Asset Settings and Customization

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You can customize fields and drop-down lists in Asset Records.

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  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

This section includes the following topics:

Device Settings That Affect Asset Records

The Device Properties page includes a field that allows you to disable automatic updates to asset records. If disabled, SL1 will not update asset records during nightly auto discovery. For the selected device, this checkbox overrides any settings defined in the Asset Automation page (System > Settings > Assets).

To access the Device Properties page and edit the Disable Asset Update field:

  • Go to the Device Manager page (Devices > Device Manager).
  • Select the device for which you want to disable updates on the asset record. Click its wrench icon ().
  • The Disable Asset Update box is displayed in the bottom right corner. If the checkbox is selected, SL1 will not update the asset record associated with the device during hourly asset automation. Conversely, if the checkbox is not selected, SL1 will automatically update the asset record associated with the device with any new information during hourly asset automation.

The Behavior Settings page includes a field that allows you to set an Asset Warranty Expiry. The Asset Warranty Expiry specifies when SL1 should notify the user that an asset's warranty is about to expire.

To access the Behavior Settings page and set an Asset Warranty Expiry:

  • Go to the Behavior Settings page (System > Settings > Behavior).
  • Select the Asset Warranty Expiry policy you want to set. The choices range from one day to nine months.

Customizing Select Objects

SL1 allows you to customize the options, called select objects, that appear in the drop-down lists associated with assets. The following steps describe how to customize select objects.

  • Navigate to the Select Objects Editor page (System > Customize > Selected Objects).

  • In the upper right of the page, the Filter drop-down displays a list of entries that can be customized, separated by project area (such as "Assets"). Each entry in the drop-down list specifies the tab on which the drop-down list appears (such as "Properties"), and the name of the drop-down list (such as "Facility").

  1. The default asset drop-down lists you can customize are:
  • Components tab 
  • Connect
  • Type

  • Configuration tab
  • Asset Owner
  • Function
  • Installed Memory (Mb.)
  • Operating System
  • Service Status

  • Licenses tab
  • Product

  • Networks tab
  • Identification
  • Speed

  • Properties tab
  • Facility
  • Make
  • Rack
  • Shelf
  • Zone
  • Asset Owner

  • To add a Select Object to a specific drop-down, select the field name for which you want to add an object. The Select Objects Editor is populated with the Select Objects already defined for the drop-down list.
  • In the top pane, supply a Definition / Value for the desired Select Object and click Save.

  • To delete a Select Object from the Select Objects Editor, click its bomb icon ().

Asset Records can also be affected by a Device Template. With a Device Template, you can configure a device for nightly auto update, and can disable asset updates.

Customizing Form Fields

In addition to the default set of asset forms, you can add additional custom forms that will appear for all asset records. Custom forms are either embedded (appear in one of the default tabs) or tabbed (appear in a new, user-defined tab). You can define only one embedded asset form, which appears under the Configuration tab. You can add as many tabbed forms as you need.

As the embedded form has already been created in the Configuration tab, the user can begin editing it with additional form fields that are not already included in the Configuration tab.

To add a tabbed form:

  • Navigate to the Application Forms page (System > Customize > Form Fields).

  • Click the Create button. Enter values in the following fields:
  • GUI Type. Select Tabbed.

  • Form Type. Select Asset.
  • Description. Enter a description for the tabbed form.

  1. Click the Create button.
  2. The user now has two forms they can edit: The default embedded form, or the newly created tabbed form. Many of the same form fields are available in both options, although some are only available in the newly created tab.
  3. Click the wrench icon () to bring up the Editing Form page.

  1. The Editing Form page allows you to specify the layout and form fields that will appear on the custom form. The Add Layout buttons allow you to add container elements that can be used to arrange the layout of the form fields. The options are:

  1. The Add Forms form fields and buttons allow you to add form fields to the custom forms. The options are:
  • Form Name/Description. The name and description of the new form.

  • Tab Label. The name of the tab that will hold the new form.
  • VarChar32. A label that allows you to enter a string up to 32 alphanumeric characters in length.
  • VarChar48. A label that allows you to enter a string up to 48 alphanumeric characters in length.
  • VarChar64. A label that allows you to enter a string up to 64 alphanumeric characters in length.
  • Float. Allows you to enter a floating-point number.
  • Drop-Down. Allows you to add a drop-down box. An optional SQL query performed on SL1's database can be added to populate the drop-down list.
  • Checkbox. Allows you to create a checkbox to toggle queries on or off. This option is only available in tabbed forms.
  • Textbox Creates a blank text box that allows you to create notes. This option is only available in the tabbed form.
  • Rich Text Area. Creates a blank text box that allows you to format the text in the text box. This option is only available in the tabbed form.
  • Large RTxt Area. Creates a large blank text box that allows you to create notes. This option is only available in the tabbed form.
  • Password. Allows you to create a password.
  • Multiple. Allows you to create a multiple select list.
  • Phone Number. Allows you to enter a phone number.
  • Email Address. Allows you to enter an Email address
  • Web Address. Allows you to enter a Web Address.
  • Date. Allows you to enter a date.
  • Date & Time. Allows you to enter a date and time.
  • The Drag and Drop icon () allows you to rearrange the order of form elements and nest form fields inside container elements. To delete a form or container element, click its bomb icon ().

  1. You can further edit a form or container element using the following buttons:
  • Clicking the Preview button opens a new window showing what the new form will look like.

  • To clear the form fields you have created and start over, click the Reset button.
  • To create and/or edit a guide for the new form, click the Edit Guide button.
  • The Detach button clears any entries you have made and opens an empty Editing Form page.
  • To save the new form, click the Save button.