1. Go to the Discovery Control Panel page (System > Manage > Classic Discovery).
  2. To edit an existing discovery session, go to the Session Register and click the appropriate wrench icon ().
  3. To create a new discovery session, click the [Create] button.

  1. In the Discovery Session Editor modal page, supply values the following field related to organization(s).
  • Organization. This field contains a list of all organizations defined in SL1. Devices discovered during the discovery session will be assigned to the selected organization.

NOTE: Make sure you have the desired organization created and selected before running the discovery process. This field assigns all devices and networks in the specified IP range to a single organization. However, you can later assign individual devices and networks to different organizations.

  1. In the Organization field, select a single organization from the list of all organizations in SL1. All devices discovered during this discovery session will be associated with the selected organization.

To move a discovered device from its current organization to another organization:

  1. Go to the Device Manager page (Registry > Devices > Device Manager).
  2. In the Device Manager page, select the checkbox of each device to be moved to a new organization.

  1. In the Select Action drop-down list, choose Move to Organization and select a new organization to associate with the devices.
  2. Click the Go button.
  3. Each selected organization will now be associated with the new organization.

Viewing the External Contacts in an Organization

An external contact is a user to whom you can send email messages from SL1 (from the Service Notifier page). However, external contacts do not have accounts and cannot log in to SL1. Like users, external contacts are associated with organizations. This section describes how to view a list of external contacts associated with an organization. To learn more about external contacts, see the External Contacts section.

To view the list of external contacts associated with an organization:

  1. Go to the page ().
  2. In the page, find the organization you are interested in. Click its wrench icon ().
  3. When the Organizational Administration panel appears, click the Contacts tab.

  1. The External Contact Accounts page appears. This page displays a list of external contacts for the organization.

  1. The External Contact Accounts page displays the following about each external contact:
  • Last Name | First Name. Last name and first name of the external contact.
  • Title. The external contact's work title.
  • Email Address. Email address associated with the external contact account.
  • City. City associated with the external contact account.
  • State. State associated with the external contact account.
  • Postal Code. Postal code associated with the external contact account.
  • Phone Number. Phone number associated with the external contact account.
  • Subscriber ID. Unique, numeric ID, automatically assigned to each external contact account by SL1.
  • Edit Date. Date and time the external contact account was created or last edited.

Creating External Contacts for an Organization

External contacts can be created either from the External Contacts page or from the Organizational Administration tools. This section will describe how to create an external contact from the Organizational Administration tools. To learn how to create an external contact from the External Contacts page, see the External Contacts section.

To create a new external contact account for the organization:

  1. Go to the page ().
  2. In the page, find the organization where you want to add a new user account. Click the wrench icon () for that organization.
  3. From the Organizational Summary page (or any page in the Organizational Administration tools), click the Actions menu.

Add an external contact

  1. From the Actions menu, select Add New External Contact.
  2. The Create New External Contact page appears.

  1. To define a new external contact, supply a value in each field. (The organization field will already be populated with the name of the current organization)
  • First Name. Contact's first name. This value can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • Last Name. Contact's last name. This value can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • Title. Contact's title. This field can be up to 32 characters in length.
  • Department. Contact's department. This field can be up to 36 characters in length.
  • Phone. Contact's phone number at work. This field can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • Fax. Contact's fax number at work. This field can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • Mobile. Contact's cell phone number. This field can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • Pager. Any other phone numbers for contacting the person. This field can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • Primary Email. Contact's primary email address. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Secondary Email. Additional email address for contacting the person. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • AlternateEmail. Additional email address for contacting the person. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Street Address. Contact's street address at work. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Suite/Building. Suite/Building for the person at work. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • City. City where the person works. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • State. State where the person works.
  • Postal Code. Zip code where the person works. This field can be up to 12 characters in length.
  • Country. Country where the person works.
  • NOTE: By default, the Country field will be set to the country specified in the Behavior Settings page (System > Settings > Behavior). You can override this setting for the current external contact. Editing the value in this field will not affect the system-wide default setting.

