Classic Base Widgets

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SL1 includes several built-in (base) widget definitions that are designed to display most of the data in SL1. This chapter describes how to configure each base widget and what is displayed in each base widget. For descriptions of additional custom widgets that are available from ScienceLogic, see the section on Additional Widgets.

This section applies only to classic SL1 dashboards.

Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:

  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

This section includes the following topics:

Common Fields

The following fields appear in all widget configuration panes:

  • Widget Name. Enter a title for the widget. This title is displayed in the header that appears at the top of the widget. If you leave the default value of "{auto}" in this field, SL1 will automatically generate a title for the widget based on what is currently being displayed in the widget.
  • Widget Refresh Rate. Specify how frequently the widget will be automatically updated with new data. The choices are:
  • Widget Default. The widget will refresh at its default refresh rate, as defined by the widget developer. You can view and edit the default refresh rate in the Dashboard Widgets page (System > Customize > Classic Dashboard Widgets) by selecting the wrench icon () for a widget.
  • Auto-refresh disabled. The widget will not automatically refresh.
  • 1 minute. The widget will automatically refresh every minute.
  • 5 minutes. The widget will automatically refresh every 5 minutes.
  • 10 minutes. The widget will automatically refresh every 10 minutes.
  • 15 minutes. The widget will automatically refresh every 15 minutes.
  • 30 minutes. The widget will automatically refresh every 30 minutes.
  • 45 minutes. The widget will automatically refresh every 45 minutes.
  • 1 hour. The widget will automatically refresh once an hour.

NOTE: For widgets with a Display Type option, if you do not select a display type for the widget, the dashboard automatically defaults to the first display type in the list of display types for that widget.

Time Series > (base) Multi-series Performance

The Multi-series Performance widget displays data for up to eight performance metrics from any device or IT Service. The Multi-series Performance widget can be configured to display any performance metric in SL1 in a line graph or spreadsheet.

Configuring the Multi-series Performance Widget

To configure the Multi-series Performance widget, supply values in the following fields:

  • Series Selections. Select the time series to display in this widget, using the following fields:
  • Type. Type of element to gather data from. Choices are:
  • Device. Display performance metrics for a device.
  • IT Service. Display performance metrics for an IT Service.
  • Element. Specifies which device or IT Service for which to display performance metrics. Choices are:
  • Contextual Device (Auto) / Contextual Service (Auto). Automatically uses the selected context that occurs first alphabetically and numerically. For example, if the context includes deviceA, deviceB, and deviceC, Contextual Device (Auto) will set the context to deviceA.
  • Contextual Device [1-8]/Contextual Service [1-8]. Use the IT Service or device selected in first - eighth context.
  • Find Device(s)/Find Service(s). Manually select from a list of devices or IT Services.
  • To configure the widget to display the maximum number of selected performance metrics, select Add another series.

NOTE: To support multi-tenancy, the Element field will display only devices and IT Services to which you have access (through your account type, organization memberships, and Access Keys).

  • Collection. Specifies the collected data to graph.
  • For devices, you can select from a list of all monitored metrics for devices.
  • For IT Services, you can select from a list of key metrics and custom metrics for the IT Service.
  • Context-Selected. If you selected Contextual in the Element field, you can select Context-Selected in the Collection field. This selection means that the Multi-series Performance widget will display data that is selected in another widget.
  • Series. If your selection from the Collection field includes multiple metrics, you can select a metric in the Series field. For example, if you selected an interface in the Collection field, the Series field contains a list of interface metrics.
  • Index (DA Only). If you selected a performance Dynamic Application in the Collection field, you use the Index field to select the data series to display in the widget.
  • Data Type. Specifies whether to display raw data or statistical data. Choices are:
  • All. The widget will display all types of data.
  • Raw/Avg. Displays the average value of the raw values for each time increment on in the widget.
  • StdDev. Displays the standard deviation value of the raw values for each time increment.
  • Max. Displays the maximum value from the raw values for each time increment on in the widget.
  • Min. Displays the minimum value from the raw values for each time increment on in the widget.
  • Sum. Displays the sum of the raw values for each time increment on in the widget.
  • Y-Axis. Specifies which y-axis this time series should use. Choices are left or right.
  • Scale Prefix. Allows the user to select a unit scale for the widget's y-axis that is appropriate for their data series. If the user does not select a scale prefix, the widget will auto-scale the y-axis to an appropriate scale based on the values being displayed.
  • Style. Specifies the line style in which the time series will be displayed.
  • Historical. This drop-down allows the user to compare the current time-span (specified in the Date Range fields) with the same time span but at an earlier date. Selections are the same time span 24 hours earlier, 48 hours earlier, 72 hours earlier, one week earlier, two weeks earlier, three weeks earlier, or four weeks earlier.
  • Group. This checkbox is used in conjunction with the Stacked Group Series checkboxes under the Axis Grouping section. Selecting the checkbox for multiple data series will put the data series in a group. If you choose to stack the grouped data series, the graph will stack those data series.
  • Axis Grouping. These settings control how multiple series use the Y-axis and how stacking behaves.
  • Auto (recommended). If the series use the same unit of measure (for example, percentage), the widget will use a single y-axis for all the series.
  • Auto + Manual Override. The widget will use a single y-axis for all series that share a y-axis (left or right). However, you can assign some series to the left y-axis and some series to the right y-axis, and the widget will use those settings.
  • Never Group. The widget will create a separate y-axis for each series. You cannot create a stacked graph if you select this option.

NOTE: Grouped series always share a y-axis. If you assign one series to the left y-axis and another series to the right y-axis, those two series cannot be grouped.

  • Stack Grouped Series (Left Axis). A stack graph shows the delta between the two series. The series are stacked on top of each other. This is easiest to see when you select Gradient in the Style field for each series and allow grouping by selecting either Auto (recommended) or Auto + Manual Override. All the series in the widget will use the left y-axis.
  • Stack Grouped Series (Right Axis). A stack graph shows the difference between the two series. The series are stacked on top of each other. This is easiest to see when you select Gradient in the Style field for each series and allow grouping by selecting either Auto (recommended) or Auto + Manual Override. All the series in the widget will use the right y-axis.

NOTE: If you selected Never Group, you cannot create a stacked graph.

  • Date Range. Specifies the date range for the widget. The widget will display data collected during the date range.
  • Last. Specifies a number and a unit. Choices are minutes, hours, or days.
  • Use "Timespan" context. Specify whether the user viewing the dashboard can change the time period that will be used to calculate the average value. For more information about user selections, see the Creating a Dashboard with Context Selectors section. Choices are:
  • always (if set). If a user selects a time span in another widget, the time period for this widget will always change to that time span.
  • never. The time period used for this widget cannot be changed.
  • if context timespan is longer. If a user selects a time span in another widget, the time period for this widget will change to that time span if the selected time span is longer than the default time period you specified for the widget.
  • if context timespan is shorter. If a user selects a time span in another widget, the time period for this widget will change to that time span if the selected time span is shorter than the default time period you specified for the widget.
  • if context ends in the past. If a user selects a time span in another widget, the time period for this widget will change to that time span if the selected time span has an end time in the past.
  • Next Rollup Interval at. Specify how and when data will be rolled up. Choices include automatically by widget width, forced daily, forced hourly, or by a maximum number of points.
  • Legend Label Options. Specifies the information that is included in the legend for the widget. Choices are:
  • Element Names. Displays the value(s) from the Element field.
  • Unit. Displays the unit for each series.
  • Collection Name. Displays the value from the Collection field.
  • Series Name. Displays the value from the Series field.
  • Index Label. Displays the value from the Index field.
  • Data Type. Displays the value from the Data Type field.
  • Historical Comparison. Displays the time span that is being compared to the current values.

  • Misc. The Click/Link Behavior drop-down menu allows users to specify if they want the widget to Open in Performance Window or to Open in Kiosk Mode (Devices only). In kiosk mode, the options that are normally available in the Device Performance page will not be displayed. For example, if a service provider is configuring a dashboard for their customers, kiosk mode will allow the customer to drill-down to the raw data for a metric without giving them full access to the Device Performance page.
  • Display Type. Select how the information will be displayed in the widget:
  • Line. The widget will display a line graph.
  • Spreadsheet. The widget will display a spreadsheet.

  • Display Options. Specify how the graph will be formatted.
  • Chart minimum. You can accept the minimum value that SL1 determines, usually the lowest collected value or lowest calculated value (Automatic), or you can specify a minimum value (Fixed Value).
  • Chart maximum. You can accept the maximum value that SL1 determines, usually the highest collected value or highest calculated value( Automatic), or you can specify a maximum value (Fixed Value).
  • Axis Scaling. You can select either linear or logarithmic scaling for the widget.
  • Threshold Value. You can select Enabled and then enter a threshold value in this field. SL1 will then include a heavy line in the graph that indicates the threshold.
  • Severity ranges. Select whether a low value (Increasing) or a high value (Decreasing) indicates a healthy state.
  • Severity Slider. Use the sliders and/or supply values in the slider fields to define the range of values at which the metric is in a healthy, normal, minor, major, and critical state. If you select Gauge in the Display Type field, you can also define the minimum value and maximum value that will be displayed in the gauge.

Viewing the Multi-series Performance Widget

The Multi-series Performance widget displays data for up to eight performance metrics from any device or IT Service. The Multi-series Performance widget can be configured to display any performance metric in SL1 in a line graph or spreadsheet. For example, an instance of the Multi-series Performance widget that is configured to display CPU and Latency graphs for a single device (i.e. two time-series) looks like this:

If the same widget is configured to stack the values, it looks like this:

If the same widget is configured to display a spreadsheet, it looks like this:

Single-Point > (base) Gauge/Meter

The Gauge/Meter widget displays a value for a single performance metric. The display uses a gauge that looks like a speedometer.

Configuring the Gauge/Meter Widget

To configure a Gauge/Meter widget, supply values in the following sections:

  • Datapoint Source. Select the metric to display in the widget using the following fields:
    • Type. Select whether the metric is associated with a device or an IT Service.
    • Element. Select whether the widget will display a metric from a device or IT Service.
  • Contextual Device (Auto) / Contextual Service (Auto). Automatically uses the selected context that occurs first alphabetically and numerically. For example, if the context includes deviceA, deviceB, and deviceC, Contextual Device (Auto) will set the context to deviceA.
  • Contextual Device [1-8]/Contextual Service [1-8]. Use the IT Service or device selected in first - eighth context.
  • Find Device(s)/Find Service(s). Manually select from a list of devices or IT Services.
  • Collection. Select the type of data that will be displayed in the widget.
  • For devices, you can select from a list of all monitored metrics for devices.
  • For IT Services, you can select from a list of key metrics and custom metrics for the IT Service.
  • Context-Selected. If you selected Contextual in the Element field, you can select Context-Selected in the Collection field. This selection means that the Multi-series Performance widget will display data that is selected in another widget.

