Cisco: Meraki [API] PowerPack Release Notes, version 114

Version 114 of the Cisco: Meraki API PowerPack updates the "Cisco: Meraki [API] Request Manager" and "Cisco: Meraki Appliance Uplinks Usage Performance [API]" Dynamic Applications, addresses an issue that stopped the Meraki Dynamic Component Map tree from building out after organizations were discovered and updates the "Cisco: Meraki Error Stats [API]" Dynamic Application to properly collect HTTP codes different from 200.

  • Minimum Required SL1 Version: 11.3.0

Before You Install or Upgrade

Ensure that you are running version 11.3.0 or later of SL1 before installing "Cisco: Meraki [API]PowerPack version 114.

For details on upgrading SL1, see the relevant SL1 Platform Release Notes.

Installing or Upgrading the PowerPack

If you are upgrading from a version of the Cisco: Meraki [API] PowerPack earlier than version 106, ScienceLogic does not guarantee the success of the upgrade.

Additionally, customers that are upgrading directly from the version 107 Limited Availability release might need to perform the following steps for collection to work:

  1. Locate the Cisco Meraki physical device and click its bar graph icon ().
  2. On the Device Summary page, click the Events tab.
  3. Locate all the events labeled "Cisco: Meraki Cloud Controller discovered as a component of organization...", select their checkbox(es), and then click the Del button to delete the events.
  4. After the events are deleted, the "Cisco: Meraki Cloud Controller Creation" run book action will run automatically and collection will work.

To install or upgrade to Version 114 of the "Cisco: Meraki [API]" PowerPack, perform the following steps:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the Known Issues for this release.
  2. If you have not done so already, upgrade your system to the Minimum Required SL1 Version: 11.3.0 or later release.
  1. Download Version 114 of the "Cisco: Meraki [API]" PowerPack from the Support Site to a local computer.
  2. Go to the PowerPack Manager page (System > Manage > PowerPacks). Click the Actions menu and choose Import PowerPack. When prompted, import Version 114 of the "Cisco: Meraki [API]" PowerPack.
  3. After importing the PowerPack, you will be prompted to install the PowerPack. Click the Install button to install the PowerPack.

Version 113.5 of the PowerPack adds a new "encoding" method defined within the "Request Manager" snippet in order to support latin-1 characters in Meraki network and device names. In order to update the names of any devices or networks that already exist with untranslated special characters, uncheck the Preserve Hostname option on each individual device to allow the new encoding fix to update the device or network names.

After installing the PowerPack, you might want to disable the "Data Collection: Async Dynamic App Collection" process prior to discovering your Meraki system. Asynchronous collection can cause slower device discovery. For more information, see the Monitoring Cisco Meraki (API) manual.

After upgrading the PowerPack, you must delete all SNMP Dynamic Applications that were included in previous versions of the PowerPack. These Dynamic Applications will not function correctly with newer versions of the PowerPack, and upgrading the PowerPack will not automatically remove them.


This release includes the following features:

  • Dynamic Applications to discover and monitor Cisco Meraki devices, networks, and organizations

  • Device classes for each type of Meraki component device SL1 monitors
  • Event policies that are triggered when Meraki component devices, networks, and organizations meet certain status criteria

  • Sample credentials for discovering Cisco Meraki devices:
  • A SOAP/XML credential for users who connect to the Meraki API through a third-party proxy server
  • A SOAP/XML credential for users who want to discover only select devices
  • A Basic/Snippet credential for users who do not fall into either of the two above categories

  • Run book action and automation policies that perform the following actions:
  • Create a virtual device that represents a Meraki organization during discovery
  • Vanish devices and child devices
  • Reboot devices
  • Change switch configurations

The PowerPack includes some event policies that can generate events in SL1 based on emails SL1 receives from Cisco Meraki. To enable SL1 to generate these events from email, you must first configure your Meraki devices to send email to SL1 using certain formatting rules. You must then configure SL1 to generate events from the inbound Meraki emails. For instructions, see the Monitoring Cisco Meraki (API) manual.

ScienceLogic recommends configuring webhooks in SL1 and Meraki to receive these alerts if you are using SL1 version 11.2 or later. For more information about webooks, see the Events manual. Contact your client success manager if you have additional questions on how to implement Meraki webhooks.