  • Toll Free. Toll-free phone number for the person. This field can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • Organization. Organization to associate with the person. Select from a list of all organizations in SL1.
  • Key Role. Description of the contact's responsibilities in case of a critical situation. This description might differ from the contact's actual title. For example, a contact's title might be Senior Engineer, but his/her role for the organization might be technical lead. Select from the drop-down list. (Administrators can go to the Select Objects Editor page to customize the entries that appear in this list.) If a value is supplied in this field, the contact will appear as a Critical Contact for the organization in the Organization Properties page.
  • Critical Contact. Circumstance when person should be contacted. This description might differ from the contact's department. For example, the contact's department might be Operations, but his/her role for the organization might be Hardware Maintenance. Select from the drop-down list. (Administrators can go to the Select Objects Editor page to customize the entries that appear in this list.) If a value is supplied in this field, the contact will appear as a Critical Contact for the organization in the Organization Properties page.
  • Pass Phrase. Questions that verify a contact who has forgotten his/her password. SL1 does not use this field.
  • What is your Mother's maiden name?
  • What is your favorite pet's name?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • Answer. This field contains the answer to the question selected in the Pass Phrase field. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Time Zone. Time zone associated with the contact's location. Select from a list of all time zones.
  • Billing ID. Billing ID associated with this contact. This field can be up to 24 characters in length.
  • CRM ID. CRM ID associated with this contact. This field can be up to 64 characters in length.
  • Notes. Any notes you want to include with the contact's profile information.
  1. Click the Save button to save the new external contact account.
  2. The new external contact account should now appear under the Contacts tab, in the External Contact Accounts page.

Viewing Events for an Organization

One of the easiest ways to monitor the health of your network is to look at events. Events are messages that are triggered when a specific condition is met. For example, an event can signal that a server has gone down, that a device's hard drives are getting too full, or simply display the status of a device.

Each instance of an event in SL1 is associated with an organization. Each occurrence of an event is grouped by organization (the organization associated with the device where the event occurred or the organization associated with the policy that generated the event).

In the Organizational Administration panel, you can view a list of events associated with a specific organization.

To view a list of events associated with a specific organization:

  1. Go to the page ().

  1. In the page, find the organization with associated events that you want to view.

  1. If a value appears in the Events column, click the event icon ().

  1. The Organizational Events page appears for the organization.

This page displays a list of all active events associated with the organization or the organization's elements. For each event, the page displays:

  • Name. Name of the element associated with the event.
  • Event Message | Severity. Message generated by event, as defined in the Event Policy Editor page (Registry > Events > Event Manager > create or edit). The message is color-coded for severity.

  • Acknowledged. Specifies whether a ScienceLogic user has acknowledged this event.
  • Red check. Event has not been acknowledged.
  • Gray check with name. Event has been acknowledged.

  • Age / Elapse. Number of days, hours, and minutes since the first occurrence of the event.
  • Ticket. Ticket ID associated with this event, if applicable.
  • Last Detected. Date and time of last occurrence of the event.
  • EID. Unique ID for the event, generated by SL1.

  • Source. Source of the log message that triggers the event, as defined in the Event Policy Editor page (Registry > Events > Event Manager > create or edit). Choices are:
  • Syslog . Event was generated from standard system log generated by device.
  • Internal. Event was generated by SL1.
  • Trap. Event was generated by an SNMP trap.
  • Dynamic. Event was generated by a dynamic application collecting data from the device.
  • Email. Event was generated by an email from an external agent; for example, Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM).
  • API. Event was generated by a snippet Run Book Action, a snippet Dynamic Application, a request to the ScienceLogic API, or by an external system.

  • Count. Number of times this event has occurred.
  • View Notifications icon (). Leads to the Event Actions Log, where you can view details about each automation policy that has triggered for the event.
  • Statistics icon (). Displays the Event Statistics page, where you can view historical statistics for the selected event.
  • Information icon (). Displays the Event Information page, where you can view an overview of the selected event, suppress the selected event, or edit the definition of the selected event.

NOTE: To view a list of all cleared events for the organization, click the Actions menu and select View Cleared Events. To return to the list of active events, click the Actions menu and select View Active Events.

Viewing Tickets for an Organization

A ticket is a request for work. This request can be in response to a problem that needs to be fixed, for routine maintenance, or for any type of work required by your enterprise. A ticket can be created manually or be created based on an event.

Each ticket in SL1 is associated with an organization. That organization can either be the subject of the ticket or be associated with a device or policy that is the main subject of the ticket.

In the Organizational Administration panel, you can view a list of tickets associated with a specific organization.

