Restorepoint Release Notes, version 2024

This Restorepoint 5.4/5.5/5.6 version update includes the most recent maintenance release notes below followed by previous maintenance release notes sorted by release date. Restorepoint versions 5.4 and 5.5, and any version that runs on CentOs6 and CentOs8, are no longer supported by ScienceLogic.

Restorepoint Notices:

  • Old user interface reports (Information>Reports> Old UI Reports) will be deprecated in the coming weeks. Please ensure you migrate any old reports to the new reports (Information> Reports). For more information, contact ScienceLogic Support.

Most Recent Release 20241218

This section covers the key features that were included in this release:

  • Addressed an issue in which plugins did not use the NAT Address back connections specified in the domain settings. If a NAT Address is provided, the plugins will now use the NAT Address. However, the domain settings won't be applied if the agent itself has a locally configured NAT address, which takes precedence in the hierarchy.
  • Updated the Docker agent to include Master SSH Port, Secondary Address, and NAT Address options.
  • Improved global search results, added an information button next to the Search field to clarify how the search operates, and removed inaccurate results.
  • Addressed an issue in which the agent truncated full transcripts config options causing transcripts to be cut short.
  • Updated the process to create a cron schedule for a report (or backup, device control, archive, or discovery) so that you can see the specific time zone for the appliance you configure the cron schedule for. The "Next Due" time is displayed below the cron schedule in both your time zone and the appliance time zone
  • Addressed an issue that occurred when you export multiple configurations to a fileserver that resulted in the device configurations overwriting each other using the same filename. The filenames now contain the config type of the exported configurations.
  • Addressed an issue so that the Protocol filter on reports allows selected protocols to filter against the protocols of devices.
  • Addressed an issue in which data export for domains failed.

To view release notes and manuals for all major versions of Restorepoint, see Restorepoint Documentation.

Previous Issues Addressed

The following issues were addressed in 20241204

  • Addressed an issue with the Restorepoint agent in which core directories were being removed. (Case: 00458219)
  • Addressed multiple device discovery issues which prevented users from seeing and importing discovered devices. (Case: 00418759)
  • Improved the debug logging process to ensure that secure credentials do not appear in the log outputs. (Case: 00448908)
  • Addressed an issue in which the "Domain !=" filter did not work for domain users. (Case: 00444807)
  • Addressed an issue in which users were unable to use password recovery on an encrypted appliance and also updated the Password Recovery page so that users who need to reset their password on encrypted appliance can use their recovery token and answer to decrypt the appliance if they cannot remember their user password or encryption password.
  • Addressed an issue in which users were unable to delete a static route in the user interface. ) (Cases: 00448865 ; 00448867)
  • Addressed an issue in which users with View Rule permission couldn't open policies and view their rules. (Case: 00448863)
  • Addressed an issue that prevented FTP logins on Restorepoint agents. (Cases: 00437572 ; 00459735 ; 00470608)

The following issues were addressed in 20241121

  • Addressed an issue in which the Device Control Action Names on the Device Control Schedules tab displayed as "Unknown". Names now display as the name of the device control command. (Cases: 00406384; 00474505)
  • Addressed an issue in which existing command outputs did not display for users in the Test Rule modal on a Device Policy rule. (Case: 00464310)
  • Addressed an issue occurring on Cisco devices that didn't allow backup on agents when using a back-connection user. (Case: 00468760)
  • Updated the Restorepoint API to enforce specific headers from API request. (Case: 00470593)
  • Updated the Restorepoint appliance backup process with additional checks to verify the integrity of the archive and the database backups within the archive. Users will receive a series of verification messages throughout the process that will alert them to any issues.
  • Addressed an issue in which the "Select all" option on the Device table did not operate properly when the "Disabled=True" filter was applied. (Case: 00478148)
  • Updated the API Call logs for the setting and log endpoints to include a users' username and also updated the Structured Data field for the corresponding RFC 5424 syslogs by populating the user ID, username, and user address information.
  • Addressed an issue in which users received an error when clicking the Test Connection button for any device. Permissions for Test Device Connection were updated to View Device Auth. (Case: 00478817)
  • Addressed an issue with restoring appliance backups so that they now import databases with additional checked to ensure both their integrity and handling of legacy database dump formats which may exist when importing backups from CentOs 6.8-based appliance to an OL8-based one. (Cases: 00450792 ; 00458249)

The following issues were addressed in 20241115

  • Addressed an issue in which multi-device edits did not complete resulting in a "context canceled" message.