    • Series. Select the metric to display in the widget. The options available in this field are based on your selection in the Collection field.
    • Scale Prefix. Allows the user to select a unit scale for the widget's y-axis that is appropriate for their data series. If the user does not select a scale prefix, the widget will auto-scale the y-axis to an appropriate scale based on the values being displayed.
    • Index. If you selected a performance Dynamic Application, select the data series to display in the widget.

  • Data Range. Specify the time period that will be used to calculate the average value displayed in the widget.
  • Use "Timespan" context. Specify whether the user viewing the dashboard can change the time period that will be used to calculate the average value. For more information about user selections, see the Creating a Dashboard with Context Selectors section. Choices are:
    • always (if set). If a user selects a time span in another widget, the time period for this widget will always change to that time span.
    • never. The time period used for this widget cannot be changed.
    • if context timespan is longer. If a user selects a time span in another widget, the time period for this widget will change to that time span if the selected time span is longer than the default time period you specified for the widget.
    • if context timespan is shorter. If a user selects a time span in another widget, the time period for this widget will change to that time span if the selected time span is shorter than the default time period you specified for the widget.
    • if context ends in the past. If a user selects a time span in another widget, the time period for this widget will change to that time span if the selected time span has an end time in the past.
  • Display Options. Specify how the title and frame of the widget will be formatted.
    • Include Element Name in Title. If you select this checkbox, the name of the device or IT Service associated with the metric will be displayed in the widget title.
    • Title Bar/Caption Type. Select how the frame of the widget will appear.
      • Compact (No Title-bar). No separate title bar will be displayed for the widget. The title will be displayed inside the widget pane.
      • Title Bar (+ sub title if applicable). A separate title bar will be displayed for the widget.

  • Misc. The Click/Link Behavior drop-down menu allows users to specify if they want the widget to Open in Performance Window or to Open in Kiosk Mode (Devices only). In kiosk mode, the options that are normally available in the Device Performance page will not be displayed. For example, if a service provider is configuring a dashboard for their customers, kiosk mode will allow the customer to drill-down to the raw data for a metric without giving them full access to the Device Performance page.
  • Display Type. Select how the metric will be displayed in the widget:
  • Gauge. Widget will be displayed in a gauge that displays a percentage-based metric for the device or IT service.
  • Column. Widget will be displayed in a bar graph. Displays number of occurrences on the y-axis. On the x-axis, displays each event in its own colored vertical bar. Bar color represents the severity of the event.
  • Horizontal Bar. Widget will be displayed in a horizontal bar graph. Displays number of occurrences on the x-axis. On the y-axis, displays each event in its own colored horizontal bar. Bar color represents the severity of the event.
  • Scoreboard. For the selected events, displays each event name and the number of occurrences for each event. Events are ordered by severity, with critical first. Display is tally-style, in large format for easy viewing.
  • Waterline Gauge. Widget displays percentage-based metrics with a vertical bar against a user-defined threshold.

  • Display Options. Specify how the graph will be formatted.
  • Chart minimum. You can accept the minimum value that SL1 determines, usually the lowest collected value or lowest calculated value (Automatic), or you can specify a minimum value (Fixed Value).
  • Chart maximum. You can accept the maximum value that SL1 determines, usually the highest collected value or highest calculated value (Automatic), or you can specify a maximum value (Fixed Value).
  • Threshold marker X. You can select Enabled and then enter a threshold value in this field. SL1 will then include a heavy line in the graph that indicates the threshold.
  • Severity ranges. Select whether a low value (Increasing) or a high value (Decreasing) indicates a healthy state.
  • Severity Slider. Use the sliders and/or supply values in the slider fields to define the range of values at which the metric is in a healthy, normal, minor, major, and critical state. If you select Gauge in the Display Type field, you can also define the minimum value and maximum value that will be displayed in the gauge.

Viewing the Gauge/Meter Widget

The Gauge/Meter widget displays a value for a single performance metric:

The Gauge/Meter widget can be configured to display the average value over a given time period for any performance metric collected by SL1. For example, the Gauge/Meter widget could display the average CPU utilization for a given server over the past 12 hours.

Single-Point > (base) SLA Gauge

You can use an SLA Gauge widget to evaluate an existing IT Service policy using an existing SLA Definition. For details on IT Services and SLAs, see the section on IT Services.

Configuring the SLA Gauge Widget

To configure an SLA Gauge widget, enter values in the following fields:

  • SLA Definition. Select the SLA you want to use as a threshold and monitor with this widget.
  • Service. Select the IT Service you want to monitor with this widget.
  • Contextual Service (Auto). Automatically uses the selected context that occurs first alphabetically and numerically. For example, if the context includes deviceA, deviceB, and deviceC, Contextual Device (Auto) will set the context to deviceA.
  • Contextual Service [1-8]. Use the IT Service or device selected in first - eighth context.
  • Find Service(s). Manually select from a list of devices or IT Services.

  • Compliance Period. Specify the time period you want to monitor with this widget. Choices are:
  • Current.
  • Last (most recently ended).
  • Last (ending in context range).

  • Display Type. Select how the metric will be displayed in the widget:
  • Gauge. Widget will be displayed in a gauge that displays a percentage-based metric for the device or IT service.

  • Column. Widget will be displayed in a bar graph. Displays number of occurrences on the y-axis. On the x-axis, displays each event in its own colored vertical bar. Bar color represents the severity of the event.
  • Horizontal Bar. Widget will be displayed in a horizontal bar graph. Displays number of occurrences on the x-axis. On the y-axis, displays each event in its own colored horizontal bar. Bar color represents the severity of the event.
  • Scoreboard. For the selected events, displays each event name and the number of occurrences for each event. Events are ordered by severity, with critical first. Display is tally-style, in large format for easy viewing.
  • Waterline Gauge. Widget displays percentage-based metrics with a vertical bar against a user-defined threshold.
  • Display Options. Specify how the graph will be formatted.
  • Chart minimum. You can accept the minimum value that SL1 determines, usually the lowest collected value or lowest calculated value (Automatic), or you can specify a minimum value (Fixed Value).
  • Chart maximum. You can accept the maximum value that SL1 determines, usually the highest collected value or highest calculated value (Automatic), or you can specify a maximum value (Fixed Value).
  • Threshold marker X. You can select Enabled and then enter a threshold value in this field. SL1 will then include a heavy line in the graph that indicates the threshold.
  • Severity ranges. Select whether a low value (Increasing) or a high value (Decreasing) indicates a healthy state.
  • Severity Slider. Use the sliders and/or supply values in the slider fields to define the range of values at which the metric is in a healthy, normal, minor, major, and critical state. If you select Gauge in the Display Type field, you can also define the minimum value and maximum value that will be displayed in the gauge.

Viewing the SLA Gauge Widget

The SLA Gauge widget displays the percentage of successful availability polls for an IT Service policy that meets the SLA Definition.

The compliance period for the SLA Gauge widget can be set to the current month, the previous month, or the month ending in the currently defined time span for the dashboard.

For example:

  • Suppose we define an IT Service policy for web servers.
  • Suppose we define the Availability Key Metric for that IT Service policy to map to the availability metric that aggregates the availability of all web servers.
  • Suppose that the availability metric that aggregates the availability of all web servers is set to "Critical = anything less than average availability of 99%".
  • Suppose we create an SLA Definition that says that the web servers must be available 99.99% of the time. 99.99% uptime allows for 432 minutes of downtime per month.
  • If the IT Service policy has a polling frequency of 5 minutes, the web servers can be unavailable (average availability is less than 99%) no more than 86 polling periods per month (and still meet 99.99% uptime).
  • In our example, the SLA Gauge widget will display percentage of polls where the web servers are available (have an average availability of 99% of greater). If our SLA Gauge displays a value less than 99.99%, the SLA has been violated.

Snapshot/Single Series > (base) Leaderboard/Top-N

The Leaderboard/Top-N widget displays utilization statistics for a specific performance metric. The widget displays utilization for the devices with the highest or lowest values for the performance metric.

Configuring the Leaderboard/Top-N Widget

To configure a Leaderboard/Top-N widget, supply values in the following fields:

  • Leaderboard Config. Select the devices or IT Services that will be included in the graph.
  • Specify whether the graph will display devices with the highest (Top) or lowest (Bottom) utilization for the selected metric.
  • Select the number of devices to include in the widget.
  • Select whether the Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, or Standard Deviation of the metric over the selected time period should be used.
  • Select the time period over which the metric should be evaluated. Choices are Hour or 24 Hours.
  • Use Timespan Context. If you select this checkbox, the time period over which the metric will be evaluated can be selected in another widget in the dashboard. For more information about user selections, see the Creating a Dashboard with Context Selectors section.
  • Ignore Min of 0. If you select this checkbox, the widget will not include devices with a value of zero for the selected metric over the selected time period.
  • Collection Configuration. Select the metric for the widget using the following fields:
    • Collection Type. Select the source of data that will be displayed in the widget.
    • Collection. Select the type of metric that will be displayed in the widget. The options available in this field are based on your selection in the Collection Type field.
    • Series. If applicable, select the specific metric to display in the widget. The options available in this field are based on your selection in the Collection field.
    • Scale Prefix. Allows the user to select a unit scale for the widget's y-axis that is appropriate for their data series. If the user does not select a scale prefix, the widget will auto-scale the y-axis to an appropriate scale based on the values being displayed.
    • Filter. For Dynamic Applications, the Filter field will match indexes and/or labels; for interfaces the Filter field will match ifName/ifDescr/ifAlias or interface tags; for monitors (port, CV, process, etc.), the Filter field will match the appropriate unique element of that monitor (port number, hostname, etc.).
  • Device Filters. Select which devices will be evaluated for inclusion in the widget. You can limit the devices that will be included in the widget by selecting one or more Organizations, Device Groups, IT Services, Device Categories, or Device Classes.
  • NOTE: In widgets that allow you to filter the list of devices by the device class or device category, merged devices include special behavior. For merged devices, you can select either the device class or device category of the physical device or the device class or device category of the component device. If both device classes or device categories are selected, a merged device will appear twice in a single widget.

  • If you select the Use Device-related Context, the list of devices that will be evaluated for inclusion in the widget can be selected in another widget in the dashboard. For more information about user selections, see the Creating a Dashboard with Context Selectors section.
  • Misc. Additional settings that affect the display of the graph.
  • Use Old (Flash) Graphs. This feature is no longer supported.
  • Color by Device State. If you select this checkbox, each graphical element in the dashboard will be colorized based on device state.
  • Click/Link Behavior. Select how the widget will behave if a user selects a graphical element in the widget.

  • Auto-Select Device/Service. When the dashboard is loaded the first entry in this widget is selected. The selected metrics control what is displayed in other widgets in the dashboard. For more information about user selections, see the Creating a Dashboard with Context Selectors section.

  • No Action (Disabled). No action is performed.
  • Open Custom URL in Kiosk Mode. Use the selected entity to populate the variable(s) in a custom URL (specified in the Custom URL field). Display the populated custom URL in a kiosk window. In the Custom URL field, you must specify a URL to populate.
  • Open Custom URL in New Window. Use the selected entity to populate the variable(s) in the custom URL (specified in the Custom URL field). Display the populated custom URL in a new window. In the Custom URL field, you must specify a URL to populate.
  • Open in Kiosk Mode. A new window opens and displays a time-series performance graph in kiosk mode. In kiosk mode, the options that are normally available in the Device Performance page will not be displayed. For example, if a service provider is configuring a dashboard for their customers, kiosk mode will allow the customer to drill-down to the raw data for a metric without giving them full access to the Device Performance page.
  • Open Performance Window. A new window opens and displays a time-series performance graph of the selected metric.
  • Select Device/Service. The selected metrics control what is displayed in other widgets in the dashboard. For more information about user selections, see the Creating a Dashboard with Context Selectors section.
  • Custom URL. Specify the custom URL that you want to populate with the Open Custom URL selection.
  • You can include one or more variables in a custom URL. You can use the variables in place of a value from SL1. Variables are surrounded in curly braces.

    You can click the wrench icon () in the Custom URL field to open the field in a larger window. This window includes a Token Builder that enables you to build variables into the custom URL. When you select a series of tokens in the Token Builder pane, the corresponding variables are inserted into the custom URL.

    The variables use the syntax:


    where :

    X is one of the following entities:

    • deviceObject. Contains attributes associated with the selected device.
    • interfaceObject. Contains attributes associated with the selected interface.
    • serviceObject. Contains attributes associated with the selected IT service.
    • timespan. Contains attributes associated with the selected timespan.

    Y is an attribute for that entity. For all entities except timespan, the available attributes are the attributes from the API that do not return lists or links (i.e. single fields). For timespan, you can specify the following attributes:

    • {timespan.start}
    • {timespan.end}
    • {timespan.duration}

    The following are the most commonly used device attributes:

    • id. The numeric ID of the device.

    • hostname. The hostname of the device discovered via hostname discovery.
    • ip. The IP address SL1 uses to communicate with the device.
    • name. The name of the device.
    • organization. The organization of the device. If you use this attribute, you must specify the organization attribute that you want to use. If you use this attribute, you must use the following variable syntax:
    • {context.deviceObjects.<entity index>.organization.<organization attribute>}

    • Any Base or Extended Custom Attributes that have been added to your SL1 system.

    The following are the most commonly used interface attributes:

    • device. The device with which the interface is associated. If you use this attribute, you must specify the device attribute that you want to use. If you use this attribute, you must use the following variable syntax:
    • {context.interfaceObjects.<entity index>.device.<device attribute>}

    • organization. The organization with which the interface is associated. If you use this attribute, you must specify the organization attribute that you want to use. If you use this attribute, you must use the following variable syntax:
    • {context.interfaceObjects.<entity index>.organization.<organization attribute>}

    • ifIndex. The SNMP index associated with the interface.
    • ifDescr. The description of the interface.
    • alias. The alias of the interface.
    • name. The name of the interface.

    The following are the most commonly used IT service attributes:

    • service_id. The numeric ID of the IT service.
    • service_name. The name of the IT service.

    The following are the most commonly used organization attributes:

    • company. The name of the organization.
    • billing_id. The billing ID of the organization.
    • crm_id. The CRM ID of the organization.

    For example, a custom URL could be:{}


    where {} is the device selected in another widget.

  • Legend Label Options. Specifies the information that is included in the legend for the widget. Choices are:
  • Element Names. Displays the names of the device(s) or IT Service(s) in the legend.
  • Index Label. If you selected a performance Dynamic Application in the Collection field, you use the Index field to select the data series to display in the widget. If you select the Index Label checkbox, the widget includes the name of the index in the legend.

  • Title Label Options. Each selected option will appear in the title of the widget. Choices are:
  • Window. Displays the value from the Widget Name field.
  • Type. Displays the value from the Type field.
  • Collection Type. Displays the value from the Collection Type field.
  • Collection Name. Displays the value from the Collection field.
  • Series Name. Displays the value from the Series field.
  • Aggregation. Displays the value from the Aggregation field.
  • Axis Label Options. Select optional methods for labeling information on the X-axis. Choices are:
  • Units. If this check box is selected, numbers along the X-axis include units of measurement; otherwise, units of measurement are not included.
  • Display Type. Select how the information will be displayed in the widget:
  • Pie. Widget will be displayed in a pie graph. Displays each event as percentage of total events. Slice color represents the severity of the event.
  • Column. Widget will be displayed in a bar graph. Displays number of occurrences on the y-axis. On the x-axis, displays each event in its own colored vertical bar. Bar color represents the severity of the event.
  • Horizontal Bar. Widget will be displayed in a horizontal bar graph. Displays number of occurrences on the x-axis. On the y-axis, displays each event in its own colored horizontal bar. Bar color represents the severity of the event.
  • Radar. Displays a multi-pointed, color-coded polygon or circle. Users determine if the radar is a polygon or circle by selecting Arc or Line in the Grid Lines field. Each point on the polygon or circle represents an event. The number of event instances is measured by the concentric rings. The number value of each concentric ring increases from center to perimeter.
  • Spreadsheet. Widget will be displayed as a spreadsheet. Displays each event in its own row. Each event has its own column, with number of occurrences. Clicking on the event name displays the Event Console page, with only the occurrences of the selected event displayed.
  • Scoreboard. For the selected events, displays each event name and the number of occurrences for each event. Events are ordered by severity, with critical first. Display is tally-style, in large format for easy viewing.

  • Display Options. Specify how the graph will be formatted.
  • Chart minimum. You can accept the minimum value that SL1 determines, usually the lowest collected value or lowest calculated value (Automatic), or you can specify a minimum value (Fixed Value).
  • Chart maximum. You can accept the maximum value that SL1 determines, usually the highest collected value or highest calculated value (Automatic), or you can specify a maximum value (Fixed Value).
  • Axis Scaling. You can select either linear or logarithmic scaling for the widget.
  • Threshold value. You can select Enabled and then enter a threshold value in this field. SL1 will then include a heavy line in the graph that indicates the threshold.
  • Severity ranges. Select whether a low value (Increasing) or a high value (Decreasing) indicates a healthy state.
  • Severity Slider. Use the sliders and/or supply values in the slider fields to define the range of values at which the metric is in a healthy, normal, minor, major, and critical state. If you select Gauge in the Display Type field, you can also define the minimum value and maximum value that will be displayed in the gauge.

Viewing the Leaderboard/Top-N Widget

The Leaderboard/Top-N widget displays utilization statistics for a specific performance metric. The widget displays utilization for the devices with the highest or lowest values for the performance metric.

NOTE: If the Leaderboard/Top-N widget has been defined with the Use Device-related Context checkbox selected, and a selected Device Group or selected IT Service does not contain any devices, the Leaderboard/Top-N widget will display a message saying the context contains no devices.

For example, an instance of the Leaderboard/Top-N widget that is configured to display the 10 devices with the highest average latency in a bar graph looks like this:

The Leaderboard/Top-N widget can be configured to display:

  • Any performance metric collected by SL1.
  • The devices with the highest or lowest minimum, maximum, average, total, or standard deviation for the selected performance metric during the last frequent normalization period (5 - 30 minutes), hourly normalization period, or daily normalization period.
  • 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, or 50 devices. The selection of devices that will be evaluated for highest or lowest utilization can be limited to only devices in specific organizations, device groups, device categories, or device classes.

The following table lists the required Access Hooks (in addition to the "Dash:View" and "Dash:View Shared" Access Hooks) that users need to view specific types of data in the Leaderboard/Top-N Widget:

Data Required Access Hook IDs Required Access Hook Names
Availability DEV_VIEW Dev:View
Click Actions for Devices DEV_PERF_REPORT_VIEW Dev:Performance Graphs
Click Actions for IT Services ITS_SERVICE_VIEW IT Service: View
Content Verification DEV_VIEW Dev:View
DNS Policies N/A N/A
Dynamic Applications





E-mail Round Trip DEV_VIEW Dev:View
File Systems DEV_VIEW Dev:View
Interfaces DEV_VIEW Dev:View
IT Services DGRP_VIEW DevGroup:View
Port Monitors DEV_VIEW Dev:View
Process Monitors DEV_VIEW Dev:View
Transaction Verification DEV_VIEW Dev:View
Video Performance DEV_VIEW Dev:View
Vitals DEV_VIEW Dev:View
Windows Service Monitors DEV_VIEW Dev:View

The Leaderboard/Top-N widget can be configured to display in one of the following formats:

  • Pie Chart

  • Column graph

  • Horizontal Bar graph

  • Radar chart

  • Spreadsheet

  • Scoreboard

Depending on the configuration of the widget, selecting a metric performs one of the following actions:

  • The Device Performance page will open in a separate window with the graph for the selected metric displayed.
  • Your selection will define what is displayed in other widgets in the dashboard. You can select multiple elements by holding down the Ctrl key (or Command on Apple computers). For more information about widgets that control what is displayed in other widgets, see the Using Control Widgets section.
  • A custom URL will open in a separate window.
  • No action will be performed.

Grouped Data Series > (base) Leaderboard/Top-N (Secondary Data)

The Leaderboard/Top-N (Secondary Data) widget displays utilization statistics for a one or more performance metrics for each device that is included. The widget displays utilization for the devices with the highest or lowest values for the primary performance metric being displayed. For example, you can configure the widget to display the 10 devices with the highest CPU utilization and also show the memory utilization for each of those devices.

Configuring the Leaderboard/Top-N Widget

To configure a Leaderboard/Top-N (Secondary Data) widget, supply values in the following fields:

  • Leaderboard Config. Select the devices or IT Services that will be included in the graph.
  • Specify whether the graph will display devices with the highest (Top) or lowest (Bottom) utilization for the selected metric.
  • Select the number of devices to include in the widget.
  • Select whether the Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, or Standard Deviation of the metric over the selected time period should be used.
  • Select the time period over which the metric should be evaluated. Choicess are Hour or 24 Hours.
  • Use Timespan Context. If you select this checkbox, the time period over which the metric will be evaluated can be selected in another widget in the dashboard. For more information about user selections, see the Creating a Dashboard with Context Selectors section.
  • Ignore Min of 0. If you select this checkbox, the widget will not include devices with a value of zero for the selected metric over the selected time period.
  • Collection Configuration. Select the metric for the widget using the following fields:
  • Type. Specify whether you want the widget to display utilization statistics for Devices or IT Services.
  • Device Collection Configuration. In this pane, select values from the following drop-down lists:
  • Collection Type. Select the source of data that will be displayed in the widget.
  • Collection. Select the type of metric that will be displayed in the widget. The options available in this field are based on your selection in the Collection Type field.
  • Series. If applicable, select the specific metric to display in the widget. The options available in this field are based on your selection in the Collection field.
  • Scale Prefix. Allows the user to select a unit scale for the widget's y-axis that is appropriate for their data series. If the user does not select a scale prefix, the widget will auto-scale the y-axis to an appropriate scale based on the values being displayed.
  • Filter. For Dynamic Applications, the Filter field will match indexes and/or labels; for interfaces the Filter field will match ifName/ifDescr/ifAlias or interface tags; for monitors (port, CV, process, etc.), the Filter field will match the appropriate unique element of that monitor (port number, hostname, etc.).
  • Secondary Collection Configuration. To add another performance metric, select +Secondary Collection and select values from the following drop-down lists:
  • Collection Type. Select the source of data that will be displayed in the widget.
  • Collection. Select the type of metric that will be displayed in the widget. The options available in this field are based on your selection in the Collection Type field.
  • Series. If applicable, select the specific metric to display in the widget. The options available in this field are based on your selection in the Collection field.
  • Group. When this checkbox is selected, the multiple collection configurations will appear as separate bars or columns in the graph. When the checkbox is unselected, the data will be stacked and represented in a single bar or column.
  • Bomb icon. Deletes the secondary collection configuration.
  • Device Filters. Select which devices will be evaluated for inclusion in the widget. You can limit the devices that will be included in the widget by selecting one or more Organizations, Device Groups, IT Services, Device Categories, or Device Classes.

