Introduction to the ServiceNow Base SyncPack

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This section describes the "ServiceNow Base" SyncPack, which contains a set of PowerFlow applications, steps, a configuration object, and other utilities that are common to the entire ServiceNow Integration.

Contents of the ServiceNow Base SyncPack

This section lists the contents of the "ServiceNow Base" SyncPack.

PowerFlow Applications

  • Bulk Clear SL1 Events. Bulk clears SL1 events.

  • Bulk Update SL1 Events. Bulk updates SL1 events with a given payload.

  • Cache SL1 Users. Performs a query for all existing PowerFlow users and writes them to a cache. Many SyncPacks require that you align this application with a configuration object and schedule it to run at least once a week to maintain the user cache for those SyncPacks. See the manuals for those SyncPacks for situations where you need to schedule this applications.

    If you are getting an error stating that PowerFlow is "unable to retrieve cached users", schedule the "Cache SL1 Users" application to run at least once a week.

Configuration Object

  • ServiceNow SyncPack. Contains a set of required variables. As a best practice, use the Copy as button to make a copy of the configuration object, and then update the variables from that object to match your SL1 and ServiceNow settings. Do not use the original version of the configuration to run PowerFlow applications.


  • Clear SL1 Events
  • Fetch Parent Devices from SL1
  • Merge and Chunk Payloads for ServiceNow
  • MySQL Multiple
  • Optional QueryGQL Call
  • Parse ServiceNow Cases and Incidents
  • Post Event Details to SL1
  • Post ServiceNow Ticket Details to SL1
  • Process IS Configs
  • Process Event Data for Clear
  • Process SL1 RBA for Incident of Case
  • Pull and Process ServiceNow Companies
  • Pull and Process SL1 Events
  • Pull and Process SL1 Organizations
  • Pull Tickets from ServiceNow
  • Query and Cache SL1 User Info
  • ServiceNow POST with paging
  • Update SL1 Event with ServiceNow Ticket Data