To view a list of tickets associated with a specific organization:

  1. Go to the page ().
  2. In the page, find the organization you are interested in. Click its wrench icon (). When the Organizational Administration panel appears, click the Tickets tab.

  1. The Organizational Tickets page appears:

  1. The Organizational Tickets page displays a list of all open, pending, working, and resolved tickets associated with the organization and its elements.

Creating a Ticket for an Organization

You can create a ticket about an organization without having to leave the Organizational Administration tools. To do this:

  1. Go to the page ().
  2. In the page, find the organization you are interested in. Click its wrench icon ()
  3. From the Organizational Summary page (or any page in the Organizational Administration tools), click the Actions menu.

Create a Ticket

  1. From the Actions menu, select Create a Ticket.

  1. The Ticket Editor page appears.

  1. To create a new ticket, supply a value in each field.
  • Organization. Select the organization with which the ticket will be associated. You can select from a list of all organizations that you are a member of. When creating a ticket from an organization's Organizational Summary page, that organization will already be selected.

  • Ticket Description. Description of the problem or ticket. By default, this field will include the text "Ticket for Organization" and then the name of the organization. However, you can edit this description.
  • Sub-Organization. Select a second organization with which the ticket will be associated.
  • Ticket State. Custom parameter, defined in the Ticket States page (Registry > Ticketing > Custom States). Allows you to add additional workflow restrictions to a ticket.

  • Severity. The severity of the problem. Choices are:
  • Severity 0/Healthy

  • Severity 1/Notice
  • Severity 2/Minor
  • Severity 3/Major
  • Severity 4/Critical
  • Category. Descriptive category assigned to the ticket. You can use the Select Objects Editor page (System > Customize > Select Objects) to customize the list of possible categories.

  • Source. Original source for the ticket. You can use the Select Objects Editor page (System > Customize > Select Objects) to customize the list of possible sources. The default choices are:
  • Automated. Ticket was created automatically when an event occurred.

  • Email. An Email about an issue prompted this ticket.
  • External. An external source created this ticket.
  • Internal. Ticket was created in SL1.
  • Phone. A phone call about an issue prompted this ticket.
  • Queue. Ticket Queue to which the ticket will be assigned.
  • Assigned User. User who is responsible for resolving the ticket. This drop-down list contains entries for each user assigned to the specified Ticket Queue and who has a Login State of Active. When a ticket is assigned to a user, SL1 automatically sends the user an Email message as notification.
  • Custom Fields. If your SL1 system includes embedded custom fields for tickets, you can supply a value in those fields.

  • Notes & Attachments. The Notes & Attachments pane in the Ticket Editor page allows you to enter notes or comments about a ticket, insert content from a saved template, or to add images, videos, or attachments to the ticket.
  • To add a note to a ticket, click the [New Note] button in the Ticket Editor page. A new instance of the Notepad Editor will appear in the Notes & Attachments pane. To edit a note, click the wrench icon () for the note you want to edit.

  • To add an attachment to a note, click the paperclip icon (), and then click the [Browse] button to choose the file you want to attach to the note.

  1. Click the Save button to save the new ticket.
  • The new ticket will appear in the Ticket Console page. The Element Name column will contain the name of the organization.

  • The new ticket will also appear in the Tickets tab, in the Organizational Tickets page of the Organizational Administration panel.

NOTE: After clicking the Save button, the Ticket Editor will appear. In this page, you can define additional fields for the ticket.

Viewing Logs for an Organization

SL1 creates a log for each organization. Each organization log displays a record of all actions pertaining to the organization. These actions include:

  • All logins by organization members.
  • All notifications sent to organization members.
  • Organization member creating, editing, or deleting anything in SL1.
  • All events associated with an entity managed by the organization.

The Organizational Administration panel includes an Organizational Logs page, where you can view the entries for a specific organization. The Organizational Logs page provides a complete audit trail for an organization.

To view the Organizational Logs page for an organization:

  1. Go to the page ().
  2. In the page, find the organization you are interested in. Click its wrench icon ()
  3. When the Organizational Summary page appears, click the Logs tab.
  4. The Organizational Logs page appears. In this page, you can view the log entries for an organization. You can also search for log entries and flag log entries.