    NOTE: In widgets that allow you to filter the list of devices by the device class or device category, merged devices include special behavior. For merged devices, you can select either the device class or device category of the physical device or the device class or device category of the component device. If both device classes or device categories are selected, a merged device will appear twice in a single widget.

  • If you select the Use Device-related Context checkbox, the list of devices that will be evaluated for inclusion in the widget can be selected in another widget in the dashboard. For more information about user selections, see the Creating a Dashboard with Context Selectors section.
  • Misc. Additional settings that affect the display of the graph.
  • Use Old (Flash) Graphs. This feature is no longer supported.
  • Color by Device State. If you select this checkbox, each graphical element in the dashboard will be colorized based on device state.
  • Click/Link Behavior. Select how the widget will behave if a user selects a graphical element in the widget.
  • Open Performance Window. A new window opens and displays a time-series performance graph of the selected metric.
  • Select Device/Service. The selected metrics control what is displayed in other widgets in the dashboard. For more information about user selections, see the Creating a Dashboard with Context Selectors section.
  • Open in Kiosk Mode. A new window opens and displays a time-series performance graph in kiosk mode. In kiosk mode, the options that are normally available in the Device Performance page will not be displayed. For example, if a service provider is configuring a dashboard for their customers, kiosk mode will allow the customer to drill-down to the raw data for a metric without giving them full access to the Device Performance page.
  • No Action (Disabled). No action is performed.
  • Legend Label Options. Specifies the information that is included in the legend for the widget. Choices are:
  • Element Names. Displays the names of the device(s) or IT Service(s) in the legend.
  • Index Label. If you selected a performance Dynamic Application in the Collection field, you use the Index field to select the data series to display in the widget. If you select the Index Label checkbox, the widget includes the name of the index in the legend.
  • Title Label Options. Each selected option will appear in the title of the widget. Choices are:
  • Window. Displays the value from the Widget Name field.
  • Type. Displays the value from the Type field.
  • Collection Type. Displays the value from the Collection Type field.
  • Collection Name. Displays the value from the Collection field.
  • Series Name. Displays the value from the Series field.
  • Aggregation. Displays the value from the Aggregation field.

  • Display Type. Select how the information will be displayed in the widget:
  • Spreadsheet. Widget will be displayed as a spreadsheet. Displays each event in its own row. Each event has its own column, with number of occurrences. Clicking on the event name displays the Event Console page, with only the occurrences of the selected event displayed.
  • Column. Widget will be displayed in a bar graph. Displays number of occurrences on the y-axis. On the x-axis, displays each event in its own colored vertical bar. Bar color represents the severity of the event.
  • Horizontal Bar. Widget will be displayed in a horizontal bar graph. Displays number of occurrences on the x-axis. On the y-axis, displays each event in its own colored horizontal bar. Bar color represents the severity of the event.

  • Display Options. Specify how the graph will be formatted.
  • Chart minimum. You can accept the minimum value that SL1 determines, usually the lowest collected value or lowest calculated value (Automatic), or you can specify a minimum value (Fixed Value).
  • Chart maximum. You can accept the maximum value that SL1 determines, usually the highest collected value or highest calculated value (Automatic), or you can specify a maximum value (Fixed Value).
  • Axis Scaling. You can select either linear or logarithmic scaling for the widget.
  • Threshold value. You can select Enabled and then enter a threshold value in this field. SL1 will then include a heavy line in the graph that indicates the threshold.
  • Severity ranges. Select whether a low value (Increasing) or a high value (Decreasing) indicates a healthy state.
  • Severity Slider. Use the sliders and/or supply values in the slider fields to define the range of values at which the metric is in a healthy, normal, minor, major, and critical state. If you select Gauge in the Display Type field, you can also define the minimum value and maximum value that will be displayed in the gauge.

Viewing the Leaderboard/Top-N Widget (Secondary Data)

The Leaderboard/Top-N (Secondary Data) widget displays utilization statistics for one or more performance metrics. The widget displays utilization for the devices with the highest or lowest values for the primary performance metric.

NOTE: If the Leaderboard/Top-N (Secnondary Data) widget has been defined with the Use Device-related Context checkbox selected, and a selected Device Group or selected IT Service does not contain any devices, the Leaderboard/Top-N (Secondary Data) widget will display a message saying the context contains no devices.

For example, an instance of the Leaderboard/Top-N (Secondary Data) widget that is configured to display the average CPU Utilization and Memory Utilization of 10 devices in a bar graph looks like this:

  • With the Group checkbox unselected:

  • With the Group checkbox selected:

The Leaderboard/Top-N (Secondary Data) widget can be configured to display:

  • Any performance metrics collected by SL1.

  • The devices with the highest or lowest minimum, maximum, average, total, or standard deviation for the selected performance metrics during the last frequent normalization period (5 - 30 minutes), hourly normalization period, or daily normalization period.
  • 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, or 50 devices per configuration. The selection of devices that will be evaluated for highest or lowest utilization can be limited to only devices in specific organizations, device groups, device categories, or device classes.

The following table lists the required Access Hooks (in addition to the "Dash:View" and "Dash:View Shared" Access Hooks) that users need to view specific types of data in the Leaderboard/Top-N (Secondary Data)Widget:

Data Required Access Hook IDs Required Access Hook Names
Availability DEV_VIEW Dev:View
Click Actions for Devices DEV_PERF_REPORT_VIEW Dev:Performance Graphs
Click Actions for IT Services ITS_SERVICE_VIEW IT Service: View
Content Verification DEV_VIEW Dev:View
DNS Policies N/A N/A
Dynamic Applications





E-mail Round Trip DEV_VIEW Dev:View
File Systems DEV_VIEW Dev:View
Interfaces DEV_VIEW Dev:View
IT Services DGRP_VIEW DevGroup:View
Port Monitors DEV_VIEW Dev:View
Process Monitors DEV_VIEW Dev:View
Transaction Verification DEV_VIEW Dev:View
Video Performance DEV_VIEW Dev:View
Vitals DEV_VIEW Dev:View
Windows Service Monitors DEV_VIEW Dev:View

The Leaderboard/Top-N (Secondary Data) widget can be configured to display in one of the following formats:

  • Spreadsheet

  • Column graph

  • Horizontal Bar graph

Depending on the configuration of the widget, selecting a metric performs one of the following actions:

  • The Device Performance page will open in a separate window with the graph for the selected metric displayed.
  • Your selection will define what is displayed in other widgets in the dashboard. You can select multiple elements by holding down the Ctrl key (or Command on Apple computers). For more information about widgets that control what is displayed in other widgets, see the Using Control Widgets section.
  • No action will be performed.

Custom > Configuration > (base) Context Topology Map

The Context Topology Map widget displays a map from the Maps page. You can display a customized map, a device map, a device group map, or an organization map in the widget.

Configuring the Context Topology Map Widget

To configure a Context Topology Map widget, supply values in the following fields:

  • Contextually Driven. If you select this checkbox, the context selection in another widget determines the device, device group, or organization that will be displayed in this widget.
  • Map Type. Select which type of map to be displayed in the widget. Choices are:
  • Customized Map
  • Device
  • Device Group
  • Organizational
  • Map. Select which map to display in the widget. Displays a list of available customized maps, devices, device groups, or organizations.

NOTE: To support multi-tenancy, the Map field will display only customized maps, devices, device groups, or organizations to which you have access (through your account type, organization memberships, and Access Keys).

Viewing the Context Topology Map Widget

The Context Topology Map widget displays the map you specified in the Widget Configuration page.

The following table lists the required Access Hooks (in addition to the "Dash:View" and "Dash:View Shared" Access Hooks) that users need to view specific types of data in the Context Topology Map Widget:

Data Required Access Hook IDs Required Access Hook Names
Context Topology Map




Views:View Embedded



If you selected a device relationship map, the Context Topology Map widget might look like this:

Custom > (base) Device Config App

The Device Config App widget displays data collected using a configuration Dynamic Application.

Configuring the Device Config App Widget

To configure a Device Config App widget, supply values in the following fields:

  • Dynamic Application. Select the configuration Dynamic Application that you want to display data for.
  • Device List. Select the devices that you want to display data for. The list of devices is automatically updated to include only devices with which the selected Dynamic Application is aligned. Select Group by Organization or Group by Device Class to organize the Device List.

Viewing the Device Config App Widget

The Device Config App widget displays data collected using a configuration Dynamic Application:

The Device Config App widget can be configured to display data collected from multiple devices using the same configuration Dynamic Application.

Custom > (base) Context Quick Selector

The Context Quick Selector widget does not display collected data. The Context Quick Selector widget is used only to control what is displayed in other widgets (drive context).

Configuring the Context Quick Selector Widget

The configuration pane for the Context Quick Selector widget includes the following options:

  • Time span Presets. Controls the time span buttons that will appear to the left of the widget. Enter a comma-separated list of values. The widget will display one button for each value in the list. For each value, enter a number and one of the following characters:
    • M. The button will set the time span context to the specified number of minutes.

    • H. The button will set the time span context to the specified number of hours.
    • D. The button will set the time span context to the specified number of days.
    • Y. The button will set the time span context to the specified number of years.
  • Display Time Selector. If you uncheck this checkbox, the time span selection options are not displayed in the widget.
  • Display Organizations Selector. If you uncheck this checkbox, the organization selection options are not displayed in the widget.
  • Display Devices Selector. If you uncheck this checkbox, the device selection options are not displayed in the widget.
  • Display Device Groups Selector. If you uncheck this checkbox, the device group selection options are not displayed in the widget.
  • Display IT Services Selector. If you uncheck this checkbox, the IT Service selection options are not displayed in the widget.

Viewing the Context Quick Selector Widget

SL1 includes a Context Quick Selector widget that does not display information and is used only to control what is displayed in other widgets:

If the Context Quick Selector widget appears on a dashboard, you can control what is displayed in one or more other widgets by making the following selections in the Context Quick Selector widget:

  • If the time span selector is included in the Context Quick Selector widget, you can control the time span of information that is displayed by selecting one of the time span buttons to the left of the widget. You can set a custom time span by selecting the down arrow button (V) and entering a specific duration. You can set a custom start and end time by selecting the down arrow button (V) again and entering values in the Start Time and End Time fields.