The following issues were addressed in 20241106

  • Addressed an issue in which multiple devices with different protocols were unable to be disabled in a bulk process. (Case: 00448913)
  • Updated the API so that calls on the /logs and /settings endpoints are now logged and syslogged for every API call that comes in.
  • Addressed an issue so that users are redirected to the correct user security page when they need to update missing details on their account or logging in the first time via an email activation link. (Case: 00454597)

The following issues were addressed in 20241028

  • Reminder: All Restorepoint versions that run on CentOs6 and CentOs8 are now End of Life as of September 30, 2024, and no longer supported by ScienceLogic.
  • Addressed an issue in which users were prevented from logging in.

The following issues were addressed in 20241023

  • Reminder: All Restorepoint versions that run on CentOs6 and CentOs8 are now End of Life as of September 30, 2024, and no longer supported by ScienceLogic.
  • Addressed an issue in which users received the error message "Can't import ConfigFile for new change detection shim: a directory" when backups failed due to an error that occurred when opening directories. Backups will now complete successfully and be accessible in Restorepoint. (Case: 00448642)
  • Added a "Selected Only" checkbox to the Device Select table which only displays the selected devices. To enable this checkbox, the GET/devices endpoint has been updated to handle the id[] query parameter.
  • Addressed an issue in which selecting the "Select All" checkbox was not applied correctly to toolbar actions (e.g. Export) and only those loaded into the table were being applied as "selected". (Case: 00472652)
  • Addressed an issue with archives stored in the S3 server that were not correctly displayed if their paths started with a forward slash (/).
  • Addressed an issue that occurred when writing an appliance archive into an FTP, SFTP, CIFS, or SCP storage server and an issue in which archives that were retained were not the newest archives. (Case:00467135)
  • Addressed an issue in which Device transcripts for backups via agents were cut off before finishing and prevented any errors from the backup from being seen. (Cases: 00448647; 00468386)

The following issues were addressed in 20241017

  • Reminder: All Restorepoint versions that run on CentOs6 and CentOs8 are now End of Life as of September 30, 2024, and no longer supported by ScienceLogic.
  • Addressed an issue regarding the generation of reports with columns that have names starting with a number, special character, or lowercase letters. (Case: 00464730)

The following issues were addressed in 20241014

  • Reminder: All Restorepoint versions that run on CentOs6 and CentOs8 are now End of Life as of September 30, 2024, and no longer supported by ScienceLogic.
  • Addressed an issue in which localhost was being sent as the source on RFC 3164 syslog messages. (Case: 00459727)
  • Added an option to force the syslog message source to use the hostname when sending logs to syslog.

The following issues were addressed in 20241010

  • Reminder: All Restorepoint versions that run on CentOs6 and CentOs8 are now End of Life as of September 30, 2024, and no longer supported by ScienceLogic.
  • Addressed an issue in which Ping failed and caused Restorepoint to restart during device monitoring. (Case:00471133) (5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20241009

  • Reminder: All Restorepoint versions that run on CentOs6 and CentOs8 are now End of Life as of September 30, 2024, and no longer supported by ScienceLogic.
  • Addressed an issue in which the Device syslogs were not displayed in the syslog table. (Cases: 00449609; 00459777; 00442628; 00464040) (5.6)
  • Added new functions in the Lua state that will work with CSV formatted strings. (5.6)
  • Improved the load time for Device List tables for better efficiency. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which users with the correct domain permission for a multiple devices edit were unable to see this task in the progress log. Users will now see tasks correctly filtered via their domains in the progress log. (Cases: 00461598; 00466328; 00467148; 00467529; 00467988)(5.6)
  • Added a 'use_device_ids' query parameter for the 'POST /policies/import' endpoint to determine whether the policy's DeviceIDs should also be used to import the policy's devices. Added a checkbox to the corresponding modal in the user interface. (Case: 00429966)(5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which creating or updating a compliance policy, or when LDAP users' group memberships were updated, caused a "too many SQL variables" error to occur. (Case:00388482)(5.6)
  • Added a scheduled task to periodically clear temporary data from spool and tmp directories and deletes data older than six months on the backuplogs table. (5.6)
  • Added a button to the Advanced Settings page to allow the collection of debug information. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which Ping results were not displayed correctly. Updated the RPM agent for Ping discovery. )(Case: 00444284) (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue with Device select filtering not loading all the data for the selected filter in the user interface. (Case:00464820) (5.6)
  • Updated the RestorepointReport form input into the three tabs (Details, Fields,Filters) and increased the modal size to display the form better. (5.6)
  • Updated the Device selection feature to use the device table component and its search input, but filter suggestions with 0 count are no longer shown. (5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240925

