Configuration and Discovery

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  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all of the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

The following sections describe how to configure and discover Kubernetes clusters for monitoring by SL1 using the Kubernetes PowerPack:

Prerequisites for Monitoring Kubernetes Clusters

Before you can monitor Kubernetes clusters using the Kubernetes PowerPack, you must first do the following: 

  1. If you will be using Dynamic Applications from the Linux Base Pack PowerPack, import and install version 103 or later.

  1. Create a Kubernetes service account that SL1 can use to communicate with the Kubernetes API. This service account must have the minimum permissions set in the Required Permissions for the Service Account Token section.
  1. Extract the service account token.
  2. Ensure that cURL 7.40 or greater is installed on all Kubernetes nodes that you want to monitor.
  3. Configure SSH credentials on the Kubernetes nodes. These credentials must be the same on all nodes, and are used to retrieve data from the underlying Linux OS.

For more information about any of these steps, see

Required Permissions for the Service Account Token

The minimum required permissions are required for the service account token:

kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-limited
- apiGroups:
  - '*'
  - nodes
  - pods
  - replicationcontrollers
  - deployments
  - statefulsets
  - replicasets
  - daemonsets
  - cronjobs
  - jobs
  - componentstatuses
  - namespaces
  - persistentvolumes
  - persistentvolumeclaims
  - services	
  - events
  - ingresses
  - horizontalpodautoscalers
  - get
  - list
  - watch

Creating Credentials for Kubernetes Clusters

Unlike other PowerPacks, you must not create a credential for Kubernetes using the Credential Management page (System > Manage > Credentials).

Instead, you must use the Kubernetes Token Entry dashboard that is included in the Kubernetes PowerPack. This dashboard automatically creates the following credentials based on your input:

  • A master SSH/Key Credential. This credential enables SL1 to communicate with the Kubernetes API so that it can monitor the Kubernetes master. It includes a host IP address, port number, and the service account token.
  • A SOAP/XML Credential. This credential includes HTTP headers that enable you to specify the Kubernetes topology that you want SL1 to discover.
  • A node SSH/Key Credential. This credential enables SL1 to monitor and run Dynamic Applications on Kubernetes nodes.

To create credentials for Kubernetes clusters:

  1. Click the Dashboards tab. In the drop-down field in the upper-left corner of the page, select Kubernetes Token Entry.

  1. On the Kubernetes Token Entry dashboard page, click Create new credential.

  1. On the Create Discovery Credential dashboard page:

  • In the Credential Name field, type a name for the Kubernetes master SSH/Key credential.

  • In the Topology Configuration field:
  • In the Enter Label field, type a topology definition that you want SL1 to use when discovering Kubernetes component devices. (For more information, see the Specifying the Kubernetes Topology for Discovery section.)
  • Click Add.
  • Repeat the previous two steps as needed until you have fully defined the discovery topology configuration.

Specifying the discovery topology configuration creates a SOAP/XML credential that uses cURL commands for topology discovery.

  • In the Host field, select https:// if the IP address is secure or http:// if it is not, and then type the IP address of the Kubernetes cluster.
  • In the Port field, type the IP address port for the Kubernetes cluster.

Ports 443 or 8443 are typically used for HTTPS.

NOTE: For steps on how to configure a customized IP port and to edit the snippet code in some Run Book Actions to use that IP port, see the Configuring Customized IP Ports section.

  • In the Token field, paste your Kubernetes service account token.
  • In the Timeout field, type the time, in milliseconds, after which SL1 will stop trying to communicate with the Kubernetes nodes.

In SL1 version 11.1.0 and later, you can edit the value of the Timeout field in both the Kubernetes Token Entry dashboard and directly in the SSH/Key credential. In versions of SL1 prior to version 11.1.0, the Timeout field can be edited only from the Kubernetes Token Entry dashboard.

  • In the Collection Server PID field, select the Collector Unit you want to use.

  • In the SSH Credential field:
  • Select None if you do not want to create or use an additional SSH/Key credential to monitor Kubernetes nodes.

To fully monitor Kubernetes, a standard SSH/Key credential is required to communicate with the Kubernetes node.

  • Select Existing if you want to use an existing SSH/Key credential to monitor Kubernetes nodes, and then select that credential from the Existing SSH Key drop-down field.
  • Select New if you want to create a new SSH/Key credential to monitor Kubernetes nodes.

  1. Click the Save and Create Discovery Session button.
  • If you selected None or Existing in the SSH Credential field, then SL1 saves your Kubernetes credentials and creates a new discovery session. Proceed to the Discovering a Kubernetes Cluster section.
  • If you selected New in the SSH Credential field, then the Edit SSH/Key Credential modal page appears. Proceed to step 5.

  1. On the Edit SSH/Key Credential modal page, make entries in the following fields:
  • Credential Name. Defaults to the same credential name as the Kubernetes master SSH/Key credential name that you entered in step 3, followed by "(ssh)".

  • Hostname/IP. Type "%D".
  • Port. Type the IP port of the Kubernetes nodes.

Port 22 is typically used for SSH.

  • Timeout (ms). Type the time, in milliseconds, after which SL1 will stop trying to communicate with the Kubernetes nodes. ScienceLogic recommends setting this field to a value of at least 1,000; however, you can increase the value if you experience high network latency.
  • Username. Type the SSH account username.

If you want to monitor multiple EKS clusters, you must type the AWS EKS token account ID, the region name, and the cluster name in this field in the following format:


For example:


  • Password. Type the password for the SSH account.
  • Private Key (PEM Format). Type the SSH private key that you want SL1 to use to monitor the Kubernetes nodes.

The private key can have a maximum of 64 characters per line. Therefore, you cannot use keys in the OpenSSH format, because that format uses 70 characters per line. When you attempt to save the credential, SL1 will validate that the private key entered is in the correct format. You will be able to save the credential only if the private key is correctly formatted.

Most systems will require either a password or a private key for authentication.

  1. Click Save to save the SSH/Key credential for monitoring Kubernetes nodes. The Create Discovery Credential dashboard page appears again.
  2. In the Existing SSH Key drop-down field, select the SSH/Key credential that you created in steps 5 and 6.
  3. Click the Save and Create Discovery Session button.

If you created an SSH/Key credential for Kubernetes nodes in steps 5 and 6, you must click the Save and Create Discovery Session button, as indicated in step 8, even though you already clicked the button once in step 4. Clicking the button the first time saved your Kubernetes master SSH/Key and SOAP/XML credentials; clicking it the second time will link the node SSH/Key credential to the master SSH/Key credential.

Configure the Discovery Session to Exclude Dynamic Applications from the Linux Base Pack

To configure the discovery session to exclude aligning Linux Base Pack Dynamic Applications:

  1. On the Kubernetes Token Entry dashboard page, click Create new credential.

  1. On the Create Discovery Credential dashboard page, fill out the fields as described in the Creating Credentials for Kubernetes Clusters section, then select None in the SSH Credential field.

  1. Click the Save and Create Discovery Session button.
  2. Since you selected None in the SSH Credential field, SL1 saves your Kubernetes credentials and creates a new discovery session. Proceed to the Discovering a Kubernetes Cluster section to finish the process. The Kubernetes cluster will be discovered and there will not be any Linux Base Pack Dynamic Applications aligned.

Enabling Data Collection for Linux Base Pack Dynamic Applications

If you previously disabled auto-aligning the Linux Dynamic Applications and need to monitor a Linux machine that your nodes are deployed on, you can enable and align the Linux Base Pack Dynamic Applications by performing the following steps:

  1. Create an SSH/Key credential. When naming the credential, use the name of the SSH/Key credential that you have already created for Kubernetes, but add "ssh" in the title. For example, if your credential name is "Multi_master", name it "Multi_master(ssh)":

  1. Go to the Kubernetes Token Entry dashboard page, and click Edit existing credential.
  2. Select the original credential you created (in our example, "Multi_master") in the Credential field.
  3. In the SSH Credential field, select Existing.
  4. In the Existing SSH Key field, select the SSH credential that you created in step 1 (in our example, "Multi_master(ssh)").
  5. Click Save and Create Discovery Session.

NOTE: A copy of the original discovery session will appear in the Discovery Control Panel, but it will not automatically run and you don't need to run it. You may delete this discovery session.

  1. Locate original Kubernetes credential in the Credential Management page (System > Manage > Credentials) and click its wrench icon ().
  2. Validate that the Kubernetes credential has been updated by confirming that the Username field now contains the ID of the new SSH credential:

  1. After about 15 minutes all the Linux Base Pack Dynamic Applications will align to the Kubernetes nodes.

If the Linux Base Pack Dynamic Applications are not aligning, you may need to clear the cache on the Data Collector that contains the cluster. To do this, execute the following query on the Data Collector:


FROM cache.dynamic_app


Configuring Customized IP Ports

To use a custom IP address port with your Kubernetes cluster, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Dashboards page (System > Customize > Classic Dashboards).
  2. In the Dashboard Name column, type "Kubernetes Token Entry". Click the wrench icon () for the dashboard to open the Dashboard Editor page.
  3. In the Dashboard Editor page, go to the top-right corner of the widget and click Options > Configure to open the Widget Configuration window. In the Widget Configuration window, type your custom port number into the Port of SL1 REST API field.

  1. Click the Save button.

If you are using a customized IP port for your Kubernetes cluster, you will need to edit the snippet code in some of the PowerPack's run book actions for discovery to run successfully. To do so:

  1. Go to the Action Policy Manager page (Registry > Run Book > Actions).
  2. Locate the "Kubernetes: Cluster Creation" run book action and click its wrench icon ().
  3. In the Action Policy Editor window, find the entry for PORT in the Snippet Code field and update the entry to your customized port number.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Repeat these steps for the following run book actions:
  • Kubernetes: GCP Cluster Update
  • Kubernetes: Node App Alignment
  • Kubernetes: Set Namespace Vanishing Timer

Viewing the Kubernetes Credentials

After you have created the Kubernetes credentials using the Kubernetes Token Entry dashboard, you can view the credentials on the Credentials page (Manage > Credentials) or the Credential Management page (System > Manage > Credentials).

Master SSH/Key Credential

You must not modify the master SSH/Key credential from this page. You must use the Kubernetes Token Entry dashboard to edit the master credential.

The master SSH/Key credential will include the Credential Name, Hostname/IP, Port, and Private Key (service account token) values that you entered on the Create Discovery Credential dashboard page.

The Timeout(ms) field displays the default timeout value. You can edit this value if needed.

The Username field indicates the SOAP/XML credential and optional node SSH/Key credential that are associated with this master SSH/Key credential. The Username value is auto-generated in the following format:

K:SOAP/XML Credential ID #:Node SSH/Key Credential ID #


The Password field should remain blank.

SOAP/XML Credential

The SOAP/XML credential will include the HTTP Headers field values that you entered in the Topology Configuration field on the Create Discovery Credential dashboard page.

The Profile Name field defaults to the same credential name as the Kubernetes master SSH/Key credential name, followed by "(topo)".

All other fields in this credential use the default values needed for monitoring Kubernetes clusters.

Node SSH/Key Credential

The node SSH/Key credential will include the values that you defined on the Edit SSH/Key Credential modal page, as described in the Creating Credentials for Kubernetes Clusters section.

Specifying the Kubernetes Topology for Discovery

The Kubernetes PowerPack utilizes a flexible device topology. This flexible topology enables you to specify the device component map hierarchy that you want SL1 to create when discovering and modeling your Kubernetes devices, rather than using a hierarchy that is pre-defined in the PowerPack.

When creating your Kubernetes credentials, you can specify the device topology that you want to be modeled upon discovery. The topology is based on labels used in Kubernetes.

For example, if you want to separate your production and development environments, you could use labels such as "environment=prod" and "environment=dev" in Kubernetes. When discovering your Kubernetes system, SL1 could then use those labels to utilize the following features:

  • Aggregation. This enables SL1 to model the aggregation point and create a component device in the platform that represents grouping based on these labels. If just aggregation is required, then the device component map would display a component device for "dev" and another component device for "prod". All of the components with the "dev" and "prod" labels would then appear under those two component devices.
  • Filtering. This enables SL1 to create additional components that match a Kubernetes label. So in the case of the environment label, SL1 could selectively model only the production environment. (In this scenario, all of the controllers that do not match the production label would still appear in the device component map under the namespace.)

Example: Defining the Topology

The first step to utilizing the flexible topology is to define the topology and the components that you want to appear on the device component map.

The following example shows an application and its tiers modeled on a device component map without a defined topology:

To define the Kubernetes topology, you must first type a topology definition into the Topology Configuration field when using the Kubernetes Token Entry dashboard to create your Kubernetes discovery credentials. For example: 


This definition declares that additional components will be created in the device component map to reflect Applications and Application Tiers.

When defining the topology, keep the following important rules in mind:

  • "TOPOLOGY" must be capitalized.
  • The labels included in your topology definition are used to identify the component devices that will appear on the device component map. These labels must match a device class's Class Identifier 2 component identifier. For more information about component identifiers and the Class Identifier 2 identifier, see the section on Configuring Collection Objects as Component Identifiers.
  • The labels in your topology definition must be preceded by a colon, without a space.

Example: Defining the Application and Tier Labels

The next step is to define which Kubernetes labels will be used to identify the application and the tier. Once again, you will do so by adding entries to the Topology Configuration field in the Kubernetes Token Entry dashboard. For example, you could enter the following to define the application:


This definition states that the Kubernetes label "app" will be used to create the application component.

Finally, the same is done for the Tier component, as follows:


This definition will use the label "tier" to create the application tier component.

You must define each of the components listed in your topology definition. Therefore, if the topology definition in the previous example included other components in addition to "Application" and "Tier", those would need to be defined similar to the application and tier definition examples in this section.

When defining these components, the first terms in the definitions must match the labels used in the topology definition. The middle terms in the definition represent the list of keys in the API response for a pod that identifies the members of that tier. The final term in the definition is the component's name.

You can other API responses from the payload if they are meaningful to you. For example, if you wanted to have a component based on an application and another based on the field "dnsPolicy", then your topology definition would be "TOPOLOGY:Application:DNSPolicy", and your component definitions would be as follows:



Example: Creating the Application and Tier Device Classes

The following example illustrates what the device component map might look like after the topology definitions are entered, as described in the previous two sections:

In this example, the generic "Component" device appears in the device component map. This is because no device classes match the names used in the topology definition and thus, SL1 uses a default device class.

For the purposes of this example, the following device classes are created:

For information on how to create device classes, see the section on Device Classes.

For this example, when creating the device classes, the Class Identifier 1 field must always be "Kubernetes" and the Class Identifier 2 field value must match the fields in the credential's topology definition—in this case, "Application" and "Tier".

After you have created these device classes, the device component map tree will appear as follows:

If you previously discovered your Kubernetes system prior to defining device classes that were specific to your topology definition, then after you have defined the device classes, you must delete any of the generic devices that were used in lieu of those device classes in order for SL1 to rebuild the device component map with the new device classes. For instance, in our example above, the devices that were initially discovered with the generic "Component" device class had to be deleted from the Device Manager page (Devices > Classic Devices, or Registry > Devices > Device Manager in the classic SL1 user interface) so that they could be automatically rediscovered with the newly defined device classes.


Filtering enables the creation of specific aggregation components. In the preceding examples, application components would be created for all applications with that label. If you wanted to model only a set of applications or one specific application, you can do so using filtering.

For example, to create only a single "example-1" application component for the example application in the previous sections, you could modify the Topology Configuration as follows:


You can include lists when filtering. For example, you could include multiple application names, separated by comma.

Discovering a Kubernetes Cluster

When you use the Kubernetes Token Entry dashboard to create credentials for the Kubernetes cluster that you want to monitor, SL1 automatically creates a discovery session that will discover your Kubernetes cluster and component devices.

To discover your Kubernetes cluster:

  1. Go to the Discovery Sessions page (Devices > Discovery Sessions).

  1. Locate the discovery session with the Session Name that matches the name of the Kubernetes master SSH/Key credential that you created. (For example, if your SSH/Key credential is called "Kubernetes Example Credential", then the discovery Session Name will also be "Kubernetes Example Credential".)
  2. If you want to run the discovery session immediately, proceed to step 6. Otherwise, to view the discovery session, click its Actions icon () and select Edit. Continue to step 4.

  1. The Basic Information window appears. It includes the following information:

  • Name. Displays the name of the discovery session, which matches the name of the Kubernetes master SSH/Key credential that you created. If you want to edit this discovery session, you should type a new name in this field.
  • Description (Optional). Type a short description of the discovery session. You can use the text in this description to search for the discovery session on the Discovery Sessions tab
  • Select the organization to add discovered devices to.... Select the name of the organization to which you want to add the discovered devices
  1. Click Next. The Credential Selection page appears. The Kubernetes master SSH/Key credential that you created is selected.
  2. Click Next. The Discovery Session Details page appears with the following fields:

  • List of IPs/Hostnames. Displays the IP address from the Kubernetes master SSH/Key credential that you created.
  • Scan Ports. The port from the Kubernetes master SSH/Key credential that you created is selected.
  • Discover Non-SNMP. This checkbox is selected.

For more information about the other fields on this page, see the Discovery & Credentials section.

  1. If you did not make any changes to the discovery session, you can close the window without saving and then proceed to the next step. If you did make changes, click Save And Close.
  2. Click the discovery session's Actions icon () and select Start to run discovery. The Discovery Logs window appears.
  3. When you run the discovery session, a Run Book Action in the Kubernetes PowerPack creates a virtual device that acts as the root device in your Kubernetes cluster. When the Kubernetes root device is discovered, you can click on it to view the cluster's device properties.

SL1 might take several minutes to discover the component devices for your cluster.

Discovering a Kubernetes Cluster in the SL1 Classic User Interface

When you use the Kubernetes Token Entry dashboard to create credentials for the Kubernetes cluster that you want to monitor, SL1 automatically creates a discovery session that will discover your Kubernetes cluster and component devices.

To discover your Kubernetes cluster:

  1. Go to the Discovery Control Panel page (System > Manage > Classic Discovery).

  1. Locate the discovery session with the Session Name that matches the name of the Kubernetes master SSH/Key credential that you created. (For example, if your SSH/Key credential is called "Kubernetes Example Credential", then the discovery Session Name will also be "Kubernetes Example Credential".)
  2. If you want to run the discovery session immediately, proceed to step 6. Otherwise, to view the discovery session, click its wrench icon () and continue to step 4.

  1. The Discovery Session Editor window appears. It includes the following information:
  • Name. Displays the name of the discovery session, which matches the name of the Kubernetes master SSH/Key credential that you created. If you want to edit this discovery session, you should type a new name in this field.

  • IP Address/Hostname Discovery List. Displays the IP address from the Kubernetes master SSH/Key credential that you created.
  • Other Credentials. The Kubernetes master SSH/Key credential that you created is selected.
  • Detection Method & Port. The port from the Kubernetes master SSH/Key credential that you created is selected.
  • Discover Non-SNMP. This checkbox is selected.

For more information about the other fields on this page, see the Discovery & Credentials section.

  1. If you did not make any changes to the discovery session, you can close the window without saving and then proceed to the next step. If you did make changes, click Save As and then close the Discovery Session Editor window. The discovery session you created will appear at the top of the Discovery Control Panel page.
  2. Click the discovery session's lightning-bolt icon () to run discovery. The Discovery Session window appears.
  3. When you run the discovery session, a Run Book Action in the Kubernetes PowerPack creates a virtual device that acts as the root device in your Kubernetes cluster. When the Kubernetes root device is discovered, you can click its device icon () to view the cluster's device properties.

SL1 might take several minutes to discover the component devices for your cluster.

Customizing Event Policies

The "Kubernetes: Event Configuration" Dynamic Application is a Journal Dynamic Application that collects the events reported by Kubernetes. The "Kubernetes: Normal event" and "Kubernetes: Warning event" are general event policies that are enabled by default.

Users can enable more specific event policies in the PowerPack after disabling the ""Kubernetes: Normal event" and "Kubernetes: Warning event" policies. To enable these event policies, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Event Policy Manager page (Registry > Events > Event Manager).
  2. Search for the "Kubernetes: Normal event" in the Event Policy Name field.
  3. Select the wrench icon () for the event policy to open the Event Policy Editor page.
  4. In the Operational State drop-down, select Disabled and then click the Save button. Repeat these steps for the "Kubernetes: Warning event" event policy.
  5. Once these event policies are disabled, find the event policies you want to use and enable them. You can enable more than one event policy at a time by selecting their checkboxes in the Event Policy Manager page, selecting ENABLE these event policies in the Select Action menu, and then clicking the Go button.

The following event policies are available:

Event Policy Device Severity State
Kubernetes: Normal event Any Notice Disabled
Kubernetes: Warning event Any Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Network Failure Any Critical Enabled
Kubernetes: Error Image Never Pull Pod Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Failed to Create Pod Container Pod Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Failed to Kill Pod Pod Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Failed Start Hook Pod Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Failed Sync Pod Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Failed Validation Pod Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Free Disk Space Failed Pod Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Image Pull Backoff Pod Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Pod Container Created Pod Notice Disabled
Kubernetes: Pod Exceeded Grace Period Pod Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Pod Failed Pod Notice Enabled
Kubernetes: Pod Image Inspect Failed Pod Notice Enabled
Kubernetes: Pod Image Pulled Pod Notice Disabled
Kubernetes: Pod Image Pulling Pod Major Disabled
Kubernetes: Pod Killing Pod Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Pod Network Not Ready Pod Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Pod Preempting Pod


Kubernetes: Pod Started Pod Notice Disabled
Kubernetes: Pod Unhealthy Pod Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Prestop Hook Pod Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Probe Warning Pod Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Already Mounted Volume Node Notice Enabled
Kubernetes: Container GC Failed Node Major Disabled
Kubernetes: Failed Attach Volume Node Critical Enabled
Kubernetes: Failed Create Pod Sandbox Node Notice Enabled
Kubernetes: Failed Map Volume Node Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Failed Mount Node Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Failed Node Allocatable Enforcement Node Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Failed Pod Sandbox Status Node Notice Enabled
Kubernetes: File System Resize Failed Node Major Enabled
Kubernetes: File System Resize Successful Node Notice Enabled
Kubernetes: Image GC Failed Node Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Invalid Disk Capacity Node Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Kubelet Setup Failed Node Critical Enabled
Kubernetes: Node Allocatable Enforced Node Notice Enabled
Kubernetes: Node Not Ready Node Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Node Not Schedulable Node Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Node Ready Node Notice Enabled
Kubernetes: Node Schedulable Node Notice Disabled
Kubernetes: Rebooted Node Critical Enabled
Kubernetes: Sandbox Changed Node Notice Enabled
Kubernetes: Starting Node Notice Enabled
Kubernetes: Successful Attach Volume Node Notice Disabled
Kubernetes: Successful Mount Volume Node Notice Disabled
Kubernetes: Volume Resize Failed Node Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Volume Resize Successful Node Notice Enabled
Kubernetes: Node Condition Healthy Node Healthy Enabled
Kubernetes: Node Condition Unhealthy Node Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Node Condition Unknown Node Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Cluster Creation


Notice Enabled
Kubernetes: Component Healthy State Cluster Healthy Enabled
Kubernetes: Component No Healthy State Cluster Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Node Status Changed Cluster Notice Enabled
Kubernetes: Persistent Volume status Healthy Cluster Healthy Enabled
Kubernetes: Persistent Volume Status Unhealthy Cluster Major Enabled
Kubernetes: Restart Count Exceeded Threshold Deployment/Daemon Set Minor Enabled
Kubernetes: Restart Count Returned to Normal Deployment/Daemon Set Healthy Enabled

Viewing Component Devices

When SL1 performs collection for the Kubernetes cluster, SL1 will create component devices that represent each device and align other Dynamic Applications to those component devices. Some of the Dynamic Applications aligned to the component devices will also be used to create additional component devices. All component devices appear in the Devices page just like devices discovered using the ScienceLogic discovery process.

In addition to the Devices page, you can view the Kubernetes cluster and all associated component devices in the following places in the user interface:

  • The Device Investigator Map page (click Map in the Device Investigator page) displays a map of a particular device and all of the devices with which it has parent-child relationships. Double-clicking any of the listed devices reloads the page to make the selected device the primary device

  • The Device Components page (Devices > Device Components) displays a list of all root devices and component devices discovered by SL1 in an indented view, so you can easily view the hierarchy and relationships between child devices, parent devices, and root devices. To view the component devices associated with a Kubernetes cluster, find the cluster device and click its plus icon (+).

  • The Component Map page (Classic Maps > Device Maps > Components) allows you to view devices by root node and view the relationships between root nodes, parent components, and child components in a map. This makes it easy to visualize and manage root nodes and their components. SL1 automatically updates the Component Map as new component devices are discovered. SL1 also updates each map with the latest status and event information. To view the map for a Kubernetes cluster, go to Classic Maps > Device Maps > Components, and select the map from the list in the left NavBar. To learn more about the Component Map page, see the section on Maps.