Navigating the Setup and Config Page

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This section describes how to navigate the Setup and Config page in SL1 to help you get started with SL1.

Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:

  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all of the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

What is the Setup and Config Page?

The Setup and Config page () displays all information relevant to getting started in SL1 for administrator-level users. Included on this page are a number of journeys, intuitive self-service workflows that will guide you through the most common SL1 system tasks. Click the name of a workflow to get started.

This page also contains informational cards that provide you with the proper resources for SL1 setup and configuration.

The informational cards on this page include:

  • Get Started. Displays a list of available user journeys and their journey status. Click the name of the journey to get started. The journeys include:
  • Take a Tour of SL1
  • Discover and Monitor Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure
  • Resources. Hosts additional external resources to help you with setup and configuration; these links include:
  • Training Portal
  • ScienceLogic Support
  • Overview. Provides links to the user journeys. These journeys include guided tours and interactive wizards that help you set up and refine your SL1 environment:
  • Next Steps. Contains links to other pages in SL1 where you can continue working after completing some or all of a journey:
  • Manage Devices
  • Manage Collector Groups
  • Manage Organizations
  • Manage Users
  • Manage Access Hooks

Setup and Config Journey Workflows

This section provides the information you need to follow the Setup and Config user journeys. You can use the Setup and Config page's journey cards as a guide to the overall SL1 setup and configuration process.

For the best experience in following the Setup and Config journeys, it is recommended that you:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the SL1 product as whole by clicking through the Take a Tour of SL1 journey and tracking your knowledge process with the journey's status buttons.
  2. Follow the steps in the Discover and Monitor Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure journey card for a proper understanding of the setup and configuration process for your specific infrastructure. This space provides all of the information required for a successful setup in SL1; track your progress throughout with the journey's status buttons.

The status buttons on a card let you apply a specific status for an activity.

You can apply the following statuses for each journey card's individual activities:

  • Not Started. This status serves as a "to-do" status for an activity that hasn't been attempted yet.
  • In Progress. This status allows you to track and re-enter activities that have been started, but not completed.
  • Complete. This status should be applied to any activity that is finished. You can also reset a completed workflow if you need to be guided through a workflow again. To do this, see Resetting a Journey Workflow.

A workflow can be set as Not Applicable if that workflow and its activities do not apply to you. This status removes that infrastructure's workflow from your "to-do" list and the workflow will not be tracked. To do this, see Setting a Journey Workflow as "Not Applicable".

Taking a Tour of SL1

The first journey you can view in the Overview information card is the Take a Tour of SL1 journey. This journey provides you a space to access product videos and track your progress as you learn the SL1 system.

To access SL1 educational product videos:

  1. In the Get Started section, click the arrow () button next to the status in the Take a Tour of SL1 journey card. A new Take a Tour of SL1 card appears.
  2. On the new card, click the pop-out redirect button () to be redirected to an SL1 product video landing page. The videos located on this page contain informational walk-throughs for SL1's key features and use cases.

To update your Take a Tour of SL1 status:

  1. In the Get Started section, click the arrow () button next to the status in the Take a Tour of SL1 journey card.
  2. As you become more familiar with SL1, click to update the status button drop-down. You can select Not Started, In Progress, or Complete. Your selected status then updates and appears across the entire workflow and Setup and Config pages:

Discover and Monitor Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure

The second journey card available allows you to onboard AWS, Azure, or VMware applications in order to begin data collection. This process is called "guided discovery". The workflow for each application provides a checklist of onboarding workflow activities.

If you want to discover one of the third-party products that are available as an option when using guided discovery, you must have the corresponding PowerPack installed on your SL1 system. For example, if you want to discover an Amazon Web Services account, you must have the "Amazon Web Services" PowerPack installed.

Onboarding your Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure

The onboard workflow for this Setup and Config user journey guides and points you to the correct pages for your infrastructure's setup.

To onboard your hybrid cloud infrastructure:

  1. In the Overview section of the Setup and Config page, click the arrow () next to the status button in the Discover and Monitor Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure journey card. A new Discover and Monitor Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure card appears.
  2. On the new card, click the arrow () to select your service infrastructure:

  1. A checklist of activities appears. Click the pop-out redirect button () to review how to complete each individual activity for your specific infrastructure (such as AWS). This button redirects you to an SL1 Product Documentation page with the relevant information to walk-through the on-boarding activity.
  2. The different workflow activities point you to the relevant documentation or the corresponding on-boarding wizard for each activity:
  1. After you have completed the activities, you can return to the workflow pictured below and mark your progress as Complete. The workflow status updates in both the Discover and Monitor Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure journey card and the Get Started information card.

When you update the activity status to In Progress, the workflow status updates in both the Discover and Monitor Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure journey card and the Get Started information card as well.

Resetting a Completed Journey Workflow

The onboard workflow for this Setup and Config user journey allows you to reset an already completed infrastructure setup if needed. You can also select more than one workflow if multiple are needed to reset.

To reset a journey workflow:

  1. From the Discover and Monitor Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure page, click the ellipses icon () and select Reset.
  2. Select your desired infrastructure in the Reset Workflows model and click Confirm. That infrastructure will then appear with the Not Started status on your Discover and Monitor Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure page.

Setting a Journey Workflow as "Not Applicable"

You have the option to set an individual journey's workflow as Not Applicable on the Discover and Monitor Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure page. By setting a workflow as Not Applicable, the journey's workflow page moves that activity's workflow to the bottom of the page along with any other Not Applicable workflows. This keeps your activity workflows organized and allows for easy tracking.

To set an activity workflow as Not Applicable:

  1. From the Discover and Monitor Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure page, click the ellipses icon next to your infrastructure and select Not Applicable.
  2. A Dismiss Workflows modal appears. Select the workflow(s) that are not applicable to you. SL1 will then organize that selection as Not Applicable and remove it from your immediate view on the page.
  3. Click Confirm. The infrastructure(s) workflow will then appear as Not Applicable on the Discover and Monitor Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure page.
  4. If you click the arrow button () next to the Not Applicable workflow, that workflow and its subsequent workflow activities will appear greyed out. To undo the Not Applicable status from this page and display the workflow again, click Display and confirm your changes.