Creating and Editing Tickets

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This section describes manually creating tickets, creating a ticket from an event, automatically generating tickets, and editing a ticket in SL1.

Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:

  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

This section includes the following topics:

Manually Creating a Ticket

In some cases, you might want to manually create a ticket instead of creating a ticket from an event. When you manually create a ticket, you must supply values in each field, because SL1 does not automatically populate them.

There are two ways you can manually create a ticket from the Ticket Console page. The first option is to:

  1. Go to the Ticket Console page (Tickets tab).
  2. Click the Create button in the upper right of the page.

  1. The Ticket Editor modal page appears. Enter values in the following fields:
  • Description. A brief description of the problem or ticket. If you create a ticket from an event in the Event Console, this field is populated automatically by SL1.
  • Organization. Select the organization with which the ticket will be associated in the drop-down menu. If you create a ticket from an event in the Event Console, this field is populated automatically by SL1.
  • Element. By default, this field includes the element associated with this the event. Can be an organization, device, device group, asset record, IP network, interface, vendor, or user account. To change the element or find another element, click the binoculars icon (). The Finder page appears, where you can search for another element.
  • Aligned Event. If applicable, the event that is associated with the ticket. Clicking on the icon displays read-only details about the event.
  • Ticket Description. Description of the problem or ticket. By default, this field includes the Event Message from the event. You can edit this field to suit your business requirements.
  • Alternate Location. This field appears only if the selected organization has one or more alternate locations. If the selected organization has one or more alternate locations, you can select one of those locations in this field.
  • Ticket State. Custom parameter, defined in the Ticket States page (Registry > Ticketing > Custom States). Allows you to add additional workflow restrictions to a ticket.
  • Status. Status of the ticket. The choices are:
  • Open. Ticket has been created.
  • Pending. Ticket has been acknowledged.
  • Working. Someone is working on the ticket.
  • Resolved. Issue has been resolved.

  • Severity. The severity of the problem. When a ticket is created from an event in the Event Console, this field is populated automatically by SL1 with the event's severity. The choices are:
  • Severity 5/Healthy
  • Severity 4/Notice
  • Severity 3/Minor
  • Severity 2/Major
  • Severity 1/Critical
  • Category. Descriptive category assigned to the ticket. You can use the Select Objects Editor page (System > Customize > Select Objects) to customize the list of possible categories.

  • Source. Original source for the ticket. You can use the Select Objects Editor page (System > Customize > Select Objects) to customize the list of possible sources. The default choices are:
  • Automated. Ticket was created automatically when an event occurred. An administrator has configured SL1 to behave this way.
  • Email. An email about an issue prompted this ticket.
  • External. An external source created this ticket.
  • Internal. Ticket created in SL1.
  • Phone. A phone call about an issue prompted this ticket.

  • Queue. Ticket Queue to which the ticket will be assigned. When you select a Ticket Queue, SL1 will populate the Assigned User field with a list of members from the specified queue.
  • Assigned User. User who is responsible for resolving the ticket. This drop-down list contains entries for each user assigned to the specified Ticket Queue and who has a Login State of Active. When a ticket is assigned to a user, SL1 automatically sends the user an email message as notification.
  • Custom Fields. If your SL1 system includes embedded custom fields for tickets, you can supply a value in those fields.
  1. Click the Savebutton.
  2. The Ticket Editor page appears, where you can further define the ticket.

The second option is to:

  1. Go to the Ticket Console page (Tickets tab).
  2. Click the wrench icon () for a ticket.
  3. The Ticket Editor modal page appears. In the Ticket Editor modal page, click the New button.
  4. The Ticket Editor modal page appears. The Ticket Editor modal page contains the same fields as described above.
  5. To save the ticket, click the Save button.

Adding & Editing Notes to a Ticket

The Notepad Editor allows you to enter notes or comments about a ticket.

To add a note to a ticket, click the [New Note] button in the Ticket Editor page. A new instance of the Notepad Editor will appear in the Notes & Attachments pane. To edit a note, click the wrench icon () for the note you want to edit.

