SL1 AP2 Halwa version Release Notes

The Halwa release for AP2 version includes enhancements to the Timeline panel on the Service Investigator page, a new Device Groups widget for dashboards, improved data visibility and more bulk management options for devices, and greater flexibility when viewing and managing events.

AP2 releases are separate from SL1 platform releases to provide updates and improvements more frequently.

This release includes the following new features and enhancements:

These release notes provide a comprehensive list of the features, enhancements, and addressed issues that are included in this release.

Before You Install or Upgrade

Before you install or upgrade to AP2 Halwa, ensure you are running one of the following SL1 versions:

  • 12.2.3
  • 12.3.0

You do not need to download or install AP2 Halwa if you are on SL1 version 12.3.0 or above, as it is included by default.

For details on upgrading SL1, see the appropriate SL1 platform release notes.

This update is available to both on-premises and cloud-based (SaaS) SL1 systems. The AP2 Halwa update must be administered to systems that host AP2. All SL1 appliances in your stack must be on the same AP2 version.

Installing or Uninstalling AP2 Halwa

To install AP2 Halwa version on to your system, you will need to download and install both the libem7 and AP2 Halwa RPM files from the ScienceLogic Support site.

You do not need to download or install AP2 Halwa if you are on SL1 version 12.3.0 or above, as it is included by default.

If you are using an on-premises system, you must install the AP2 and libem7 RPM files on all appliances, including the Central Database (CDB) and the Administration Portal (AP), if applicable. For AWS Systems, you need to install both RPM files on all relevant data engines (DE).

To install AP2 Halwa version

  1. If you have not already done so, install or upgrade your SL1 system to version 12.2.3 or above. For more information about upgrading to those releases, see the appropriate SL1 platform release notes.

    • If you are installing AP2 Halwa version on SL1 versions 12.2.3 or above, skip to step 8.

    • If you have already downloaded and installed the latest libem7 RPM file from the ScienceLogic Support site, skip to step 8.

    • If you have downloaded the latest libem7 RPM file from the ScienceLogic Support site, but have not yet installed the file, skip to step 6.

    • If you are unsure where you stand in the download and installation process, proceed to step 2.

  2. Either go to the console of the SL1 Database Server or use SSH to access the Database Server. Check to see if you already have the libem7 RPM file downloaded or installed by running the command sudo rpm -q libem7-ipcserver. The correct version should appear as libem7-ipcserver-0.2.0-2.el8.x86_64.rpm.

    • If you do not see the correct version, proceed to step 3.

    • If you see the correct version, skip to step 5.

  3. Download the libem7 RPM file locally to your machine from the ScienceLogic Support site:

  4. Either go to the console of the SL1 Database Server or use SSH to access the Database Server.

    • For AWS Systems: At the shell prompt, copy the RPM file to your SL1 system by running the following command:

    • scp -i <aws-system-pem>.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no libem7-ipcserver-0.2.0-2.el8.x86_64.rpm em7admin@<system-ip-address>:/home/em7admin/


      • <aws-system-pem> is the PEM file for the AWS system.
      • <system-ip-address> is the IP address of your SL1 system.
    • For on-premises systems: At the shell prompt, copy the RPM file to your SL1 system by running the following command:

    • scp -i -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no libem7-ipcserver-0.2.0-2.el8.x86_64.rpm em7admin@<system-ip-address>:/home/em7admin/

      where <system-ip-address> is the IP address of your SL1 system.

  5. If you have the correct version installed, verify if the libem7 is running properly by running the following command: sudo systemctl status libem7.

    • If the status of the libem7 RPM file displays active in the Active field, skip to step 8.

    • If you have downloaded the libem7 RPM file, but it is not showing as active, the libem7 RPM file has not yet been installed on your device. Proceed to step 6 to install the RPM file.

