Service Notifiers

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The Service Notifier page allows you send a message to manually entered email addresses, distribution lists, manually selected users, manually selected external contact accounts, and manually selected vendors. The message can include text, images, videos, and attached files.

Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:

  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

This section includes the following topics:

The Service Notifier Page

You can format and compose a notification message from the Service Notifier page. The Service Notifier page allows you to select the message's recipient(s), severity, and content. From this page, you can add and format message text; insert content from a saved template; and add hyperlinks, images, or videos to the message.

To view the Service Notifier page:

  1. Go to the Service Notifier page (Registry > Service Provider Utilities > Service Notifier).

  1. The Service Notifier page contains the following fields:

  • Distribution List. This drop-down list contains entries for each distribution list. To include a distribution list in the To field, select it from this field and click the Add button. To read more about adding a distribution list, see Adding a Distribution List to the "To" Field.
  • To. Specifies the recipients for the message. Clicking in this field displays the Add Recipients modal page, where you can select users, external contacts, and vendor contacts to include in the To field.
  • Subject. Subject of the email message.
  • Severity. Severity associated with the message. Choices are Healthy, Notice, Minor, Major, or Critical.
  • Message Text. Text to include in the body of the email message. You can use the toolbar to format the text.
  • Send. Click this button to send the message from SL1 to the selected recipients.

Adding a Distribution List to the "To" Field

A distribution list is a list of users, external contacts, and/or vendors to whom you want to send email messages from SL1. You can add a distribution list to a message in the Service Notifier page. From the distribution list, you can also select one or more users who will receive the message.

To add a distribution list to a service notifier:

  1. Go to the Service Notifier page (Registry > Service Provider Utilities > Service Notifier).
  2. In the Service Notifier page, select a distribution list from the drop-down list in the upper right of the page. Click the Add button.

  1. The To field is populated with the distribution list. You can define a subject and the body text, format the body text, and include one or more images, videos, or attachments with the message.

  1. To view the individual users in the distribution list, click on the name of the distribution list. Each user in the distribution list appears in the To field

  1. To remove individual users from the To field, click their username. The user will be removed from the To field.
  2. Click the Send button to send the message to the distribution list.

Adding Users, Vendors, and External Contacts to the "To" field

Along with distribution lists, you can also add users, external contacts, and vendors to the To field of a service notification. To manually add users, external contacts, and vendors in a message:

  1. Go to the Service Notifier page (Registry > Service Provider Utilities > Service Notifier).

  1. In the Service Notifier page, click the To field. The Add Recipients page appears, where you can perform the following actions:

  • EM7 User. Select this checkbox if you would like to see matched recipients of type "EM7 User." This checkbox is selected by default.
  • External Contact. Select this checkbox if you would like to see matched recipients of type "External Contact." This checkbox is selected by default.
  • Vendor. Select this checkbox if you would like to see matched recipients of type "Vendor." This checkbox is selected by default.
  • Search for. Specify the parameter you want to search matched recipients by. Choices are:
  • All recipients. SL1 will search all matched recipients.
  • Organization. SL1 will search all organizations that have a state that matches the regular expression.
  • Product. SL1 will search all products that have a state that matches the regular expression.
  • Ticket Queue. SL1 will search all ticket queues that have a state that matches the regular expression.

The Matched Recipients pane displays all the current users, external contacts, and/or vendor contacts who match the criteria you have selected.

  • Select the checkbox () of each recipient you want to include in the To field.
  • To remove a recipient who is currently included in the To field, unselect the checkbox.
  • Click the Add/Remove button to update the list of recipients in the To field.