  • In the Notepad Editor, you can format the text and include links, images, and videos in a note. Each link included in the Notepad Editor will open in its own window.
  • The Note Type field allows you to specify whether the note text will be saved as Plain text or HTML. The default value is HTML. The note will retain this mime type in the API, the Message tab of the Ticket Editor, and in the report generated from the Report Creator modal page.
  • You can also use a document template to create a note.
  • To add an attachment to a note, click the paperclip icon (), and then click the [Browse] button to choose the file you want to attach to the note.

NOTE: If an attachment has been prohibited by a Ticket Attachment Blacklist item, the attachment will fail and SL1 will display an error message.

  • In the Notepad Editor, you can select the Cloaked checkbox. When you select this checkbox, the note you create in the Notepad Editor is "cloaked". A cloaked note can be viewed only by:
    • The user who created the note
    • All EM7 users of type "administrator"
    • Users in the same organization as the user who created the note, who have Access Hooks that allow them to view the ticket where the cloaked note resides and who also have the Access Hook "Ticket:Notes:Cloaked"
    • Recipients of emails about the ticket, sent from the Send Message pane, with the Show Cloaked Notes checkbox selected
  • Click the [Save] button to save all the changes you made in the Ticket Editor page.

NOTE: When SL1 generates an email about a ticket, the email will NOT include any attachments that were added to notes in the ticket. To view and open attachments, the email recipient must follow the link to the actual ticket on SL1.

Creating a Ticket From an Event

Events are messages that are triggered when a specific condition is met. For example, an event can signal that a service has gone down or that a device is exceeding CPU or disk space thresholds, or it can simply display the status of a managed element. In SL1 you can create tickets in response to an event.

NOTE: If you have selected Create/View External Ticket for the global setting Event Console Ticket Life Ring Button Behavior in the Behavior Settings page (System > Settings > Behavior), you cannot create a ScienceLogic ticket from the Event Console.

To create a ticket from an event:

  • Go to the Event Console page (Events tab).
  • Find the event for which you want to create a ticket. Click its life ring icon ().

  • The Ticket Editor page appears. The Ticket Editor page displays the same read-only information described in the section Viewing the Ticket Editor Page in Viewing Tickets. You can also enter values in the fields in the Ticket Properties pane described in the Manually Creating a Ticket section of this chapter.

  • To add an optional note to the ticket, enter text into the Notepad Editor. To add additional notes, click the [New Note] button and new instance of the Notepad Editor will appear in the Notes & Attachments pane.

NOTE: When you create a new ticket, the Notepad Editor automatically opens a blank note. If you don't include any text in the blank note, SL1 does not save the note with the ticket.

  • In the Notepad Editor, you can format the text and include links, images, and videos in a note. Each link included in the Notepad Editor will open in its own window.

  • You can change the size of the pane for the note by dragging the lower-right corner of the pane.
  • You can add an attachment to a note by clicking the paperclip icon (), and then clicking the [Browse] button to choose the file you want to attach to the note.

NOTE: If an attachment has been prohibited by a Ticket Attachment Blacklist item, the attachment will fail and SL1 will display an error message.

  • You can also use a document template to create a note.
  • In the Notepad Editor, you can select the Cloaked checkbox. When you select this checkbox, the note you create in the Notepad Editor is "cloaked". A cloaked note can be viewed only users who have the Access Hook "Ticket:Notes:Cloaked".

  1. Click the Save button.

Tickets From Email

SL1 can automatically generate tickets based on received email messages. The Tickets From Emails page (Registry > Ticketing > Email Tickets) allows users to configure:

  • One or more destination email addresses that external programs can send email messages to. All email messages sent to the specified email addresses will be turned into tickets by SL1.
  • Default ticket templates to use when creating the tickets.
  • Default reply messages to send back to the email originator.

To configure SL1 to generate a ticket from an incoming email, you must perform the following steps:

  • Define System Settings that allow SL1 to receive incoming email messages. To learn more about inbound email, see the section on Configuring Inbound Email.
  • Ensure that the DNS server that handles name-service for the ScienceLogic network is configured correctly to direct email messages to SL1.
  • In the Tickets From Emails page, define a ticket-from-email policy. To learn how to create a ticket-from-email policy, see the section Creating a Ticket From Email Policy.
  • Configure the third-party system to send ticket messages to SL1 via email.