  6. Once you have downloaded the correct libem7 RPM file, install the file on your device by running the following commands at the shell prompt:

    sudo dnf install -y libem7-ipcserver-0.2.0-2.el8.x86_64.rpm --disablerepo=*

    sudo systemctl enable --now libem7.socket

    sudo systemctl enable --now libem7.service

    sudo systemctl restart libem7.socket

    sudo systemctl restart libem7

    sudo systemctl status libem7

  7. Verify the status of the libem7 RPM file displays active in the Active field by running the following command:

    sudo systemctl status libem7

  8. Download the AP2 Halwa RPM file locally from the ScienceLogic Support site:

  9. Either go to the console of the SL1 Database Server or use SSH to access the Database Server.

    • For AWS Systems: At the shell prompt, copy the RPM file to your SL1 system by running the following command:

    • scp -i <aws-system-pem>.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no nextui-<halwa-release-ap2-version>.rpm em7admin@<system-ip-address>:/home/em7admin/


      • <aws-system-pem> is the PEM file for the AWS system.
      • <halwa-release-ap2-version> is the AP2 Halwa release version.
      • <system-ip-address> is the IP address of your SL1 system.
    • For on-premises systems: At the shell prompt, copy the RPM file to your SL1 system by running the following command:

    • scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no nextui-<halwa-release-ap2-version>.rpm em7admin@<system-ip-address>:/home/em7admin/


      • <halwa-release-ap2-version> is the AP2 Halwa release version.
      • <system-ip-address> is the IP address of your SL1 system.
  10. Install the AP2 RPM file on the Database Servers and the Administration Portal by running the following command on those systems:

    sudo dnf upgrade -y nextui-<halwa-release-ap2-version>.rpm --disablerepo=*

    where <halwa-release-ap2-version> is the AP2 Halwa release version.

  11. Enter y to confirm the installation of the AP2 RPM file.

  12. Reload the daemon service by running the following command:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  13. Restart the NextUI service by running the following command:

    sudo systemctl restart nextui.service

    AP2 will be inaccessible for a few minutes after restarting the NextUI service.

To uninstall the Halwa release features for AP2 version

  1. If you are currently on SL1 12.2.3, and have not previously installed any of the AP2 releases, download the Gelato rollback RPM file:

  2. You can only roll back to an AP2 version that you have previously installed, or if you are currently on an SL1 system running version 12.2.3. If you are on SL1 version 12.3.0 or above, you will not be able to uninstall AP2 version, as it is included by default.

  3. Once you have the AP2 RPM files downloaded locally, either go to the console of the SL1 Database Server or use SSH to access the Database Server.

    • For AWS Systems: At the shell prompt, copy the RPM file to your SL1 system by running the following command:

    • scp -i <aws-system-pem>.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no nextui-<rollback-ap2-version>.rpm em7admin@<system-ip-address>:/home/em7admin/


      • <aws-system-pem> is the PEM file for the AWS system.
      • <rollback-ap2-version> is the rollback AP2 version.
      • <system-ip-address> is the IP address of your SL1 system.

    • For on-premises systems: At the shell prompt, copy the RPM file to your SL1 system by running the following command:

    • scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no nextui-<rollback-ap2-version>.rpm em7admin@<system-ip-address>:/home/em7admin/


      • <rollback-ap2-version> is the rollback AP2 version.
      • <system-ip-address> is the IP address of your SL1 system.
  4. Install the RPM file on your device by running the following command:

    sudo rpm -U --force --replacefiles nextui-<rollback-ap2-version>.rpm

    where <rollback-ap2-version> is the rollback AP2 version.

  5. Restart the NextUI service by running the following command:

    sudo systemctl restart nextui.service

Important Upgrade Notes for AP2 Halwa

Global Manager Deployment

When deploying or upgrading Global Manager systems, the Global Manager stack and all of its child stacks must run on the same SL1 build version, as well as the same versions of AP2 and Oracle Linux.

New Features and Enhancements in AP2 Halwa version

This section describes the features and enhancements that are included in SL1 AP2 Halwa version

Business Services

  • What's new: Enhancements to the Timeline panel on the Service Investigator page. The Timeline panel on the Service Investigator page has been redesigned. The following updates were made to support this feature enhancement:

    • Added a new Skylar AI tab to the Timeline panel. The Skylar AI tab includes events that are predicted by Skylar AI, and includes the following fields:

      • Predictions, which shows predicted future events in the form of swim lanes that show event processes from start to finish.
      • Log Insights, which shows Skylar Automated RCA suggestions and alerts. The alerts are either "Confirmed" or "Suggested". This field was previously the Log Insights tab.

Additional Business Services Updates

  • When deleting a service policy on the Service Policy tab, the Delete Policy modal now displays all of the services that are currently using that policy. If the policy is deleted, the associated services will revert to using the default service policy.


