Generating and Viewing Reports for SL1 PowerFlow Applications

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This section describes how to generate reports for PowerFlow applications, which you can view on the Reports page () of the PowerFlow user interface.

This section also lists the reports available in the various Synchronization PowerPacks that can be used in the PowerFlow user interface.

Viewing the List of Reports in PowerFlow

In the PowerFlow user interface, the Reports page () contains a list of reports associated with PowerFlow applications. You can search for a specific report by typing the name of that report in the Search field at the top of the Reports page. The user interface filters the list as you type.

If a PowerFlow application supports reports and the reporting feature is enabled, PowerFlow will generate a report each time you run the application. Each report displays data only from the most recent run of the application; a report is not an aggregation of all previous runs.

From the detail page for a PowerFlow application, click theReports button to go to the Reports page.

To view a report:

  1. On the Reports page (), click the name of the application or the down arrow () to expand the list of reports for that application.

    Click the arrow buttons under the list of reports to scroll forward and back through the list.

  1. Click a report name in the Report ID column. The Report Details page appears:

  1. Click the down arrow icon () to open a new section where you can view more information about an item in a report, and click the up arrow icon () to close that section.
  2. To delete the report, click Delete report.

PowerFlow Platform Reports

The PowerFlow Platform includes the following reports by default:

The PowerFlow System Diagnostics Report

The "PowerFlow System Diagnostics" application lets you view platform diagnostics for the PowerFlow system. You can use the information displayed in these diagnostics to help you troubleshoot issues with the different tools used by PowerFlow.

Older versions of this application were named "Integration Service System Diagnostics".

To view the diagnostics report:

  1. From the Applications page, select the "PowerFlow System Diagnostics" application. The Application page appears.

  1. Click Configure (). The Configuration pane appears:

  1. Complete the following fields:
  • Configuration. Select a configuration to align with this application. The "IS - System Diagnostic Configuration Example" configuration object contains the structure needed for this application, and you can use that configuration object as a template. Be sure to update the configuration object with values for is_swarm_manager, is_username, and is_password.
  • ssh_key. The remote SSH key you want to use in place of a password for the remote location. You will need to edit the SSH Key values in the JSON Editor for this release to ensure the key is properly set. This is a known issue that will be addressed in a future release.
  • device_sync_app. Specify the name of the Incident Creation application that contains the relevant device mappings.
  • incident_create_app. Specify the name of the Device Sync application that contains information about the incidents that have been created.
  • api_alias. Specify the alias to reference the API internally to make calls.
  • collect_docker_info. Select this option to collect Docker information.
  • collect_snow_info. Select this option to collect ServiceNow information.
  • use_ssh_key. Select this option if you want to use the value in the ssh_key field to authenticate to the remote system.
  1. Click Save and wait for the "App & Config modifications saved" pop-up message to appear. The Configuration pane automatically closes after this message appears.
  2. On the Application page, click Run (). The application generates a report that you can access on the Reports page ():

    This diagnostic report displays overall PowerFlow settings, such as the PowerFlow version, Docker version, kernel version, hostname, cluster settings, scheduled applications, CPU and memory statistics, installation date, and cache information.

The Read SL1 RBA Queue and Retry PowerFlow Applications Report

If you are using PowerFlow to sync incidents from a third-party application like ServiceNow or Cherwell, you can enable Run Book Action (RBA) queue retries to keep from losing any incidents if PowerFlow is unavailable. Those pending PowerFlow applications are added to an RBA queue that you can access to retry the applications that failed. For more information, see Enabling Run Book Automation Queue Retries.

When you configure the "Read SL1 RBA Queue and Retry PowerFlow Applications" application, you can enable the generate_report option from the Configuration pane to generate a report of all of the triggered PowerFlow applications that were read from the RBA queue.

After PowerFlow runs the application and generates the report, you can select the applications in the report to see if any child applications failed to get triggered.

The "Read SL1 RBA Queue and Retry PowerFlow Applications" application is available in the System UtilsSynchronization PowerPack version 1.1.2 or later

Synchronization PowerPack Reports

Some reports are included with a specific Synchronization PowerPack. You can download the most recent version of a Synchronization PowerPack from the PowerPacks page at the ScienceLogic Support Site at

ServiceNow CMDB Synchronization PowerPack Reports

The ServiceNow CMDB Synchronization PowerPack includes the following reports: