Distribution Lists

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A distribution list is one of the service provider utilities that SL1 provides. A distribution list is a list of users, external contacts, and/or vendors to whom you want to send email messages from SL1. These lists are used in the Service Notifier page, which allows you to send messages from SL1. For more information about service notifiers, see Service Notifiers.

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This section includes the following topics:

What is a Distribution List?

A distribution list is a list of users, external contacts, and/or vendors to whom you want to send email messages from SL1. The list can include both rules and manually added accounts. The rules allow the distribution list to be dynamically updated. For example, suppose one of the rules for a distribution list is "include all external contact accounts in the organization named Central NOC." You could then add or remove external contacts from the organization, and the distribution list would include only the current external contact accounts in the organization.

An external contact is a user to whom you can send email messages from SL1. External contacts are associated with organizations, but they do not have an account and cannot log in to SL1. For instance, an external contact might be an account manager for a specific organization that needs to be notified of monthly billing reports, but does not have an account. To read more about external contacts, see the section on Organizations and Users.

Distribution lists are used in the Service Notifier page. The Service Notifier page allows you to send a message from SL1. The message can include text, screen captures, and attached files. The message can be sent to manually entered email addresses, distribution lists, manually selected users, manually selected external contact accounts, and manually selected vendors.

For more information about service notifiers, see Service Notifiers.

Viewing Distribution Lists

You can view and manage distribution lists from the Distribution Lists page (Registry > Service Provider Utilities > Distribution Lists). The Distribution Lists page also allows you to create, edit, and delete distribution lists, among other options.

To view a list of distribution lists:

  1. Go to the Distribution Lists page (Registry > Service Provider Utilities > Distribution Lists).
  2. The Distribution Lists page displays the following about each distribution list:

  • List Name. Name of the distribution list.
  • ID. Unique numeric ID, automatically assigned to each distribution list by SL1.
  • Static Recipients. Number of user accounts, external contacts, and vendor contacts that are manually included in the distribution list.
  • Dynamic Rules. Number of dynamic rules included in the distribution list. A dynamic rule allows the distribution list to be dynamically updated.
  • Edited By. User who created or last edited the distribution list.
  • Last Edited. The date and time the distribution list was created or last edited.

Creating a Distribution List

You can create a new distribution list from the Distribution Lists page. To create a new distribution list:

  1. Go to the Distribution Lists page ((Registry > Service Provider Utilities > Distribution Lists).
  2. In the Distribution Lists page, click the Create button in the upper right of the page.
  3. TheDistribution List Editor page appears. To create a new distribution list, define a value in each field:

  • Distribution List Name. Name of the distribution list.
  • Dynamic Rules pane. This pane displays a list of dynamic rules included in the distribution list.
  • To add a dynamic rule, click the Add button. The Dynamic Rule Editor modal page appears, where you can define a new dynamic rule. To read more about defining a dynamic rule, see Adding a Dynamic Rule.
  • To edit a dynamic rule, click its wrench icon (). The Dynamic Rule Editor modal page appears, where you can edit a dynamic rule.

  • Static Recipients pane. This pane displays a list of manually added users, external contacts, and vendor contacts you have included in the distribution list.
  • To add a static recipient, click the Add button. The Static Recipient Editor modal page appears, where you can define a list of static recipients for the distribution list. To read more about adding a static recipient, see Adding a Static Recipient.
  • To edit static recipients, click the Add button. The Static Recipient Editormodal page appears, where you can add more recipients or remove existing recipients from the distribution list.

  • Select Action. This drop-down list allows you to perform administrative actions to multiple items at once. This field includes the following administrative actions:
  • Delete selected rules/recipients. Deletes the selected rules and/or recipients from the distribution list.
  • Save changes to list properties. Saves any changes to the distribution list.
  • Match EM7 users. Edits the selected rule(s) to include users.
  • Do Not Match EM7 users. Edits the selected rule(s) and no longer matches users.
  • Match External Contacts. Edits the selected rule(s) to include external contacts.
  • Do not match External Contacts. Edits the selected rule(s) and no longer matches external contacts.
  1. Click the Go button to save the distribution list.