  • If the appropriate selectors are enabled, you can control the entities that are displayed by selecting one or more Organizations, Devices, Device Groups, or IT Services from the drop-down lists:
    • When you select a drop-down list, a list of available Organizations, Devices, Device Groups, or IT Services is displayed with a checkbox for each Organization, Device, Device Group, or IT Service.
    • You can filter the items that are displayed in the list by entering text in the field that appears at the top of the list. The list will display only items that match the text you enter.
    • To de-select all checkboxes in a list, select the check icon () that appears above the list.

Custom > (base) Dashboard Details

The Dashboard Details widget displays the values for each context in use in the dashboard.

Configuring the Dashboard Details Widget

The configuration pane for the Dashboard Details widget includes the following option:

  • Detailed Description. Enter text that will be displayed in the widget. For example, you could enter a title for your dashboard in this field.

The Dashboard Details widget displays the following information:

  • The text that you entered in the Detailed Description field.
  • The start and end time for the time span value that is currently set in the context.
  • The time span value that is currently set in the context, e.g. "Last 12 Hours".
  • Information about the lists of organizations, IT Services, device groups, and devices that are currently set in the context. For each list of values, the Dashboard Details widget displays the number of values that are set. If only a single value is set, the widget will display the name of that organization, IT Service, device group, or device.

Viewing the Dashboard Details Widget

You can display the values that are currently set in the context by including the Dashboard Details widget in your dashboard:

Custom > Summary > (base) Entity List

The Entity List widget displays detailed information about a single entity in SL1. The Entity List widget can be configured to display information about an asset record, a device, a device class, a device group, an event, an IT Service, an organization or a ticket.

Configuring the Entity List Widget

To configure an Entity List widget, supply values in the following fields:

  • Entity Type. Select the type of entity that will be displayed in the widget.
  • Organization. If you selected Asset, Device, Device Group, Event, or Ticket in the Entity Type field, this field is displayed. Select the organization associated with the entity that will be displayed in the widget.
  • Element. Select the entity to display in the widget.
  • Contextually Driven. If you select this checkbox, the entity displayed in the widget can be selected by the user viewing the dashboard. For more information about user selections, see the Creating a Dashboard with Context Selectors section.
  • Available Fields/Selected Fields. The Available Fields list displays all fields that can be displayed for the selected entity type that are not currently included in this instance of the widget. The Selected Fields list displays the fields that will be displayed in this instance of the widget. To move fields from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list, highlight the fields and select the right arrow button (>>). To move fields from the Selected Fields list to the Available Fields list, highlight the fields and select the left arrow button (<<).

Viewing the Entity List Widget

The Entity List widget displays detailed information about a single entity in SL1. The Entity List widget can be configured to display information about:

  • An Asset Record
  • A Device
  • A Device Class
  • A Device Group
  • An Event
  • An IT Service
  • An Organization
  • A Ticket

For example, an instance of the Entity List widget that is configured to display information about a device looks like this:

Some of the values in the Entity List widget are clickable and lead to another page in SL1 that displays information about the entity that is displayed in the widget. For example, if an instance of the Entity List widget displays information about a device, selecting the device name leads to the Device Properties page.

Custom > Tools > (base) Context iFrame Content

The Context Iframe Content widget accepts a URL as input and then displays the page specified by the URL. The URL can include device variables that are populated by the device context, such as when you select a device in another widget.

Configuring the Context iFrame Content Widget

To configure the Context Iframe Content widget, supply a value in the following field:

  • Context Iframe URL. Enter the URL to display in the Iframe widget.
  • You can enter a relative or absolute URL.
  • You can use HTTP or HTTPS.
  • You can include variables that specify attributes of a device, interface, IT service, or organization selected in another widget.

Click the wrench icon () in the Context Iframe URL field to open the field in a larger window. This window includes a Token Builder that enables you to build variables into the URL. When you select a series of tokens in the Token Builder pane, the corresponding variables are inserted into the URL.

Variables in the Context Iframe URL field are specified in the following format:

{context.<entity type>.<entity index>.<attribute>}

The following are valid entity type values for variables:

  • deviceObjects. Contains attributes associated with the devices selected in another widget.
  • interfaceObjects. Contains attributes associated with the interfaces selected in another widget.
  • organizationObjects. Contains attributes associated with the organizations selected in another widget.
  • serviceObjects. Contains attributes associated with the organizations selected in another widget.

The following are valid values for specifying an entity index in variables:

  • first. The attribute used to populate the variable will be from the first entity a user selected in another widget.
  • last. The attribute used to populate the variable will be from the last entity a user selected in another widget.
  • An integer value that specifies an index in the list of selected devices.

For example, to use an attribute from the last device selected by the user in another widget, you would use the following variable, substituting the attribute name where indicated:


The attributes that are available for devices, interfaces, IT services, and organizations are the same as the non-list attributes available for the equivalent ScienceLogic API resource. For example, the attributes available for devices are the same as the attributes for a /device resource in the API. Non-list attributes are attributes that have single assigned value; for example, the child_devices attribute for devices cannot be used as it is a list that can include multiple values.

The following are the most commonly used device attributes:

  • id. The numeric ID of the device.

  • hostname. The hostname of the device discovered via hostname discovery.
  • ip. The IP address SL1 uses to communicate with the device.
  • name. The name of the device.
  • organization. The organization of the device. If you use this attribute, you must specify the organization attribute that you want to use. If you use this attribute, you must use the following variable syntax:
  • {context.deviceObjects.<entity index>.organization.<organization attribute>}

  • Any Base or Extended Custom Attributes that have been added to your SL1 system.

The following are the most commonly used interface attributes:

  • device. The device with which the interface is associated. If you use this attribute, you must specify the device attribute that you want to use. If you use this attribute, you must use the following variable syntax:
  • {context.interfaceObjects.<entity index>.device.<device attribute>}

  • organization. The organization with which the interface is associated. If you use this attribute, you must specify the organization attribute that you want to use. If you use this attribute, you must use the following variable syntax:
  • {context.interfaceObjects.<entity index>.organization.<organization attribute>}

  • ifIndex. The SNMP index associated with the interface.
  • ifDescr. The description of the interface.
  • alias. The alias of the interface.
  • name. The name of the interface.

The following are the most commonly used IT service attributes:

  • service_id. The numeric ID of the IT service.
  • service_name. The name of the IT service.

The following are the most commonly used organization attributes:

  • company. The name of the organization.
  • billing_id. The billing ID of the organization.
  • crm_id. The CRM ID of the organization.

For example, suppose you want to display the Device Properties page for the last selected device. In our test system, the URL for the Device Properties page for the device with a device ID of "201" is:


We could then edit this URL to specify that instead of the device with the device ID 201, we want to display the Device Properties page for the last selected device. We would specify the following:{}


Viewing the Context iFrame Content Widget

If you specified that you want to view the Device Properties page for the last selected device, the Context Iframe Content widget might look like this:

Custom > (base) Embedded Dashboard

The Embedded Dashboard widget displays one or more widgets that have been configured on another dashboard.

You can configure how user selections are propagated from the current dashboard to the widgets in the embedded dashboard.

The Embedded Dashboard widget is useful if you want user selections to affect only certain widgets in a dashboard. For example, you could include the context selector widget and the widgets you want that context selector to affect on a separate, smaller dashboard. You can then include that smaller dashboard in your current dashboard.The context selector on the smaller dashboard will affect only the widgets on that smaller dashboard.

Configuring the Embedded Dashboard Widget

To configure an Embedded Dashboard widget, supply values in the following fields:

  • Embed Dashboard. Select the dashboard that you want to embed.
  • Titlebar Behavior. Select how the frame of the widget will be displayed:
    • Show Standard Titlebar. A title bar will be displayed for the widget.
    • Hide Titlebar. No title bar will be displayed for the widget.
  • Propagate Context Variables. Select the checkbox for each type of user selection you want to propagate from the current dashboard to the embedded dashboard. For example, if you select the Organizations checkbox and a user selects an organization on the main dashboard, the widgets in the embedded dashboard that are configured to display information about only selected organizations will update to include only information about the organization the user selected in the main dashboard.
  • Advanced Context Control. This feature allows users to control how context that is defined in the "parent" dashboard is passed to the "child" dashboard. By default, context is not shared, but can be enabled on a per-standard context basis with the Propagate Context Variables checkboxes. When a selection is made in the Propagate Context Variables section, users can then enter the variable into the context var field and select how the variable will affect the dashboard in the translates to drop-down menu.

Viewing the Embedded Dashboard Widget

The Embedded Dashboard widget can look like this:

Custom > (base) Context Quick Selector (VMware)

Like the Context Quick Selector widget, the Context Quick Selector VMware widget does not display collected data. Instead, the Context Quick Selector VMware widget is used only to control what is displayed in other widgets (drive context), specifically widgets that display data from VMware.

Configuring the Context Quick Selector VMware Widget

The configuration pane for the Context Quick Selector VMware widget includes the following options:

  • Time span Presets. Controls the time span buttons that will appear to the left of the widget. Enter a comma-separated list of values. The widget will display one button for each value in the list. For each value, enter a number and one of the following characters:
    • M. The button will set the time span context to the specified number of minutes.

    • H. The button will set the time span context to the specified number of hours.
    • D. The button will set the time span context to the specified number of days.
    • Y. The button will set the time span context to the specified number of years.
  • Display Time Selector. If you uncheck this checkbox, the time span selection options are not displayed in the widget.
  • Display Organizations Selector. If you uncheck this checkbox, the organization selection options are not displayed in the widget.
  • Display Devices Selector. If you uncheck this checkbox, the device selection options are not displayed in the widget.
  • Display Device Groups Selector. If you uncheck this checkbox, the device group selection options are not displayed in the widget.
  • Display IT Services Selector. If you uncheck this checkbox, the IT Service selection options are not displayed in the widget.
  • Display vCenter Selector. If you uncheck this checkbox, the vCenter selection options are not displayed in the widget.
  • Display Host Selector. If you uncheck this checkbox, the VMware Host selection options are not displayed in the widget.
  • Display Cluster Selector. If you select this checkbox, the VMware Cluster selection options are displayed in the widget.
  • Display VM Selector. If you uncheck this checkbox, the VMware VM selection options are not displayed in the widget.

Viewing the Context Quick Selector VMware Widget

SL1 includes a Context Quick Selector VMware widget that does not display information and is used only to control what is displayed in other widgets for VMware.

If the Context Quick Selector VMware widget appears on a dashboard, you can control what is displayed in one or more other widgets by making the following selections in the Quick Selector widget:

  • If the time span selector is included in the Context Quick Selector VMware widget, you can control the time span of information that is displayed by selecting one of the time span buttons to the left of the widget. You can set a custom time span by selecting the down arrow button (V) and entering a specific duration. You can set a custom start and end time by selecting the down arrow button (V) again and entering values in the Start Time and End Time fields.
  • If the appropriate selectors are enabled, you can control the entities that are displayed by selecting one or more Organizations, Devices, Device Groups, or IT Services from the drop-down lists:
    • When you select a drop-down list, a list of available Organizations, Devices, Device Groups, or IT Services is displayed with a checkbox for each Organization, Device, Device Group, or IT Service.
    • You can filter the items that are displayed in the list by entering text in the field that appears at the top of the list. The list will display only items that match the text you enter.
    • To de-select all checkboxes in a list, select the check icon () that appears above the list.
  • If the appropriate selectors are enabled, you can control the entities that are displayed by selecting one or more vCenters, VMware Hosts, or VMware VMs from the drop-down lists:
    • When you select a drop-down list, a list of available vCenters, VMware Hosts, or VMware VMs is displayed with a checkbox for each vCenter, VMware Host, or VMware VM.
    • You can filter the items that are displayed in the list by entering text in the field that appears at the top of the list. The list will display only items that match the text you enter.
    • To de-select all checkboxes in a list, select the check icon () that appears above the list.

Custom > Other > (base) Device: Elements

The Elements widget was designed for use in Device Dashboards, but can be used in any dashboard.

The Elements widget displays an overview of the events, tickets, log messages, and other elements associated with a device. Clicking on any of the listed elements enables you to view additional details.

Configuring the Elements Widget

There are no options to configure when adding the Elements widget to a dashboard. The Elements widget is context-driven. If you include this widget in a Device Dashboard, the current device drives the context.

Viewing the Elements Widget

The Elements widget displays the following information:

  • Active Events. Specifies the number of active events associated with the device. Clicking on Active Events, the number of events, or the events icon () displays the Viewing Active Events page, where you can view a list of the device's active events. For additional information, see the Viewing Events for a Single Device section.
  • Cleared Events. Specifies the number of cleared or automatically resolved events associated with the device. Clicking on Cleared Events, the number of events, or the events icon () displays the Viewing Cleared Events page, where you can view a list of the device's cleared events. For additional information, see the Viewing Events for a Single Device section.
  • Active Tickets (OWP). Specifies the number of active tickets associated with the device. Clicking on Active Tickets (OWP), the number of tickets, or the life-ring icon () displays the Ticket History page, where you can view a list of the device's active tickets. For additional information, see the Viewing Tickets for a Single Device section.
  • Resolved Tickets. Specifies the number of resolved tickets associated with the device. Clicking on Resolved Tickets, the number of tickets, or the life-ring icon () displays the Ticket History page, where you can view a list of the resolved tickets for the device. For additional information, see the Viewing Tickets for a Single Device section.
  • Log Messages. Specifies the number of log messages associated with the device. Clicking on Log Messages, the number of log messages, or the page icon () displays the Device Logs & Messages page, where you can view a list of log messages associated with the device. For additional information, see the Viewing Logs for a Device section.
  • Software Titles. Specifies the number of software titles found on the device. Clicking on Software Titles, the number of software titles, or the software icon () displays the Software Packages page, where you can view a list of the software titles on the device. For additional information, see the Viewing a List of Software Titles for a Single Device section.
  • Processes. Specifies the number of processes running on the device. Clicking on Processes, the number of processes, or the gear icon () displays the System Processes page, where you can view a list of the processes running on the device. For additional information, see the Viewing a List of System Processes on a Single Device section.
  • Services. Specifies the number of Windows services running on the device. Clicking on Services, the number of services, or the gear icon () displays the Windows Services page, where you can view a list of the Windows services running on the device. For additional information, see the Viewing the List of Windows Services section.
  • TCP Ports. Specifies the number of open TCP ports on the device. Clicking on TCP Ports, the number of open ports, or the port icon () displays the Port Security page, where you can view a list of the device's open ports. For additional information, see the Viewing a List of All Open Ports on a Single Device section.

Custom > Other > (base) Device: Events & Tickets

The Tickets and Events widget was designed for use in Device Dashboards, but can be used in any dashboard.

The Tickets and Events widget displays a list of tickets and events associated with a device, including the color-coded severity of each ticket or event.

Configuring the Tickets and Events Widget

There are no options to configure when adding the Tickets and Events widget to a dashboard. The Tickets and Events widget is context-driven. If you include this widget in a Device Dashboard, the current device drives the context.

Viewing the Tickets and Events Widget

For each ticket or event, the Tickets and Events widget displays a message, color-coded by severity.

  • Critical. Critical (red) tickets and events require immediate attention.
  • Major. Major (orange) tickets and events require immediate investigation.
  • Minor. Minor (yellow) tickets and events need to be investigated before problems become severe.
  • Notice. Notice (blue) tickets and events require attention but are not problem-related.
  • Healthy. Healthy (green) tickets and events are not urgent.

Clicking on a ticket or event displays the Ticket Summary or Event Summary modal page, respectively, where you can view details about the ticket or event. For additional information, see the Viewing Tickets for a Single Device section or the Viewing Events for a Single Device section.

Custom > Other > (base) Device: Header

The Header widget was designed for use in Device Dashboards, but can be used in any dashboard.

The Header widget displays basic information about a device.

Configuring the Header Widget

There are no options to configure when adding the Header widget to a dashboard. The Header widget is context-driven. If you include this widget in a Device Dashboard, the current device drives the context.

Viewing the Header Widget

The Header widget displays the following information:

  • Device Name. Name of the device. Clicking on this field displays the Device Properties page for the device.
  • IP Address /ID. IP address of the device and the device ID of the device. The device ID is a unique numeric identifier, automatically assigned to the device by SL1. Clicking on this field displays the Device Properties page for the device.
  • Class. Device class for the device. A device class usually describes the manufacturer of the device.
  • Organization. Organization associated with the device. Clicking on this field leads to the Organizational Summary page for the device's organization.
  • Collection Mode. Collection mode. Choices are "active," meaning SL1 is periodically collecting data from the device, or "inactive," meaning the SL1 is not currently collecting data from the device. Clicking on this field executes the Remote Port Scanner and displays the Remote Port Scanner modal page.
  • Description. For SNMP devices, the SysDescr value as reported by the SNMP agent on the device. If a device does not support SNMP, this field is blank.
  • Root Device. For component devices, displays the device name or IP address of the physical device where the system that manages the device resides. Clicking on this value displays the Device Properties page for the root device.
  • Parent Device. For component devices, displays the device name or IP address of the parent device. The parent device can be either another component device or a physical device. A parent device is the device between the current component device and the next layer in the component-device hierarchy. Clicking on this value displays the Device Properties page for the parent device.
  • Device Hostname. For devices that are discovered and managed by a hostname (instead of IP address), this field displays the fully qualified hostname for the device.
  • Managed Type. Specifies the protocol used to discover the device and whether or not the device is a physical device or a virtual device. Clicking on this field executes an SNMP walk of the device's SNMP file and displays the SNMP Walker modal page.
  • Category. The device category associated with the device. The device category usually describes the function of the hardware.
  • Sub-Class. The device sub-class associated with the device. The sub-class usually described the model of a device.
  • Uptime. The number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds that the device has been continuously up and communicating with SL1. Clicking on this field displays the System Vitals Summary report.
  • Collection Time. The date and time that SL1 last collected data from the device.
  • Group/Collector. The Collector Group and specific collector last used to collect data from the device. For All-In-One Appliances, this field will contain the name of the default, built-in Collector Group.

Custom > Other > (base) Device: Logs

The Logs widget was designed for use in Device Dashboards, but can be used in any dashboard.

The Logs widget displays a list of log entries associated with a device.

Configuring the Logs Widget

There are no options to configure when adding the Logs widget to a dashboard. The Logs widget is context-driven. If you include this widget in a Device Dashboard, the current device drives the context.

Viewing the Logs Widget

The Logs widget displays all of the current and historical logs associated with a device. Each log entry includes the following information:

  • Date Time. The date and time the entry was made in the device log.
  • Source. The entity or process that generated the log entry. Possible values are:
  • Syslog. Entry was generated from standard system log generated by device.
  • Internal. Entry was generated by SL1.
  • Trap. Entry was generated by an SNMP trap.
  • Dynamic. Entry was generated by a Dynamic Application.
  • API. Entry was generated by another application.
  • Email. Entry was generated by an email message from a third-party application to SL1.
  • Event ID. If an event was created, a unique event ID, generated by SL1. Clicking the event icon () next to the event ID displays the Viewing Active Events page. If the log entry is not associated with an event, no ID appears in this column.
  • Severity. If applicable, specifies the severity of the event associated with the log entry.
  • Critical. Critical (red) events indicate a condition that can seriously impair or curtail service and requires immediate attention (i.e., service or system outages).
  • Major. Major (orange) events indicate a condition that is service impacting and requires immediate investigation.
  • Minor. Minor (yellow) events indicate a condition that does not currently impair service, but the condition needs to be corrected before it becomes more severe.
  • Notice. Notice (blue) events indicate a condition that does not affect service but about which users should be aware.
  • Healthy. Healthy (green) events indicate that a device or condition has returned to a healthy state. Frequently, a healthy event is generated after a problem has been fixed.
  • Message. Text of the log entry, color-coded to match event severity (if applicable).
  • Repeats. The number of consecutive times the log repeated.

Custom > Other > (base) Device: Monitors

The Monitors widget was designed for use in Device Dashboards, but can be used in any dashboard.

The Monitors widget displays information about the monitoring policies associated with a device and enables you to view reports with more detailed information for each. The following types of monitoring policies can display in the Monitors widget:

  • Domain Name
  • TCP/IP Ports
  • System Processes
  • SOAP/XML Transactions
  • Web content
  • File systems

Configuring the Monitors Widget

There are no options to configure when adding the Monitors widget to a dashboard. The Monitors widget is context-driven. If you include this widget in a Device Dashboard, the current device drives the context.

Viewing the Monitors Widget

The Monitors widget can display information about the following types of monitoring policies:

  • Domain Name. Displays the status of a domain name server, based on the domain name-monitoring policy associated with the device. Clicking on the policy name or the status leads to the DNS Report on the Device Performance page.
  • TCP/IP Ports. Displays the availability of a specified port, based on the TCP/IP port monitoring policy associated with the device. Clicking on the policy name or the status leads to the Port Availability Report on the Device Performance page.
  • System Processes. Displays the status of a system process, based on the system process-monitoring policy associated with the device. Clicking on the policy name or the status leads to the Process Report on the Device Performance page.
  • SOAP/XML Transactions. Displays the availability of a SOAP/XML server and content, based on the SOAP/XML transaction policy associated with the device. Clicking on the policy name or the status leads to the Data Transaction Report | Availability on the Device Performance page.
  • Web content. Displays the status of specific web content, based on the web content-monitoring policy associated with the device. Clicking on the policy name or the status leads to the Content Verification Report | Availability on the Device Performance page.
  • File systems. For each monitored file system, specifies the current percentage used. Clicking on the name of the file system or its percentage value displays the File System Report on the Device Performance page.