  • Addressed an issue in which RPM agent erroneously removed the directory after each session. Using a custom user for back connection will no longer delete the user folder. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which SCP backups were failing because '-O' flag is required for OpenSSH versions later than 8.9. Users with RPM agents installed with OpenSSH versions higher than 8.9 must ensure they use the letter 'O' and not a zero. (Case: 00464568) (5.6)
  • Updated the filter counts for the Device search bar on the Devices page so that the behavior for the "OR" operator is separate from the "AND" operator, and so it correctly displays the total counts of the suggested items. Additionally, the domain permission checks applied during the count return correctly and correspond to the user's domain role permissions. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which users were able to modify or view device schedules even without permissions. Domain role checks now ensure that a user has the correct permissions to view or modify device schedules. (Case: 00421095) (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which the Restorepoint service restarted approximately every 30 minutes causing service interruptions. (Case: 00437757) (Case: 00438292) (5.6)
  • Added the Asset table to the Device Control Lua state and the key names are displayed as they are in the current user interface, e.g.`assets['Serial']` for a device serial number. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which Ping results were not displayed correctly. Updated the RPM agent for Ping discovery. (Case: 00444284)

The following issues were addressed in 20240919

  • Addressed an issue regarding the generation of reports that contain asset fields in which the name begins with a number, special character or lowercase letter. (Case: 00464730) (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which RPM agent erroneously removed the directory after each session. Using a custom user for back connection will no longer delete the user folder.)(Case:00464566)(Case:00464529) (5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240911

  • Updated Restorepoint to handle group mapping via SAML integration. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which the Restorepoint API did not correctly fetch the LastBackupID. (Case: 00453760) (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which users were unable to export more than 50 devices. Users can now export more than 50 devices and they will be filtered per device based on the user's domain permissions for export. (Cases: 00450029; 00452942; 00454035; 00455460) (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which users were unable to view more than 50 device logs due to the infinite scroll not working as intended. Device transcripts will also now load on demand when clicking the logs transcript description. (Case: 00421088) (5.6)
  • Improved syslog protocol by adding a transfer protocol config so that TCP can be selected if the syslog version/format is RFC 5424. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which the Restorepoint user interface incorrectly displayed a "Syncing" status message but now displays the message “Last sync: Xs ago”.(Case: 00459565) (5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240828

  • Reminder: Restorepoint v5.5 has reached EOL status and is no longer supported by ScienceLogic.
  • Addressed an issue in which the PluginKey was not being retrieved when using API field-filtering. (Case: 00458207) (5.6)
  • Updated the Syslog Hostname header so that the hostname is being sent as the target IP address of the syslog server.(5.6) (Case: 00459727)
  • Implemented a new syslog format so that users can choose between the default RFC 3164 or the new RFC 5424 format. The syslogs can be configured on the System Settings page on the Logs/Alerts tab and will be sent via UDP. (5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240814

  • Enabled permission to disable SSH strict host key validation between Strict (current) and None (logging when the key changed) on the global and device levels. (5.6)
  • Implemented a retry mechanism for the archive process so that users can configure the number of retries and the retry interval, both set at 0 default. If configured, any archive process step that fails will be retried set number of times and the archive process will fail completely only if all the retries fail. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which users were unable to export single-selected .tgz files for configurations. These filetypes are now extracted to a directory so that when users attempt to export a single-selected file they are successful. (Case: 00445520) (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue so that SSH key owners and permissions work properly when restoring an archive from CentOS6 to OL8. (Case: 00443673) (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which SNMP fingerprint output tiles exposed security data. (Case: 00418761) (5.6)
  • Updated startup logic so that backup sizes are calculated in the background, ensuring the user interface is instantly available. The Storage Data Usage page displays the message "Back up data size calculation in progress..." until it completes. (RES-3467)(5.6) (5.6)
  • Improved the TCP Dump enumeration so that appliances with multiple NICs will determine which interface to dump with, trying until an interface provides dumping capability. Also improved error handling so that the TCP dumps that fail to start will issue error reports. (Case: 00427074) (5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240731