Adding a Dynamic Rule

In the Distribution List Editor page, you have the option of adding a dynamic rule. A dynamic rule allows the distribution list to be dynamically updated. To add a dynamic rule:

  1. In the Distribution List Editor page, click the Add button in the Dynamic Rules pane.
  2. The Dynamic Rule Editor page appears. You can define a value in the following fields:
  • EM7 User. If you select this checkbox, all user accounts associated with the organization, product SKU, or ticket queue will be included.
  • External Contact. If you select this checkbox, all external contact accounts associated with the organization, product SKU, or ticket queue will be included.
  • Rule Type. Select the item that you want to base the user list on. Choices are:
  • Organization. Include all users and/or external contacts associated with the selected organization(s). You can select one or more entries from a list of all organizations in SL1.
  • Product. Include all users and/or external contacts associated with the selected product SKU(s). You can select one or more entries from a list of all product SKUs in SL1 .
  • Ticket Queue. Include all users and/or external contacts associated with the ticket queue(s). You can select one or more entries from a list of all ticket queues in SL1.
  • Search. Allows you to search the list of organizations, products, or ticket queues by name.
  • The Matched Recipients pane displays all the current users and/or external contacts who match the criteria you have selected.
  • Click the Add Rule button to add the dynamic rule to the current distribution list.

Adding a Static Recipient

In the Distribution List Editor page, you have the option of adding static recipients to a distribution list. To add static recipients to a distribution list:

  1. In the Distribution List Editor page, click the Add button in the Static Recipients field.
  2. The Static Recipient Editor page appears, where you can define a value in the following fields:

  • EM7 User. Select from a list of user accounts associated with the organization, product SKU, or ticket queue.
  • External Contact. Select from a list of external contact accounts associated with the organization, product SKU, or ticket queue.
  • Vendor. Select from a list of vendor contacts associated with the organization, product SKU, or ticket queue.
  • Search for. Select the item that you want to base the user list on. Choices are:
  • All recipients. Includes all users, external contacts, or vendor contacts in SL1.
  • Organization. Include all users, and/or external contacts associated with the selected organization(s). You can select one or more entries from a list of all organizations in SL1.

  • Product. Include all users and/or external contacts associated with the selected product SKU(s). You can select one or more entries from a list of all product SKUs in SL1.
  • Ticket Queue. Include all users and/or external contacts associated with the ticket queue(s). You can select one or more entries from a list of all ticket queues in SL1.
  • Search. Allows you to search the list of organizations, products, or ticket queues by name.

  1. To add static recipients to a new distribution list, select the checkbox () of each recipient you want to include in the distribution list from the Matched Recipients pane.
  2. Click the Add/Remove button to add the select recipients to the distribution list.

Editing a Distribution List

You can edit existing distribution lists from the Distribution Lists page. To edit a distribution list:

  1. Go to the Distribution Lists page (Registry > Service Provider Utilities > Distribution Lists).
  2. In the Distribution Lists page, find the distribution list you want to edit. Click its wrench () icon.
  3. The Distribution Lists page appears, with the same fields described in Creating a Distribution List.
  4. To edit Dynamic Rules or Static Recipients, click their Add button.
  5. To save your changes, click the Go button. Clicking the Reset button will discard all changes and reset the fields to their previous values.

Deleting Distribution Lists

You can delete all, multiple, or individual distribution lists from the Distribution Lists page. To delete one or more distribution lists:

  1. Go to the Bandwidth Billing Policies page (the Distribution Lists page (Registry > Service Provider Utilities > Distribution Lists).
  2. In theDistribution Lists page, select the checkbox () for each distribution list you want to delete. To select all distribution lists, select the checkmark in the upper right of the page.
  3. In the Select Action drop-down list at the bottom of the page, select DELETE Distribution Lists.

  1. Click the Go button to delete the selected distribution list(s).
  2. The selected distribution lists are deleted from SL1.

Sending a Message to a Distribution List with the Service Notifier

The Service Notifier page allows you to send a message from SL1. The message can include text, screen captures, and attached files. The message can be sent to manually entered email addresses, distribution lists, manually selected users, manually selected external contact accounts, and manually selected vendors.

There are two ways to send a message to a distribution list:

  • From the Distribution Lists page:
  • Go to the Distribution Lists page (Registry > Service Provider Utilities > Distribution Lists).
  • In the Distribution Lists page, find the distribution list you want to send a message to. Click its email icon ().
  • In the Service Notifier page, the To field is automatically populated with the distribution list. You can define a subject and the body text, format the body text, and include one or more attachments with the message.
  • Click the Send button to send the message to the distribution list.

  • From the Service Notifier page:
  • Go to the Service Notifier page (Registry > Service Provider Utilities > Service Notifier).
  • In the Service Notifier page, select a distribution list from the drop-down list in the upper right.
  • Click the Add button.
  • The To field is populated with the distribution list. You can define a subject and the body text, format the body text, and include one or more attachments with the message.
  • Click the Send button to send the message to the distribution list.