Custom > Other > (base) Device: Monitors Chart

The Monitors Chart widget was designed for use in Device Dashboards, but can be used in any dashboard.

The Monitors Chart widget displays a graphic overview of a device's CPU, memory, and file system usage.

Configuring the Monitors Chart Widget

There are no options to configure when adding the Monitors Chart widget to a dashboard. The Monitors Chart widget is context-driven. If you include this widget in a Device Dashboard, the current device drives the context.

Viewing the Monitors Chart Widget

The Monitors Chart widget displays information about the device's hardware usage. The bar graph in the widget can display information about the following hardware components:

  • CPU. Displays the total amount of CPU currently being used, as a percentage of all available CPU. Clicking on this bar in the graph leads to the Overall CPU Utilization Report on the Device Performance page.
  • Memory. Displays the total amount of memory currently being used, as a percentage of all available memory. Clicking on this bar in the graph leads to the Overall Virtual Memory Utilization Report on the Device Performance page.
  • Swap. Displays the total amount of swap space currently being used, as a percentage of all available swap. Clicking on this bar in the graph leads to the Overall Virtual Memory Utilization Report on the Device Performance page.
  • File Systems. Displays the percentage of disk space used for each file system on the device. Clicking on the bar(s) in the graph leads to the File System Report on the Device Performance page.

Custom > Other > (base) Device: Network Bandwidth

The Network Bandwidth widget was designed for use in Device Dashboards, but can be used in any dashboard.

The Network Bandwidth widget displays the bandwidth usage for the selected interface on a device.

Configuring the Network Bandwidth Widget

There are no options to configure when adding the Network Bandwidth widget to a dashboard. The Network Bandwidth widget is context-driven. If you include this widget in a Device Dashboard, the current device drives the context.

Viewing the Network Bandwidth Widget

The Network Bandwidth widget displays a graph with two colors. One color indicates the average incoming bandwidth used by the selected network interface, in hourly increments. The other color indicates the average outgoing bandwidth used by the selected network interface, in hourly increments.

You can select the following parameters for the graph:

  • Measurement. Select the unit of measurement that you want to use for the network bandwidth graph. Options include Octets, Utilization (%), Kilobytes per second (Kbps), Megabytes per second (Mbps), Gigabytes per second (Gbps), Terabytes per second (Tbps), or Petabytes per second (Pbps).
  • Interface. Select the device interface whose information you want to display in the network bandwidth graph.

Mousing over any area of the graph displays the bandwidth values and the date and time associated with the data point.

Highlighting an area on the graph (by clicking and dragging) zooms in on the selected area. Clicking the Reset Zoom button returns the graph to its default display.

Custom > Other > (base) Device: Vitals

The Vitals widget was designed for use in Device Dashboards, but can be used in any dashboard.

The Vitals widget displays information about a device's overall health.

Configuring the Vitals Widget

There are no options to configure when adding the Vitals widget to a dashboard. The Vitals widget is context-driven. If you include this widget in a Device Dashboard, the current device drives the context.

Viewing the Vitals Widget

The information that displays on the Vitals widget varies by device, and can include:

  • Vitals (Current):
  • Overall Health. The device's condition, which correlates with the severity of the most severe outstanding event(s). Clicking on this field leads to the System Vitals Summary Report on the Device Performance page. Possible values for this field are:
  • Critical. Critical (red) events indicate a condition that can seriously impair or curtail service and requires immediate attention (i.e., service or system outages).
  • Major. Major (orange) events indicate a condition that is service impacting and requires immediate investigation.
  • Minor. Minor (yellow) events indicate a condition that does not currently impair service, but the condition needs to be corrected before it becomes more severe.
  • Notice. Notice (blue) events indicate a condition that does not affect service but about which users should be aware.
  • Healthy. Healthy (green) events indicate that a device or condition has returned to a healthy state. Frequently, a healthy event is generated after a problem has been fixed.
  • Availability. The device's ability to accept connections and data from the network. The possible values are “okay” and “critical” or "undefined." Clicking on the value leads to the System Availability Report on the Device Performance page.
  • A device will have an availability of "undefined" if SL1 is not monitoring availability for the device. This applies mostly to Virtual Devices and Component Devices with no aligned component identifiers of type "Availability."
  • Latency. The amount of time in milliseconds it takes SL1 to communicate with the device. Clicking on the value leads to System Latency Report on the Device Performance page.
  • CPU. The device's total CPU usage, displayed as a percentage. Clicking on the value leads to the Overall CPU Report on the Device Performance page.
  • Memory. The device's total physical memory usage, displayed as a percentage. Clicking on the value leads to the Physical Memory Utilization Report on the Device Performance page.
  • Swap. The device's total swap memory usage, displayed as a percentage. Clicking on the value leads to the Swap Memory Utilization Report on the Device Performance page.
  • Vitals (Average):
  • Avail. (24 Hr.). The device's average availability for the last 24 hours, displayed as a percentage. Clicking on the value leads to the System Availability Report on the Device Performance page.
  • Latency (24 Hr.).The device's average latency for the last 24 hours, in milliseconds. Clicking on the value leads to System Latency Report on the Device Performance page.
  • CPU (1 Hr.).The device's average CPU usage for the last hour, displayed as a percentage. Clicking on the value leads to the Overall CPU Utilization Report on the Device Performance page.
  • Memory (1 Hr.). The device's average physical memory usage for the last hour, displayed as a percentage. Clicking on the value leads to the Overall Utilization Report on the Device Performance page.
  • Swap (1 Hr.). The device's average swap memory usage for the last hour, displayed as a percentage. Clicking on the value leads to the Overall Utilization Report on the Device Performance page.

Custom > Other > (base) Finder

The Finder widget enables you to search for and view information about individual elements within the system, such as devices, organizations, user accounts, etc.

Configuring the Finder Widget

To configure the Finder widget, supply values in the following fields:

  • Widget Options:
  • Drive Context. If you select this checkbox, the Finder widget will control the information that is displayed in any context-sensitive widgets on the same dashboard.
  • Default Search Object Types. If you select one or more checkboxes in this section, the same checkboxes will be selected by default in the Finder widget in the dashboard. Options include: 
  • Organization
  • Device
  • Asset
  • Interface
  • Vendor
  • User Account
  • Device Group
  • IT Service

NOTE: Regardless of the default search object settings you choose, checkboxes for all of the above search objects will display and can be selected or unselected on the Finder dashboard widget.

Viewing the Finder Widget

The Finder widget enables you to search for and view specific elements within the system from a dashboard.

In addition, if the Finder widget is configured to drive context, then your selection(s) in the widget will determine the information that displays in any context-sensitive widgets on the dashboard. For example, if you search for and select an individual device in the Finder widget, then the data in any context-sensitive widgets on the dashboard will be specific to that device.

To use the Finder widget, you must first select the element(s) for which you want to search. Options include:

  • Organization
  • Device
  • Asset
  • Interface
  • Vendor
  • User Account
  • Device Group
  • IT Service

After you have selected the element(s) you want to search for, type your search terms in the Search for field. This field is a find-while-you-type filter; as you type, the widget is filtered to match the text in the Search for field.

From the search results, you can view a summary for a particular element by clicking its icon in the right-most column.

Custom > (base) Traffic Light

The Traffic Light widget displays the name and color-coded status (healthy, notice, minor, major, critical) for a list of organizations, device groups, IT Services, or devices.

  • For devices, the status is equal to the most severe event associated with the device.
  • For organizations and device groups, the status is equal to the most-severe status of one or more devices in the organization or device group.
  • For IT Services, the status is equal to the Service Health metric.

Configuring the Traffic Light Widget

To configure a Traffic Light dashboard widget, supply values in the following fields:

  • Status/Health Source Selection. Select the entity to be displayed in the widget. The choices are:
  • Devices. Displays a list of devices and the color-coded status for each device.
  • Organizations. Displays a list of organizations and the color-coded status for each organization.
  • Device Groups. Displays a list of device groups and the color-coded status for each device group.
  • IT Services. Displays a list of IT Services and the color-coded status for each IT Service.

NOTE: To support multi-tenancy, the Status/Health Source Selection field will display only devices and IT Services to which you have access (through your account type, organization memberships, and Access Keys).

  • Use Context. If you select this checkbox, the widget will use the context selected in widgets that drive context.
  • Control Context. If you select this checkbox, the Traffic Light widget will control the context in widgets that read context.
  • Organizations. Appears only if you selected Organizations, Devices, or Device Groups in the Source Selection field. Filters the list of entities to only those that include the selected organizations.
  • Device Groups/IT Services. Appears only if you selected Organizations, Devices, or Device Groups in the Source Selection field. Filters the list of entities to only those that include the selected device groups.

  • Device Categories. Appears only if you selected Organizations, Devices, or Device Groups in the Source Selection field. Filters the list of entities to only those that include the selected device categories. For Organizations and Device Groups, status will be based only on devices in the organization or device group that match the device category.

  • Device Classes. Appears only if you selected Organizations, Devices, or Device Groups in the Source Selection field. Filters the list of entities to only those that include the selected device classes. For Organizations and Device Groups, status will be based only on devices in the organization or device group that match the device category.
  • IT Services. Appears only if you selected IT Services in the Source Selection field. Filters the list of IT Services to only those that include the selected IT Services.
  • Sort By. Select the parameter for sorting the list of devices in the widget. Choices are:
  • Name
  • Status Severity
  • Order. Choose whether the widget will be displayed in ascending or descending order.
  • Max Entries. Maximum number of entities to include in the Traffic Light widget.
  • Icon Type. Shape of the color-coded icon for each entity in the Traffic Light widget. Choices are circle and square.

NOTE: In Internet Explorer versions 7 and 8, the color-coded icons can only be square.

  • Size. Size (in pixels) of the color-coded icon for each entity in the Traffic Light widget.

This description covers version 1 of this widget as shipped by ScienceLogic. This widget might have been modified on your SL1 system.

Viewing the Traffic Light Widget

The Traffic Lights widget displays the name and color-coded status (healthy, notice, minor, major, critical) for a list of organizations, device groups, IT Services, or devices.

  • For devices, the status is equal to the most severe event associated with the device.
  • For organizations and device groups, the status is equal to the most severe status of one or more devices in the organization or device group.
  • For IT Services, the status is equal to the Service Health metric.

If the Traffic Lights widget has been defined with the Control Context checkbox selected, clicking on a selection in the Traffic Lights widget will affect the content that is displayed in other widgets in the dashboard.

If the Traffic Lights widget has been defined with the Use Context checkbox selected, clicking on a selection in another widget in this dashboard will affect the content that is displayed in the Traffic Lights widget.

NOTE: If the Traffic Lights widget has been defined with the Use Context checkbox selected, and a selected Device Group or selected IT Service does not contain any devices, the Traffic Lights widget will display a message saying the context contains no devices.

Custom Table > (base) Custom Table

The Custom Table widget displays multiple instances of an entity in a table. The Custom Table widget can be configured to display a list of asset records, devices, device classes, device groups, journal entries, events, IT Services, monitoring policies, organizations or tickets.

Configuring the Custom Table Widget

To configure a Custom Table widget, supply values in the following fields:

  • Entity Type. Select the type of entity that will be displayed in the widget. Choices are:
  • *Asset
  • *Contact
  • *Device
  • Device Class
  • *Device Group
  • Event
  • *Interface
  • *IT Service
  • *Monitoring Policy
  • *Organization
  • Ticket

NOTE: The Entity Types marked with an asterisk are those that can be contextually driven. This means that if you select one of these entity types and then select Drive Context in this widget, you can control the output in another widget (that has Contextually Driven selected for one or more fields).

  • Page Results. Select the maximum number of entities that will be displayed in the widget. If more than the selected number of entities would be displayed in the widget, the widget will display a page selection drop-down list. Choices are:
    • User Preference Setting. The widget will use the Page Count setting for the user viewing the dashboard.
    • 10 per page
    • 25 per page
    • 50 per page
    • 100 per page
    • 200 per page
    • 400 per page

  • Drive Context. Select this checkbox to allow users to select one or more entities displayed in the widget. The selections made by a user can be used to control what will be displayed in the other widgets in the dashboard. For more information about user selections, see the Creating a Dashboard with Context Selectors section. This checkbox applies only if you selected Events, Contacts, Device, Device Group, IT Service, or Organization in the Entity Type field. You should only select this checkbox if other widgets in the dashboard are affected by the context values set by this instance of the widget.
  • Auto-Select. This checkbox becomes active if you select the Drive Context checkbox. If you select the Auto-Select checkbox, the first entry in this widget is automatically selected when the dashboard is loaded.
  • Contextually Driven. Select this checkbox to allow other widgets in the dashboard to control what is displayed in this widget. This checkbox will not appear for entity types of Events, Assets, or Device Classes. For more information about user selections, see the Creating a Dashboard with Context Selectors section.
  • Date Range. When the Contextually Driven checkbox is selected, specifies the date range for the widget. The widget will display data collected during the date range.
  • Last. Specifies a number and a unit. Choices are minutes, hours, or days.
  • Use 'Timespan' Context. Specify whether the user viewing the dashboard can change the time period that will be used to calculate the average value. For more information about user selections, see the Creating a Dashboard with Context Selectors section. Choices are:
  • always (if set). If a user selects a time span in another widget, the time period for this widget will always change to that time span.
  • never. The time period used for this widget cannot be changed.
  • if context timespan is longer. If a user selects a time span in another widget, the time period for this widget will change to that time span if the selected time span is longer than the default time period you specified for the widget.
  • if context timespan is shorter. If a user selects a time span in another widget, the time period for this widget will change to that time span if the selected time span is shorter than the default time period you specified for the widget.
  • if context ends in the past. If a user selects a time span in another widget, the time period for this widget will change to that time span if the selected time span has an end time in the past.

  • Filters. Select which devices, events, device classes, device categories, device groups, IT services, or organizations will be evaluated for inclusion in the widget. You can limit what will be included in the widget by selecting one or more organizations, device groups, IT Services, device categories, device classes, event policies, or event severities.

NOTE: In widgets that allow you to filter the list of devices by the device class or device category, merged devices include special behavior. For merged devices, you can select either the device class or device category of the physical device or the device class or device category of the component device. If both device classes or device categories are selected, a merged device will appear twice in a single widget.

  • Layout Editor. This pane displays the columns that will be displayed in the widget. You can modify the layout of the widget using the following buttons and fields:
    • <|> You can move columns from left to right by clicking on the arrow characters at the top of each column and dragging the column left or right. Double-clicking on the arrow moves the column out of the display past a black bar to the right. All disabled columns can be seen to the right of the black bar. Double-clicking on the arrow again moves the column back into the display.
    • Column Filters. You can enter search text in the fields that appear at the top of some columns. The text that you enter will be used as the default filter for the entries in the table.

NOTE: If you selected Asset, Device, or Interface in the Entity Type field, the Layout Editor will include columns for the custom attributes defined in your system for that entity type. By default, the columns for the custom attributes are excluded from the configuration. If an extended attribute is defined in your system but has not been assigned a value for any asset, device, or interface, it will not appear in the list of columns.

Viewing the Custom Table Widget

The Custom Table widget displays multiple instances of an entity in a table. The Custom Table widget can be configured to display a list of:

  • Asset Records

  • Contacts
  • Devices
  • Device Classes
  • Device Groups
  • Events
  • Interfaces
  • IT Services
  • Journal Entries collected by a Dynamic Application
  • Monitoring Policies
  • Organizations
  • Tickets

The generated table displays information about each entity in the list. You can configure which information is included in the table in the Layout pane during configuration.

NOTE: To support multi-tenancy, the Custom Table widget displays only entities that you have permission to view (through your account type, organization memberships, and Access Keys).

For example, an instance of the Custom Table widget that is configured to display a list of organizations looks like this:

NOTE: The columns that are displayed in the table and the order of the columns are selected by the creator of the dashboard. Different instances of this widget for the same entity type might display different columns.

The following table lists the required Access Hooks (in addition to the "Dash:View" and "Dash:View Shared" Access Hooks) that users need to view specific types of data in the Custom Table Widget:

Data Required Access Hook IDs Required Access Hook Names
Asset Records





Contacts ACT_EMAIL_SUB_REG_PAGE Registry>Accounts>External Contacts





System>Settings>Collector Groups

System>Customize>Device Classes

Device Classes SYS_CUSTOM_DEV_CLASS_PAGE System>Customize>Device Classes
Device Groups















IT Services DGRP_VIEW DevGroup:View
Monitoring Policies: DNS




Registry>Monitors>Domain Name


System>Customize>Device Categories

Monitoring Policies: E-mail



Registry>Monitors>Email Round-Trip


Monitoring Policies: SOAP/XML





Monitoring Policies: System Processes



Registry>Monitors>System Processes


Monitoring Policies: TCP-IP Ports



Registry>Monitors>TCP-IP Ports


Monitoring Policies: Web Content



Registry>Monitors>Web Content


Monitoring Policies: Windows Services



Registry>Monitors>Windows Services


Organizations ORG_VIEW Org:View





Ticket Console:View




You can interact with a Custom Table widget in the following ways:

  • To sort the list of entities, click on a column heading. The list will be sorted by the column value, in ascending order. To sort by descending order, click the column heading again.

  • Except for the date fields, you can filter the list of entities by supplying a value in one or more of the filters that appear at the top of each column. When you supply a value in a filter, the list of entities is filtered to include only entities that have a matching value for that column. When you supply values in multiple filters, the list of entities is filtered to include only entities that have a matching value in every column. The list of entities is dynamically updated as you enter a value in a filter. You can use the following special characters in each filter:
    • , (comma) specifies an "or" operation. For example:
    • "dell, micro" would match all values that contain the string "dell" OR the string "micro".

    • & (ampersand) specifies an "and" operation. For example:
    • "dell & micro" would match all values that contain the string "dell" AND the string "micro"

    • ! (exclamation mark) specifies a "not" operation. For example:
    • "!dell" would match all values that do not contain the string "dell".

  • When the Custom Table widget is configured to display one of the following columns, you can use the drop-down list at the top of the column to filter the list of entities:
  • Date Added. Only those devices that match all the previously selected fields and have the specified creation date or last-edited date will be displayed. The choices are:
  • All. Display all devices that match the other filters.
  • Last Minute. Display only devices that have been created or edited within the last minute.
  • Last Hour. Display only devices that have been created or edited within the last hour.
  • Last Day. Display only devices that have been created or edited within the last day.
  • Last Week. Display only devices that have been created or edited within the last week.
  • Last Month. Display only devices that have been created or edited within the last month.
  • Last Year. Display only devices that have been created or edited within the last year.
  • Date Acknowledged. Only those events that match all the previously selected fields and were acknowledged on specified date will be displayed. The choices are:
  • All. Display all events that match the other filters.
  • Last Minute. Display only events that have been acknowledged within the last minute.
  • Last Hour. Display only events that have been acknowledged within the last hour.
  • Last Day. Display only events that have been acknowledged within the last day.
  • Last Week. Display only events that have been acknowledged within the last week.
  • Last Month. Display only events that have been acknowledged within the last month.
  • Last Year. Display only events that have been acknowledged created or edited within the last year.

  • Date Last Detected. Only those events that match all the previously selected fields and were last detected on the specified date will be displayed. The choices are:
  • All. Display all events that match the other filters.

  • Last Minute. Display only events that have been last detected within the last minute.
  • Last Hour. Display only events that have been last detected within the last hour.
  • Last Day. Display only events that have been last detected within the last day.
  • Last Week. Display only events that have been last detected within the last week.
  • Last Month. Display only events that have been last detected within the last month.
  • Last Year. Display only events that have been last detected created or edited within the last year.

  • Created. Only those tickets that match all the previously selected fields and have the specified creation date will be displayed. The choices are:
  • All. Display all tickets that match the other filters.

  • Last Minute. Display only tickets that have been created within the last minute.
  • Last Hour. Display only tickets that have been created within the last hour.
  • Last Day. Display only tickets that have been created within the last day.
  • Last Week. Display only tickets that have been created within the last week.
  • Last Month. Display only tickets that have been created within the last month.
  • Last Year. Display only tickets that have been created within the last year.

  • Last Modified. Only those tickets that match all the previously selected fields and were last modified on the specified date will be displayed. The choices are:
  • All. Display all tickets that match the other filters.

  • Last Minute. Display only tickets that have been last modified within the last minute.
  • Last Hour. Display only tickets that have been last modified within the last hour.
  • Last Day. Display only tickets that have been last modified within the last day.
  • Last Week. Display only tickets that have been last modified within the last week.
  • Last Month. Display only tickets that have been last modified within the last month.
  • Last Year. Display only tickets that have been last modified within the last year.

  • Resolved. Only those tickets that match all the previously selected fields and were resolved on the specified date will be displayed. The choices are:
  • All. Display all tickets that match the other filters.

  • Last Minute. Display only tickets that have been resolved within the last minute.
  • Last Hour. Display only tickets that have been resolved within the last hour.
  • Last Day. Display only tickets that have been resolved within the last day.
  • Last Week. Display only tickets that have been resolved within the last week.
  • Last Month. Display only tickets that have been resolved within the last month.
  • Last Year. Display only tickets that have been resolved within the last year.
  • For some entity types, the Custom Table displays a wrench icon () for each entity, which leads to the properties page associated with that entity.
  • If checkboxes are displayed for each entity in the Custom Table widget, the Custom Table widget is configured as a control widget. Control widgets allow you to make selections that define what is displayed in other widgets in the dashboard. For more information about control widgets, see the Using Control Widgets section.

See Also

Dashboards as a Service for Customers

Control Widgets

Context Selectors

Dashboard and Widget Categories