  • The Organizational Logs page displays the following for each log entry: 
  • Date. Date the action occurred and the log entry was created.
  • Source. Source of the log entry.
  • Message. Text of the log entry.
  • Flag. Clicking on the flag checkmark changes the checkmark from red to black and appends the user's username to the checkmark. This aids in quickly finding the log entry.

Associating Products with an Organization

In SL1, products are associated with SKUs. A SKU is a unique identifier for each of the distinct products or services that can be ordered from a supplier. SKUs can be associated with both actual physical items for sale and also with billable services. For example, many providers use product SKUs to bill customers for services and bandwidth usage.

In SL1, you can define product SKUs in the Product Catalog (Registry > Business Services > Product Catalog). You can associate each new product SKU with an SL1 entity type. Those product SKUs that have a Type of "Organization" can be associated with organizations.

When you associate a product SKU with a specific organization, that association appears both in the Organization Properties page and in the Product Subscription Manager page (Registry > Business Services > Product Subscriptions). You can later use that association to define a billing policy for that organization.

To associate a product SKU with an organization:

  1. Go to the page ().
  2. In the page, find the organization to which you want to assign a product SKU. Click the wrench icon () for that organization.
  3. From the Organizational Summary page (or any page in the Organizational Administration tools), click the Actions menu.

  1. From the Actions menu, select Product Catalog.

  1. The Product Catalog modal page appears. This page displays products that have already been associated with the organization and products that are available to be associated with the organization.

  1. To associate an Available Product with the organization, select its checkbox. Click the Save button.
  • In the Product Catalog modal page, the selected product should now appear under the Active Product Subscriptions pane.
  • In the Organization Properties page, you should now see the product SKU listed under the Product Usage List pane.

Adding an Alternate Location to an Organization

If your organization has multiple offices or facilities, you might want to include information about those other locations in the Organizational Administration tools for the organization.

To add information about alternate locations for a specific organization:

  1. Go to the page ().
  2. In the page, find the organization to which you want to add alternate locations. Click the wrench icon () for that organization.
  3. From the Organizational Summary page (or any page in the Organizational Administration tools), click the Actions menu.

  1. From the Actions menu, select Alternate Locations.

  1. The Alternate Locations modal page appears.

  1. In the Alternate Locations modal page, you can enter the address and contact information about the alternate location. Click the Save button to save the alternate location.
  2. Click the Properties tab. In the Organization Properties page, you should see the alternate location listed under Organizational Alternate Locations pane.

Adding a Note to an Organization

You can add notes to be stored in the Organizational Administration tools. These notes can include links, images, videos, and attachments. The Notepad Editor allows you to insert and edit content from saved templates, and format the paragraphs and fonts used in the note.

To create a note for an organization:

  1. Go to the page ().
  2. In the page, find the organization where you want to add a note. Click the wrench icon () for that organization.
  3. From the Organizational Summary page (or any page in the Organizational Administration tools), click the Actions menu.

  1. From the Actions menu, select Notepad Editor.

  1. The Notepad Editor modal page appears.

  1. Enter your note in the body of the editor. You can use the editor to include links, images, or videos in the message. You can also use the editor to insert content from a saved template and format the text of your note. You can use the field at the bottom of the editor to attach files to the note.
  2. Click the Save button to save the note.
  3. After saving, the note will appear in the Organizational Notes page for the organization.

Viewing an Organization in Google Earth1

Google Earth allows you to view maps, satellite images, terrain, and photos of any location on earth.

The Organizational Administration tools allow you to view the address for an organization in the Google Earth application.

To configure your organization to be viewed with the Google Earth application:

  1. Make sure you have installed Google Earth on the local computer.

  1. Log in to SL1 and go to the page ().
  2. In the page, find the organization that you want to view in Google Earth. Click the wrench icon () for that organization.
  3. Click the [Properties] tab.

  1. Click the Actions menu. From the Actions menu, select Geolocate Coordinates.

  1. You should now see values in the Longitude and Latitude fields. Click the Save button to save the coordinates.
  2. Click the Close tab to exit the Organizational Administration panel.

  1. In the page, click the earth icon () for the organization that you want to view in Google Earth.

  1. SL1 generates a .KML file for the address for the organization. The .KML file contains the location of the organization, based on the address and the correlating latitude and longitude in the Organization Properties page.
  2. You can save the .KML file to open later with Google Earth or you can select to open the file immediately.