Using the Devices Page

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The Devices page allows you to view all of your managed devices in SL1 and also run a discovery to find more devices to monitor. You can select a device from the list on the Devices page to view detailed data on the Device Investigator page for that device.

The list of devices on the Devices page matches the list of devices on the Device Manager page (Devices > Device Manager).

Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:

  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all of the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

Viewing Devices

The Devices page allows you to view all of your managed devices in SL1. This section explains how to gather more information about a device from this page.

To navigate to the Devices page, click the Devices icon ():

The Devices page

You can filter the items on this inventory page by typing filter text or selecting filter options in one or more of the filters found above the columns on the page. For more information, see Filtering Inventory Pages.

NOTE: By default, the Devices page footer displays the total number of devices discovered. If you apply a filter, the footer will display the total number of search returns that satisfy your filter and the total number of devices available on your machine.

For each device, the Devices page displays the following information:

  • Device Name. Name of the device. For devices running SNMP or with DNS entries, the name is discovered automatically. For devices without SNMP or DNS entries, the device's IP address will appear in this field.
  • IP Address. The device's IP address.
  • Category. The category assigned to the device. Categories include servers, routers, switches, firewalls, and printers, among others. The category is automatically assigned during discovery, at the same time as the as Device Class. For more information about Device Categories, see the section on Managing Device Classes and Device Categories.
  • Class. The manufacturer and type of device. The Device Class is automatically assigned during discovery, at the same time as the Category.
  • Organization. The Organization to which the device is assigned.
  • ID. The Device ID. This is a unique number that SL1 automatically assigns to the device during discovery.

  • State. The current condition of the device, based upon events generated by the device. The device can have one of the following States:
    • Critical. Device has a serious problem that requires immediate attention.
    • Major. Device has a problem that requires immediate attention.
    • Minor. Device has a less-serious problem.
    • Notice. Device has an informational event associated with it.
    • Healthy. Device is running with no problems.

  • Collection State. The current condition of data collection for the device. The device can have one or more of the following Collection States: 

  • Active. SL1 is collecting data from the device.
  • Unavailable. SL1 cannot connect to the device, and will not collect data from the device until the device becomes available. A physical device falls back to executing the availability ping every five minutes, unless you have critical ping enabled. Component devices get their availability calculated by the component discovery Dynamic Application of the parent device.
  • User-Disabled. SL1 is not currently collecting data from the device because the user has disabled collection.
  • System-Disabled. SL1 is not currently collecting data from the device because the system has disabled collection.
  • Maintenance. SL1 is not currently collecting data from the device because it is currently in scheduled maintenance mode.
  • User-Initiated-Maintenance. SL1 is not currently collecting data from the device because it has manually been put into maintenance mode by a user.
  • Component Vanished. The component device has vanished, i.e. is not currently being reported by its root device. SL1 cannot collect data from the device at this time.

Depending on the circumstances, more than one collection state might appear for a single device. For example, if a device is in a scheduled maintenance mode, the Collection State might be Unavailable / Maintenance / System-Disabled.

  • Hostname. The fully qualified hostname for the device, for devices that are discovered and managed by hostname (instead of IP address). This column does not appear by default, but you can add it by clicking Grid Settings > Column Preferences.

Viewing Additional Data about a Device

On the Events page and the Devices page, you can click the Expand icon () next to an event or device to open a new Device Summary modal:

The Device Summary window for a device

NOTE: On the Events page, the Device Summary modal displays only for events that are aligned with devices.

The detail window for that device contains the Tools pane, the Vitals graphs, and the Logs pane:

  • The Tools pane enables you to run a set of diagnostic tools or user-initiated actions in the Activity Center, or to click on custom links that will open in a separate browser window. Click the search bar to search for tools, actions, or custom links that are available for the device.
  • The Vitals pane displays graph data for the past four hours of CPU usage, memory usage, and latency for that device, where relevant. You can zoom in on a shorter time frame in the Vitals graph by clicking and dragging, and you can go back to the original time span by clicking the Reset zoom button.
  • The Logs pane displays a list of events associated with that device.

To open the detail or Investigator page for an item, click the link for the item name at the top of the detail window.

Favorite Devices

In SL1, you can select one or more devices so that they always display at the top of the list on the Devices page. This process is called favoriting devices or favorite device.

To make a device a favorite, click the Favorite Dashboard star icon () to add the devices to your favorites list. Click the icon () again to remove the favorite status.

With favorite devices, you can:

  • View your favorite devices at the top of the Devices page by default.
  • Include favorites in the multi-sort function.
  • Filter devices by favorite.

Aligning a Device with a Different Organization

To align a device with a different organization:

  1. On the Devices page, click the Actions button () for the device and select Align Organization. The Align to Organization window appears.

    To align more than one device to an organization, select the checkboxes to the left of those devices and click the Align Organization button.

  2. In the Align to Organization window, use the Organization drop-down to search for and select an organization.
  3. Click the Align Organization button. The organization you selected now appears in that Info drop-down on the Device Investigator page for that device.

Adding Devices with Discovery

On the Devices page, you can click the Add Devices button to run a guided or unguided network discovery session, a process that searches for and adds more devices to SL1 for monitoring.

For more information about adding devices using guided or unguided discovery, see the section on Discovering Devices.

Assigning Icons to Devices

You can customize the look and feel of the devices that appear on the Devices page by assigning an icon a device, device class, or device category.

To assign an icon to a device, device class, or device category:

  1. On the Devices page, Device Classes page (Devices > Device Classes), or Device Categories page (Devices > Device Categories), locate the device, class, or category for which you want to add an icon.

  2. Click the Actions button () for that item and select Assign Icon. The Select an Icon window appears:

    The Select an Icon window

    To assign an icon to more than one device, device class, or device category, select the checkboxes to the left of those items and click the Assign Icon button.

  3. To use an existing icon, select that icon from the list of icons and click the Select Icon button.

    If an icon includes a tag, you can search for that icon by typing some or all of the tag text in the Search field.

  4. To upload an icon from your local drive, make sure that the image file meets the following criteria:

  • The image file should be in .SVG format.
  • The file should not be larger than 40 KB.
  • The file should not be animated.
  • The file should not contain bitmaps.
  1. To start the upload process, click the Add Icon button. The Add an Icon window appears:

    The Add an Icon window

  2. In the Icon name field, type a name for the icon you want to upload.
  3. In the Add Tags field, type a short descriptor for the icon, without spaces. You can use this tag for searching later.
  4. You can click the Browse or Drop area to browse for and select the icon, or you can drag and drop the icon file onto the Add an Icon window.
  5. Click the Add Icon button. The icon is added to the Select an Icon window.
  6. Click the Select Icon button to add the icon to the selected item.

Deleting Devices

On the Devices page, you can delete devices by following the directions outlined below:


  1. On the Devices page, select the checkbox next to the device(s) you wish to delete.

  2. Click Delete Devices. The Delete Devices dialog will appear.
  • NOTE: The Delete Devices modal will ask you to confirm this decision before permanently deleting any device(s).

    1. Click Delete.