The email event policies included in the PowerPack each have an expiration delay setting that specifies the amount of time after which an active event is automatically cleared from SL1 if the event has not reoccurred. However, clearing an event for reaching its expiration delay setting does not mean that the initial condition that caused the event has been resolved.

Enhancements and Issues Addressed

The following enhancements and addressed issues are included in this release:

  • Addressed an issue that stopped the Meraki Dynamic Component Map tree from building out after organizations were discovered. The issue occurred when an Organization device name matched with a different device name that was not part of the Meraki organization.

  • Updated the "Cisco: Meraki Error Stats [API]" Dynamic Application to properly collect HTTP codes different from 200.

  • Updated the "Cisco: Meraki Request Manager [API]" Dynamic Application:

    • Added a new API endpoint to retrieve uplink interfaces’ bandwidth limits: /api/v1/networks/<network_id>/appliance/trafficShaping/uplinkBandwidth

    • Added timespan=300 to an existing API endpoint to only retrieve traffic for the last 5 minutes: /api/v1/organizations/{organization_id}/appliance/uplinks/usage/byNetwork?timespan=300. Prior to the timespan addition, this endpoint retrieved data for the last 1 day. With the timespan specified, it only retrieves data for the last 5 minutes. This helps ScienceLogic calculate traffic in Kbps and reflect bandwidth limit percentage accurately. You will see the values change on the "Uplink - Data Received" , "Uplink - Data Sent" collection objects of the "Cisco: Meraki Appliance Uplinks Usage Performance [API]" Dynamic Application.

    • Added UPLINK_LIMIT_POLLING_FREQUENCY_IN_SEC to the snippet code of the "Cisco: Meraki Request Manager [API]" Dynamic Application. This value determines how often (in seconds) SL1 collects uplink bandwidth network values. The default value is 86400.

  • Updated the "Cisco: Meraki Uplink Usage Performance [API]" Dynamic Application:

    • Updated the name of the Dynamic Application from "Cisco: Meraki Appliance Uplinks Usage Performance [API]" to "Cisco: Meraki Uplink Usage Performance [API]"

    • Added collection objects to retrieve the uplink bandwidth limits for each interface.

    • Added presentation objects to display uplink traffic in Kbps , uplink bandwidth limits and bandwidth utilization percentage.

The Cisco: Meraki API does not currently expose uplink utilization directly. The "Cisco: Meraki Uplink Usage Performance [API]" Dynamic Application retrieves the limits set for the uplinks, reads the usage data from the "Cisco: Meraki Uplink Performance [API]"Dynamic Application, and then calculates the utilization based on the polling interval and the division of bytes over that polling interval into average kbps (kilobits per second). Due to this complex relationship, updating the polling interval of either Dynamic Application can affect the accuracy of the data in those Dynamic Applications. For information on adjusting the polling interval of the "Cisco: Meraki Uplink Usage Performance [API]" Dynamic Application, see the "Updating the Polling Interval for the Cisco: Meraki Uplink Usage Performance [API] Dynamic Application" section in the Cisco: Meraki [API] manual.

Known Issues

The following known issues affect version 114 of the "Cisco: Meraki [API]" PowerPack:

  • Calculations for the "Uplink - Download Utilization Percent" and "Uplink - Upload Utilization Percent" presentation objects in the "Cisco: Meraki Uplink Usage Performance [API]" Dynamic Application are incorrect and should be changed to 375 instead of 37500. For more information on updating the calculations, see the Troubleshooting section in the Cisco: Meraki [API] manual.
  • The Meraki API may not always send a "retry header". If this occurs, the PowerPack does not retry the API call, which will result in a gap in data when it occurs. This will be addressed in a future version of the PowerPack.
  • If a Cisco Meraki device name includes a special character, the device name will appear in hexadecimal values on the Device Components page.
  • The Meraki Organization will not be modeled after discovery if the Meraki organization has an apostrophe in its name.
  • Due to a limitation in the number of requests that Meraki can handle per second, data collection gaps might occur when monitoring larger-scale systems.
  • The PowerPack cannot filter out particular organizations during discovery and will discover every organization that the API key returns.