  • Addressed an issue with the SNMP V3 Authentication type (Administration>System settings) so that SNMPv3 settings no longer revert to MD5 when v3 SNMP is selected. (Case: 00438162) (5.6)
  • Introduced the new configuration value "LDAPGroupMembersAttr" to the LDAP User group that enables users to define which attribute will return the members list when performing a query on the LDAP server for groups. LDAP User group membership also includes a fallback logic in case the LDAP server does not support the "memberOf" attribute. (5.6)
  • Added a new endpoint to bulk create devices with /devices/bulk/create on the Restorepoint API. For more information, see Restorepoint API documentation. (5.6)
  • Updated the Device Select component Select All checkbox so that all devices are selected when checked. (5.6)
  • Added source hostname to the Restorepoint Syslog Message header. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which users with the correct permissions received "unauthorized" errors in the global domain when trying to access devices, labels, credentials, and agents. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which SCP-based export errors were not properly captured causing logs to show an export state as OK when it had not completed successfully. (Case: 00449424) (5.6)
  • Updated the search index generation to allow search strings that include the equal sign (=) when searching within new backups taken after updating to the latest appliance release. (Case: 00450532) (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which user roles were missing when authenticating with a SAML user. (Case: 00453303) (Case: 00452276) (5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240717

  • Addressed an issue so that a user with permissions outside the base administrator role in the global domain also has those permissions across every domain. (Case: 00450293) (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue so that policy violations result list correctly displays both past and current policy violations for given devices. (Case: 00439620) (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue so that compliance results show the correct status (failed or success) on concurrent backup of multiple devices. (Case: 00421066) (Case: 00431054) (5.5/5.6)
  • Updated the bulk device editing process so that it happens asynchronously and so large number of devices can be edited without the user interface timing out. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which the specified global NAT address was not utilized for devices back connections. The Global NAT address for the Master appliance (System Settings>Network) and the agent’s NAT address (agent console or configuration) are now configured for back connections. (5.6)
  • Updated the Multiple Device Edit page so the Connection tab shows the inputs for plugin fields if the selected devices use the same plugin. (5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240703

  • Addressed an issue in which users were unable to delete, view, or rename configurations for devices they have access to. (Case: 00449539) (5.6)
  • Updated Restorepoint administration protocols so that users can sustain multiple roles. LDAP groups can also be configured the same way so if users have multiple LDAP Groups and conflicting roles, permissions are merged for each domain the user has roles for. This feature is available only to LDAP users. Non-LDAP users will only be allowed one role per domain. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which the LDAP group was treated as a user and appeared as such in the logs. As a result, LDAP users that login and belong to a group are considered their own, separate user and will inherit the groups' domains and roles. Updated the existing LDAP group user entries so they are migrated to new tables with their domains and roles. However, they are kept in the system to maintain the related references in logs. (5.6)
  • Updated the Device Control button on the Device Control page or the Device List page to appear based on a user's permissions. The Control button is activated only if a user has command permission for the devices selected and will deactivate once a user selects a read-only device. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which PluginKey and AssetFields fields did not return output when you used API field-filtering. (Case: 00446440) (5.6)
  • Updated the CPU Profiler so that it auto starts when rpprofileon value is set to true. (5.5/5.6)
  • Implemented new LDAP groups CRUD API endpoints and a corresponding page in the Restorepointuser interface which allows you to add LDAP groups using the DN as an identifier and assign, edit, or delete roles and domains. (5.6)
  • Updated the bulk edit process so that a user can only edit and spread schedules for devices they have access to regardless of how many devices are selected. Only devices that you have permissions to modify will be changed. (5.6)
  • Implemented an improved backups schedule algorithm so that backups will run consecutively when the previous schedule has finished and the queue is free. (5.6)
  • Consolidated the Users page to include LDAP users and relocated the Group field to the Users page so you can select the type of user. (5.6)
  • Implemented the ability for users to configure several advanced settings on the Advanced Configuration tab of the Administration/System Settings page. Users can only update the settings via Global Adminstrator. (5.6)
  • Updated the deleted backup logs to display the reason for the deleted backlog in addition to the device and backup information. Users are prompted to provide the reason for the deletion when using the Restorepoint user interface to delete their backup. If no reason is provided, or the backup is auto-deleted, that information will also be displayed. (5.5/5.6)
  • Updated the Restorepoint Users API so that users must specify DomainRoles on the POST/PUT endpoint. For more information, see Restorepoint API documentation.

The following issues were addressed in 20240612

  • Addressed an issue in which administrators could not unlock an LDAP group user by making it obsolete. Now, each LDAP user will get its own user account in Restorepoint and will inherit that LDAP group's role.(5.6)
  • Implemented a user option when creating an archive in which the user can select whether to include the application certificate and keys in the archive via checkbox selection. (5.6)
  • Updated StrictHostKeyChecking so that if it is set to [ask], devices can successfully perform backups. (5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which the Device Select infinite scroll did not operate properly in the Reports and Agent form. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which the archive restore process was interrupted by a database sanity check causing the archive restore process to fail. (Case: 00431317) (5.5/5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240522

  • Restorepoint version 5.4 reaches End of Life status on May 30, 2024, and will no longer be supported by ScienceLogic.
  • Addressed an issue in which scheduled report files in /var/restorepoint/tmp/ were never removed and continuously filled drive space. (Case: 00426140) (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which users were unable to deselect the Log Transcript option for a device. (5.4./5.5/5.6)
  • Updated the Compare Configuration windows so they are aligned for better ease of use. (5.4./5.5/5.6)
  • Included a Retry After option on the Schedule tab for bulk edits when you select an option other than Always for the retry function. (Case: 00381470) (5.5/5.6)
  • Updated the Device Backups (24h) dashboard doughnut so that it shows the percentage of successful and failed devices that were backed up in the past 24 hours. The tooltip shows the number of devices that were not scheduled for back up. (5.4./5.5/5.6)
  • Updated the search bar on the Device List page to allow filtering for the Model and AssetID columns and to rename the Type filter to Plugin for consistency. Added AssetID to the Device table and added the number of devices being edited to the title above the page tabs. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue so that when you enable or disable monitoring for device defaults during device creation, the monitoring saves to match the device defaults. (5.5./5.6)
  • Updated the Device Reports page to display LabelID field correctly and allow users to view the Label Name field. Both fields display multiple labels as a comma delimited list in reports. ) (Case: 00387156) (Case: 00410091) (5.4/5.5/5.6)
  • Added the sortability function to the AgentID field on the Administration>Agents page. (5.5/5.6)
  • Updated the header row on the Device table on the Device List page so it remains stationary at the top as you scroll through your devices. (5.6)
  • Updated exporting scheduled reports to SFTP server so that the connection will close once the report is finished sending. (5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which agent logs were not rotated. (Case: 00424265)(5.6)
  • Updated standalone Restorepoint agent logs so they are now rotated using OS tool logrotate. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue with "Devices Select" component in which an environment with thousands of devices took a very long time to load. Implementing infinite scroll lazy loading improved load time incrementally and a dialog shows the total, listed, and selected number of devices. Also updated the Command form and Control modals. (5.6)
  • Updated the Domain Expiry with a Date field so you can specify the domain license expiry date when creating or editing domains. ((5.5/5.6)
  • Updated the Retention Policy fields on schedule entries to support setting the retention periods by the day, week, or month. (Case: 00431593) (5.5/5.6)
  • Updated the Device List table to support selecting all devices, including those that have not yet been loaded onto the page via infinite scrolling. You are able to see how many devices are available, how many are currently displayed, and how many you selected. () (Case: 00388407) (Case: 00427125) (5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240508

  • Implemented the ability to migrate global administrator SSH keys to a new appliance via archive processes. (5.5/5.6)
  • Implemented the ability to migrate SSH host keys from the master appliance to a new appliance via archive processes. (5.5/5.6)
  • Updated the agent so that users can now create multiple agents when the IP address is specified. However, you can only create one agent without an address at a time. For more information, see the section on Adding an Agent to Restorepoint.(5.6)
  • Updated the Device page so that a domain user is able to view action outputs that are filtered based on the user's domains. (5.6)
  • Users are able to restore the archive even if portions of it are corrupted. (5.6) (Case: 00431317)
  • Updated the archive schedule so that it displays the correct "Next Due" date after an application restarts. (5.4./5.5/5.6)
  • Added the ability for LDAP users to log in with case-insensitive usernames. (5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240424:

  • Added the 'addfailreason' function to the Lua Function compliance rule match type to display failure details when testing a rule or policy, when performing device compliance tests, or when generating compliance reports so that users are aware of when and why compliance checks fail.Files that fail compliance rule tests are logged so that it can be seen in the failure details. (5.5/5.6)
  • Updated Reports so that you can select whether information tracking a backup file compliance rule test time is included in the compliance report. The Date column in the Policy Violations table was also updated to Time and the value was changed for accuracy to the newly added back up file rule test time. (5.6)
  • Added reports for password compliance for device passwords and user passwords that mimic the legacy password compliance reports and filters. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which an error resulted when changing between configuration types in the configuration file viewer. (5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue on the Device Edit page so that creating a new label does not select existing labels with the newly added label. (5.5/5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240410:

  • Addressed an issue that prevented RADIUS logins from working when user passwords were less than 16 characters. (Case: 00426801) (Case: 00430508) (5.4/5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which users received an error when trying to create an archive that ultimately would fail. (5.4/5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue which caused the archive restore action to crash if it failed to initialize the database upon starting. (5.4/5.5/5.6) (Case: 00392184)
  • Updated the naming conventions for backups with manifests so that file paths can now contain spaces in the name and will no longer fail. (5.6)
  • Added filtering functionality to Device Command Output so that users only see the output of commands executed on devices, or groups containing devices, that are in the domains the user has access to. (5.6) (Case: 00405793)
  • Addressed an issue in which scheduled jobs did not execute as planned in case device reverted to schedule on last failure. (5.5/5.6)
  • Added a Severity filter option to compliance reports so that users can customize reports. (5.6)
  • Updated the High Availability sync so that any changes made to the global administrator password are also replicated on the CLI for the secondary device for High Availability. This occurs during both SQL replication and full sync in High Availability. (5.5/5.6)
  • Updated appliance decryption for High Availability so that the userkey is recreated with the replicated information so that a user can reboot the appliance correctly. This regeneration of userkeys happens during both SQL replication and full-syncs on High Availability. (5.5/5.6)
  • Added a Disabled Data field to the Assets report so that users can see which devices are disabled. (5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240327:

  • Updated the landing page so that it no longer returns a blank webpage after a user enters their encryption password upon reboot. (5.4/5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which an appliance pushed updates to an agent even if the agent was on a newer version. (5.4/5.5/5.6)
  • Updated the agent configuration file and rpconsole so that users can optionally configure the NAT IP address for back connection to a specific agent. (5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240320:

  • Addressed an issue in the archive restoration process so that when the archive is restored, the administrator password on the CLI is now the same as the administrator password on the user interface. (5.4/5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which a domain user was unable to perform a device control for a device on the same domain. Users with permissions and access to the device can now run Device Controls and will no longer receive a "legacy device unauthorized" message. (Case: 00388496) (Case: 00418246) (Case: 00421349) (Case: 00423769) (5.4/5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which a user was unable to login to the secondary node if there was a failed login attempt on the primary node. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue that did not allow the agent or Restorepoint to restart via the console, and also impacted the agent installation. Functionality to perform agent administrator console operations like Restart, Reboot, and Shut Down has been restored. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which the new OL8 docker agents were not updating to the latest version. (5.4/5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which users could not perform a backup using SCP via a docker agent. (5.4/5.5/5.6)
  • Rootless agents can now use back-connection if a user is specified on the configuration file. See the Standalone Agent Instructions on Salesforce for more information for this beta feature. (5.6)
  • Implemented a feature so that users can specify the port an agent should use for the initial SSH connection to a Restorepoint master appliance. See Agent Installation for more information. (5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240308:

  • Updated OpenSSH packages for OL8 to versions 8.0p1-10.0.1. (5.5/5.6)
  • Added a TOML library to the Lua state to that you can decode and encode TOML data. (5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240221:

  • Addressed an issue in the user interface in which the Restore/To operations fields were reversed causing the incorrect config type files to be loaded during a restore operation. (5.4/5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which SNMPv3 passwords were not hidden from view. As a result, a breaking change in the API was needed which introduced an ID field to SNMP Communities entries. Now, passwords securely appear as 10 dots when entered by a user and the API now returns those password fields as empty values. (Case: 00397545) (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which users were able to delete an agent while still assigned to a domain. Authorized users are now able to download an access-specific .csv file from the Edit Domain page that will allow them to easily identify where they can cancel a relationship between a domain and entity (agents, users, credentials, labels and devices). (5.4/5.5/5.6)
  • Enhanced the automatic agent binary updates so users can enable or disable them in the agent configuration. (5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which the master infinitely tried to update the agent due to an incorrect time stamp applied to the build. (Case: 00414439) (5.4/5.5/5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240207:

  • Addressed an issue in which the Installation Wizard would appear after a user had installed the latest version of Restorepoint. (5.4/5.5/5.6)
  • Updated backup data size calculations to reduce the appliance restart time by 85% for environments with large numbers of devices. (5.5/5.6)
  • Corrected an issue in the Agent table so that the Agent ID field displays the Agent ID and the Port field displays the port. (Case: 00388484) (Case: 00390973) (5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which invalid options for restoring archived backups appeared in the Restore functionality because the archived policies referenced deleted fileservers. Now, when a user deletes a fileserver, any archive policies that reference that server are also deleted. A confirmation pop-up alerts the users to confirm the deletion. (5.6)
  • Optimized the backup speed for appliances with thousands of devices by limiting database updates to the current device that requires backup. (5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which the apply retention policy function for retention policy command outputs resulted in failure due to a SQL syntax error. (5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which an incorrect fileserver ID value was assigned to Restore Archive options. (5.4/5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which a Fileserver with ID 1 does not exist error unexpectedly appeared when users tried to restore an archive, even though the selected archive was stored on another fileserver or actually existed in the database. The Restore Archive functionality now operates as expected. (5.4/5.5/5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240124:

  • Addressed a parity issue in the new application where testing a runtime command compliance rule against an existing command output, or custom text, was not possible while also retaining the ability to test said compliance rule against an output generated by running the command on a device which is only available in version 5.4 or later. Users can now click a Test button to test a rule against custom user text within Compliance, Device Policies, Specific Policy. (5.4/5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which users did not receive emails sent from Restorepoint. Restorepoint can now use SMTP port 465 to send emails. (5.4/5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which the Domain page showed a maximum of 50 domains. Users can now scroll through a display of all the domains on their system. (5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which the Output Tab on the Device Control page showed a maximum of 50 entries. Users can now scroll through a display of all the entries. (Case: 00405780) (5.5/5.6)
  • Addressed an issue in which the email activation link was not redirecting users properly because of a missing `GET /login` endpoint handler in the old app. (5.6)
  • Updated the user-interface timeout time to activate upon login; however, the timeout time resets on any user input (i.e. mouse movement, click, or keyboard input). In addition, the default timeout time has been changed from 60 min to 10 min for users that did not change it manually or had it set to 60 min. It is recommended to change the default timeout time to 10 min if it isn't already. The timeout session warning now shows 1 minute before timeout as well. (5.4/5.5)
  • Implemented the ability to concurrently run commands on your devices whether scheduled or ad-hoc. Running ad-hoc commands on multiple devices will return outputs to the user detailing successful runs and errors on failed runs. (5.6)

The following issues were addressed in 20240110:

  • Addressed an issue in which users with "View Reports" permissions were not able to generate a report.
  • Addressed an issue in which using bulk edit to evenly schedule a number of devices resulted in the devices being scheduled to start at the same time. Devices schedules are now evenly distributed for any number of devices selected. For example: If you have 11 devices and you schedule them over a 60-minute time period, they will run on an average of five minutes apart.
  • Addressed an issue in which the scheduled backup did not run at the scheduled time when you create, update, or spread device schedules.
  • Addressed an issue in which devices failed SSH logins due to the password prompt responding with passcode instead instead of password.

Installing or Upgrading Restorepoint

For detailed steps about installing or upgrading to this version of Restorepoint, see the Installing Restorepoint chapter in the Restorepoint manual.

You should always upgrade to the most recent release of Restorepoint.