  • What's new: A new Device Groups widget. The Dashboards page now includes a new Device Groups widget, which contains a table with the following columns:

    • Name. The name of the device group.

    • Severity. The average health value of the devices in the device group. This field is represented by a color-coded "severity" icon that corresponds to a numerical value between 0 and 100.

    • Device Count. The number of devices in the device group.

    You can sort the table by Name and Severity, but you will not be able to sort the table by Device Count until a future AP2 release.

  • What's new: Improved Dashboard page and widgets. Removed the 50 return limit for Organizations widgets with the Table visualization and added infinite scroll.

    Organizations widgets with Table visualizations now displays information in the footer, such as the total, selected, and filtered counts.


  • What's new: Improved data visibility and management on the Devices page. You can now perform several bulk actions on selected devices. The following updates were made to support this enhancement:

    • From the Devices page, you can now perform several additional bulk actions on selected devices by clicking the Actions button and selecting one of the following options:

      • Add to Device Group
      • Align SNMP Read Credential
      • Change User Maintenance Mode
      • Clear Device Logs
    • On the Devices page, added a new Asset ID column that displays the ID of any asset associated with a device in the list. The asset ID displays as a hyperlink that you can click to view the asset's properties.


  • What's new: Improved event management on the Events page. The Events page has new capabilities that provide you with more flexibility when viewing and managing events. The following updates were made to support this enhancement:

    • When you add a new sort to the Events page, such as "Message," the selected sort is now the only one applied.

    • You can now revert to the default sort ("Severity" > "Last Detected") by clicking the Apply Default Sort button from the Multi Sort modal.

    • You can now search event notes in both the basic and advanced search on the Events page.

    • Added a notification window to the Events page that explains the changes to sorting on the page. You can close the notification window, and you can dismiss it permanently by checking the "Don't show this again" checkbox.


  • What's new: An updated GraphiQL browser user interface. The GraphiQL browser-based user interface has been redesigned to match the SL1 theme. You can also make GraphQL queries or mutations using the GraphQL Yoga engine.

Additional GraphQL Updates

  • The SL1 "stack" identification field in GraphQL is now discoverable, which allows Global Manager to more effectively manage stacks.
  • Added the "AccessKey" resource to GQL. An "AccessKey" will have "AccessKeyHooks" as sub-resources, and both have their own type of Category as sub-resources.
  • In Global Manager mode, when making a query to PowerPacks or device categories, a stackDiff will be accessible on any of the fields in that query.
  • Added an "id" field to the "Systeminformation" query. The "id" field contains a value that represents the system or stack ID.
  • The system ID is available only on systems running SL1 version 12.3.0 or later.

  • In Global Manager mode, the "organizationsByGUID" query now has a stackDiff type that can also be queried.
  • Added the following new device-related mutations in GraphQL:
    • "createAssetsForDevices", which allows device assets to be created.
    • "addDevicesToDeviceGroups", which can add one or more devices to a device group.
    • "deleteDeviceLogsByDevice", which clears any logs associated with the specified devices.

Additional New Features and Enhancements for Halwa

Anomaly Detection

  • The Machine Learning page was renamed Anomaly Detection, and the Machine Learning Thresholds page was renamed Anomaly Detection Thresholds in the Gelato release for AP2 version 8.14.16. You can now access these pages from the new Skylar AI page.
  • To access the Anomaly Detection and the Anomaly Detection Thresholds pages, go to the Skylar AI page in SL1 and click the corresponding button.


  • When creating a new credential, a search box now displays a list of credential types organized by Core Credentials and Universal Credentials.
    • "Core Credentials" are credential types without a subtype, and can be configured to monitor most device types and use generic field labels.
    • "Universal Credentials" are credentials with a subtype, and are tailored to monitoring specific types of devices by using field names that correspond to the terminology used and structures of data needed for those technologies.

    Subtype refers to the subtype for vendor-specific credentials. Possible subtypes are Aliyun, AWS, Azure, Citrix Xen, IBM, and VMware.

Global Manager

  • The single sign-on (SSO) configuration process is now the default configuration for all Global Manager systems.