Creating a Ticket From Email Policy

Perform the following steps to create a Ticket From Email policy:

  • Go to the The Tickets From Emails page (Registry > Ticketing > Email Tickets).
  • Click the [Create] button to bring up the Add Policy page.
  • To create a Ticket from Email policy, enter a value in each of the following fields:

  • Policy Name. Enter a name for the policy. Can be any combination of alpha-numeric characters, up to 64-characters in length.
  • Destination Email. Enter the email address that ticket emails will be sent to in the field. Can be any combination of alpha-numeric characters, up to 64-characters in length. Each Ticket from Email policy should have a unique email address.
  • The domain specified in this field must be defined in the Authorized Email Domains field in the Email Settings page (System > Settings > Email).
  • A DNS MX record must already exist or be created for the email domain specified in this field (the email domain is the part of the email address after the "@" character). The DNS MX record must map the domain to the email server. Each Database Server includes a built-in email server. When creating the DNS MX record, use the fully-qualified name of the appliance as the name of the email server.
  • Reply Email. Enter the email address that SL1 will send notification emails from. Users will reply to this email address to add notes to tickets created from email.
  • Ticket Template. Select a ticket template from the drop-down list. For more information on creating a ticket template, see Ticket Templates. The ticket template used will define the ticket queue and other attributes of tickets created by this policy.
  • Ticket Access. Select a security level from the drop down list. The following options are available:
  • Open Access. Any email sent to the Destination Email address will create a ticket.
  • Any Registered Users. Email sent to the Destination Email address from an email address associated with a user account in the SL1 system will create a ticket.
  • Registered Users in Queue. Email sent to the Destination Email address will create a ticket if:
    • The "from" email address is associated with a user account in the SL1 system.
    • The user account also has access to the ticket queue defined in the ticket template.
  • Email Note Visibility. Select whether incoming emails are added to the ticket as cloaked or uncloaked notes. For more information about cloaked notes, see Viewing Notes and Attachments. The following options are available:
  • Message body as uncloaked note. The message body of incoming emails will be added to the ticket as an uncloaked note that is visible to all users who can view the ticket.
  • Message body as cloaked note. The message body of incoming emails will be added to the ticket as a cloaked note that is visible only to users who can view cloaked notes for the ticket.

You can enter messages that will be sent as an automatic notification email based on the result of an inbound email sent to the Destination Email address. Automatic notification emails will be sent from the Reply Email address. You can enter message text for any number of the five results. If there is no message defined for a result, no reply email will be sent when that result occurs. The possible results are:

  • Ticket Creation Successful. A ticket has been created successfully from the email.
  • If included in this field, the characters "%t" (without quotation marks) will be replaced with the ticket ID of the newly created ticket.
  • If included in this field, the characters "%W" (without quotation marks) will be replaced with a link to the newly created ticket.
  • Error: Sender not in Queue. Optional. You can enter text in this field, and SL1 will include the text in reply emails when the original sender is not a member of the default ticket queue.
  • Ticket Creation Failed. Optional. Users can enter text in this field, and SL1 will include the text in reply emails when an email fails to generate a ticket.
  • Ticket Change Status/Update. Optional. You can enter text in this field, and SL1 will include the text in reply emails when an email has successfully updated a ticket.
  • If included in this field, the characters "%t" (without quotation marks) will be replaced with the ticket ID of the newly created ticket.
  • If included in this field, the characters "%W" (without quotation marks) will be replaced with a link to the newly created ticket.
  • Error: Sender not Registered. Optional. You can enter text in this field, and SL1 will include the text in reply emails when the original sender is not a registered user.
  • Click the Save button to save the policy.

Automatically Editing a Ticket from Email

You can add notes to a "ticket from email" by sending an email message to SL1.

After SL1 creates a "ticket from email", SL1 automatically sends a notice email to the creator of the ticket when the ticket is created successfully or if the ticket is updated.

The user who receives the automatic notice email can add a note to the ticket by replying back to SL1. To add a note to the ticket, the user who receives the automatic notice from SL1 should:

  • reply to the automatic notice.
  • not change the subject of the email.
  • in the body of the email, include the text to attach to the ticket.

The note from the email message will appear in the Notes & Attachments pane of the ticket.

Scheduled and Recurring Tickets

You can view a list of recurring tickets, define new recurring tickets, and edit the properties of existing recurring tickets from the Schedule Manager page (Registry > Ticketing > Scheduler).

You can also view and manage all scheduled processes from the Schedule Manager page (Registry > Schedules > Schedule Manager). For more information, see the section on Managing Scheduled Tasks.

Recurring tickets are automatically generated at regular intervals. For example, recurring tickets can be defined for hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly tasks. Users can then use all the ticket tools and reports in SL1 to track and monitor these recurring tasks.

Viewing the Calendar

The Recurring Ticket Scheduler page (Registry > Ticketing > Scheduler) is divided into two parts:

  • The right side displays a calendar where you can view, create, and edit scheduled tickets.
  • The left side includes buttons that control the display of the calendar on the right side.

The left side of the page contains the following features:

  1. <<. Displays the previous month, week, or day (depending on the selected calendar view) in the right pane.
  2. Today. Displays the current month, week, or day (depending on the selected calendar view) in the right pane. The left side, in the static calendar, displays the current month, with the current day highlighted.
  3. >>. Displays the next month, week, or day (depending on the selected calendar view) in the right pane.
  4. month. Displays a monthly calendar in the right pane.
  5. week. Displays a weekly calendar in the right pane.
  6. day. Displays a daily calendar in the right pane.
  7. monthly calendar. Static calendar that always displays an entire month. The current day's date is highlighted in red.
  8. <. In the static, monthly, calendar viewer, displays the previous month.
  9. >. In the static, monthly, calendar viewer, displays the next month.

The right side displays the selected calendar (daily, weekly, or monthly).

  • All scheduled and recurring tickets are displayed in the calendar.
  • In the monthly or weekly view, clicking on a date zooms in to the daily view, with increments every hour.
  • In the daily view, clicking on an hour or half-hour displays the Schedule Ticket modal page, where you can schedule a ticket (either one time only or recurring).

In the monthly, weekly, or daily view, clicking on an already scheduled ticket displays the Ticket Details page, where you can view or edit the parameters for an already-scheduled ticket.

Viewing the Schedule Manager

The Schedule Manager page (Registry > Ticketing > Scheduler) displays the following information about each scheduled or recurring ticket:

  • Schedule Summary. Displays the name assigned to the scheduled process.
  • Schedule Description. Displays a description of the scheduled process.
  • Event ID. Displays a unique, numeric ID for the scheduled process. SL1 automatically creates this ID for each scheduled process.
  • sch id. Displays a unique, numeric ID for the schedule. SL1 automatically creates this ID for each schedule.
  • Context. Displays the area of SL1 upon which the schedule works.
  • Timezone. Displays the time zone associated with the scheduled process.
  • Start Time. Displays the date and time at which the scheduled process will begin.
  • Duration. Displays the duration, in minutes, which the scheduled process occurs.
  • Recurrence Interval. If applicable, displays the interval at which the scheduled process recurs.
  • End Date. If applicable, displays the date and time on which the scheduled process will recur.
  • Last Run. If applicable, displays the date and time the scheduled process most recently ran.
  • Owner. Displays the username of the owner of the scheduled process.
  • Organization. Displays the organization to which the scheduled process is assigned.
  • Visibility. Displays the visibility level for the scheduled process. Possible values are "Private", "Organization", or "World".
  • Enabled. Specifies if the scheduled process is enabled. Possible values are "Yes" or "No".

To edit a scheduled or recurring ticket, click its wrench icon () and update the ticket as needed on the Schedule Editor modal page. (For more information, see the section Defining a Scheduled or Recurring Ticket.)

Defining a Scheduled or Recurring Ticket

You can schedule a ticket in SL1 from the Schedule Manager page. SL1 will automatically create the ticket at the scheduled time.

To define a scheduled or recurring ticket:

  1. Go to the Schedule Manager page (Registry > Ticketing > Scheduler).
  2. Click Create. The Schedule Editor modal page appears.
  3. On the Schedule Editor modal page, make entries in the following fields:

Basic Settings

  • Schedule Name. Type a name for the scheduled process.

  • Schedule Type. Indicates the scheduled process type (such as Tickets, Reports, or Devices).

  • Visibility. Select the visibility for the scheduled process. You can select one of the following:
  • Private. The scheduled process is visible only to the owner selected in the Owner field.

  • Organization. The scheduled process is visible only to the organization selected in the Organization field.
  • World. The scheduled process is visible to all users.
  • Organization. Select the organization to which you want to assign the scheduled process.
  • Owner. Select the owner of the scheduled process. The default value is the username of the user who created the scheduled process.
  • Preserve Schedule. Select this checkbox to exclude this schedule from being pruned after expiration.
  • Description. Type a description of the scheduled process.

Action Settings

  • Ticket Template. Select a scheduler ticket template from the list. Ticket templates tell SL1 how to create the ticket and what information to include in the ticket. Ticket templates are defined on the Ticket Templates page (Registry > Ticketing > Templates).

  1. Click Save.

Enabling or Disabling One or More Scheduled Tickets

You can enable or disable one or more scheduled or recurring tickets from the Schedule Manager page (Registry > Ticketing > Scheduler). To do this:

  1. Go to the Schedule Manager page (Registry > Ticketing > Scheduler).

  1. Select the checkbox icon for each scheduled process you want to enable or disable.
  2. Click the Select Action menu and choose Enable Schedules or Disable Schedules.
  3. Click the Go button.

Deleting One or More Scheduled Tickets

You can delete one or more scheduled or recurring tickets from the Schedule Manager page (Registry > Ticketing > Scheduler). To do this:

  1. Go to the Schedule Manager page (Registry > Ticketing > Scheduler).

  1. Select the checkbox icon for each scheduled process you want to delete.
  2. Click the Select Action menu and choose Delete Schedules.
  3. Click the Go button.

Creating a Ticket With an Automation Policy

An automation policy allows you to define the event conditions under which an automatic action should be executed. When the criteria in an automation policy are met by an event, one or more actions are executed. These actions are defined in an action policy.

For example, an automation policy might specify: if the event "illicit process" occurs on device "mailserver01", the event is not cleared within five minutes, and no ticket exists for the event, execute the action policy "create ticket for illicit". The action policy "create ticket for illicit" could create a ticket about the "illicit process" event and request actions to fix the problem.

  • In most cases, if you want an automation policy to create a ticket, you should include the criteria "and ticket is not created". This prevents SL1 from creating a duplicate ticket for an event if a user has already manually created the ticket or if a previous instance of the event triggered this automation policy.
  • The automation policy should execute an action policy of type "Create a New Ticket".

To read more on viewing, creating, or editing an automation or action policy, including an example on creating an action policy that creates a ticket, see the Using Run Book Automation section.

Editing a Ticket by Defining Automation Policies

SL1 can also automatically edit a ticket with an automation policy. For example, an automation policy might specify: if the event "illicit process" occurs on device "mailserver01", and the event is not cleared within eight minutes, execute the action policy "edit ticket for illicit". The action policy "edit ticket for illicit" could increase the severity of the existing ticket that was previously generated for this event.

If you want to edit an existing ticket that was created with an automation policy, in most cases you will have to create two automation policies: one to create the ticket and one to edit the ticket.

In most cases, if you want an automation policy to create a ticket, you should include the criteria "and ticket is not created". In most cases, if you want an automation policy to edit an existing ticket, you would not include the criteria "and ticket is not created".

To edit an existing ticket, the automation policy should execute an action policy of type "Update an Existing Ticket".

To read more on viewing, creating, or editing an automation or action policy, including an example on creating an action policy that creates a ticket, see the Using Run Book Automation section.

Editing a Single Ticket

You can edit a single ticket from the Ticket Console. To edit a single ticket:

  1. Go to the Ticket Console page (Tickets tab).

  1. Find the ticket you want to edit. Click its wrench icon ().

  1. The Ticket Editor page appears, where you can edit one or more parameters of the ticket. From this page, you can also access the following tabs and pages and view and edit further details about the ticket:

  • Properties. The Ticket Editor page allows you to view, define, and edit the parameters of a ticket.
  • Logs. The Ticket Logs page displays a history of the selected ticket. Each change to the ticket, from its creation to the current time, is displayed in a table in this page. The table lists these changes chronologically, with the oldest first.
  • Automation. If the ticket was created with an Automation Policy, this tab is enabled. The Event Actions Log page displays a log entry for the ticket that describes the Automation Policy and Action Policy that were used to create the ticket.
  • Message. The Send Message page allows you to create email messages about a selected ticket. This makes it easy to communicate about events and tickets with the appropriate team members, without having to leave SL1.

    NOTE: You can also use the Select Actions field in the Ticket Console page, a Run Book action, or an Escalation Policy to change the value of one or more ticket fields.

    NOTE: To learn more about the Ticket Editor page, see the section on Creating a Ticket From an Event.

  1. Click the Save button in each page where you edit a ticket field.

Editing Multiple Tickets

You can edit multiple or all tickets at once from the Ticket Console page. To edit multiple or all tickets:

  • Go to the Ticket Console page (Tickets tab).
  1. In the Ticket Console page, select the checkbox for each ticket you want to apply the action to. To select all checkboxes for all tickets, select the red checkbox at the top of the page ().
  2. In the Select Action drop-down list, select one of the following actions:

  • Update Modified Date. For all selected tickets, changes the value of the "modified date" field to today's date.
  • Take Ownership. For each selected ticket, puts your username in the Assigned User field in the Ticket Editor page.
  • Print Report. Generates a report that includes each selected ticket. Leads to the Report Creator modal page, where you can define a ticket report, including the information to include in the report and the format in which to generate the report.
  • Resolve Tickets. Sets ticket status to "resolved". When a parent ticket is resolved, its children tickets are automatically resolved. When you select this option, SL1 displays the Ticket Resolution modal page.
  • Delete Tickets. Deletes each selected ticket from SL1.

NOTE: The Delete Tickets option is unavailable by default. To enable the Delete Tickets option, you must edit a setting in the main ScienceLogic configuration file (silo.conf). For instructions on how to edit the main ScienceLogic configuration file, see the System Administration section.

  • Move to State. For each selected ticket, changes the value in the Ticket State field in the Ticket Editor page. For details on ticket states, see Custom Ticket States. In the drop-down list to the right, you can select from a list of allowed ticket states.
  • Move to Queue. Moves all selected tickets to the selected ticket queue. In the drop-down list to the right, you can select from a list of all existing ticket queues.
  • Assign to User. For each selected ticket, changes the value in the Assigned User field in the Ticket Editor page. In the drop-down list to the right, you can select from a list of all users with a Login State of Active.

  • Change Severity. For all selected tickets, changes the value in the "Severity" field. In the drop-down list to the right, you can select from a list of the following severities:
  • Critical. Critical tickets are those that require immediate attention.
  • Major. Major tickets are those that require immediate investigation.

  • Minor. Minor tickets are those that need to be investigated before problems become severe.
  • Notice. Notice tickets are those that require attention but are not problem-related.
  • Healthy. Healthy tickets are those that are not urgent.
  • Change Status. For all selected tickets, changes the value in the "Status" field. In the drop-down list to the right, you can select from a list of the following statuses:
  • Open. Ticket has been created.
  • Pending. Ticket has been acknowledged.
  • Working. Someone is working on the ticket.
  • Resolved. Issue has been resolved. When a parent ticket is resolved, its children tickets are automatically resolved. When you select this option, SL1 displays the Ticket Resolution modal page.

NOTE: The Change Status option does not appear in this menu if you created custom ticket states and each custom ticket state has the Force Aligned Status field set to Yes. For details on custom ticket states, see Custom Ticket States.

  • Change Source. For all selected tickets, changes the value in the Source field. Administrators can use the Select Objects Editor page (System > Customize > Select Objects) to customize the list of possible categories in this field. In the drop-down list to the right, you can select from a list of the following sources:
  • Automated. Ticket was created automatically when an event occurred. An administrator has configured SL1 to behave this way.
  • Email. An email about an issue prompted this ticket.
  • External. An external source created this ticket.
  • Internal. Ticket created in SL1.
  • Phone. A phone call about an issue prompted this ticket.

  • Change Category. For each selected ticket, changes the value in the Category field. In the drop-down list to the right, you can select from a list of all categories. Administrators can use the Select Objects Editor page (System > Customize > Select Objects) to customize the list of possible categories in this field.
  • Edit Custom Field. For each selected ticket, displays a sub-list of custom fields. When you select a custom field, you change the value in the field in the Ticket Editor page for each selected ticket. In the drop-down list to the right, you can select a value to enter into the selected custom field.
  • Click the Go button.
  • Each selected ticket will be changed as specified. To see the changes immediately, click the Refresh button.

Sending an Email about a Ticket

The Send Message page allows you to manually create email messages about a selected ticket. To access the Send Message page, click the Message tab in the Ticket Editor page. The Send Message page makes it easy to communicate about events and tickets with the appropriate team members, without having to leave SL1.

By default, SL1 automatically sends an email message to the ticket assignee when:

  1. A ticket is assigned to that user
  2. A ticket is updated

You can also assign one or more watchers to the ticket. A ticket watcher is a user (in addition to the ticket's assignee) that receives email updates about the ticket. If a watcher is added to a ticket, SL1 automatically sends the watcher an email message when certain actions are taken on the ticket.

By default, the following watchers are assigned to a ticket when the ticket is created:

  • The user who created the ticket (if applicable)

  • Each user who was defined as a watcher in the ticket's ticket template (if applicable)
  • Each user who was defined as a watcher for the ticket's initial ticket queue (if applicable)
  • Each user who was defined as a watcher for the ticket's initial organization (if applicable)

SL1 automatically generates email messages for a ticket's watchers when:

  1. An uncloaked note is added to the ticket
  2. A ticket is moved to a different queue
  3. A ticket's state has changed
  4. A ticket's status has changed
  5. A custom field has changed
  6. A ticket is resolved
  7. A ticket is resurrected

NOTE: On the Behavior Settings page (System > Settings > Behavior, if the field Automatic Ticketing Emails is set to Disabled, all assignees and watchers will not receive automatic email notifications about any tickets. By default, the field is set to Enabled.

From the Send Message page, you can manually create and send an email message about a ticket. To create the email, supply values in the following fields:

NOTE: If the email is sent to a user, SL1 uses the time zone specified for the user (in the Account Permissions page). If the email is sent to a user who does not have an account, SL1 uses the System time zone (from the System > Settings > Behavior page).

  • To. Type the email addresses of the people you want to notify about the ticket. By default, this field automatically includes the email address of each watcher for this ticket. You can delete these email addresses. You can also manually enter other email addresses, separated by commas, in this field.

  • CC. Type the email addresses of the people you want to receive a copy of the email message. If you type a list of email addresses, separate them with commas.
  • BCC. Type the email addresses of the people you want to receive a blind copy of the email message. If you type a list of email addresses, separate them with commas.
  • Subject. This field is populated automatically with the severity and a description of the selected ticket or event. You can delete this text and manually type a subject.
  • Sender's Address. Allows you to specify the "From" address that appears in the email. You can use the Ticket Queue Properties modal page (Registry > Ticketing > Queues > Edit/Create) to define the default value that appears in this field. You can specify that the field contains either the Queue Email Address or the email address of the last user to edit the ticket. You can also manually type an email address in this field.

NOTE: By default, the Sender's Address field includes the Queue Email Address. If no such email address is defined for the ticket's queue, by default the Sender's Address field contains the email address of the current user.

  • Message Format. SL1 formats the ticket for specific displays. Your choices include:
  • HTML Formatted. SL1 includes relevant information about the ticket as a formatted table. SL1 also includes more details, including ticket history, with this method. This is the default method.
  • Text Formatted. SL1 includes relevant information about the ticket as unformatted text.
  • Pager Formatted. SL1 includes a condensed set of ticket information,formatted for a pager.
  • Message Priority. Specifies flags to add to the message. Most email clients can display a flag for high-priority messages. You can select from the following:
  • Normal Priority. Message is marked with normal priority.
  • Urgent Priority. Message is marked with urgent priority.
  • Low Priority. Message is marked with low priority.
  • Show Ticket Logs. If you select this checkbox, the complete Ticket Log is included with the email.
  • Show Cloaked Notes. If you select this checkbox, the email includes cloaked comments from the Notes & Attachments section of the ticket. By default, cloaked comments are not included in email messages about the ticket.

NOTE: The Show Cloaked Notes checkbox appears only for users who have been granted the Access Hook "Ticket:Notes:Cloaked".

  • Add to Ticket Notes. If you select this checkbox, the entire text of the email is added to the Notes & Attachments section of the ticket.
  • Message. By default, SL1 includes all information about the ticket (from the Properties tab in the Ticket Editor page), plus all information from the Logs tab in the Ticket Editor page. SL1 also includes a link to the ticket. However, you can delete this text and type your own. You can also include a document template in this field.
  • Send. Click this button to send the email message.