Issues Addressed in SL1 AP2 Halwa version

This section describes the issues that were addressed in SL1 AP2 Halwa version


  • Addressed an issue that caused several device-related GraphQL fields to always be null, which was resulting in a mismatch in the device data that displayed in the default SL1 user interface (AP2) compared to what displayed in the classic SL1 user interface. (Case: 00461621) (Jira ID: SLUI-20515)


  • Addressed an issue that caused the Events page to only show critical events upon first loading the page. (Case: 00438166) (Jira ID: SLUI-19966)
  • Addressed an issue with the Events page that prevented events from properly filtering when using the "Age" filter. (Case: 00437993) (Jira ID: SLUI-19985)

Known Issues

The following known issues affect version of the AP2 Halwa release:

  • When adding a collector group from the Collector Groups page (Manage > Collector Groups), and toggling off All current and future organizations from the Add Collector Group modal, you will only be able to add up to 10 organizations from the Limit access to specific organizations field. To work around this issue, you can add more than 10 organizations to a collector group from the Collector Group Management page (System > Settings > Collector Groups) in the classic SL1 user interface. (Jira ID: SLUI-20816)
  • The Device Categories page (Devices > Device Categories) fails to load properly whenever there is a category with a null ID. To work around this issue, go to the Device Categories page (System > Customize > Device Categories) in the classic SL1 user interface, locate the category with the null ID, and then remove that category by clicking the delete icon () next to the category.(Jira ID: SLUI-20731)
  • On the Devices page, the Clear Filters option does not remove search filters from the Asset ID column and does not update whenever the page is reloaded. To work around this issue, click the Select columns icon () on the Devices page, select Column Preferences, and then click "Show All". Once you have done so, you can click the Select columns icon again and then select Clear Filters from the drop-down menu. (Jira ID: SLUI-20779)
  • The number of unacknowledged events in the Device Overview panel of the Device Investigator page does not update despite acknowledging alerts on a device. To workaround this issue, add a new "unackEvents" subquery to the "Device Insights" query, then use that subquery to collect and retrieve information on unacknowledged events. (Case: 00471966) (Jira ID: SLUI-20858)
  • The Classic Maps page fails to load properly whenever you attempt to log in to AP2 without accepting the End-User License Agreement (EULA). To work around this issue, create a Grant All user account, then sign into AP2 with the newly created account. Once you have successfully logged in, go to the Classic Maps page (Maps > Classic Maps). (Jira ID: SLUI-20801)
  • When clicking on a device group name in the Device Group widget on the Dashboards page, the Device Group Editor modal that opens does not show any information about the selected device group. (Jira ID: SLUI-20703)
  • On the Dashboards page, the Device Class table column in Device widgets using the Leaderboard visualization option, will not display any information if CPU or Memory is an added metric. (Jira ID: SLUI-20627)
  • The heat map does not display for Device widgets using the Leaderboard visualization option, with CPU or Memory as an added metric, despite selecting "heat" as the display type. (Jira ID: SLUI-20627)
  • On the Events page, the Organization table column cannot be sorted by ascending or descending order. (Jira ID: SLUI-20903)
  • Due to an issue with Aurora 3, you can no longer enable TLS verification in SL1 version 12.3.0 through the user interface or API. To address this issue, update the "master.system_settings_general" database table by setting value=1 where param='require_tls_verification';. ScienceLogic is working to correct this known issue by the next AP2 release, Ice Pop. (Jira ID: SLS-1500)
  • Organizations must have one or more accounts assigned to them to ensure the relevant services are saved. (Jira ID: SLUI-17810)
  • For services where the RCA Options field is enabled and a child service has been removed, SL1 will not compute the health, availability, and risk values until the Service Topology Engine returns an updated topology, which occurs every 5 minutes by default. (Jira ID: SLUI-18853)
  • Before deleting child services in a 3-tier hierarchy, check to see if the parent service has the RCA Options field Enabled, then set this field to Disabled if it is not already.

  • When creating a template from a Business Service, you might receive an error if the number of constituents and maximum constituents are greater than the maximum number of policies, which has a default value of 100. To work around this issue, you must increase the maximum number of policies using a GraphQL mutation, replacing <increased value> with a larger numerical value such as "1000": (Jira ID: SLUI-19654)
  • mutation updateMaxValue{

    updateFeatureToggle(id: "system:BUSINESS_SERVICES_MAX_POLICIES", value: "<increased value>") {



